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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

Shion stared at the fairy blankly for a moment before turning pale and started sweating 'f.i.n.e' she mouthed looking away for a moment before immediately turning back and going to the doctor in her cell. @DrBones @NightCasterZ

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RedZombieWolf said:
As Volk and his clones came up to the cell, he could see that the bars were broken open, and that a strange smoke had enveloped it. "What is the meaning of this?! You will stop all this at once!"
Kaneki Starts murmuring, shuffling out of the cell. He loos at the clones before Grinning and growling out the words " FOOOD! MEAT!" Before grabbing a clone with a tendril and knocking the others over.
The medic gave Kairy a concerned look. It was clear that, while she had the best intentions, bedrest and playing weren't the ideal solution to this problem.

"Shion, we need to get you to the medical bay. Internal bleeding is no laughing matter! Let me know if you can walk, I've got a stretcher ready to go just in case, okay? We'll take you down to the medical bay, and we'll help you, and we'll send you right back up, okay?"
Shipn looked away from the doctor, still pouting but nodding at the same time, moving her mouth in a the patterns to make out: it's not internal bleeding and you know it. Her eyes slit as she stared at the doctor. @DrBones

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As Volk and his men were thrown about, he quickly got out of range of the tendrils and grabbed his rifle, "All units open fire!" He then took aim and shot at one of the tendrils holding a clone, while at the same time he cloned himself repeatedly over and over again till he had a small army with rifles aimed and ready
RedZombieWolf said:
As Volk and his men were thrown about, he quickly got out of range of the tendrils and grabbed his rifle, "All units open fire!" He then took aim and shot at one of the tendrils holding a clone, while at the same time he cloned himself repeatedly over and over again till he had a small army with rifles aimed and ready
Kaneki Roared, several more tendrils flooding into the room, grabbing clones and dragging them into the depths of the smoke where Kaneki Retreated to. Then A few screams, silence, then blood starts to ooze out onto the floor outside of the cell.
Volk saw the blood ooze out of the cell, and it pissed him off, "FIRE!!" And as soon as he said that, all his clones and himself just opened fire until their guns ran dry, then they reloaded and prepared to fire again
Mort shifted from all the ruckus, edging away his curiosity forcefully. He untied his fingers and slowly began collecting all of the string around his cell to distract himself from anything going on outside. Pretty loud for a prison...he giggled to himself.
The medic couldn't read lips. Any blood from the mouth, regardless of its source, was an extreme cause for concern. Just selecting randomly from a list, blood from the mouth could be...

  • A tooth infection has grown so bad that the gums are now bleeding copiously. Dental work must be undertaken before the infection spreads to the rest of the jaw and skull.
  • Extreme stress has caused a stomach ulcer to burst, and now blood is being vomited up. Measures must be taken to prevent blood poisoning.
  • The subject may have consumed toxic substances recently, and must now have their stomach pumped.
  • The subject consumed something that split into sharp, brittle splinters in the esophagus and must now have these embedded objects surgically removed.
  • The subject has cancer or scurvy.
  • The subject is suffering from extreme hemophilia, and coagulants must be applied post-haste.
  • The subject is suffering from a viral hemorrhage and must now be treated and placed under quarantine.
  • The subject is suffering from the final stages of tuberculosis and must be treated and placed under quarantine

Regardless of the reasons behind it, coughing up blood was something very bad to the medic, and she would not take "no" for an answer. However, she did not know that Shion didn't want to go. She smiled pleasantly, and continued speaking.

"It's good that you can walk, honey. Come on, we'll take a look at you and make you all better, okay?"

The medic carefully made her way out of the cell, and shook her head at the nearby pair of emergency medical technicians, who were holding a stretcher. Nodding sagely, the emergency medical technicians folded the stretcher up and began heading back to the medical bay.

"I'm ready when you are, Shion. We should get going soon, okay?"
Shion followed the medic unwillingly, grabbing the notebook as she did so and writing in it, there's nothing wrong with me...it's just a reaction I get to certain things that remind me of my past. She wrote holding it up. @DrBones

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Kairy hopped off Shion's shoulder to talk to the medic. "She's fine! I'm a healer myself so I know about these things!" She squeaked at him in a high pitched voice.

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RedZombieWolf said:
Volk saw the blood ooze out of the cell, and it pissed him off, "FIRE!!" And as soon as he said that, all his clones and himself just opened fire until their guns ran dry, then they reloaded and prepared to fire again
More screams emit from the cell, a little more blood, then silence.
Volk was angry still and wanted to shoot. He knew his clones were dead in there, but he won't let this insult stand, "Come out with your hands out!" He shouted, "If you don't, we will keep firing until every last bullet is used up! And then I'll clone myself some more and keep shooting!"
RedZombieWolf said:
Volk was angry still and wanted to shoot. He knew his clones were dead in there, but he won't let this insult stand, "Come out with your hands out!" He shouted, "If you don't, we will keep firing until every last bullet is used up! And then I'll clone myself some more and keep shooting!"
The smoke clears, revealing several half eaten bodies of the clones, with Kaneki standing in the center of the cell. " You could has said Please." He says, blood all over the room, his face and his clothes.
The medic, still walking, looked at what Shion had wrote. She chuckled nervously, and wiped her face with her hands. It was at that point that Kairy said that vomiting blood is a natural response to immense stress.

The medic breathed through her teeth, and averted her eyes for a moment. After thinking for a moment, she looked back at Shion concernedly, and spoke very gently.

"Shion, honey... it's alright to react to being reminded of a stressful incident. You're doing very well with your therapy, do you know that? PTSD is something you can beat! But bleeding heavily is not a normal or natural reaction to being triggered! It's likely that, while trying to calm yourself down, you accidentally did something that caused you to start bleeding from the mouth!"

The medic scratched the back of her head, and wracked her brain for possible ways a person could injure their own mouth and throat while panicking.

"Maybe you bit your tongue, or you burst a blood cell, or you've made the inside of your throat raw and bloody. Whatever it is, we need to make sure you don't do it again. When we get to the medical bay, I'm going to have to take you in for a psych evaluation, and put you under watch for the next few weeks. You are hurting yourself and your friends when you react like this!"
Volk glared at him, then had a few clones cuff and restrain him, "These cuffs will subdue your powers" he said, "you're going into solitary until I say otherwise." He then kicked the prisoner in the face and said, "A token to remember me"
RedZombieWolf said:
Volk glared at him, then had a few clones cuff and restrain him, "These cuffs will subdue your powers" he said, "you're going into solitary until I say otherwise." He then kicked the prisoner in the face and said, "A token to remember me"
"As if I remember anyone." He says, snapping the cuffs. " Why dont you just take me there now?"
Shion stopped suddenly, clenching one fist as she slowly opened her mouth, making small movements and eventually making a sound "n..o... No.." She spoke plainly and it was struggled like a baby first learning to speak, it was brief and sounded painful. @DrBones

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Kairy stood between them. "Leave her alone! I won't let you hurt her!" She held out her hands.to try blocking.Him.

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The medic looked at Kairy with mild disdain, and Shion with immense concern. Her voice grew plaintiff, and she spread her hands out in supplication.

"Shion, it's not safe to leave you like this. We're here to help you, even if it hurts a little! If you don't learn to control your anxiety when remembering painful memories, you'll never get over your loss! We can't just send you back to your cell and forget about this-- your condition will just end up worsening!"

The medic leaned down and looked Shion in the eye. Her face had grown haggard and ragged.

"If we can't rehabilitate you, you'll never get a chance to get out of here. If we can't help you learn to cope with loss, I'm afraid we'll be forced to transfer you to another facility. Please, don't force us to send you to an asylum."
Kairy creates a mystical field of smoke. She'd then teleport them to a small office. "I won't let them so that to you!"

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