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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Thanks for saying so, but I'm sure I'm a lot closer to crazy than I am to interesting." He replies. "Still, I've come to realize that maybe that is what makes me interesting...at least in your eyes."

Sweetone said:
"good will he let you go out in to public now" she asked him wanting to go out to a nice place to eat
Atrio nodded "yeah he will" he said with a small lauph as he looked down at ruthy


AsongOfIceandFire said:
Ansom shrugged. "Who said I was nice." He propped his feet up on the coffee table. "I am the Anti-God. I have to be a little rude, else I would be ruining my reputation."
"So you shouldn't read my mind at least" she said as she got up and walked over to him and sat on his lap before leaning back into his chest happily
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Atrio nodded "yeah he will" he said with a small lauph as he looked down at ruthy

She smiled and got out of the pool and hugged him and got him wet and giggled.
trix said:
Trix grinned, tht meant it would happen again she nodded "sounds good" she walked in and took her hoody off still licking her ice cream. She walked over to the couch and sat down stretching. She looked over at him waiting for him to sit down as well "so how do you like the school?"
Clover sits down next to trix finishing up his ice cream, he looks up at her. "Oh it's been fine... It's chill here." He smiles and lies down on her shoulder "Why do you like to wear a hoody when you go out?"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Atrio nodded "yeah he will" he said with a small lauph as he looked down at ruthy

"So you shouldn't read my mind at least" she said as she got up and walked over to him and sat on his lap before leaning back into his chest happily

"Something tells me that even if I did read your mind, you would still snuggle with me." Ansom smiled and kissed the side of her neck.
shortyshot8 said:
Gilbert's eyes widened as a demonic voice spoke it was the Blood Phenix "You do realise as long as I have control over this boy I can use his blood however I want......That includes the fact that you can't kill him....Go ahead boy he's all yours"
...♅Akira looked back at Al and spoke♅...

“ I'll never forget her screams of agony as she begged for her life. They were the best things I'd ever heard. ”

She shrugged a little "perhaps, but I'd rather have you that was than a lazy grump!" She chuckled then picked up a menu that listed all the desserts and cakes "let's see, what to get...".

@Kalin Scarlet
"I like strawberries, so a cheesecake will do just fine for me. " Madoka says, taking his hand off of the glass, and moving it to rest on the table.

"Mind if I join you, Lady Thanatos?" Luce said, falling in step beside her. He had resumed rolling his favorite pair of dice in his hand, and looked at the Goddess with a grin.

@Daniel reaver
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira blushed a little "m-maybe your right and maybe your wrong" she said as she blushed


Thana just giggled and started to walk back to the school happily

Ansom smiled. "Oh, just admit it. You cannot get enough of me." He laughed and kissed up her neck and along her jaw.
Shira blushed a little more But let ansom do it she liked it that he was finally teasing her the way she wanted

Thana looked at the girl then scowled before stoping and looking at her "did she just completely forget" she said as she walked over to her "hi" she said

Atrio blushed and slowly put his arms around her not noticing that he was all wet now

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira blushed a little more But let ansom do it she liked it that he was finally teasing her the way she wanted

Ansom's hand trailed up Shira's shirt and began to rub her stomach and sides. "Say it." He whispered.
"Okay~ and for me... hm, raspberry choco chip cheesecake is nice, I've never had it here before though." A waiter came over and took their order then took his leave. "So, are you able to be what form you like? Or how does it work?" She assumed it was a day night thing, but its not night yet.

@Kalin Scarlet
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