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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Why? Because I do. Just...dont ask about that." Layla blew her breath, shifting her darkening gaze downward, refusing to look up as of now under any circumstances. Turning a corner, Layla intentionally bumped her shoulder agaibst the wall as she walked.
Zero sighed, and started saying "Listen Layla... I know the things I've done in the past were pretty horrible... I've definitely done some things I shouldn't have, and I sincerely regret them." His scar, and his eyes, now turn a dark blue. "Any boy can just walk off when it gets hard, and pretend like nothing happened... but it takes a man to apologize face to face." He gently grabbed her, and turned her around to face him directly. "So, I want to say sincerely, I'm sorry. I'm not expecting forgiveness, or anything to magically happen.. but It's just something I need to get off my chest, and I think you can relate to that in at least some way." His eyes now are phasing different colors, however his scar remains a dark blue.

@Mashiro Shiina
...†Akira continued walking until he reached his bedroom. He walked in and closed the door. He then leaned against the wall that was situated directly beside an open window. The gentle breeze caused his hair to sway slightly. Akira closed his eyes as he was dragged into his thoughts†...

" .... "

[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Luna giggled, allowing for his lips to touch her own. In doing so, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, herself ignoring the progress made by his hands against the shirt she was wearing to be removed, her current focus found to be buried in his lips.

Toshiro parted her shirt and placed his hand on her 'chest', squeezing. He didn't break from the kiss until after a while, he then started to plant kisses all down her chest until she reached her breast, he continued to kiss all the way to the tip.
(sorry i showered)

Adam smiled turning off the water and grabing her a towel wraping his around his waist and takes her hand " common Tuffy ,you look like you need some love " he leads her into the bed room and poofs her a pair of underwear and grabs her one of his shirts for her to wear pulling on a pair of boxers and a shirt ploping on his bed patting next to him . his room was nothing like the rest of the dorm where hundreds of paintings drawings lay about in the corner there was a painting easel with a half done painting on it and next to it there was a desk with a neat stack of notebooks filled with novels and poems he wrote and a drawing sat on the desk
When Miharu made it to the dorm's building she continued to search the halls for a door that matched the number in her head. A small hand came up to scratch at pale skin of her neck as she wondered about in thought, eyes scanning each door carefully when she passed. She came to abrupt pause when she noticed a door matching the digits and stepped over to it. With a quiet sigh, she fingered her pockets for the key and unlocked the door with it once it was found.

Walking into the room didn't help much. It was a relatively empty space, decorated in the usual bedroom furnishings along with a few things of modern-day technology; a tv, a laptop, and a gaming system. Nothing jumped out at her that might benefit in jogging her memories. Haru huffed and dropped the envelope onto the nearby coffee table, watching it unroll upon its release. "What a drag..." was all she managed to mutter before shaking her head and leaving the room. At least she managed to find it before it got too late.

The girl began wondering off again, but only ended up on the roof of the school. She quickly decided this was a good place to stop and think; out in the open, yet unseen by most. "why did I come here.." Taking a seat in one of the corners, she folded her legs together and sat quietly in thought. It was almost as if she was a statue, and wouldn't be noticed unless one were to take a second glace.
...†Akira soon sat on the windowsill, looking out at his door and holding his neck†...

Sixxx said:
(sorry i showered)
Adam smiled turning off the water and grabing her a towel wraping his around his waist and takes her hand " common Tuffy ,you look like you need some love " he leads her into the bed room and poofs her a pair of underwear and grabs her one of his shirts for her to wear pulling on a pair of boxers and a shirt ploping on his bed patting next to him . his room was nothing like the rest of the dorm where hundreds of paintings drawings lay about in the corner there was a painting easel with a half done painting on it and next to it there was a desk with a neat stack of notebooks filled with novels and poems he wrote and a drawing sat on the desk
Haiiro rolls her eyes, snapping her fingers and becoming dry instantly, a plain black t shirt and jeans appearing on her. She sits down next to Adam silently, smiling.

Elizabeth frowns, she felt like something, or someone, was watching her.
Scarlet flew about the school airspace in her owl form, looking for the dorms. Earlier in the day, much to her dismay, she enrolled herself with the headmaster and she was given her dorm key. Now, she was searching for her room. She eventually found the dormitories. She landed and, with confirmation of enrolment and key in her talons, making her walk like a dorky little owl, began searching for the numbers of her room.
...†Akira continued looking. Time flowed like cement. He checked his cell for the time. A minute had passed since he last checked an hour ago, or so it seemed. Sitting there with nothing to stare at but his door was excruciatingly dull and there was no telling when he would be called away from his position. It was also pointless. He began to drift into an unpleasant daydream, or in this case, paranoid fantasy. It helped to pass the time and he wasn't one for entertaining himself with optimism. It was better to be prepared for the worst. He looked out of his window, examining the humans walking past his mansion, his eyes blank†...



@Mashiro Shiina @PixelScoreMC
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queenhistoria said:
"Oh. Ok then. I would like to hear more about her, if you don't mind telling."
"Well...where to begin...." he said as he thought of a place to start "Well...she was a young upcoming mage, but...very talented and she learned pretty quickly. Her goal was to master any new magic she could find...which she then passed that on to me...when she...died..." his ears would droop lowly and kenya's voice turned very low and depressed when he talked about it.
PixelScoreMC said:
Zero sighed, and started saying "Listen Layla... I know the things I've done in the past were pretty horrible... I've definitely done some things I shouldn't have, and I sincerely regret them." His scar, and his eyes, now turn a dark blue. "Any boy can just walk off when it gets hard, and pretend like nothing happened... but it takes a man to apologize face to face." He gently grabbed her, and turned her around to face him directly. "So, I want to say sincerely, I'm sorry. I'm not expecting forgiveness, or anything to magically happen.. but It's just something I need to get off my chest, and I think you can relate to that in at least some way." His eyes now are phasing different colors, however his scar remains a dark blue.
@Mashiro Shiina
"Relate....in what way?" Layla refused to look at him, and instead kept her gaze staring st the ground below her feet. "You left, end of story. You wanted to, you needed to. No reason for any type of rehearsed apology." Layla then rolled her irises and grit her teeth, before turning her back to him and continuing to walk. "Hurry up, I'm hungry."


LonelyAssassin said:
Toshiro parted her shirt and placed his hand on her 'chest', squeezing. He didn't break from the kiss until after a while, he then started to plant kisses all down her chest until she reached her breast, he continued to kiss all the way to the tip.
(WHALE THEN. I CALLS FOR A FADE TO BLACK, due to my current mood)
[QUOTE="The Last One]John saw Elizabeth, and almost smiled. "Still here?"

Elizabeth jumps in surprise, not having noticed John. "I managed to leave, but then someone or something killed me and I'm back here again." She says, calming back down from her startled state.
Zero groaned, "left? Because I wanted to? No no no no. No. I did not want to, believe me." he summons a smooth black sphere, and throws it at the ground in front of her. It shatters, creating what looked like a portal, except tinted black of course. He gently grabs her wrist, and pulls her through the portal along with himself. They appear at a seafood restaurant, already in a booth. "looks like it's seafood."

@Mashiro Shiina
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...†Akira soon stood up and disappeared, reappearing on top of one of the school buildings. He was bored†...

" What to do... what to do... "
Rozu arrived to the school, with a bit of anxiety. She'd never been here before, and she didn't know what to do with herself. She walked across the campus looking around for someone.

"Hello? Is anyone out here?" She mumbled in her soft quiet voice.

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...†Akira heard a voice call out from below him. He looked down, seeing a female. He was bored and decided to go down and help her out, he had nothing better to do anyway. He walked forward, dissolving into a black mist, soon appearing directly behind the female. He spoke as he looked down at her, his silver colored irises focusing. The wind made his hair sway gently†...

" Yes, there is. Do you need something? Or are you lost? "

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