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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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The squirrel smiled, and slowly turned into black goop. It towered into Zero's normal form, except patches of him were void black, shifting back and forth across his skin. His scar on his face glowed red, like there was magma under his skin. "Long time no see." His voice didn't sound anything like Zero's, it was dark and ominous. "I came to say hello at least one more time, before I end up merging with the void..." The air around Zero was dry, and slightly chilly. "Your father decided to not seal my powers anymore... I am slowly becoming the darkness itself, which believe me when I say I'd rather not be doing." The squirrel he took the shadow from earlier runs up to him, and climbs up his back, resting on his shoulder.

@Mashiro Shiina
The Watcher puts his hand on Kalena's shoulder, trying to calm her down a bit. "Horatio was a good man, and a personal friend of mine. He would have died in two days anyway due to his heart condition, at least he died happy." He says, saying the truth about what would have happened to Horatio. "It's not your fault, he was already going to die soon."
"R-really?" Kalena looked up at the Watcher with a weak smile, unaware that she was giving him a very good view of her cleavage. Not that she would have cared about that anyway.

"I didn't believe Tasuke when he said that... I thought he was just trying to make me feel better" she smiled slightly at the mention of Tasuke. Knowing that the teacher really had been going to die shortly anyway did make her feel better.

"Regardless, I'm sorry for your loss, Sir. And for the part I played in it..." she paused "I don't suppose you have a copy of my timetable? I tried to get one but the guy at the office always starts drooling and daydreaming..."
" Y'know I can fix that for you.. "

...†Akira spoke as he stepped forward, looking down at the male who stood before him. Akira's power shared some traits with darkness, so he could potentially save him from the void. He looked at him with a thoughtful expression on his face, clearly contemplating the possibilities of the male before him being saved. Akira continued†...

" Of course, it would require around ten minutes to complete.. "



@Mashiro Shiina @PixelScoreMC
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"The fix would only be temporary, I can delay my death as well... However I feel like I would prefer not to deal with that for centuries to come." He sighed, and added "Someone would have to volunteer to be my power limiter... And It's a full time job that depletes a good amount of energy."

@Fukushima Akira
" If I can stabilize your power by using my own formula, it may very well work. "

...†Akira looked at the male, his eyes analyzing the construct of his power. He spoke†...

" I could create an artificial power limiter that you could wear. Such as a watch or a necklace. "
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Layla blew her breath. She contemplated for a few sevonds, before slowly shifting her gaze skyward. "Ill do it. I owe you that much Zero." Layla took a few steps forwards, poking at the black voids on his body.

Luna raised her brow, watching him. Something wrong?" Luna stared at him, observing his reactions.
Zero raised his brow, looking intrigued. "Alright... Owe you that much, whats that suppose to mean..."

He takes a step back, and does a strange gesture with his hands. "Fieri sigillum ."

A dark scorpion symbol appears on Layla's neck, glowing a faint purple. Zero screams in agony while his body is readjusted, the void blotches on his skin returning to normal, and his red scar fading away, making him look like he's suppose to. A dark scorpion symbol also appears on Zero's neck, glowing a faint purple.

"I forgot to mention... I can't leave a 50 foot radius of you, or else the seal is.... 'turned off', returning my full powers. Also, you're now harboring my powers, which lie dormant in your heart. You will hear occasional voices, and one that is a new subconciousness... He can be useful.... but more annoying then helpful."

Zero then turns to the male next to Layla, adding "The construction of an inanimate object that could harbor my power would require a lot of time and energy... more time and energy then is efficient. Since Layla volunteered, I will be fine. However, I do appreciate the offer."

((@Mashiro Shiina , you now have an imaginary friend that talks in your head and no one else can hear him. Sooooo have fun rping that.))
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Layla blew her breath. She contemplated for a few sevonds, before slowly shifting her gaze skyward. "Ill do it. I owe you that much Zero." Layla took a few steps forwards, poking at the black voids on his body.
Luna raised her brow, watching him. Something wrong?" Luna stared at him, observing his reactions.

"N...no." He clenched his hands on the covers of the bed and kept looking away.
Layla raised her brow upon the announcement of a voice being inside her head, as well as him having to be within 50 feet. "That...isn't much of an issue. Although, you will have to watch out. Clothes are overrated to me." Shrugging her shoulders, Layla shifted her attention to Akira, just as a male voice popped into her head. 'Ah, so you like having two males? What a nice new experience.' Blinking, Laylas cheeks shone a light pink shade, before she grit her teeth and walked forward.

Luna watched him carefully, before giggling and crawling into the bed, slowly crawling up behind him and lowering her voice to a teasing whisper. "Toshi-Toshi, come play with me pleeeaaassse?"
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PSYCOsanches589 said:
Kenya wandered the halls of the school as he tried to find his first class. It was rather difficult because the place seemed so complex to him. Eventually he stumbled upon it and opened the door, seeing many different characters. Along with learning for his knowledge, he believes now is the time to make some friends too.
Inside the classroom, a blue-haired girl in a purple kimono sat next to the only empty desk, scribbling something into a notebook and quietly talking to herself.
queenhistoria said:
Inside the classroom, a blue-haired girl in a purple kimono sat next to the only empty desk, scribbling something into a notebook and quietly talking to herself.
Kenya looked around for empty desks and noticed the only one next to the blue haired girl. When she looked at him, part of her reminded him of his old master which made his ears droop slightly, but he shrugged it off and went over and sat in the desk next to her
PSYCOsanches589 said:
Kenya looked around for empty desks and noticed the only one next to the blue haired girl. When she looked at him, part of her reminded him of his old master which made his ears droop slightly, but he shrugged it off and went over and sat in the desk next to her
She looked up from her notebook- which was filled with scribbles and notes- and at him, blinking slowly. She said nothing.
PSYCOsanches589 said:
"Hello." kenya said with a friendly tone and smile
She blinked again, eyes wide. Then she wrote something in her notebook, tore out the paper, and passed it to him. It wrote: "Hi."
Yuu finally stepped out the shower, having her self wrapped in a towel. Blinking, she entered the room, standing right in front of the bed. Silent, she tilted her head to the side, her soaked hair dripping water to the floor, as well as falling down her legs and arms.
PSYCOsanches589 said:
Kenya blinked a couple of times, puzzled at why she wrote on the paper instead of speaking. "Um...why not just say hi?" he asked curiously
"I can't speak." She wrote, then passed the note to him.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Layla raised her brow upon the announcement of a voice being inside her head, as well as him having to be within 50 feet. "That...isn't much of an issue. Although, you will have to watch out. Clothes ate overrated to me." Shrugging her shoulders, Layla shifted her attention to Akira, just as a male voice popped into her head. 'Ah, so you like having two males? What a nice new experience.' Blinking, Laylas cheeks shone a light pink shade, before she grit her teeth and walked forward.
Luna watched him carefully, before giggling and crawling into the bed, slowly crawling up behind him and lowering her voice to a teasing whisper. "Toshi-Toshi, come play with me pleeeaaassse?"

Toshiro let out a sigh, it wasn;t an annoyed sigh, far from, he looked at her out of the corner of his eye, "Stop that."
Sixxx said:
he walks to the bathroom leaving the door open turning on the shower siting on the ledge of the tub while the water started to get warm and a moment later he flings the black shirt in the sink looking at him self in the mirror as he did so he smirked ,he was cocky he knew he was attractive but often forgot about it ,normally not caring but it was a real confidence builder when he did appreciate himself, the room filled with steam and he turned to the shower (hes not in the shower) and turned it down from scalding to just hot " shower's hot " he called out to her" for once" he mutters to himself
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