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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool {OPEN}

I careen into the parking lot in a yellow checkered hot rod with pink streaks, swerving into the roundabout just in front of the school. As the smoke from the burnt rubber clears, the door swings open and I emerge from the neon car. I take a long look at the school entrance, and put on my striped sunglasses.

"Oh yeaaah, this gym teachin' job's gonna be a breeeeze..."

I swagger through the front doors, mustering dangerous levels of flare as I make my grand entrance. I swing my hands into the air and shout

*Go to school*

I can still hear it. It repeats itself. Time for inescapable. I keep telling myself HOW DOES IT WORK and WHY DOES IT WORK and WHAT IT IS IT. The answer is always IT JUST DOES. IT JUST DOES. IT JUST DOES. What is IT?!

Kai123 said:
" Are you now?" He says with an unsure face. He tries to look at her with his crimson Red eyes but then notices she's a demon.
*Passes by you*

Crimson you say? That name sounds familiar like my friend said it once before.
(As i have missed quite a bit i will simply vontinue from my ladt post.)

Kain arrived in the woods traveling deep within the tall forest. Pine trees filled the area along with various other forms of vegitation. He could hear the manu sounds of animals within from deer to hawks soaring in the skys. In the distance kain could see a clearing he made his way there. In moments he arrived the clearing was quite large several deer grazed within its shallow grass. Once in the middle kain breathed deeply, as his body glowed radiating a pure white light piearcing through the woods. In a matter of moments kain transformned into several stories tall aptoximatly the size of 3/4 of mount Everest. He extended his massive wings stretching them outwards to the sky. He let out a somewhat loud roar.
As Angel continued played and nodded, showing Soto that she was listening while playing. "You you know this song? Yo could join in at any time." She said continuing to play.
[QUOTE="Amazon Redding]Laughs " Well first my teeth are sharper than normal and made for tearing apart meat. My eyes are an unnatural color and have cat pupils. My hearing is uncanny and I'm very fast. Also I can transform into a demon lion"


"I do believe that you are correct. How is that? And a Demon Lion? I have never heard of such a creature."
WonderO said:
"I do believe that you are correct. How is that? And a Demon Lion? I have never heard of such a creature."
" I'm half demon , a fourth human and a fourth fey. What are you ?'
The young irish man finally stumbled upon the campus after a long day of wondering lost trying to find the place. "bloody 'ell I show up hours late to a string quartet and some loony girl covered in blood, the fook is goin on?"
StormMentality said:
*Go to school*
I can still hear it. It repeats itself. Time for inescapable. I keep telling myself HOW DOES IT WORK and WHY DOES IT WORK and WHAT IT IS IT. The answer is always IT JUST DOES. IT JUST DOES. IT JUST DOES. What is IT?!

*Passes by you*

Crimson you say? That name sounds familiar like my friend said it once before.
(Crimson Red is his eye color LOL)
[QUOTE="Amazon Redding]" I'm half demon , a fourth human and a fourth fey. What are you ?'

"I am the creation of Dr. Ivangrod. I am here to learn."

[QUOTE="The Guy]The young irish man finally stumbled upon the campus after a long day of wondering lost trying to find the place. "bloody 'ell I show up hours late to a string quartet and some loony girl covered in blood, the fook is goin on?"

"I find myself curious as well."
[QUOTE="The Guy]The young irish man finally stumbled upon the campus after a long day of wondering lost trying to find the place. "bloody 'ell I show up hours late to a string quartet and some loony girl covered in blood, the fook is goin on?"

" Watch it before I go loony on you"
Hearing the girl claim to be some kind of mythical creature and a demon he let out a laugh, slapping his leg and dropping his *soda* "rite and I'm the fookin pope"
[QUOTE="The Guy]Hearing the girl claim to be some kind of mythical creature and a demon he let out a laugh, slapping his leg and dropping his *soda* "rite and I'm the fookin pope"

" I can and will bite your head off, do I have to transform to convince you"
"whatever ya crazy girl I ain't got time to play pretend" he leaned forward to pick up the can he dropped, his silver crucifix falling out of his shirt, now hanging from his neck in lain veiw
[QUOTE="Amazon Redding]" I can and will bite your head off, do I have to transform to convince you"

"Violence solves nothing. If you would convince us of your ability to consume human heads, might I suggest a cadaver or some sort of human head facsimile?"
WonderO said:
"Violence solves nothing. If you would convince us of your ability to consume human heads, might I suggest a cadaver or some sort of human head facsimile?"
" Why thank you I could go for something crunchy like a skull. And I'm just sticking up for myself"
I wander through the halls, the colorful, flashy tassels of my leather jacket swaying from side to side. I notice something rather strange about the students, but I dismiss it as soon as I see the gym. I dash to the entrance, flinging open the doors and cracking my knuckles.

[QUOTE="Amazon Redding]" Why thank you I could go for something crunchy like a skull. And I'm just sticking up for myself"

"Please do not be overly harsh on this inebriated fellow, he is is simply in a state of confusion, as am I."
[QUOTE="Amazon Redding]" Why thank you I could go for something crunchy like a skull. And I'm just sticking up for myself"

"whatever you say crazy girl, now that I've found the forsaken place I'm heading home" he turned away and started to head back the way he came, whistling some kind of tune. "he laughed as the man who he presumed to be in a full body suit called him drunk."I'm not drunk ya daft bastard I'm just Irish"
[QUOTE="The Guy]"whatever ya crazy girl I ain't got time to play pretend" he leaned forward to pick up the can he dropped, his silver crucifix falling out of his shirt, now hanging from his neck in lain veiw

"Now your really pissing me off. Your lucky the golem is here to keep me from eating you alive"


WonderO said:
"Please do not be overly harsh on this inebriated fellow, he is is simply in a state of confusion, as am I."
" Do you think I'm speaking freaking gibberish ?"


[QUOTE="The Guy]"whatever you say crazy girl, now that I've found the forsaken place I'm heading home" he turned away and started to head back the way he came, whistling some kind of tune. "he laughed as the man who he presumed to be in a full body suit called him drunk."I'm not drunk ya daft bastard I'm just Irish"

Snorts and rolls eyes
"The crazy bitch needs Jesus in her life, that and probably some shock therapy"he said to himself as he left.
[QUOTE="Amazon Redding]" Do you think I'm speaking freaking gibberish ?"

"Gibberish? No, I have simply seen little other than the laboratory that I was created in since my activation. I have many questions."
WonderO said:
"Gibberish? No, I have simply seen little other than the laboratory that I was created in since my activation. I have many questions."
" Well I was raised by lions, join the club buster!"

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