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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Atrio blushed and nervously started to do what the man said then covering his eyes when he finished "t-th-there" he said nervously

Aerobus nodded and placed his hand directly beneath Ruthy's chest. The pain will be amplified by thrice fold so hold on." He said the the female archangel. He began to heal her.
Ruthys energy was soon being restored to her body, she felt pain from the healing which made her scream and lift her chest up as the healing hurt but also helped her.
Atrio watched the man hoping that he could help and hoping ruthy would forgive him for what happened

@AsongOfIceandFire @Sweetone

Shira stired a little more in the morning and had a slight tighter hold on ansom as a sign that she was slowly regaining strength


(Night) @shortyshot8
Aerobus nodded when he was done. "There." He said before standing up. "She has a nice body." He chuckled.

@AsongOfIceandFire @AsongOfIceandFire

Ansom woke up to find that Shira nearly had a death grip on him. He chuckled softly. "Geez. She acts like she is hanging on to her life." He smiled and loosened her arms a bit.
Shiras arms loosened but she nuzzled into ansom more when he moved


Atrio quickly ran over to ruthy and hugged her forgetting that she was naked at the moment "I'm sorry im sorry I'm sorry" he repeated into her ear as he held onto her tightly

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shiras arms loosened but she nuzzled into ansom more when he moved

Ansom sighed, but just allowed Shira to nuzzle up on him. "Silly girl." He chuckled.

Aerobus chuckled. "Do not worry. I wasn't planning on doing anything. Think of it as....window shopping." He laughed.

"its ok I just hope your ok, why didnt you tell me you were a nightmare" she asked. She looked at Areobus and smiled "thank you for saving me" she said
Shira layed there motionless again as she was comfortable as she slept a dreamless dream


Atrio frowned "that's because I am one" he said softly as he looked at her with sorrow in his eyes "I am a nightmare"

Atrio blushed red when she kissed him then more when he realizes she was still naked "I-i..." He said as he looked away and slightly covered his nose

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Atrio blushed red when she kissed him then more when he realizes she was still naked "I-i..." He said as he looked away and slightly covered his nose

(Oblivion is the place of nothing. Aerobus is the God of Nothingness, therefor it is his realm. Thana may have control over it, but Aerobus trumps her.)

Ansom decided against wearing a shirt and walked into the kitchen. "What to drink?" He muttered.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver](Oh ok)
Shira shivered and rolled off the couch while trying to grab onto some sorce of heat to keep warm at


Ansom heard a soft thump so he glanced over at the couch, only to find Shira on the ground. He sighed and closed the refrigerator. He walked over to the couch and picked her up, setting her on the couch and lying next to her.
Why did he hold his nose)

"its ok I forgive you" she said and laid down on her bed and made room for him behind her.
Atrio blushed more and got into the bed and sat there next to her "I could have killed you though" he said softly to her

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Atrio blushed more and got into the bed and sat there next to her "I could have killed you though" he said softly to her

Ansom laughed, for the kissing tickled his neck. "So affectionate." He said. "Fine, do you want to play that game." He turned Shira's head and began to kiss HER neck.
Atrio blushed more then slowly layed down behind ruthy "then I could have put you into a nightmare state forever" he said quietly as he remembered the event

@shortyshot8 @AsongOfIceandFire
Daniel reaver]Atrio blushed more then slowly layed down behind ruthy "then I could have put you into a nightmare state forever" he said quietly as he remembered the event [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15002-sweetone/ said:
"look at me im fine im here with you now and Areobus probably could have gotten me out" she said
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