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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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...†Akira felt a sharp pain within he chest as his form began to change, a purple scorpion flashing on his neck before shortly disappearing. His form changed. He stood slightly taller than the others, and his hair grew slightly shorter. His eyes became a black-grey color with a slit for pupils. The pain subsided as he looked at them both, speaking†...

" So what now? "

...†Akira stood in his new form, opposite both of them†...

((( Okay, so Akira is linked to Layla emotionally, however it grew to a physical link along the way. Due to Layla gaining some darkness within her heart, the same thing applied to Akira, however Akira's power searched out the new power and destroyed it -hence the blinking scorpion disappearing-. However, some Darkness had already entered, which sparked a new form to be born that is mainly focused on Akira's darker powers xD )))
Sixxx said:
she swoops and and gives her a quick kiss when her eyes were closed washing her hair before turning his back to her to wash up more private areas he rinsed off inhaling the steam with a smile
Haiiro smiles, quickly washing herself off and starting to rinse herself off afterwards. She stared down at one of her scars, which oddly enough was from a wound inflicted on her three days ago. She seemed more than a bit confused, wondering how a deep gash on her arm had healed so quickly.
he rolls his eyes at her smiling "stop looking at your scars Tuffy your beautiful "he held her wrists to her side so she stopped looking and kissed her releseing her arms a moment later pulling her closes kissing her still

Fukushima Akira]((( [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10887-pixelscoremc/ said:
@PixelScoreMC[/URL] Waiting on you, big guy. )))
(Hah. Big guy)

Layla took a moment to glance between the two. Ones of whom she was to be stuck with for quite the period of time. Saying nothing, she ignored them both, too busy mentally sulking about the new addition to her conscious, as well as the fact Zero being able to hear them.
Elizabeth sighs, wishing she knew something, anything that could bring her back to life, but since she didn't she was stuck in hell, presumably forever. She frowns, laying down and staring upwards. Haiiro hugs Adam tightly, staying completely silent. She was lost in thought and wasn't really paying much attention.
John starts to chuckle, a bit happy. "At least im free... cant believe I got into this mess..." he kept on trying to reassure himself.
" I've already come up with a formula for the artificial power limiter. All I have to do is write down the equations and magic runes then you'll be able to wear it. "

...†Akira spoke to the male, soon looking at Layla, then at the ground. He turned around and began walking into his house†...

Elizabeth sighs. "Well, no point in hoping for the hopeless." She mumbles, thinking to herself that Hell wasn't as bad as she thought it would be.

Zero glances at Layla, and then the male who was proceeding to leave. "You two seem to have some sort of link....... interesting." His eyes turn a crimson red, however he seemed to be completely calm. "I will miss hearing the cries and agony of souls withering away in the void... It stirred madness in my heart, I enjoyed the change in scenery to be honest." His scar on his face reappears, bright colors flashing back and forth. "Seems like my body will need some time to adjust to the new limiter."

@Mashiro Shiina
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina](I been finished my homework slow poke e3e)

((M8, I had pink eye for like a week... I have a lot. xD ))
John walked back to the same clearing, and fumbled with some of tje controls. All of his... allies. Dead. Not only that... someone else was... he stared at a gun drenched in blood, and realized... it was Mobius One's... bodies of dead soldiers were around, fresh. John smiled, seeing his people fight until the end. He picked it up, and aimed it at his head.
Adam nuzzles into her neck hugging her close looking into her eye" Tuffy hey come back to me "he waved his hand in front of her face " what are you thinking about?"

PixelScoreMC said:
((M8, I had pink eye for like a week... I have a lot. xD ))
(Ew. Good luck catching up m8)

Layla stared continuously for a few moments at the floor, before gearing Akira walk off, and Zero speak. 'Confused are we?' Rolling her irises, Layla argued her response aloud, even if the conversation was to be mental. "Shutup, I already hate you." Blowing her breath in an impatient manner, Layla stormed ofd down the hall, deciding she should leave Akira to himself, being the cause for hin to walk away.
Haiiro almost jumps in surprise, having been startled by Adam. She sighs, trying to calm down a bit. "It's...well...I was thinking about my sister..." She says, not wanting to say anything more than that. (@Sixxx)
Zero follows Layla, since he doesn't really have a choice, and begins to ask her. "Why did you owe me?" He didn't want to nag, but his curiosity had gotten the best of him... He also wanted to talk with her.
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