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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

(You ignored Jackle NightCasterZ!! he wanted to pat a puppy.(:'())
Kia would perk up. "Y-yeah..." She'd say sleepily. Her tail would reveal only Corona. "Those punks are so gonna get it..." Kia would open the door for him.

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(I tagged you ;- ;)

Declan smiled and walked in, kneeling down at the nearest puppy and ran his hand across its fur coat with a small smile on his face.
Glancing back continually at the beast which chased him, Seven's sense of direction was completely thrown off when something seemed to appear on his head and very much in his face. "Mm?!" he released a muffled shout as he tried to remove whatever clung to his face. Suddenly, Seven was flying through the air and then tumbling across the concrete floor. His body came to an abrupt stop as he found himself against a wall. "Rrrrrrgggmmmm..." he groaned as he sat up with a hand on his forehead where a stream of blood was visible. Now he saw the puppy near him and looked quite confused. Then, there was the minotaur. It rammed the wall, its horns smashing into the wall on each side of Seven so that he was trapped between the bull's head and the wall. The scrawny man let out a frightened yelp at this action and stared worriedly, helplessly, at the beast before him as it spoke menacingly, "Gotcha bitch. What shall I do to you first, hm? I could trample you, gore you with my beautiful horns, maybe just grind you into this wall?" Seven tried to smile and stuttered slightly, "Heh, p-please don't. It wasn't me! I swear it--!" He was interrupted by the angry roar which the minotaur suddenly released.

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"My job here is done. Do as you please, Minotaur." Zenith would say before teleporting back to her mother. "I was just dealing with some freak show." Kia would forget that Zenith ran away and act like it never happened.

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Non-Karie walked up to the Minotaur smirking, running one finger down his horns and flicking his chin up, pulling them out of the wall effortlessly before glancing back down at seven "what a pitiful disgrace you are...I thought it was the mans job to protect the woman?" she said smugly before looking back at the minotaur, leaning up against him and tracing his face, he blushed so red that you could see it through the thick fur "I..I..I"m sorry miss..." he stuttered before walking off, Non-Karie stared down at the man, one hand on her hips as her red eyes glowed brightly and she licked her lips before holding out the other hand in an elegant manner as a gesture to pull the man up. @XDBuggyBatXD
Seven stared wide-eyed as some woman effortlessly pulled the minotaur off of him and convinced him somehow to walk away. The confused man had no response to her comment about him being a disgrace, and simply let his mouth hang open as if he was trying to say something but could not. When offered her hand, Seven accepted without much thought; he was clearly still a bit shaken up, though his crazy smile returned as he found himself quite impressed and intrigued by this girl who had saved him.
Non-Karie kept up the smirk as the boy stood, obviously intrigued by her, "so?...what's a weakling like you..doing making enemies with an shit like him?" she asked, her smile almost demonic, her clothes weren't the normal jail costume and instead some strange black, frilly, gothic-thing, and she seemed to almost radiate with power as she spoke. @XDBuggyBatXD
NightCasterZ said:
"My job here is done. Do as you please, Minotaur." Zenith would say before teleporting back to her mother. "I was just dealing with some freak show." Kia would forget that Zenith ran away and act like it never happened.
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Declan jumped when Zenith appeared in the cell "Christ" he said to himself before falling back onto his butt.
"Don't be surprised... We all have different abilities. Jack can create illusions, I can teleport and mind read, Corona can use the power of aura and our mum uses a Disc of Flame." Zenith would say casually as if it was nothing.

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Declan nodded slowly "I see.... And you can tell what I'm thinking right now ?" he rose an eyebrow while still running his hand across one of the puppies fur coat.
"No. My powers are weak as of yet but I'll grow stronger with age." She'd say, sitting upright on the ground near him.

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Seven seemed a bit surprised at the female's question. "Oh. I--uh..." he paused, seeming thoughtful. Such a question had never occurred to him before. "I...don't now?" he said unsurely as he looked down now with a very confused expression. Then, he looked up with that stupid smile again, "Its fun though!" he exclaimed confidently as his eyes met hers again. "Though that guy was more--um--big than I thought." Then, he noticed the girl's unusual uniform. "Hey, why don't you have to wear the prison suit?" he asked as he poked her shoulder curiously.
"I see" he said and stopped running his hand through the puppy's fur and stood up "Well, I'm gonna go now" he nodded at Kia before walking out quietly.
Non-Karie nodded "ok then...your an intersting guy...I like that.." she said smugly as he poked her shoulder "this?..well..you see, I'm not technically prisoner here...but at the same time I am...it's hard to explain..ether way.. I'm here" she said near the end leaning up against him and whispering it in his ear before moving back out and returning to her grin. @XDBuggyBatXD
Declan walked past the Non-Karie and Seven "He's already banged a girl" he yelled before running off to the cafeteria.
Declan paused and shrugged before the same fleshy mass burst from his arm and formed a tendril which shot towards Seven and slammed him into a wall "And he's a dick !" he yelled before the tendril retracted and he ran off. (He doesn't like Seven... He hasn't met him to he hates him)
Seven giggled creepily at the female's playfulness. When another man passed by, announcing something concerning Seven, the man glanced toward him with a curious expression. Then, he looked back to the female before him and stated exactly the thought which he had, "How does he know...?" Suddenly, the man found himself flying again, due to another inmate's creepy tendril arm. He sat up and slowly climbed back to his feet after slamming into another concrete wall. Confused as to what just happened, he stumbled back over to the female he had been chatting with. "Heh, that was weird," he said as his hand floated up to his forehead and discovered the blood from his previous fall. He looked at the blood that now stained his fingers and then proceeded to wipe it on his shirt. "So...you wanna have sex too?" he finally stated since the suggestion had already been thrown out there.

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