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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Cerin didn't know how respond. Most of the recent conversations he had been involved in were cut short thanks to Vex, but he wasn't here to interfere. He blinked once more, watching her movements carefully. The temptation to blast a gust of wind down the path was beckoning to him, but he ignored it seeing as some of the girls were wearing skirts. It would be amusing, but he didn't feel like dealing with the trouble it would cause.

"Honestly, I'm not sure what to say next..." Cerin brought a finger up to mimic an introduction he had heard,"violence isn't a stranger here, so watch your back." He paused," I would give you an example, but I think your friend over there already has. So I'll spare the speech."
Serenity smiled, looking back at the guy that had attempted to her, she wasn't quite sure what he was actually trying to do. She nodded nonetheless at what he said. She rocked on the soles of her feet. "I don't think I told you my name. I'm Khloe." She said, rubbing the back of her neck as it became sore from looking up, but she didn't make the pain apparent on her face, since her pain tolerance was quite high.
Cerin pointed at himself as he spoke,"Cerin." He watched her rub her neck and glanced away, taking a guess at the reason behind the action. Letting a puff of smoke out, he slid from the post and landed a few feet from her. His hunger kept him from getting too close. "So..what brings you this school?"
"What's wrong? You seem sad..." Sora says a bit sympathetic for Jax.
Serenity stood face to face to him, guessing he got what the action meant with her rubbing her neck. "You didn't have to come down, you know, but thanks." She smiled. "Well, I don't want to be all sappy and stuff, but I was homeschooled for majority of my younger years, and this was the first school my parents knew I would fit in with." She put the long story short and chewed on her lip.
Iak smirked and faded through the floor only to arise from the floor a few feet/ half a metre ((don't know where anyone is arrrg)) behind Cerin 'that was interesting...but how bout this' Iak thought to himself as he conjured a stereotypical fireball and played around with it in his palm.A dark smirk formed on his face"catch"It blasted form his finger tips aimed straight for the lady's face.
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Sora sat down and placed the items on his lap "Why do you say that?"
Cerin was about to reply when the guy from earlier appeared in front of them. He took a few steps over until he was in between the two and raised a hand up from his side. The flame hit his palm and dispersed into thin air. "Honestly..so much violence."
"Stay out of this boy, You're cute I don't want to hurt you so please stay out of this"He winked at Cerin before turning around ti face serenity again "now then...where were we"His cruel smirk formed on his face and shot another ball of fire at her but mid flight it split into 2 different balls that split and went around cerin.
She stepped behind Cerin, her eyes turning silver. "Don't-" A growl erupted from her throat, and her claws began to grow. She really didn't want to cause a scene on her first day, but Iak was pushing her buttons.
Cerin raised a brow quizzically from the stranger's words, a slow stream of odd colored smoke emitting from his mask. He didn't understand such things. Nevertheless, he stepped in front of her again and repeated his previous actions, but with both hands. "Why are you attacking her?"
Serenity don't know how it happened, but the reassurance of Cerin standing in front of her calmed her down enough for her claws to hide themselves away again and for her eyes to go back to their natural colour.
"Because If she is unconscious then I get to feed, and she has such delecet skin, so easily broken, I'm hungry and honestly...she's ripe for hte picking, now you wouldn't get in the way of nature would you, you pretty boy"Iak slowly walked towards Cerin and the female, his eyes flashed red for a split second when he mentioned the word feed but then returned to normal."and as I said before, I don't want to hurt someone as cute as you"
Serenity became angry once more and stepped from behind Cerin, facing Iak. "I'm quite tired of your behaviour, mister, and I'm afraid if you keep up with this nonsense, you're not going to be very happy with the consequences. A scene is the last thing I want to cause on my first day of school." Serenity growled at him.
Jax sighs, slipping out of Sora's body and becoming visible. "Because otherwise it would have found her, and she would have suffered a fate worse than death."
Cerin glanced back at Khloe when the sound of her heartbeat calmed a little. Sharp teeth slowly slid over his flat ones instinctively, but was hidden by the mask that covered the lower half of his face. He ignored it instead, blinking his attention back to the Stranger when he started talking. More curious than intimidated, Cerin began to ask what he meant before Khloe stepped out from behind himself. He placed a hand on her shoulder, gently enough that his short, black claws couldn't puncture her clothing. "Calm down. It only riles one up when you get flustered in such a way. you are being an easy target."
Iak went to take a step forward but as soon as his foot touched the floor, in under thee blink of an eye, He was right in her face"hello there dearie"He waved a hand in front of her face "sleep now little lady"
Serenity's breaths became more shallow, and shaky instead. She shook her head, simply wanting to take a large chunk out of Iak's side. Despite his looks, she hated him already, and wanted to show it, but the feeling of Cerin's hand on her shoulder interrupted her daydream of tearing him to shreds and it took everything out of Serenity to not transform and show how ugly she got when she was being antagonized. She was not easily put into a trance, but after a while she collapsed.
Cerin dropped his hand to his side when she collapsed, glancing at her dully. "See what I mean?" He mumbled, though he knew she probably couldn't hear. He averted his attention to the stranger, a puff of black smoke leaving his mask. Why go through that effort.
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