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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Yuu finally stepped out the shower, having her self wrapped in a towel. Blinking, she entered the room, standing right in front of the bed. Silent, she tilted her head to the side, her soaked hair dripping water to the floor, as well as falling down her legs and arms.

Shade looked up when he heard Yuu walking to the bed and blushed slightly as she was only in a towel and still wet it seemed. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed beefier slowly standing and walking over to Yuu. He smiled softly at her and said, "Be right back." He then walked into the bathroom and retrieved an extra towel before returning to the bedroom. Without a word, he approached Yuu and then, using the towel he'd grabbed, began drying her hair to an extent.
"My name is kenya! I am a half breed human fox,transformed this way by my original master who saved me when I was a pup because she wanted to be closer to me, although she wanted me to be a complete human. I also got magical powers because of it, can you not feel it?" he asked
Koiso shook her head no. "I cannot sense magical powers, altough I posess them. I don't think that's how it works." She wrote, her smile fading.
Slaxt said:
Sora shrugs "Oh well... Only one way to find out" Sora snaps his finger and a shovel appeared in his hands. Moments later the Sora sees a staff and a hat next to the body. he quickly grabs it and inspects it "Is dis yer stuff?"
(After days of searching I finally found it)
"That is something that happened to me when I changed. I seem to...connect...with the souls of those around me. I can even directly infuse their's with my power." he explained
Cerin got bored of standing there alone and sighed, looking around. A puff of black smoke streamed from his mask as he began to climb onto one of the light posts that trailed the sidewalk in the courtyard. He stood up when he made it to the top, bare feet pushed against the flat surface with ease. Though it didn't accomplish much, Cerin simply stayed there for a minute, before he hopped onto the next one-then the next, and after that whilst humming.
Yuu blinked, but slowly smiled once he began drying her hair. She of course said nothing like always, and clasped her hands together at her front. Slowly trailing her gaze sideways, she stared at the window.

Luna giggled. She could tell she was getting at him, and thus draped her arms over his shoulders, placing her face into his neck before whispering again. "Youre no fun Toshi."
queenhistoria said:
She shook her head no, then tilted it slightly in question.
"That is something that happened to me when I changed. I seem to...connect...with the souls of those around me. I can even directly infuse their's with my power." he explained
PSYCOsanches589 said:
"That is something that happened to me when I changed. I seem to...connect...with the souls of those around me. I can even directly infuse their's with my power." he explained
"That's kind of scary, actually." She wrote hastily.
(Guess I'm winging it... O.o ))

The petite statured girl wondered out of the main building from the office with nothing but an envelope in hand. In all honesty, she looked just like a boy. Haru was clad in simple, casual clothing consisting of boy's shorts, a baggy hoodie, and sneakers; nothing unusual other than the thin, leathery tail that hung from her hoodie. Nothing that made her gender obvious, and nothing that might attract the attention of unwanted violence.

She eyed the school grounds with verdant hues as she walked, slowly rolling the envelope in her hands like a newspaper. It was no surprise that Haru wouldn't recognize anything. After being kicked from the void she had lost most of memory, only bites of them remained buried. The recognition of how, and why, she had applied to the school was also absent. Nevertheless, Haru blinked black lashes and continued on her walk, the lack of a shadow made obvious for a brief moment when she turned on her heel to the dorms.

Perhaps her room had some information.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Yuu blinked, but slowly smiled once he began drying her hair. She of course said nothing like always, and clasped her hands together at her front. Slowly trailing her gaze sideways, she stared at the window.

Luna giggled. She could tell she was getting at him, and thus draped her arms over his shoulders, placing her face into his neck before whispering again. "Youre no fun Toshi."

Toshiro suddenly turned and tackled her to the bed, "No. I'm as fun as you want me to be." He had some sort of lust in his eyes, he had given in to it.
Valkyre said:
"R-really?" Kalena looked up at the Watcher with a weak smile, unaware that she was giving him a very good view of her cleavage. Not that she would have cared about that anyway.
"I didn't believe Tasuke when he said that... I thought he was just trying to make me feel better" she smiled slightly at the mention of Tasuke. Knowing that the teacher really had been going to die shortly anyway did make her feel better.

"Regardless, I'm sorry for your loss, Sir. And for the part I played in it..." she paused "I don't suppose you have a copy of my timetable? I tried to get one but the guy at the office always starts drooling and daydreaming..."
The Watcher nods, starting to search through his desk. "Yes, umm, what's your last name?" He asks, trying to find Kalena's timetable. He had a bit of a headache, but that wasn't unusual for him at all.


Sixxx said:
he walks to the bathroom leaving the door open turning on the shower siting on the ledge of the tub while the water started to get warm and a moment later he flings the black shirt in the sink looking at him self in the mirror as he did so he smirked ,he was cocky he knew he was attractive but often forgot about it ,normally not caring but it was a real confidence builder when he did appreciate himself, the room filled with steam and he turned to the shower (hes not in the shower) and turned it down from scalding to just hot " shower's hot " he called out to her" for once" he mutters to himself
Haiiro jumps in surprise, she had completely spaced out and was startled when Adam called out to her. She stared at her left arm, scars appearing on her arm the longer she stared at it. She was more than a bit confused as to why they had disappeared before, she had scars all over her arms and legs, most of them having been there for somewhere around fifty years or so.
LonelyAssassin said:
"...." Toshiro continued to look away from here, she was irresistible, sexy, gorgeous and the urge to pounce on her was growing on him every time she got closer. Looks like he had a thing for big shirts on girls, especially when it was just that big shirt she was wearing.
"Shut up." Mahiro teleported in that direction a couple of times before seeing the Theme Park for himself, he grinned and teleported again. No ticket needed. "We're here."
Vex glanced at him a second,"you know..we can't get on rides easily without those wrist bands." He smiled a little,"I mean, if you want to sneak onto them then we can, but I can pay."
Adam poked his head out , his defined shoulders hinting at the rest of his body " you coming Tuffy?" he chuckled at her grinning " i got good water pressure and its hot " he grinned ,most the time on campuses like this one the water pressure was crap and with 100 other kids trying to shower the water was always cold even here on this amazing campus

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