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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

"very well i'll be patrolling the prison if you have any question come find me" Rodwen said softly before falling elegantly through the solid wall landing ,perfectly, on the bottom floor of the prison still drinking her coffee as if nothing had happened.
Rodwen glared at the woman before recognizing her "miss. Candle, what would your brother say if he saw you like that"
"Too tired to care about your shit!" She growled and pushed her face in the pillow.


Xavier was whistling and walking down the corridor towards the Warden.
the blanket flew off the bed and into the corner of the cell. "ahh Mr. Candle id like you to take a look a this" the warden said waving him over @Church Burning
Niko yelped as the blanket flew off and covered her body with her hands.


Xavier walks over and looks in the cell, seeing Niko and another prisoner. His blue eyes burned like two blue flames. "NIIIIICCOOOOOO!" He yelled.


Niko frowned. "At least lemme put on some clothes before you whoop my ass" she muttered, getting up and pulling on her clothes.


Xaviers hair flew up in flames, red flames and he jumped on her as soon as she was dressed, pinning her down and wrestling with her when she fought back.
The siblings stopped mid wrestle, breathing heavily and looking at Volk. Xavier had a grip on her elbow and hair, his knee resting on her stomach. Niko had a hand raised to punch his face, a hand on his shirt collar and a foot on his stomach. "Uh hh" they said in unison
"ah volk when i asked you last night if every inmate was where they should be, you assured me they were." Rodwen said sternly "so can you explain to me how this happened"
Seeing his chance, Xavier flipped Niko over and held her down, putting her in. A chokehold. "Why the fuck did you sleep with him?! Did he blackmail you?!" Xavier interrogated her


Niko growled. "Sure Ya dingus. I would never sleep with someone who was blackmailing me!" She yelled, trying to ease his grip.
(Volk's guard = a clone)

The Volk's guard pushed into the cell and tried to stop the siblings from fighting, "Stop this at once, or you'll both be put into solitary"
Niko and Xavier shouted at him : BUT OUT, THIS IS A FAMILY DISPUTE!

They continued grappling on the floor, Xavier finally having the upper hand and sitting ontop of her back, smiling triumphantly. "I win. Who's better than you. SAY IT"


"......You..." She said sadly, going limp in his grasp.
"This has been quite amusing so I'll let Volk decide what to do with you" Rodwen smiled looking at the clone. "Come along now mr. Candle we your not paid to stand around all day" she said sternly now

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"Oh before I leave, miss. Candle you have something in you hair." Rodwen said softly before continuing her patrol.

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"Are you fucking serious?!" She screeched and rushed to the showers, sitting under the water after she had cleaned herself.

Xavier laughed then glared at the man still in the bed
(Hey it's not my problem she needs to learn from her mistakes)

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