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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira nodded slowly and moved close to ansom

Ansom brought Shira all the way to his dorm and sat down on the couch. He patted the seat next to him and smiled. "You seem to be doing better." He smiled.
Walks toward the building "well.... better cause some serious mayhem" 635 summons a dark fire ball and looks at it she hears a devilish voice in her head *Do it my lovely minion...... do it* "Yes master" 635 says in a trans-like fashion

She waslks toward the main hall when all of a suddon 635 hears a noise in the bush and sets it aflame *well...... not what I had in mind...... but its still evil*
Dakota got up and left Moriko and her new friend on the bench to mingle, she looked for somewhere else to sit so she wouldn't seem like a third wheel. She let out a small sigh as she found a spot under a tree to sit.

((I'm free if anyone is interested uvu;))
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Ansom brought Shira all the way to his dorm and sat down on the couch. He patted the seat next to him and smiled. "You seem to be doing better." He smiled.
''im glad Shira is starting to feel better''

*Ciella is in the dorm with Ansom and Shira*

fell asleep >.<)))

@Daniel reaver
Himeragi Seiker] [COLOR=#000066]''im glad Shira is starting to feel better''[/COLOR][COLOR=#000066] [/COLOR][COLOR=#000066][B]*Ciella is in the dorm with Ansom and Shira*[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]fell asleep >.<)))[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14287-daniel-reaver/ said:
@Daniel reaver[/URL]
Ansom looked over at Ciella. "Yeah, me too." He smiled and lied down.
y0k9o said:
Zomi licked his lips and was pretty much drooling to the mention of fish, "Wait master? You mean your like a servent, or butler, or something along those lines??" Looking slightly curious but was still thinking about fish, picturing a big juicy catfish, "Say you don't happen to ... Ah never mind" having a guilty yet hopeless look in his eyes
"Yeah...something along those lines," Azara didn't say much more about than that, shifting his gaze away for a moment. He then looked back to Cobra,"Just ask. There's no need to feel guilty when I'm offering you food I do not eat."
AsongOfIceandFire said:
Ansom brought Shira all the way to his dorm and sat down on the couch. He patted the seat next to him and smiled. "You seem to be doing better." He smiled.
Shira sat down next to ansom then leaned back into him wanting him to hold her comfortingly ignoring the other girl that was there as she did what ansom did and layed her head on his chest


@Himeragi Seiker
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"I'm doing ny-all right!~" Madoka said, stretching a bit." How about mew?~"

Roman said:
Han scratched his head, "Do humans count?" He asked in curiosity. He didn't quite understand werewolf stuff. "Actually... That's a good question." Han said.

Kio couldn't help but laugh at Han's question. HE felt that Han was being sassy and a jerk.

He thought for a moment he could loe , force the she wolf into being his mate or let the human have her " It is preferred she could keep you as her mate , change you or let you go , the thing is , staying human could have an odd... Pull on your relationship " he said hoping it would farce the other male away

Dylan shook and painfully slow her bones snaped and reformed into human bones she whimpered as she changed from the pain . she leaned against Han as she shifted , wanting comfort
(Bruh, that if I dont come back thing was deep.)

Walking around the school again, Aoimine was fascinated at how everyone was making friends, saying that they are "not necessary". "Why do people waste time,they are only people to aid you in battle!" He said, his frustration at high.

(My character is confused about the meaning of friendship, if you want to explain it to him please do)
Han looked at the wolf with a fire in his eyes, "I made a promise, I'd marry her when the time comes, and I don't break promises. Especially to the ones I love. So, whatever the cost may be, I'll take it." Han said helping Dylan and holding her in his arms.

((@Kuroko my character is free uvu can I interact with yours?))


"I'm alrighty" she replied with a chuckle "my roommate gave me a telling off though" she continued with a giggle as she patted peaches on the head.

@Kalin Scarlet
" I guess that she is the only one that truly understands that friends are unnecessary" ,Aoimine said out loud, by accident.


Then turning Round, aoimine left for the cafeteria, to get a milkshake as usual.

"I'm sorry~" Madoka said, bowing his head as his ears drooped. "I just wanted to have fun..."

((I've got a free character too!))

Violetta just watched Ansom and Shira go. She sighed, looking up at the clouds. Blinking they dissipated, their lifetime having been expended fully.

Everything has its time.

That was her one truth. As someone born when time began, she knew that's how it always would be. As long as time existed, so would she. Everything else, well, time always catches up. Relationships never seemed worth it because they would eventually age and die, but she never would. Oh yes, Violetta had tried dating before, but it got awfully lonely after a while. Sitting and sprawling on the grass she watched the rest of the clouds drift lazily by above her.
Stopping , Aoimine turned to the girl with smoking hands and said " oh sorry, I just dont understand friendship at all yet everyone else does. ," then, getting ready to teleport to th e cafeteria, he said, " look I have to go, because I want a milkshake, so if you want to contribute this conversational later, I will be there." . Then Aoimine teleported to th e cafeteria.

@subject 635
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