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As the power core flies out and lands both the twins run up to it “now would ya lookit that”

“Purtty interesting I’d say”
“Maybe we could power our planes with that bit”

Describing the power source would be like mobius loops fitted to make a Klein bottle each piece wrapped with gold wire

Monoxide picks up the power source “we’ll save that fer later”
Jack looks at them both “you mean like a blueprint or keep the power source”

A man appears out of a dimension rift and looks at the three “finally I can make it here” he looks at jack “where’s the watch”

jack points to the twins

Gabriel117 Gabriel117
Jack looks at the man “crow I broke it yes but they are looking at it”

crow shakes his head and grabs the prices from the twins and starts putting it back together
Razor notices crow on the ship. One can tell from his face that he’s getting visibly frustrated. “One day, it’s just me, the next. EVERYBODY wants to be on my ship.” He starts to grumble to himself while doing whatever it was he was doing before, “I help one guy... then he wants to help another.... Then I get a stowaway... An old friend Shows up, but brings 2 guys along with him through a rift in time and space... and now another random guy shows up through a portal... All in the span of one hour” he throws his scarf to the ground and walks around it in circles as he rants.

Razor is obviously not having a pleasant time today, but is too polite to decline at this point because he has plenty of resources.
Jack walks over to razor “you okay man, you seem irritated”

“Give me the power source, it won’t work without it and I’ll give you the blueprint if ya want” crow said having everything together but the power source “and if it over heats on jack again, these two pieces can be used universally, just switch places and it’ll work again”

Gabriel117 Gabriel117 AniMANIA7983 AniMANIA7983
It’s all good, Jack. I just don’t know what’s going on today. An hour ago, I was just a man with a ship, sailing the seas with my egg. Now today I have 6 mouths to feed and it will soon be seven for all I know” he rubs his temples, “have you ever randomly gained a crew that you didn’t necessarily ask for? I mean, it’s nice to have people to talk to, but I have so many strangers suddenly living with me” he coughs into his arm, “if one more person shows up, I don’t know what I’ll do!

“You have no idea, I have plenty of stories to tell, but like you it was, me and abigor here” jack gestures to the skeleton “then all of a sudden people just started showing up, like I had no idea why but I never questioned it”

AniMANIA7983 AniMANIA7983
Razor nods, “it’s really Hectic. I cant wait for things to calm down again” Razor sighs ((As if thats gonna happen))

Abigor was a close friend, right? But then a necromancer killed him. And now you are trying to bring him back. Do you mind if I help you? I kinda wonder what he was like.

“He was a master of war and only knew war, he is the strongest being ever, but I don’t think he’ll be back at full power after I get him back, and yeah you can help “ jack said “and one more thing you may not know this but l have a wife and kid, one day I’ll have you meet them”

AniMANIA7983 AniMANIA7983
Do you?”, Razor says, “learn something new everyday. Id love to meet them someday, just not today.”, he tilts his chin and scratches his neck, “Anyway, I never asked, what brings you to the ship?” He pops his neck, “I know it must be important, you never visit.”

You cant just teleport to it using your watch that that man just fixed for you?”, Razor says, “or was the watch being broken why you needed help?

“No I don’t know where my ship it, I have to have Coordinates add it location and I can’t just go back in time because of complication with destroying the universe, time and space it’s self “ jack said “I would have done already, and that guy fixing my watch is crow he invented it and a little secret about us is we have a library filled with information off every event and important person from every time line, dimension and universe, that may have been a lot to hear all at once “

AniMANIA7983 AniMANIA7983
Ah, so it drifted off from where it was last you checked. We could always go to the coordinates and check around for it, maybe it is around somewhere nearby. I hope your family isn’t too worried about you.

The twins look at crow “how bout this, since we can make two more in about 30 seconds, you help us build stuff and we’ll keep your technology a secret”
They hand over the core” we need help trying to make our mech suit, we’ve got it built but now we need to figure out how to hook up the power reactor now”
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Is your watch able to make a portal big enough for the whole ship?”, Razor asks, “if I help you find yours and then lose my own, i wouldnt be very much help, now would I?

“I don’t know, I’d have to ask crow, he might be able to do that” jack thinks for the moment “ I think it’s just changing some setting on the watch, but I only know the basics of it”

AniMANIA7983 AniMANIA7983
If we cant, i can always set the anchors and have the ship not move when we go through. Though again, I would much rather bring the ship with us and all on board.” Razor thinks for a second “You never know if someone else found your ship first.” He thinks again, “plus, I dont want to leave my egg behind. Just in case it hatches of course.


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