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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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LonelyAssassin said:
Mahiro looked at them all, so many to choose from to begin with, something not too extreme to begin with. "How about, the Bumper Cars. Or. Or the Roller-coaster? Or... I dunno..."

"Truth be told, I haven't been to one of these since I was a kid." Vex said as he scanned over the crowds of people. He put one of the wrist bands before stuffing his hands into his pockets."Hm...I'd like to think that I know everything about this place, but I don't."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.f4cdfb1b69fcf311fea2e51cff960a63.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42377" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.f4cdfb1b69fcf311fea2e51cff960a63.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nevertheless, Vex pulled a hand from his pocket and grabbed Mahiro's wrist, beginning to pull him through the crowd with ease.



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Asphyxiated said:
"Truth be told, I haven't been to one of these since I was a kid." Vex said as he scanned over the crowds of people. He put one of the wrist bands before stuffing his hands into his pockets."Hm...I'd like to think that I know everything about this place, but I don't."

View attachment 101676

Nevertheless, Vex pulled a hand from his pocket and grabbed Mahiro's wrist, beginning to pull him through the crowd with ease.
(That pic ;_; who is it? )

Mahiro let out a chuckle, "I haven't been to one of these in a while neither, so don't worry about it." Suddenly Mahiro was pulled through the crowd, he followed Vex, a small red haze of a blush crossed over his cheeks.
" you forgot devilishly handsome " he chuckled and kissed her " im glad you think im so great" he doodled himself next to the cartoon her , a cartoon him, chuckling at her

I found it while searching for durarara pictures. So I don't know if it's izaya or a character that looks similar. X.x))

Vex continued to lightly pull him until they reached a twister ride, stopping at the back of the line. "How about this?" He turned to look at Mahiro from over his shoulder and noticed his blush, shifting his gaze back forward whilst biting his bottom lip.

Cerin finished showering and got dressed in the bathroom, drying his white hair with a towel as he stepped out of the tiled room. He held his mask with a free hand and glanced at Khloe, who was knocked out on the couch, before walking into his bedroom and closing the door behind him with his foot. Throwing the damp towel into the laundry basket beside his dresser, he stepped over to his bed and crawled across it to the only uncovered window in his dorm. He opened it and folded his arms onto the sill, his chin resting on them. A bit of steam clung to his heated skin from the cold shower, it's transparent tendrils mixing with the gray smoke that rushed from his parted lips as he let out a relieved sigh. Being able to breathe without the mask was relaxing. Plus, the view from his dorm room was rather nice. Cerin waved his right index finger lazily in circles, keeping the smoke from traveling inside with a breeze. Instead, it drifted upward, past the trees.
Serenity woke up from her trance, in a unfamiliar place. She rubbed her head as it seemed her brain kept banging against her skull. Serenity hoped that it wasn't the same guy that irritated her to no extent, but there was only one way to find out. She sat up on the couch, calling out in the room, "Hello?" She awaited a response, standing up from the couch, leaning against it for balance, feeling a little woozy. Serenity walked towards a closed door, walking with one hand placed on the wall.

Cerin glanced back towards his door when he heard movement, sighed, pushed off of the wall, and rolled off of his bed. he slipped the mask back onto his face and fastened it as he walked over to the door. Slowly opening it, he stared at her blankly, before reaching a hand out to steady her. "Up already? That was fast."
Serenity rubbed her temple with two fingers, wincing a bit in pain. "Yea," she replied. "I recover quickly. That guy--he isn't here, right?" Serenity glanced around, the annoyed look coming back to her face. "He was quite irritating if I may say." Serenity said, rolling her eyes, squeezing her eyes shut as her head pounded even harder at the thought of him.
"No, he isn't here." Cerin assured, studying her body language. It was obvious that she was in pain; probably a headache, or nausea. He pointed towards her head,"want me to help?"
Serenity sighed a breath of relief. "Thank goodness," she breathed out. She winced again. It seemed as if every little move she made caused her more pain. She looked up at him at his offer. Serenity nodded slowly. "I-if you can."
"Alright, just..Try not to move." Cerin blinked, bringing two fingers up to his mask, and pulling it down from his nose and lips. The shards of blue in his red irises sharpened to match his pupils as he reached his other hand to her head to move her hair out of the way. Cerin leaned in and kissed her forehead, draining the pain from her body. It wasn't usually how he would feed on pain, but he'd learned the hard way that kissing people at random was unseemly.

Once the pain was gone, he pulled away and covered his face with the mask again. He stepped backwards, removing his hand from her head and crossing it along his chest with the other. "Better?"
Asphyxiated said:
I found it while searching for durarara pictures. So I don't know if it's izaya or a character that looks similar. X.x))
Vex continued to lightly pull him until they reached a twister ride, stopping at the back of the line. "How about this?" He turned to look at Mahiro from over his shoulder and noticed his blush, shifting his gaze back forward whilst biting his bottom lip.

"Y-yeah looks good, I like this one actually." Mahiro stands beside him, resting his head against Vex's shoulder whilst they were in the line waiting. He didn't care if people looked, "My Choice after."
Serenity found instant relief to her no-longer pounding head. The kiss to her forehead caught her off-guard, and a small blush rose to her cheeks. "Y-yea, my headache's completely gone." She smiled up at Cerin, giving him a small hug to show her appreciation. "Thanks, Cerin." Serenity said as her head rested against his chest in the hug. She let go, afraid she became too touchy-feely. "Sorry..." she said quietly, her cheeks heating up. She nervously laughed, scratching the back of her neck.
Vex looked at him and smiled, bringing his arm up to wrap around Mahiro's shoulder; pulling him closer. "Alrighty~" he shot a glare at few people who were staring at them and smirked devilishly, causing them to turn back around.

Cerin patted her head when she pulled away, giving a small smile behind his mask. "It's ok." He paused when he noticed her blush and blinked, not understanding why she was flustered,"you ok?"
"Huh?" Serenity questioned, shaking her hair to make them cover her cheeks. "I'm not flustered, I don't know what you're talking about." Serenity acted as if nothing happened, blushing even more, hoping her cheeks were hidden. "I'm fine." She said, getting a little defensive.
Cerin knew she was lying because of the faint scent of blood rising beneath her skin, but shrugged it off. "If you say so." A puff of gray smoke escaped his mask as he stared at her, keeping his distance. He was hungry, and the strange taste that pain left on his tongue wasn't helping.
Serenity glanced around the home. "Nice place you have here," she spoke genuinely, smiling. Serenity felt quite relieved, noticing that he either didn't know why she was blushing, or kept it to himself. Her stomach growled back at her, and she growled back-- not really, but in her mind. Meat was on the menu, but she didn't want it to be the person in front of her. Serenity hoped he didn't hear the sound, even though it was amplified in her ears like it was coming through loud speakers.
Cerin snickered a little upon hearing her stomach growl. It seemed he wasn't the only one hungry. He cocked his head slightly, analyzing the things he had witnessed to try and guess what she was. Though, the effort was wasted, as he didn't know enough yet. "What do you eat?"
Serenity heard him snicker, and pouted up at him, but it didn't last long as she smiled. "I'm a carnivore-- so please, please, don't tell me you're a vegan or vegetarian." Serenity half-joked, raising her eyebrows, smiling.
"I don't like meats..or vegetables.." Cerin's brows furrowed. Carnivore narrowed it down a bit, though judging by her physical state when she was angry, it was obvious--"wolf."
"Well, the vegetables part, I don't mind, but I hope you don't mind that I eat meat.." Serenity said hesitantly, a bit nervous that his view on her--whatever it was--wouldn't change.
"Why would I mind?" Cerin, after all, couldn't judge others based on how they feed. He stared at her blankly, blinking once or twice, before catching on to her unease.
Serenity shook her head. "Some are just quick to judge by a persons' habits, that's all." Serenity explained. "Thanks for not being one of those." She said, smiling brightly up at him. She wanted to give him another hug--if you couldn't tell, she was a hugger--but she didn't know how he'd feel about another one of those.
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