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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

Kia would smile back. "Can you not wait to see mummy?" She'd say to her stomach. (Gtg for the night. Bye guys)

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(Ok, we say u fell asleep on her bed)

Niko looked up at Karie and her eyes widened at her stomach. "Woah...that shaggin must've been bad.." She joked
Soul lays on his bed staring at his hands. "If only these gloves were off I could burn everyone. Oh how beautiful would that be." Says Soul.
Niko hears something or someone from a few cells down. She gets up yo investigate. "Hello?" She says, looking in. She takes out a cigarette and pulls out a lighter. "Damnit.." She mutters, struggling to spark the cigarette
Soul sits up when he hears the voice. "Hello there. Having trouble getting a light? If I didn't have these gloves on I could help you with that. And I would burn you alive." Says Soul grinning.
"No thanks. I promised someone I would live and I can't burn. At all." She said, finally managing a flame and lighting her cigarette. She put the lighter away. "I can't burn but thanks for the offer." (Gtg, Gn)
A metal door at the end of the hall swings open, and a man in prison clothes is guided out into the open, his hands held behind his back by one of the prison guards. The guard appears angry, the prisoner has a large grin on his face. "Thanks so much, bud! I was getting bored of being strapped to that hospital bed!" spoke Seven. The guard shoved the man forward aggressively, causing Seven to trip and land on his side on the hard concrete floor, his hands cuffed behind him. "I hope you die in here," growled the guard before he spat at the prisoner. Seven giggled loudly as he sat up, a sadistic grin on his face as he made eye contact with his abuser. "Oh buddy, when ya gonna get over it? She was a dirty little who--" A kick to the side of the head placed Seven on his side again. He giggled loudly, looking back to the guard with the same crazy grin. "That's my daughter!" growled the uniformed man angrily as he gave the prisoner another hard kick to his rear end. Seven's smile faded as he rolled defensively onto his back now. "Oh, are those wounds not yet healed?" teased the guard hatefully. Seven simply glared at the man calmly. "You'll be eaten alive in here by these monsters, Seven. I bet you won't survive the week. And I'll be seeing you every day, you dirty bastard." he offered the psycho a hate-filled grin. "I look forward to it!" exclaimed the inmate enthusiastically. Then, the guard turned abruptly around, walking back toward the door that he entered through. "Aren't you going to uncuff me?" asked Seven as he sat up with a quiet grunt of pain from his sore back-side, a creepy smile still plastered on his face. "Nope!~" shouted the guard, quite pleased with himself as the metal door clanged behind him. Seven's smile faded once he found himself alone, sitting on the concrete floor of the common room. He glanced about at his surroundings: a very large room with only a few tables, a couple couches, some checkers boards, a small radio, and even a cheap-looking old pool table. Several other prisoners were meandering about, minding their own business while several others stared curiously at the new arrival. Seven sighed boredly.
Soul sees the man thrown in his cell and walks over to it. "Hey I like you. I don't think I would burn you. But you do look delicious. Much better than the meals I get here. If it weren't for these gloves I would have a great meal. Look at all these people a could cook them in seconds. But I would keep you. Because you look insane. And in my head insane is the only way to live." Says Soul grinning.
Seven looked up calmly as another man approached him. He grinned at the boy's words, "Yes, thank you boy-o!" he commented enthusiastically with that wild grin of his. "I guess you have some kind of fire super powers then?" he asked curiously as he struggled slightly to get to his feet with his hands still cuffed behind him.
Akira watched the guard and inmate fight. She hoped down from her bed and made her way over to the common room.

Akira starred at the new inmate


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"Yes I do. It works well to watch people burn. I guess that's why i'm here. I have a gift and I used it. Apparently burning and torturing people isn't a good thing. I was doing them a favor. I just couldn't stand watching them sit and wait for death so I sped it up. It's a shame no one can feel the beautiful sensation of your body burning in front of your eyes. They also won't know what it is like to have your body limbs cut off one at a time." Says Soul sighing.
Seven giggled loudly at the boy's response. "Hm, you're fun!" he chuckled immaturely. "I prefer to kill slowly with the use of a knife...to feel the blade slice so cleanly through the flesh." The man smiled contentedly as he seemed to be reminiscing in one of his previous kills. Then, his eyes landed on a girl who stood nearby staring at him simply. The man stared back curiously for a short moment before turning his attention back to the boy before him. "Tell me, boy-o, how did they catch you?" he asked with a slight tilt of his head and an interested smile.
"They followed me to my house. Then they saw me bring a girl home shortly after. I can remember her face now. She was beautiful absolutely stunning. We had a lot of fun that night. We had some drinks, danced then I took her to my room. That was fun but not as fun as when I tied her to the chair. She thought it was some kinky thing I came up with, until I cut her leg off. Then the police rushed my house, so I blew up half of them before they pinned me to the ground. That's how I ended up here." Says Soul.
Akira tilted her head at the mention of killing "is the feeling you speak of euphoria?" She asked abruptly looking at seven. She leaned against the door frame of the room as she did so.

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Seven listened intently to the boy's story with a grin on his face, as if he was absorbing every word with great pleasure. "Mmmm, fun." he replied, simply, once the story reached an end. His eyes drifted curiously back to the girl when she spoke. "Euphoria?" he repeated with that happy-go-lucky grin upon his face once more as he took a couple steps toward the girl. "I suppose that could be the feeling..." he said as he seemed to ponder the thought. Now directly in front of the girl, Seven bent toward her until is face was only inches from hers. "Haven't you tried it...killing someone?" Of course, the man half-expected the girl to say no since she had to ask what it felt like to kill.
"I miss killing. The rush you get from there screams is so satisfying. But a lady like you looks like you have killed a few people. How did you do it did you use your body, hostages, kidnapping? Well you could probably get quite a few men with your body." Says Soul grinning.
"I've killed thousands of people" she replied blandly no expression on her face "I have never experienced what you have described" she looked out at the blood stain in front of kia's cell "I killed someone yesterday it wast any different to the rest."

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"As for how I killed them" she thought to herself for a moment " I did it in many different ways"

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"Oh your a mass murderer. That's amazing, but you dont feel emotions. But you killed them in a variety of ways. That's very interesting. It's a shame such an attractive young girl is locked up." Says Soul.
Seven frowned at the girl's response and stood up straight again. "You poor doll, not even able to enjoy the killings... What, then, is the point of it all?" he laughed confusedly as he lifted an eyebrow at the young lady. His eyes darted calmly toward the boy when he expressed his awe at the girl's crimes. Then, he allowed his eyes to drop to the young lady's chest. "Yes, its a shame any of us are locked up in this hellish place," he said with a frown as his eyes met the boy's again. He smiled big again as he made eye contact once more with the female. "We ought to make the best of it, yes?" The creepy man put his back to the wall next to the girl, his side brushing against hers though his hands were still cuffed behind him.
"Well if you want her just say it. I was never a fan of games. I'm not going to be any competition. You can stare at her chest all you want. But I don't know this place isn't that bad. The food sucks but other than that its better than home. Theres plenty of girls around as well." Says Soul.
Akira remained still listening to the radio she looked over at the boy as he said 'you can stare at her chest ' she then looked at the man next to her "are you experiencing the feeling of lust?" She asked tilting her head.

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"He wants you. That's it, don't ask him his emotions make him tell you. It's more fun that way." Says Soul.
"I don't experience joy therefore I have no need to prolong things" Akira said calmly to the boy while listening to the radio

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