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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Serenity lay on the ground, motionless, her hair covering half of her face, and her skirt riding up. All she saw was the back of her eyelids, but no sound was coming through her ears.
Cerin glanced between the two, wondering if he should just take her and leave. If this guy was anything like Vex, they would be chased, and it would be pointless; However, if he wasn't, she could get free unharmed.
Serenity was gradually--slowly-- but gradually being pulled out of the deep sleep that he had cast upon her, and her hand twitched signalling that she was no longer just laying motionlessly on the cold ground.
PixelScoreMC said:
Zero burst out laughing, giving him a cold glare. "Oh man, kill me? Funny. No, I didn't get Layla into anything... I'm trying to protect her from what has been after her. Do you know what I've been doing in the shadows for the past couple of months? I've been constantly distracting her pursuer and throwing him off course... Its exhausting, but if I hadn't been doing anything she'd be dead right now." He takes a knife from his cloak, and makes a small cut in his hand. He lets the blood drip onto his scorpion mark, causing it to melt and fade away. Slowly, his scar stretched across his whole body again, however it glowed an eerie blood red, and his void blotches that appeared on his skin were much more frequent. The walls nearby started forming mold, and horrid insects started eating any living thing in sight, except for the three of them. The nearby air grew dry and cold, and any wild life started withering and dying. Animals that withered into just bones however stayed together, continuing to do there normal business as a skeleton. Nearby shadows on the wall started to dance as well, circling around Zero.
"You could be at the very least thankful... and for your information, she was mine first."

@Fukushima Akira @Mashiro Shiina

(shits getting real.)
" Layla can take care of herself, and if she were to have trouble, I would protect her. "

...†Akira noticed Layla leave and decided to follow. He soon found himself back aat the restaurant, standing fifteen feet away from her. He looked around, observing the area around him. It was a fairly fancy street, one house which has drapes going down the window and another with red wallpaper with gold designs on it. Akira had never been on this street before. He stood still and spoke, his piercing silver eyes focusing on Layla†...

" What's going on..? "



@Mashiro Shiina @PixelScoreMC
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AriaTheWatcher said:
Jax sighs, slipping out of Sora's body and becoming visible. "Because otherwise it would have found her, and she would have suffered a fate worse than death."
"Who is this it guy?" Sora said a bit worried about this "It" person is.

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This brat is getting irritating.... Zero pursued after Layla as well, finding himself back at the restaurant. "Layla... you total dumb ass!"

*Meanwhile, in the restaurant*

Soulis was resting against a table, giving Layla an approving look once entering the restaurant. "Oh my dear daughter... How I love your undying loyalty to me. Zero and Akira can try to protect you.... but no avail, because you messed up Zero's months of sabotage. For that, I slow clap for you." Soulis gave a slow clap, while getting up from the table and looking at her. "Do me a favor, and stop trying to follow me? I wanted some fun in the wild goose chase before I decided to track you down..." A powerful burst of light erupted from Soulis, as he suddenly appears in front of Layla. His face was menacing, not the same as he usually was.

@Mashiro Shiina @Fukushima Akira

(I'm gonna wait for layla to respond, and akira enter the restaurant. Then Soulis will finish up saying whatever and I'll have zero enter in.)
Rozu had finished fighting, or thought she did. Something attacked her again from behind, then saw dirt and dust puffing from the ground as it walked. It was heading for the woods. "Come back here!" She screamed at it, following it into the woods.

"Follow? Father you're just as egotistical as ever." Rolling her irises, Layla blew her breath, scanning her irises over the appearance of her father. "I know what hes been doing, and he should know he isnt my bodyguard." Layla turned her back to her father, shifting her gaze towards the torn, broken windows. "As for you, father, you need to get over yourself, even if im your daughter, doesnt mean I will waste my time following behind you, especially with your condition being so...off."
Rozu finally reached it, but it was not invisible anymore. She could see it clearly. She shut her eyes tight and jumped, slashing her sword from above, killing the evil demon.

[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Yuu shifted her gaze to look being herself at Shade, before smiling and nodding her head. Slowly, she raised her hand and snapped her fingers, allowing for her normally armored clothing to appear situated on her form in their perspective positions.

Shade blinked as Yuu's clothes just seemingly appeared on her body. Some people have it easy so it seemed. Shade gave Yuu a small smile and then said, "I'm going to take a shower now, all right?" He then turned and made his way into the bathroom, stepping into the shower before turning the water on.
...†Akira entered the restaurant, his gaze soon shifting over to Soulis. Akira spoke as he stopped walking just beside Layla. His gaze focusing on Layla once more, then he looked back at Soulis†...

" So you're Soulis. I've heard a lot about you. What is it you want from Layla..? "

Soulis turned his glance over to Akira. "I want her back... So I can stuff her and put her on display." He laughed, clearly messing with Akira.

Zero pursued Layla, going to the restaurant when he spotted Soulis, he just managed to hear the part about Soulis wanting to stuff Layla. Zero lost it, his red scar glowing red hot and the void spots on him consuming him completely, making him an entity of darkness.


"I'll melt you down to bones and put you in my collection.... And I'll torture your shadow for as long as I'm alive." He vanished, and appeared next to Soulis, them grappling each other. "Zero... my dear step son, why must you try to fight me? You know I am your opposite now..." A scar on Soulis appeared, glowing a bright yellow, consuming Soulis' body. His skin then became blotches of light, then consuming Soulis completely as well.

"Zero... you are aware darkness is only the absence of light... I am life, and you are death." Behind Zero, everything started decaying and decomposing, insects of all various kinds started crawling around the decaying objects, eating them. the tree's outside withered into dead husks, and the sky became dark. Behind Soulis, the ground started growing grass and wildlife, the trees and vines over growing everything, and water started to stream and form rivers. "I am similar to you Zero, in a way that I am life... but It is represented through light. You are death.. and you represent that through shadows and darkness. I do not like representing life... however it gives me sufficient power to kill you, and that's all I need."

"Shut up... Light will never overtake this darkness." Zero turned his head to Akira, then asking "Hey male, your name is Akira right? You better be capable of something or else we aren't going to see tomorrow."

@Mashiro Shiina @Fukushima Akira
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" I will only act to protect Layla, Demon. I will not take orders from you. Be sure you remember that. "


...†Akira said as he observed the two Demons clash and their powers being released. He maneuvered his way infront of Layla and spoke to her, keeping his eyes on Soulis and Zero†...

" I will never leave your side. I am your sword and shield. Believe in my resolve to protect you. "

...†Akira's anger began to swell up within him. This Demon who had come out of nowhere, had dragged this situation upon Akira, which slightly angered him. He grit his teeth as he watched them both. Burning rage hissed throughout his body like a deathly poison, screeching a demanded release in the form of violence. Debris from the restuarant began lifting off of the ground due to a tiny portion of leaking fragments of Akira's power. Traces of his power began spreading throughout the city and just barely reaching the school. Anyone who had met Akira and could adeptly sense power traces, would recognize that this overwhelming power was his. The sky became even darker, causing the clouds to turn a dark red color. He didn't like Layla being so close to both of them, being that they were powerful. However, Akira wouldn't force anything upon her. If she wanted to stay, Akira wouldn't tell her otherwise. He was slightly irritated at the current situation. He continued gritting his teeth as he watched†...



@Mashiro Shiina @PixelScoreMC
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Rozu breathed heavily, from the little battle she just endured. She looked to the clouds noticing their dark color. She stood up and ran back through the forest to the school, excepting a thunder storm. She went inside the school, and went straight into the library, skimming though many books.

Layla watched her father, soon being interrupted by the arrival of both Akira and Zero. Sighing, she took a step forward, only to be blocked by Akira. She could tell he was quite angry, and it was going to result in disaster. Zero was clashing with her father, which of course wasn't going to end well either. She had to make a choice. Either leave and let one of them die, or stay and injure herself while stopping her father.
Zero laughed. "I like your resolve kid, protect Layla while I take out the trash... Also, I recommend taking a step back." The clouds in the sky now became a complete pitch black, starting to swirl around top of Zero. Black bolts of lightning then struck Zero. Zero groaned, as he turned into a complete skeleton, his double sided scythe appearing in his right hand. His cloak became just a pure fog of darkness, and a crimson flame filled his eye sockets while he became about 3 feet taller, now standing at about 8-9 feet. "I'll finish this now... Because you've forced me to Soulis." Soulis laughed, and replied "But you need a shadow to cut in order to do that... I don't see one on me." He gestured behind him, showing he had no Shadow. Zero flinched slightly, remembering that when he was his seal he had hid his shadow in the void. "Then I'm going to exhaust all my powers here to get you." Zero went close to the ground, and punched the ground, forming a large crack in the ground. He stuck his hand into the darkness, and grabbed it. He yanked up, but before doing so gave a wild grin. All the ground around them cracked, lava spewing out of the crevices. Then the lava formed a sphere around them, and stayed. "Prepare yourself Soulis... for total darkness." He snapped his fingers, and the lava hardened into rock, no light seeping through the surrounding sphere. The area was now pitch black except for Soulis, still in his light form. Zero had disappeared, no where to be seen now. But then the sound of a container being opened was heard, and Zero laughed. "Take this." Zero appeared behind Soulis, slamming his palm into his back. Even though his hand phased through him, he got the job done. A shadow formed on Soulis, and Zero grinned. However, he then turned to Layla, and realized he still was his father. He didn't want to kill him unless Layla let him. Soulis taking advantage of his distraction, landed a direct kick to Zero's side, at the speed of light. Zero was sent crashing through the restaurant wall, and into the hardened lava wall, groaning in pain. They don't stand a chance... you can't keep up with the speed of light, I need to... stay... awake...

@Mashiro Shiina @Fukushima Akira

((I might disappear for an hour, I have art next period.))
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" Looks like I'm up. "

...Akira's purple power began escalating quickly, breaking up the ground. It seemed to look like purple lightning was sparking around him...

" Let's end this quickly, shall we? "


...†Akira rose his left arm and spoke, a dark purple magical circle soon manifesting†...

" Nigri Convivium.. " --- " Black Banquet.. "

...†The room became nothing but darkness. All the light had been sucked in and destroyed, other than Layla's father's light. The magic circle soon fell down his body, flattening out against the ground. It soon disappeared. Akira looked back at Layla and spoke†...


" I'm going to need you to stand right where you are. "

...†Akira manifested a new sword as the darkness subsided. One which was more Demonic than his previous swords. He spoke as he looked at Soulis, an intent to kill being evident in his eyes.†...

" If you wish for me to kill you, come at me.. "


...†Akira then put his sword onto his shoulder†...



@Mashiro Shiina @PixelScoreMC

((( I'll be off for half an hour, gonna watch Supernatural xD )))
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(Wont be posting until after 12. Next two classes dont allow phones)

Layla had phased out of what was taking place around her, all well up until Akira threatened to kill her father, which was something she mist definitely would not allow under any circumstances. Gritting her teeth, with her usual strike of rebellion and revolt, Layla stepped out of where she once stood, positioning herself to stand in front of Akira. "Who are you to kill my own father?!" She was angered, upset, confused, and hurt all in one bundle, and mixed emotions were never a positive sign when originating from the hell she had beeen born into.
" I never said I would kill him for no reason. I simply told him that if he wanted me to kill him, then he was to come at me. "

...†Akira looked at her with a saddened expression and soon continued†...

" Y'know, there was a reason why I told you to stay where you were. It was so you were safe from my power.. "

Soulis laughed, looking at Akira with a smirk. "A sword.... that's cute." He begins to walk towards Akira.

Zero laughs slightly, looking like his body is being controlled by strings, he rises up in a supernatural fashion. He begins speaking, but his mouth doesn't move, and it sounds like three people talking in sync. "You have spilled my blood... and have awoken my brethren..." He lifts his feet off the ground, the ground under him growing varieties of deadly plants and mushrooms. "They come for you Soulis... They come... for you." Zero's back is torn open in half, and he sprouts bone wings. He levitates further into the air, and stares down lifelessly. Then, what looked like a wave of black water in the distance appeared, along with a wave of bats flying in the sky.

"Soulis... you have three minutes before they reach us and kill everything in sight... I'll make sure you can't escape."
" It's time. "

" What? "

...†A voice rang out from within his mind†...

" You must activate it. It's now or never. "

" You know what that means, right? "

" Yes. However if you do not do this.. Layla may die from your power's.. effects. "

" I see.. "

...†Akira slowly walked so that he stood between the black waves and the rest of them. His body began glowing a dark red as he looked into the sky. The heat began to increase around him. Black Coffins then began materializing from the dirt, a clock tower soon materializing afterwards, the hour and minute hand just going onto Twelve O' Clock, causing the deep bells to ring. He then raised both of his hands, pointing one at Soulis and the other at the black waves. His body stopped glowing, yet at the feet of him, there was multiple magic runes that spread across the whole floor. Akira then spoke in a dark, distant tone...

" This is it. The Final Masquerade.. "

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