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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

Karie sat down sighing, staring at her hands.

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Niko smiled. "Sure, wh not. And that concludes our tour so if you excuse me, I'm going back to my cell" she smiled and winked, before heading off
Karie looked at Kia blankly "oh, nothing..." She lied in such a way that nobody would be able to tell, putting on a kind-hearted smile.

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"That's good! I wonder what'll happen to my pups..." Kia would say, slightly sad. "Do you think... They'll let me keep them?"

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"Maybe!" She smiles "I wonder what I'll look like tommorow...you see they did done testing on me...it's to speed up growth/development..it's already been tested but still..." She rubs her stomach. @NightCasterZ

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"Hopefully you won't have to feel all the pain as long then!" Kia would say as she rubbed her tummy with her paw. "Not long now..." (Time skip?)

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The next day, Kia woke up and felt a sudden pain in her stomach. It kept on stinging. "Damn!" She mutter before turning to Karie underneath her. "Ugh... Help me..." Kia would say as she placed both her paws on her stomach.

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Karie woke up, the first thing she noticed was that she couldn't see her toes... "What the hell!?" She said staring at her overnight massive stomach, she grabbed the booklet she received, skimming through it "symptoms of working/side effects...increase in stomach size rapidly over first 3 days...extreme hunger...stops nausea...back pains...maximum size reach is what!?!?" She reads "as an effect of the testing the size of stomach will become abnormally large, roughly the size of half your height and a bit!? What the heck! That's freaking huge!! And I still have 3 months till it's born with this!" She said looking down at her huge stomach, it was already about the size of 9 months in... She sighed before coming back to reality and seeing Kia "oh, my gosh! Are you alright!?" She asked, carting her stomach with two hands as she walked over. @NightCasterZ

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"This is... What happens the day before..." Kia would let pit small screeches of pain every now and then. "It's all worth it though..." She'd say, trying to be as calm as possible.

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"We wait..." Kia would say as the pain faded. "If you think that was bad, imagine what tomorrow will be like."

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Karie nodded before shivering, looking down at her own stomach nervously after reading the booklet, putting one hand on it and getting immediately creeped out at the fact she could feel it growing slowly. @NightCasterZ

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"Don't be scared about it, Karie. It's miraculous! It's... Wonderful..." Shed say as she stroke her stomach. "Not long till you'll see mummy now..."

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Karie looked up, once again nodding slowly with an always smile on her face, she then stared at the jail uniform... "Tight fitting uniforms must die!!" She said before bringing out the new one they had given her with 'elastic' technology to 'withstand' the strange effects...they sounded like a bad advertising company, she got changed, blushing before sighing 'it feels so heavy!' She thought to herself before walking out of the cell and over to Niko...she needed a break...noticing she was mumbling in her sleep she tried to wake her up "hey, Niko!" She said politely, trying to get her attention. @NightCasterZ @Church Burning

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Unfortunately, Niko was a heavy sleeper. She just rolled over and whimpered, mumbling. "Mmno...stop it...not mmmy fault....nno..." Were a few of the things she mumbled, but she twitched and curled tighter into a ball
Karie looked at Niko slightly worried "Niko!!" She called out loud enough to wake anyone up, ignoring the woman's words. @Church Burning

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Niko shot awake and flailed her arms around, accidentally hitting her in the face. "WHA!!!IM UP IM UP!!" She screamed
"Ouch!" Karie mutters, nearly falling over because of her increased mass, she laughed cheerfully, once again supporting her stomach with two hands "ok, ok...your awake!" She said still smiling. @Church Burning

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"Yeah..sorry" she muttered, breathing heavily, her bangs plastered to her forehead with sweat, revealing her ice blue eyes which darted around the room nervously
"You ok?" Karie asks out of breath and taking a seat with a lot of effort "and to think...it's gonna get about half my height in the next 3 days..." She sighs. @Church Burning

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Akira looked down at Karie from the top bunk of the cell.she lay there silently listening to the two.

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