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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

XDBuggyBatXD said:
Seven's expression turned to one of surprised confusion when the female pat his cheek. Then, she seemed to sink into the table right out from underneath the man. "Hm?" Seven sat up, still staring at the table where the girl had just been a moment before. Then, he turned his head quickly to see the girl sitting behind him. Immediately, a huge grin appeared on his face. "Oh-ho! Fun!" he exclaimed excitedly as he spun his body around to face her again. Now he sat somewhat like a dog: on his knees with his hands on the table between his legs. "What else can you do, Missy?" he asked with a curious gleam in his eyes and a tilt of his head.
"Well... if you really want to know..." she said with a smile. She sank into the table again, Seven's shadow suddenly becoming darker. She stood up, and so did he. "Hm...your body seems strangley comfortable, Mister!" She laughed as she made him twirl, then sat him down again on the table. She slipped out and became solid again, sitting in front of him with a big smile.

(By the way, tagging doesn't work on tapatalk for me, but replying/quoting does!)

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Seven watched curiously as the female sank into the table once more. Then, he suddenly had no control over his body. When she exited his body, Seven burst into laughter. "Wow! That's great!" He looked at his own shadow, clearly impressed by the thought of a shadow being so powerful. "I wanna do that," he whined for a moment. Then, he noticed three large male prisoners enter the cafeteria. "Oh! Do something to them!" he exclaimed excitedly, pointing at the men with an evil gleam in his eye, as if the female had become his own weapon. Of course, the psychopath shouted this without thinking. The prisoners heard his exclamation and began stomping toward Seven and 'Missy' with aggressive expressions, clearly taking offense at the man's actions.

Eden licked her lips. "With pleasure." She purred. She melted into the floor and split into two shadows, filling their shadows with inky black. They suddenly froze up, one of them his limbs beginning to twist up in a morbid matter. He fell over twitching as the others stayed frozen, how one by one, their eyes filled with black as they each began to gag, blood dripping from his own ears, mouth, eyes...they fell to the floor with a flop as Eden slyly stepped out from their shadows, licking blood from her lips. "Ta-Da!" She said with a grin, extending her arms out and making jazz hands. @XDBuggyBatXD

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Shion arrived at Niko's cell along with Raygou, both blushing and a serious expression on her face, she was still holding her arm awkwardly. @Rayischo @Church Burning
Seven giggled excitedly as Eden made her move. When red blood became visible, Seven's giggles erupted into loud, maniacal laughter. He didn't look away from the scene for a second, as he seemed to really soak in the murders taking place before him. When the bodies of the men lay on the ground, Seven offered a joyful round of applause for the woman's performance, laughing aloud the whole time. "You're fun!" he admitted in a childish manner as he leaped off of the table and skipped over to the crime scene. He adjusted the lollipop in his mouth and took the shiv from his pocket again as he plopped down next to one motionless body. Immediately, Seven rammed the blade viciously into the chest of the large male prisoner, and a cracking sound would be heard. Then, he proceeded to drag the blade from the man's upper chest toward his abdomen. Seven wore the same contented grin that he wore when he carved pictures into the wooden table. He seemed to not be bothered in the slightest when blood splattered his face and clothes. He would emit short, quiet bursts of giggles as he went about dissecting the corpse. It had been a while since he got to use a blade on anyone, and he was certainly enjoying it while he could.

Eden watched as the man went ahead and began to practically play with the bodies. She smiled at his laughs as she continued to suck on her lollipop. "We sure make a good team, don't we, Mister?" She said with a big grin. She sat on top of the table Indian style and happily watched the blood leak onto tje floor, giving it a dark red stain. "So...what can YOU do?" She said with a smirk.

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Seven happily agreed with Eden's comments by nodding and laughing louder whilst not stopping his activity. He did hesitate slightly in his cutting when he heard her question. "...Meee?" he asked with ever-so-slight concern in his voice as he continued with his cutting. "Mmmm...I can explode people with my mind," he lied as he looked at her with a confident grin before turning back to his dissection with his content, oblivious smile back in place. Most people didn't know that he was only human, and Seven always figured that it was best if no one knew he was the only inmate in this prison without any kind of supernatural powers.
XDBuggyBatXD said:
Seven happily agreed with Eden's comments by nodding and laughing louder whilst not stopping his activity. He did hesitate slightly in his cutting when he heard her question. "...Meee?" he asked with ever-so-slight concern in his voice as he continued with his cutting. "Mmmm...I can explode people with my mind," he lied as he looked at her with a confident grin before turning back to his dissection with his content, oblivious smile back in place. Most people didn't know that he was only human, and Seven always figured that it was best if no one knew he was the only inmate in this prison without any kind of supernatural powers.
"Oh...well I guess we're on the same page, then." She said with a wink as she dipped her finger tip in a drop off blood that landed next to her. "Hey... if we don't clean this up, I'll end up in solitary again and you might too..."She said a bit worridley, glancing around the mess hall in watch of any guards.

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Seven reached into his corpse's chest and lifted out a heart. He grinned as he held the organ in both of his hands, examining it. Then, the psychopath looked back at Eden with a confused expression. "Clean it up?" he repeated her words before glancing around at the very bloody mess he had made. Blood ran down his arms now from the heart which he still held, and the red liquid was all over his pants and the floor and speckled across his face and shirt. He flopped from his knees to his bottom as he turned about to better face Eden. "How do we do that?" he asked, having never disposed of his victims' bodies but rather put them crudely on display. He allowed the heart to roll out of his hands and plop on the concrete in front of him just before he stabbed it with his shiv, causing it to pop like a water balloon. This caused another quiet giggle to be heard. Then, Seven looked up to the female for her answer. Like always, a smile stained his face like the blood did.
Eden shrugged. "Maybe I can move their bodies into their cells...but I dont know what to do about the blood...and you too!" She said with a laugh, noticing how bloody he looked. She saw him pop the heart and rolled her eyes. "C'mon... you should clean yourself up forbefore the guards get here." She said, her eyes darkening as she waved her forefinger to cast the bodies back inti their cells.

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Seven stood up slowly at Eden's orders to clean himself up. However, he stood there still as the female began to work her magic on the corpses. He seemed to just be watching her for a moment before he looked down at his clothes with confusion visible on his face. "Yah. Um..." he paused, thinking of how to clean himself up. It seemed it had been ages since he took a shower. The man slid his shiv back into his pants pocket and smiled unsurely at Eden. "I'll go take a shower...?" he said as he stalked toward the men's bathroom.
Eden locked the cells after she dropped the bodies in and turned to him with a smile. She saw him look a bit confused and watched him walk to the men's restroom. "Does... Does the men's restroom have showers?" She asked curiously. She then thought about his reaction to her comment. "You do know how to shower yourself...right?" She asked, her voice gentle, now wondering how much he knew about taking care of himself.

((Gonna go to sleep, will respond in the morning))

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Seven stopped in his tracks at the female's first question. "Uh, I think...?" he commented quietly as he now started to think that maybe the restroom and the shower room were separate rooms. He scratched the back of his head and turned to face Eden as she asked another question. "Ermm...I don't know..." he replied with a careless shrug and a tilt of his head. "When the doctors fixed my wounds before I came here, they cleaned me when I was asleep." That was the last time Seven had been clean, and the last time he showered himself for the purpose of being clean was before he became a serial killer. Any minute cleanliness since then was result of others forcing it upon him or of the psychopath wandering into water for recreational purposes.

((Mkay, I have work in morning though. I probably won't be on to respond until mid to late afternoon. Nite.))
Shion looks at him shocked but still blushing "n..no way!? you think I would risk Niko like that just to get something like that!?" she shouts at him, still red "a..and you don't....n..need to know...just yet...why..I.." she stutters, once again looking away. @Rayischo @Church Burning
Shion notices his anger and backs away slightly, covering her face with her wings "it...it's not...something...to be brought up until later...you would find it uncomfortable to be mentioned now!" she said, tears in her eyes as she bit her lip, her wings covering this up but shaking slightly as her arms were stiffly down by her sides. @Rayischo @Church Burning
Niko looked over her shoulder and saw Raygou. Like a flash she was up and hugging him tightly. "Ray!" She smiled, looking up at him happily.



(Sorry I went off for a bit. I went to sleep and my iPad was taken from me)
Raygou sighed. "Don't start to cry..." He said and pats Shion's head. "Do you know what uncomfortable is? It's uncomfortable when someone ram swords into your back and cut off you feet..." He said and smiled weakly. "And I swear, if you start to cry, I'll Rage out."

@TheHappyPikachu @Church Burning

Raygou looks shocked as Niko suddenly hugged him. "Niko..." Raygou looks happy but suddenly sad.

@Church Burning @TheHappyPikachu
"I'm not crying!! I just..got dust..in my eyes..." Shion says stubbornly moving her wings away and noticing Niko hugging Raygou "Hi Niko! you feeling better?" she asks cheerfully... as much as she said those words happily...they were just masked behind a fake and pain-filled smile. @Rayischo @Church Burning
"What's wrong?...." She asked, looking up at him, remembering what she did. 'He might not be very happy I did that. "Yeah I feel fine"" she said to Shion, smiling weakly.
Shion nodded uneasily, and fidgeting with her hands behind her back... why was this such a struggle to her? she'd...done it so many times before...so why know?..and why... was she willing to do 'that' just for a chance of...saving... she snapped out of her thoughts continuing the smile whilst gesturing to Raygou with a very serious stare....trying to tell him not to bring their discussion up. @Church Burning @Rayischo

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