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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool {OPEN}

[QUOTE="Amazon Redding]Lurks in the shadows and sees bloody figure. " A-Are you okay mister?"

-I look at you- Th-Theyre trying to kill me -I point weakly to the woods-
[QUOTE="Maxim Wingheart]-I look at you- Th-Theyre trying to kill me -I point weakly to the woods-

Shifts back in too lion and frowns. " that's not nice and lucky for you I'm hungry. Please just wait a second." Runs in to the woods and screaming suddenly starts.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy](Hello? guys? o-o)

(Hello. kinda new dont know whats really going on haha)


[QUOTE="Amazon Redding]Shifts back in too lion and frowns. " that's not nice and lucky for you I'm hungry. Please just wait a second." Runs in to the woods and screaming suddenly starts.

-I cough up blood as i break the arrow in my chest and pull out the arrow in my leg screaming as i do-
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]((I-interesting xD I mean, has anyone connected with my character at all?)

(I replied to something you put up lol)
(I see, but I think you should stay up to date with the roleplay xD Thats was the very first post. Right now school is over.)

Angel looked up at the girl and smiled. "Thank you." She said stopping her cello playing.

A.M.A.Z.O takes its first steps onto campus, gazing at the large, magnificent building that is the school.

"This building is certainly as wonderful as Dr.Ivangrod said it would be. I do hope that I will be able to learn much here."
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy](Hello? guys? o-o)

( You didn't miss much everyone is just now meeting each other)
Walks out of woods in human form and covered in blood, hiding something fleshy behind her and pads into the front of the school hoping no one would see her
[QUOTE="Amazon Redding]Walks out of woods in human form and covered in blood, hiding something fleshy behind her and pads into the front of the school hoping no one would see her

"Human! Are you alright? you appear to have a red substance covering you. Are you leaking hydraulic fluid?"
*Wake up after a long day*

I can't remember what the fuck just happened. Something not clicking in my brain. I don't get it. I hear a voice in my mind "IT JUST WORKS. IT JUST WORKS. IT JUST WORKS." Everyday I am greeted to this voice. I wish it would stop. I hear a ringing in my head. Pick up the phone. Please oh god somebody pick up the damn phone.
dkitsune said:
She pulled her hand down in a fist to her chest, facial expression gone blank and nodded. Kichi knew the power of secrets, her own name was a secret. She had only told one person before her true name and they had abused it. The memory made her heart ache and her blood boil, they were the reason she came to this school. To be protected. One foot in front of the other she followed, unsure as to why she was drawn to the hybrid but she needed to know why. The unknown was troublesome.
Dark Isabel stops infront of the photoshoot building. "I really hate my job... I really do." She whispers to herself with a sad face. She turns to Kichi and paints her casual scowl upon her face. "This is where I work. Come on." She opens the door and enters.
Vanilla made her way to the school, looking at people and confused on what she should call then when she doesn't know there names, she was used to saying master considering she was just a walking and talking pet.
WonderO said:
"Human! Are you alright? you appear to have a red substance covering you. Are you leaking hydraulic fluid?"
Smiles widely " Oh I'm not human" Holds chunk of meat " This is a human" " Hi I'm Amazon and you are ?"
[QUOTE="Amazon Redding]Smiles widely " Oh I'm not human" Holds chunk of meat " This is a human" " Hi I'm Amazon and you are ?"

"I am A.M.A.Z.O. You are bipedal, have 2 eyes, a mouth, a nose, and 2 ears. As well as numerous other characteristics that mark you as a human. Am I deceived?"
Elitepikachuu said:
She hesitates for a moment. "I-I'm a demon........" She shift uncomfortably.
" Are you now?" He says with an unsure face. He tries to look at her with his crimson Red eyes but then notices she's a demon.
Angel started playing her cello once again, to her favorite song. She smiled as she played. It calmed her thirst for blood. It was quite a passion for her, and it was something that would distract her from the vampire things about her.


Angel started playing her cello once again, to her favorite song. She smiled as she played. It calmed her thirst for blood. It was quite a passion for her, and it was something that would distract her from the vampire things about her.


WonderO said:
"I am A.M.A.Z.O. You are bipedal, have 2 eyes, a mouth, a nose, and 2 ears. As well as numerous other characteristics that mark you as a human. Am I deceived?"
Laughs " Well first my teeth are sharper than normal and made for tearing apart meat. My eyes are an unnatural color and have cat pupils. My hearing is uncanny and I'm very fast. Also I can transform into a demon lion"
"Yeah," Soto said, " I saw you in the music room earlier playing. All I can say is that it will always be better than what I could ever do on the flute. I'm Soto by the way." She still didn't trust anyone here still, so she added with the lie," just a regular human with a pet owl."

@Queen of Fantasy

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