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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

Volk had just returned from his office after sleeping there all night. As he read the reports, the one that shocked him the most was the one about Raygou. He stormed into where Warden Rowden was and shouted at the top of his lungs, "What the fuck is the meaning of this shit!?"
Eden strolled out of Solitary Confinement with a big yawn and s wink towards the guard that kept watch over her cell. "Well, that's a new record... talk about a 'month in paradise...' She said as she made her way to the mess hall. @anyone
Seven sat in the mess hall carving a picture into one of the wooden tables with a shiv. He wore a contented grin as he seemed quite focused. If one would approach, they'd see the picture to be of a very well-etched rat. Perhaps, Seven's only talent was drawing, though he didn't do it often. After a moment, he'd stop and stare at his drawing before slicing the palm of his hand and dripping some of his blood onto the rat. He smeared the blood around strategically to give color to his drawing. Then, he grinned psychotically at his masterpiece and wiped his hand on his pant leg, smearing blood on his clothes carelessly. "Much better, Bones," he said, as if talking to his fake rat. "But I want to come with you next time you kill someone," he said in a playfully whiny voice.

XDBuggyBatXD said:
Seven sat in the mess hall carving a picture into one of the wooden tables with a shiv. He wore a contented grin as he seemed quite focused. If one would approach, they'd see the picture to be of a very well-etched rat. Perhaps, Seven's only talent was drawing, though he didn't do it often. After a moment, he'd stop and stare at his drawing before slicing the palm of his hand and dripping some of his blood onto the rat. He smeared the blood around strategically to give color to his drawing. Then, he grinned psychotically at his masterpiece and wiped his hand on his pant leg, smearing blood on his clothes carelessly. "Much better, Bones," he said, as if talking to his fake rat. "But I want to come with you next time you kill someone," he said in a playfully whiny voice.
Eden came into the mess hall as she saw someone spilled blood from their hand on the table and smear it around. "Looks like I found the party." She thought with a grin and plopped down across from him. She leaned over and saw what looked like a ray etched onti the table. "Nice rat... it matches the theme they got going around here."

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Seven looked up at the girl who plopped down in front of him. He wore his usual large grin. "Yes, I like rats..." he said sincerely before glancing back at his drawing. Then, he looked up at the female excitedly again and quickly moved from his seat to sitting on the table itself so he was now closer to the girl. He reached toward the female and flicked a strand of her hair with his shiv. "You are very attractive...would be fun to dissect," he commented with his creepy grin as he seemed to fantasize about chopping her up.
Eden grinned and fluttered her eyelids as her irises and whites turned black. "And you would be fun to sculpt..." Her eyes then slipped back to normal. "But killing someone then keeping them in a certain position untill their muscles stiff up takes to long..." she went ahead and hopped up to the table next to the guy. "My name's Eden." She said as she stuck her hand out in greeting.

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Seven grew more excited by the female's reaction to his comment. "Sculpt? What a fun idea!" he said almost in a squeal. Then, he would slide his shiv back into his pocket as he turned his body to better face the girl who now sat beside him on top of the table. Completely ignoring Eden's self-introduction and attempted handshake, because Seven knows no manners, the man sat indian style now with his hands in his lap and his body leaned towards the girl to portray his interest. He glanced at her extended hand thoughtlessly before looking back to her eyes curiously. "What are you?" he excitedly asked, knowing something was up since her eyes got all weird a moment before.
Eden let her hand fall to her lap and leaned forward, her mouth next to his ear. "I'm your shadows..." she whispered as dramatically as she could, then leaning back, making spooky gestures as she winked. She then laughed and nodded. "That's technically what I am...The Demon of Shadows." She said as she plucked the lollipop from her mouth and spun it between her fingers.

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Seven looked confused at her answer. Raising an eyebrow, "Hm...show me," he insisted curiously. Then, he saw her lollipop. "Oh, I want one!" he commented childishly before attempting to steal hers from her hand.
Eden smirked as the lollipop dissolved into black smudge just as the man reached for it. It spilled onto the table, where it spread out and became part of her shadow. She then motions towards the shadow of her hand on the table; a lollipop slowly rose from the shadows hand. She then motioned towards her hand, and rhe lollipop was there again. She waved her hand over the lollipop's shadow amd pulled out a baby blue lollipop. "Here." She said, putting it in his hand and popped hers back in her mouth, the stick dancing around her lips.

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Seven seem entranced by the female's little shadow performance, following every little movement with his attentive gaze. Then, there was a lollipop in his hand. He grinned psychotically, clearly impressed by the girl's abilities. "Oh fun!" he said enthusiastically as he popped the blue lollipop in his mouth without a second thought. "Tell me, Missy," he commented, having chosen this as her permanent nickname. "Why are you here?" he asked, referring to the prison as 'here'.
"Well, Mister," she said, catching on and deciding to make it his new name for her. "I killed two birds with one stone...one I meant to, the other I wasn't supposed to. The stone wasn't mine, but I still used it. Turns out killing birds was funner than other people say." She began to giggle. "Seems society thought other wise."

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Seven seemed slightly confused by the female's analogy. Still, he caught on after a moment and replied, "I see. Me too...but I killed lots of birds...with lots of stones." He giggled lightly at the thought of humans being birds. "And it is so much fun!" he agreed with longing in his voice as he squirmed slightly. "But then that damn cop had to go mess everything up," he sighed with a hateful frown as he seemed to be playing the scene of his capture in his head. "I really wish I could have strung her up in that tree..."

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The small girl stared at Shion intently, ignoring the chaos Raygou was causing completely, Shion rushed her into an empty cell away from the fight and then continued to watch the process, clenching her hands as they both began crying and slitting her eyes "It is not pathetic humans who decide when someone dies... that is our job." she said plainly as she stared directly at Raygou and processing when he was supposed to die and where "dammit.." she clenched her hand tighter "he...he should't die yet..." she said looking at Niko as he was taken away, "I'm so useless!!" she shouted looking down at her see-through hands, nobody could see her...and when she was visible she wouldn't remember anything...was there nothing...she could do?.. she got an Idea and grabbed a piece of paper and pen writing simply, how far...are you willing to go...to save him? she then placed the paper next to Niko and awaiting her reaction with a serious expression, even though nobody but that small child could see her. @Church Burning
Shion nodded before starting to write again, listen... when I re-appear I'm not going to remember any of this, your going to have to remind me as I can't use my powers like this...I can help him..but to do so..I.. she stopped writing and dropped the paper next to Niko out of surprise as the little girl came back and started staring at her again. @Church Burning
Niko read the paper and nodded. "What? What will you do?" She asked softly. "What will you do...Shion?" She asked, feeling the same aura from Shion as the invisible force.
Shion turned back snapping out of it but honestly creeped out by the little girl, In exchange I'm going to need to take two years of someones life from them... but only if their willing too!!...it'll...make it so that they won't be able to kill him and he'll stay in control... but..never mind the but!.. she placed it down once again. @Church Burning
Shion started to write but stopped, dropping the blank page before staring at Niko and reading her lifespan, hesitant she picked the paper back up and began to write, are you sure? I mean... what if...n..never mind.. could you please get this little kid away from me?...if you don't mind?...she's really starting to creep me out... I'm sorry... that was off topic.. please excuse me as death is quite normal in my career I sometimes don't take it as seriously as I should. the choice is yours... but be in full knowledge that this means that your life will end quite a bit before it's supposed to. plus... I mean I could try and reason with him...but...both you and Raygou won't be able to re-encarnate. she placed it down next to Niko and started to move away from the small child, but it followed her. @Church Burning
Niko nodded. "My execution was already planned in ten years anyway. I don't have much to lose. Hey girl, ever seen a ghost before? Can you please stop staring at her because it is making her uneasy." Niko told the small child, already guessing the character was Shion.
The small child ignored Niko and Shion sighed as she saw herself slowly becoming visible again, she quickly picked up the pen again and wrote, ok then. before becoming completely re-visible and collapsing to the ground in visible form. @Church Burning
Shion sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes, staring blankly at the area surrounding her, and tilting her head sideways slightly making a few strands of hair fall over her face as the two guns from before were clearly visible in her pockets. @Church Burning
Niko let her keep them, pushing them deeper in her pockets, now hidden. "Hey Shion, you said you would do something for me, can you still do it?" Niko asked hesitantly

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