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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

Shion stared up at the man slowly but all she saw was a man with an insane grin and started to back away, still barely able to breath. @Church Burning

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Shion shakes her head before holding it tightly, mouthing the words get away over and over again, tears pouring from her eyes but the blank expression remaining on her face. @Church Burning

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Raygou looked at her, a little bit angry. "That isn't very funny..." He looks forward again. "I said, I don't kill your brother, but I really wanted to kill him after I saw your bruises..." He said and sighs. "Why your brother hurted you this much?"

@Church Burning
"We did worse than this all the time as kids. One time, we sent each other to the hospital. I think I broke him up more though" she said, smirking.



Xavier stopped and backed up a couple of paces. "Just calm down" he said softly.

Shion took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm down, she then shakily grabbed the headphones and placed them over her head, instantly her eyes dazed out and she got up totally fine, well it stemmed that way for a few moments before she grabbed her notebook and started scribbling the words help me over and over again faster than generally imagined humanly possible. @Church Burning

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Benny Briggs snuck into the medical bay, making a spirited attempt to seem severely injured. This was how he managed to eke out a living. Since the prison had an unusual amount of people with healing magic and no medical degrees, the prison's medical staff were almost perpetually forced to stand by. Even though these guards had no concept of triage, bedside manner, or basic first aid skills, they saw fit to do the medics' jobs for them. Understandably, this bred a healthy amount of resentment and boredom in the prison's supportive staff. Resentment and boredom that Benny could exploit.

Unconvincingly limping, Benny worked his way into the medical bay, and inconspicuously searched for a medic who wasn't too busy-looking. Sure enough, amongst the several medics idly cleaning medical supplies and fiddling with apparatuses, there was one doctor attempting to sneak a nap in. Benny, hiding his intentions under an air of desperation, caught the doctor's attention.

"H-hey man, I'm in agony today! My osteoporosis is acting up! Can you please give me something to dull the pain?" said Benny, panting heavily.

The doctor glared at Benny, having very clearly seen through his ruse, and shrugged. "Sure!" said the doctor, lazily rising from his seat. "Since you're in such pain, I'll get you something extra strong from our anesthesiologist, okay? Come on, follow me."

Benny and the doctor walked down the halls. Strangely enough, Benny's limp seemed to have cleanly faded. Somewhere towards the end of the hallway, the doctor opened a simple-looking door, silently noting that the door was unlocked. As the door swung open, both Benny and the doctor found the limp body of Seven on the ground. The doctor glared at Seven's body, and hastily pressed the call button located just next to the door.

The doctor scowled and looked to Benny. "We're going to have to get him checked for any signs of an overdose. Unless your osteoporosis is that bad, I'm gonna need your help getting him into a stretcher. I'll get you some painkillers when we're done, okay?"

Benny, recognizing a deal when he saw one, immediately cloned himself twice. Benny Briggs and Benny Briggs hoisted Seven up, and carried him out the door. Down the hall and into the medical bay they went, and onto a stretcher went Seven. The doctor and his cohorts quickly assessed the extent of Seven's overdose, and began treating him for local anesthetic toxicity.

A thin tube was inserted into Seven's trachea through his mouth, his body was flooded with benzodiapezine to reduce his seizures, and an array of lipid emulsion drugs were injected into him, to remove the anesthetic-flooded fat from his system. This was medicine, though Benny didn't quite know it. All he could do was stand by and wait for the doctors to finish.

Raygou sighed again. "So we're there!" Raygou stopped towards a office of a Guard. It is 'this office'. He opened the door. "Yo! Seija!"

"Hmm...?" After Seija heard a voice, she came out under her desk. "Yo...Raygou? Mornin' ! Who's this girl next to you..." she asked, looking on Niko.

@Church Burning
Shion wrote in notebook again, I don't know..I don't know what's wrong with me..it's..because of the incident..I think..I..I just.. She holds the paper out. @Church Burning

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"Niko!" Raygou stepped towards her and grabbed her shoulders.

"Hey Niko! I'm Seija, nice to meet you" She said. As Niko started to cough blood, she looks a bit shocked and walks over to Raygou and Niko. "What's wrong?"

@Church Burning
"My brother and I had a little family reunion. He broke my rib and I think it punctured a rib." She said, gritting her teeth, only now feeling the pain of the wound.

Just then, a medic arrived at Shion's cell. Seeing the improbable crowd around her, the medic shoved her way through the assorted prisoners and guards, and yanked Xavier back. She gave Xavier a concerned look, and whispered to him.

"Don't stress the patient out, please! If this is what I think it is, it shouldn't be contagious, but it will be exacerbated by increased stress! Nevertheless, I strongly suggest you keep your distance, for both your sakes. Can you please clear a path for me?"

The medic pushed a stray strand of blonde hair away from her eyes, and smiled pleasantly at Shion.

The medic looked at the blood coating Shion's mouth, and furrowed her brow. Her voice grew soft and soothing, and she held her hand out for Shion to grab it.

"Shion, it's me. Your doctor, remember? I'm going to need you to come with me to the medical bay. I've got a stretcher and some friends ready to help you, okay? Can you walk?"
Shion shakes her head for a moment before reaching under the bed and bringing out a confidential warden file on her past, handing it to him, it explained all about how when she was 5 her parents were gruesomly murdered in front of her face in her own home, the murder barely let her survive and hasn't been caught to this day, it included almost un-image nail photos of the crime scene showing images rated way beyond what R would describe...and standing right in the middle a small child covered in blood, eyes un naturally wide with tears falling from them, it went on to explain her reactions caused by blood, or anything that reminded her of the past like hyperventilation and delusion/hallucinations and continued even further into how she lost the ability to speak because of it... The rest was just about the 23 (suspected) murders she made in search of the killer. @Church Burning

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Raygou's teeth ger a bit larger. "Grrr..." Raygou starts to growl.

Seija grabbed Niko's arm and dragged her to a chair "Sit down." Then she walked over to a Cabinet and Took out medicaments. "Raygou! Stop to growl!" She said. "Where is the wound, dear..." she asked Niko.
Xavier looked at the crowd once with firey blue eyes and they immediantly moved back, a bit scared. He took the file gently and read it. He held a hand to his mouth as he read it. He looked at her. "It's okay now, no one will hurt you. Just calm down a bit" he said softly, continuing to read the file. @TheHappyPikachu


Niko pointed to her chest. "It punctured a lung" she said smoothly, not at all concerned. "Don't worry, this has happened before" she said, managing a small smile. @Rayischo
Shion just stood there, her eyes still dazed over as she slowly removed the headphones her eyes returning to colour instantly as she collapsed to the ground coughing, a few moments later she stood up, her vision now clear... She grabbed the paper and started writing, keep it. Also...do you mind...if I hug you?... It said, she didn't know why she wrote it...or what it meant... But it felt right. @Church Burning

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Shion stared at him blankly for a moment before stepping forward and placing her arms around him in a stiff manor before eventually relaxing into it, she closed her eyes and started smiling for a moment before jumping back, a fragment off her memories appeared in her mind and she quickly brushed it away, she grabbed the paper and gestured to my mouth, what is this? It asked as she pointed to her smile before going over to her bed and picking up the violin case, opening it and taking out the instrument and it's bow, placing it in playing position and awaiting the mans response. @Church Burning

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