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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

Shion starred at the medic straight in the eyes, unnerved before opening her mouth again, it had been over 7 years since she had spoken and was more than just rusty "I'm not!! There's nothing wrong with me! You people keep saying that...but there's not!!" She gave a stone cold stare "and you know it." (Imagine her words are all stuttered and messy...I don't know how to write that...) "and do you call that loss?.... That wasn't loss...that was in..insanity.." She started sweating again grabbing her throat. @DrBones

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The medic frowned heavily as Kairy teleported Shion away, just as Shion lunged at her. Shaking her head sadly, the medic made her way back to the medical bay, mentally writing her report as she did.

Subject has demonstrated little to no regression in symptoms, has begun unconsciously harming themselves when triggered, and has apparently suffered a severe psychotic breakdown. Nearby guard actively interfered with medical personnel, for fear of "hurting" her. Recommend employee evaluation and changing of subject's living quarters to the medical bay, to prevent further incidents. Subject "Shion" is to be considered extremely dangerous, and should not be approached without consent. Subject's assigned guard "Kairy" is actively encouraging feelings of distrust, paranoia, and violence.

Situation looks bleak.
Back in the medical bay...

Seven's treatment was going somewhat well. He would most likely make a full recovery within the day, if things went well. Already, he was being prepped to be placed in a bed. When he woke up, a guard would be sent in to retrieve and reprimand him for breaking into medical storage.

Benny Briggs stood by, tapping his feet impatiently. That damn doctor still hadn't returned to hand him his pills! Fed up and frustrated, Benny Briggs stormed out of the medical bay and began making his way back to his cell. Today was an almost total waste, were it not for those drugs Benny Briggs had plundered earlier. At the very least, that would score him some favors.

Whistling tunelessly, Benny Briggs worked his way out of the medical bay, headed up the stairs, and entered his cell block.
Mort eventually tightened all of his threads back together until they barely looked like marks on his skin. He looked around aimlessly, wondering to himself about a few things in the prison.
"So! Im finished" Seija said, as she finished with the operation.

"Is Niko ok?" Raygou asks, looking a bit nervous.

Seija nods and smiled at him. "Yes! The operation was successful! But she needs to sleep a while."

Raygou smiled and looks over to Niko. "Thank you, Seija-nee" He said.

Seija pats Raygou's head. "No problem! So, I have to go now!" She walked to the door. "Don't wake her up!" She said, before she leaves.

@Church Burning
Raygou pats Niko's head softly, as Suddenly the scars on hus left arm start to glow. "What?" As he walks out, his scars on the right arm and the scar on the belly start to glow. "What... happens...?"
Raygou's arms, tail, Feet, ears and hair starts to burn. His eyes glowing Red. He ran down the floor, enters the men showers, looking in a mirror. "What the Hell... why I Can't... control my flames?" He said, looking at him. His teeth grows a bit and smoke comes out his mouth when he breathes out.
Seija entered her office. "I forgot the paper-" She looks puzzled, cause Raygou vanished. "Idiot! Leave her alone here..." She said and sat down to the chair. "Maybe, he only walked to the showers... He would be here in a moment..." she said as she looks at Niko thrashing around. She puts her hand on her head and start to stroke her.
Niko calms down but whimpers. Mumbling in her sleep. "...no...stop it...I don't wanna .....stop...what are you doing?!" She mumbled before screaming, thrashing around on the bed, but not crying. Her scar on her beck (from her right shoulder to left hip) opened up again and started bleeding

Seija looks shocked and jumped up. "Her scar opened..." she put her hands near the scar and mumbling sone words, you can't understand. The scar stops to bleed and slowly closes.
Niko still thrashed around, now crying, screaming for her brother.


Xavier was walking past and heard her screams. He rushed inside and saw her. "Oh god! Niko! Shh it's alright!" He said running to her and hugging her, wincing at his broken bones being crushed but hugged her until she calmed down, not crying anymore but shivering.
Seija looked at him for a while and stood up. "How much broken bones... do you know or did I have to look how much?" She said, looking very serious.

@Church Burning

As Raygou continues to look in the mirror, not able to control his Flames, he started to smash his head against the wall. "MAKE *smash* IT *smash* STOP!" With a fourth smash, harder than before, he knocked out himself and made him bleed on the head, But after a few minutes, he woke up again, not feeling the pain. "Why..." A tear runs over his cheek.
"I don't know" he said softly, putting Nico back down. "She really packs a punch.." He chuckled, scratching the back of his head
Seija walks over to Xavier and puts her hands on his shoulder, than one hand on his Neck. She closed her eyes and mumbles anything. Than her eyes widened suddenly. "...100... brakes... 59 of your bones are broken..." she closed her eyes again and puts one hand on his head and one on his chest, mumbles anything again. Suddenly, her hands start to glow. As they stop to glow, she put her hands away. "You're bones and you're wounds and what...ever are alright now-" she said as she suddenly collapsed to the ground. "Woah... a bit too much..." she said.

@Church Burning
"Sorry, my sisters a real monster in battle when she wants to be" he smiled weakly and got down. Gentleman like, he picks her up bridle style and set her on the bed. "Thank you for healing me!" He smiled

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