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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

The baby popped out and cried gasping for air. Niko wrapped a sheet around the baby and washed him off with the water. "Here, it's a boy" she smiled, handing him to Karie
Karie smiled, holding the child, out of breath but happy, tears flowed from here eyes... "I think...I'll call you...Souta...after..your dad..." She expected a shocked reaction from everyone at this considering what the dad did to her.

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A guard heard the babies cries, and heard Niko say it was a boy, "What's the plan Volk?". Volk replied "Hold the perimeter and keep the gawkers out, by any means necessary". Volk sighed at the news, if his plan went off well and nobody ratted him out in the end, Karie may just be able to keep her son.
Karie nodded at Niko "sure!" She then looked down, "that is..if I get to keep him.." She said "even if I don't..I hope he can make up for some of the things... His farther did too the world.." She said, looking extremely focused as her eyes started faintly glowing.

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"Shh don't worry about that stuff. Your son is here. Be happy and don't live in the past. Besides, he looks just like you!" She smiled, nudging his cheek with her thumb gently
Karie nodded as she rubbed her eyes, desperate for them to stop glowing.

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Raygou smiles and leaves the group to smoke. He take a Cigarette and lit it. Than he takes a puff and breathes the smoke out.
Volk got a call from the his doctor friend, "Doc, is it all taken care of?" Volk asked. "It's done, got the birth and death certificates settled. Should be foolproof so long as nobody actually tries and examine the remains, or rather the ashes. We even now Volk?" the doctor replied. Volk let out a long sigh, "Yeah we're even, thanks Doc. Clone guards, back away and act as if nothing happened. Anyone starts asking too many questions, make them stop asking".
Karie hands Niko the babie suddenly, as her eyes glow brighter "don't let her hurt him!" She says quickly before remaining absolutely still, a smirk suddenly covering her face.

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Niko got up and left the cell, locking the cell door behind her. She held the baby in her arms, and kept him warm, eying the non-Karie dangerously
Karie stretched and flicked her hair behind her head before sighing, "really now, every time I come out this body is in such bad shape." She says before transforming back to her form "much better!" She smiles before going up to Niko whilst remaining inside the cell "can i not hold my own child?" She asks smirking. @Church Burning

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"i do not make promises i see them to be pointless" Akira replied laying down now staring at the sky while spinning the shiv on the end of her finger.

"GUARDS GUARDS COME QUICK HELP HELP!" A red head androgynous looking elf clutched to the bars. "Dammit PLEASE!" the elf cried in pain and slammed his hands on the imprisoned cage.

Seven slipped out of a random cell, not his own, with his usual maniacal grin on his face. Twirling what appeared to be a shiv in his hands, he leaned against the wall just next to the cell he exited. "Why does Dolly have so many shivs?" he commented to himself with a contented grin as he examined the blade in his hand. Then, a very large man walked into the cell from which the psychopath had come. Seven turned quickly to watch the other inmate attempt to sit on his bed. When the man plopped down, the threads of the bed gave way and he ended up on the concrete floor with a large hole in the middle of his bed. He led out a shriek of agony as he landed on a bunch of tacks which had been strategically placed beneath the bed for the man to fall on. Immediately, Seven burst into loud, psychotic laughter. Spotting the little psycho, the larger inmate let out an angry roar. "You little shit! I'll rip you apart!" he shouted as he climbed out of Seven's trap and came stomping after him. At the same time, the beast of a man seemed to grow two feet taller and sprouted large bull horns on his head. His feet transformed into hooves, and fur began to grow all over his body. This huge inmate had the ability to transform into a minotaur. Seven stepped back from the cell as he watched the transformation, his laughter quickly dying down though he still wore that grin of his. He was beginning to realize that his prank may not have been such a good idea. As the inmate neared the doorway of the cell, Seven took off running for his life; the minotaur was close behind him.
Zenith saw the man bolt past so she teleported ontop of his head, making him lose his sight. They'd probably crash into the floor or a wall. L

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not-Karie opened the cell door and walked out, wandering the prison with a sickening grin on her face, "that damn bitch, I had to feel all the pain of that as well and I don't even get to hold it?...what a load of shit." she said firmly whilst looking for anyone to interact with, noticing the man being chased by a minetor and breaking out into insane laughter.

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