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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"If you want chaotic stop turning him normal" thanos said as he started to walk back to where he left moriko hoping she had a good time not having to deal with Al

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Dylan left blue to clean her self up and met up with Han at the bottom of the stairs she smiled and hugged him " next time its gonna be just you and me coming up for a weekend " she said with a sigh she took a deep breath "smells like you mom is a good cook"


Blue sat in the bathroom feeling drained she wiped his blood off and got up a while layter and walked up the stairs and got changed with a blank expression her hands shook as she undressed and re-dressed looking at Daniel who was weak to move

@Daniel reaver
Mamoreru shook her head. "Didn't want you to. I wouldn't want to either." She said, speaking in a longer sentence. It was still as quiet as ever, but atleast she was feeling a bit more comfortable around the boy. "Mamoreru." The girl said offering to shake his hand. The girl was a strange child it seemed like. She was wearing winter attire in the dead of Spring. A sarf, jacket, long sleeve shirt, skirt, leggings, and boots. She didn't even look like she was about to pass out from a heat stroke either. Mamoreru then walked around him examining his stature. He was definitly taller than she was and bigger most definitly. 'Oh well.' Mamoreru thoughtnot really knowing why it mattered. Maybe she just wanted to creepy him out whoever he was. @Asphyxiated
Daniel layed there as his breathing had calmed down a bit and he could toss and turn now but it still hurt because he used the energy to retract his wings "b-blue" he mumbled in his sleep

...♅Akira manifested on top of the school's tallest building, looking out at the city. He was in his human form. He held a white mask in his hand. Akira looked into the centre of a city, seeing a river. The river was flowing in between both sides of the city. The stream lay before him like a broad belt of black and silver brocade. The waxing moon was mirrored in the almost unruffled surface and where a ripple curled it, the tiny crest glittered like white flame. The streets that were once sleek new tarmac were now greyed by the bleaching of the sun. The road was a monochrome patchwork, each one lined with a shiny boarder of tar. Despite these fixes, there were still cracks and the potholes caused by Kuroh's fight with Caden. The trees that were once fine saplings with soft spring foliage were now gnarled embittered trees growing tall but without strength, competing unnaturally against the towering apartment blocks they were planted too close to. Their bark was mossy from the perennial dampness and incessant rain, except a few weeks of reprieve in the summer months. The sidewalk twelve blocks away, for the most part, was still smooth concrete, albeit scattered with litter and the debris of the partially destroyed building. Tram wires strung from sea-green posts dangle at a two-storey height, beyond the daily regard of the pedestrians who walk heads-down to their destinations. At intervals were the street-lamps, once painted in glossy green, now dappled with grey chips of undercoat. Akira spoke as he turned his gaze below him, observing the Humans, as well as the students who were within his sight, a cold breeze blowing past him♅...

“ If only I could tell you the truth, my love. I have lived my life as best I could, not knowing it's purpose, but drawn forward like a moth to a distant moon; and here at last, I discover a strange truth. I believed... I believed I was beyond this. But I'm not. I've waited too long, lost too much. I will no longer deny my heritage. I am a Sanctum, born for one sole purpose. To end The Watcher's life, even at the cost of my own. My story is one of many billions, and the world will not suffer if it ends too soon.. ”

LonelyAssassin said:
His hands wandered over her body as they kissed, making his mind up where to start. He slowly started to undress her, making sure she was well occupied by his kissing. He moved the hanging cloth one by one from off her shoulder and eventually parted the kiss, moving to her chess when he planted kisses and as he got lowered also pulled her white gown down. His kisses trailed down to her tummy as he slipped the rest off with his hands.
"You're so beautiful..."

He looked at him, obviously it didn't really phase Vex, so he kept the rest to himself unless he actually was interested and did ask. "Like I said before, I want to look after you - even if you don't want me too and hate me." He remembered Cerin saying how he didn't, "Even if I caused so much pain before, it's not my intention now."
Luna slowly began to drag, it allow her hands to fall from around his neck. Once loose, her hands trailed down his shoulders and stopped at the top of his chest. She could feel the smooth silk sliding gracefully off her shoulders with his cold touch accompanying it. Once his lips parted from hers, she slowly shut her lips and trailed her hands further down his chest, gripping the bottom of his shirt and pulling it up. The touch of his soft lips on her akin couldn't help But tickle her, Which brought a smile to her lips whilst he spoke. After he stopped talking, she planted her hands on his face, one on each cheek and brought his face back to hers, whispering before kissing him again. "Shh...don't tell me what I already know."
LonelyAssassin said:
His hands wandered over her body as they kissed, making his mind up where to start. He slowly started to undress her, making sure she was well occupied by his kissing. He moved the hanging cloth one by one from off her shoulder and eventually parted the kiss, moving to her chess when he planted kisses and as he got lowered also pulled her white gown down. His kisses trailed down to her tummy as he slipped the rest off with his hands.
"You're so beautiful..."

He looked at him, obviously it didn't really phase Vex, so he kept the rest to himself unless he actually was interested and did ask. "Like I said before, I want to look after you - even if you don't want me too and hate me." He remembered Cerin saying how he didn't, "Even if I caused so much pain before, it's not my intention now."
"If i hated you, you wouldn't be in my house." Vex said, bringing his thumb up to sharpen it's claw with his teeth. He didn't seem phased, but he was keeping it all inside. Buried behind a dull mask. The only hint of what he was feeling were the two ears on his head that were currently drooped backwards.
"Oh! There you are!" Moriko said with a smile as she walked towards him, "thank you, I'm sorry for taking up your time" she continued giving a small bow.
"It's fine" he said as he stood there for a second then quickly ran up to her and put his arms around herwaist and nuzzled her stomach "I like to help people even though I am the harbinger of death" thanos said with a little giggle

"Well isn't that nice" she chimed happily, giving him a small hug back. "I like helping too, of course I'm only a nymph " she laughed a little.
"So you wanna go back to earth" he asked as he nuzzled his face into her stomach more "or do you want to do some thing els?" He said while still slightly giggling about his little comment on him being the harbinger of death

Blue came over her eyes a little blank still "rest.." she said kissing his forehead " please just rest ?" she touched his temple and smiled takeing some of the pain away " there sweetheart ,get some sleep " she stood and finished geting dressed

@Daniel reaver
Cerin pointed a clawed finger to his face, watching her carefully,"Cerin." He had a blank expression as he kept his gaze on her, even when she circled him. It was odd to see people so far away from the school, though she didn't make him uncomfortable. Being odd himself, he didn't find the behavior phasing.
Daniels breathing went completely normal when he heard blues voice. Then he smiled slightly in his sleep when she kissed hi forehead. Daniel slept more soundly after that while hoping he regained his strength in the morning

[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Luna slowly began to drag, it allow her hands to fall from around his neck. Once loose, her hands trailed down his shoulders and stopped at the top of his chest. She could feel the smooth silk sliding gracefully off her shoulders with his cold touch accompanying it. Once his lips parted from hers, she slowly shut her lips and trailed her hands further down his chest, gripping the bottom of his shirt and pulling it up. The touch of his soft lips on her akin couldn't help But tickle her, Which brought a smile to her lips whilst he spoke. After he stopped talking, she planted her hands on his face, one on each cheek and brought his face back to hers, whispering before kissing him again. "Shh...don't tell me what I already know."

He grinned in response and kissed her again, his hands trailed down the sides of her body, to her waist as her pulled her legs up around his waist. Their kiss parted again and his forehead rested against hers as he pulled her waist against his, a loss of breath came over him for a second and he planted his hands on either side of her. His cyan eyes looked into her light blue ones.
Dylan left blue to clean her self up and met up with Han at the bottom of the stairs she smiled and hugged him " next time its gonna be just you and me coming up for a weekend " she said with a sigh she took a deep breath "smells like you mom is a good cook"she said giggling a bit

Lumina snaps back to reality as Haiiro asks the question. "I, um..." her wings twitched almost as in anticipation. "I guess so..." she stands up as if to go get changed
Asphyxiated said:
"If i hated you, you wouldn't be in my house." Vex said, bringing his thumb up to sharpen it's claw with his teeth. He didn't seem phased, but he was keeping it all inside. Buried behind a dull mask. The only hint of what he was feeling were the two ears on his head that were currently drooped backwards.
Tasuke reached out, like he was going to touched Vex's face and then he stepped forward rising his arm further and started scratching Vex behind the ear, getting closer so he didn't have to stretch. It's like he'd done this many times before and he smiled at him.
Haiiro smiles, closing her eyes and relaxing. "Now I understand why people like going to hotsprings." She says to herself, sighing.
Mamoreru looked up at teh boy a little longer and then got an idea. She searched through her purse that hung off of her arm and grabbed a lollipop before handing it to him. "Truce?" She asks, tilting her head to the side and wondering if he'd take it. 'Cerin...' She thought. 'Odd..' The girl glanced up at the sky but not for long before looking back down at him and the box. She wondered what was in the box. It could've been something used to hurt people, or possibly some harmless candy. She thought about candy and then looked at her hand. 'Oh, right. Him.' She remebered, continueing to hold it toward him until he took it. @Asphyxiated
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