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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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She looked at the paper, then at him. "Oh, I was writing down the name of these books, because I thought they looked interesting. You know, so I can read them later." She says smiling.
Eider fully smiles for the first time in a while. "Well don't be surprised if I visit you sometime. We ought to stick together with as new as we both are here. Where did you come from anyways? Before you came here at least."
"Japan? That's pretty cool. I'm from Greece, I was raised there at least." Eider takes a few steps back towards the door. "Do you want to go get something to eat?"

Kalena rolled her eyes at him yet again and followed him, already wondering if school was something she should even be trying to do. It wasn't like she needed a job or an education, she could just live off men like she always did. The same applied to dating. Were they dating? Sleeping with a guy more than once seemed like something you only did with guys you were dating... She still wasn't sure about that. @LonelyAssassin
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy](I'm 14 and I don't think dating at this age is accepted. xD )

( Kek. Well I'm an Illusion~ MY LIFE IS FAKE (~owo)~ )
I haven't been in a relationship since September. I enjoy being single though '\('u')/' I actually got three roses today from my girl-friends.))
i broke up with my ex in August who i was with for a year whos now being a prick lol ,your not a loser finding the right person takes time, i mean im working on finding a new guy but it takes time)
Valkyre said:
Kalena rolled her eyes at him yet again and followed him, already wondering if school was something she should even be trying to do. It wasn't like she needed a job or an education, she could just live off men like she always did. The same applied to dating. Were they dating? Sleeping with a guy more than once seemed like something you only did with guys you were dating... She still wasn't sure about that. @LonelyAssassin
Tasuke took a couple of turns down the corridor, until they reached one with lot of beautiful work on the walls. He walked up to a door and turned to Kalena, "You can probably guess what this class is." He pushes opens the door and peaks in, students working on canvas' looked at him for a second, "You could probably model for them." Tasuke then makes a strained laugh and looks at her again, "You feel like painting?"

[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy](It must be nice ö.o to have people actully like you. TOTAL LOSER RIGHT HERE.)

(I like you ^_^ )
LonelyAssassin said:
"Nah I'm just seeing what is next, may as well wait for the next one. Shouldn't be long now." Mahiro stopped tiptoeing and instead leaning into Vex from the side, his mouth breathing down his neck, teasing him.
Vex growled quietly, the arm that was on Mahiro's shoulder squeezing him closer. Rustic hues shifted to glance at him before he spoke, his teeth lightly gritting,"it isn't a good idea to get me hungry with so many humans around."
LonelyAssassin said:
Tasuke took a couple of turns down the corridor, until they reached one with lot of beautiful work on the walls. He walked up to a door and turned to Kalena, "You can probably guess what this class is." He pushes opens the door and peaks in, students working on canvas' looked at him for a second, "You could probably model for them." Tasuke then makes a strained laugh and looks at her again, "You feel like painting?"
(I like you ^_^ )
Danke! :D
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