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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"See lumina I can kill and rekill him over and over and over" he said sadly as he tryed to hug himself knowing how lumina got when she was hugged
Lumina still had a bad taste in her mouth from the use of that specific soul, but she kept quiet. She just looked at Al.
You could sense that Al had another soul within him even though only one was put in him "What do you want with me mortals" Al said with a deep demonic voice
"Why am I such a monster" thanos wispered as he hugged him self tightly trying to comfort him self but to no prevale he put the other soul back into Al making him normal again
Haiiro sighs, there really was no point to her staying cooped up in her realm for all eternity, and it was quite boring, so she decided to try to do something. She disappears, using her realms connection to hell to go to earth, reconnecting her realm with earth and going back to her realm. She sighs, erasing her own memory and replacing her memories with false ones, sending herself to earth on the roof of the school.
LonelyAssassin said:
Tasuke nods his head and his body cracks apart, his pieces of Ice drift off into the air as his body dissolves, "I'll See you later Cerin."
"See you later." Cerin said before standing and pulling the journal from his pocket. looking through the first few pages before closing it and leaving the house, He spoke to Drea outside while Vex was in the shower and got on the bike, wanting to go back to the house. He started up and drove off down the road as fast as he could.

The bike came to halt at the black tree before he jumped off of it and walked over to the dead plant. Cerin started to climb the tree, smoke trailing into the air as he got to a certain branch and reached his hand inside the hole. It was barely visible against the scorched bark, looking as if he had just stuck his arm into a black hole. He pulled a box from the hole and jumped down, shaking the contents in the box around as he wiggled his hand with a puff of smoke. @Princess Ktyria (if she's still there)


Vex got out of the shower and put on a pair of sweatpants, wrapping the towel over his shoulders to keep the water from dripping onto his back. He didn't plan on going anywhere else the rest of the day, or seeing anyone. A heavy huff escaped as he walked into the kitchen and started to clean it, his expression still the tired dullness it was before.
Han looked at the book and smirked, "I'm surprised Daniel could even read this. Its all in a different language." Han flipped to the very last page. "I know I told him not to do it but, I didn't need him to know someone would haveto ssacrifice something to bring him back." Han looked at Blue, "Start removing the 'bad'. And after that each one of us has to sacrifice sonething for his sake." Han said closing the book.


@Daniel reaver.
Asphyxiated said:
"See you later." Cerin said before standing and pulling the journal from his pocket. looking through the first few pages before closing it and leaving the house, He spoke to Drea outside while Vex was in the shower and got on the bike, wanting to go back to the house. He started up and drove off down the road as fast as he could.
The bike came to halt at the black tree before he jumped off of it and walked over to the dead plant. Cerin started to climb the tree, smoke trailing into the air as he got to a certain branch and reached his hand inside the hole. It was barely visible against the scorched bark, looking as if he had just stuck his arm into a black hole. He pulled a box from the hole and jumped down, shaking the contents in the box around as he wiggled his hand with a puff of smoke. @Princess Ktyria (if she's still there)


Vex got out of the shower and put on a pair of sweatpants, wrapping the towel over his shoulders to keep the water from dripping onto his back. He didn't plan on going anywhere else the rest of the day, or seeing anyone. A heavy huff escaped as he walked into the kitchen and started to clean it, his expression still the tired dullness it was before.
A Whistle echoes in the air as Tasuke's Clone walks into the Kitchen, checking out Vex, "That is a pretty sight" He leans against the counter grinning, he looked down at the ground a slight blush across his cheeks, he peaked up at him again though.


Meanwhile the Real Tasuke appeared back in hell, he walked through the doors to the throne room wearing his new appearance with a grin, "Luna! I'm sorry I left in a hurry my dear."

@Mashiro Shiina
Mamoreru head a bit of rustling, and since she's a light sleeper, she woke up. The girl wasn't frightened at the noises, only curious. She sat up and looked at the male. Mamoreru tilted her head to the side as she stared at him and the mysterious box. "Hmph..." She said, looking at him in different angles. 'Smoke..' The girl thought at the sight of his smoke, opening her mouth and a bit of purple smoke rose from her mouth. @Asphyxiated
Blue worked hard removing all that was bad from him as he bleeding " the bear . ill have to sacrfice him" blue said quietly as she worked

Dylan steped back "i dont know what to sacrafice " she said worried she have to give up han , the fear clear onher face


@Daniel reaver
"I am the Blood Dragon Phalnyx what do you want with me" Al had slots for 5 souls human chaos dragon king phoenix and the newly tapped into Blood Dragon
Daniel screamed in pain as she took all the faults in the trancendance as he tryed to weakly flap his wings


"You are using a body that is not yours give it back before I take you back" thanos said coldly knowing the threat would work considering he feared Thanos
"Hmph I don't listen to mortals who threaten me!"

Blood started covering Al changing him permanently

"This mortal is mine now! I can use his power to destroy all!!!"
Haiiro groans, sitting up and wondering what she was doing on the roof of the school. She sighed before noticing something odd, she couldn't remember who she was, the only thing she could remember is a single name, Ramona.
"I am not mortal. Oh did you forget me" he said lauphing slightly as he changed into he reaper form "how could you forget your eternal master phalanx" thanos said as he looked into his eyes

"That hurts phalanx that really does" he said childishly
LonelyAssassin said:
A Whistle echoes in the air as Tasuke's Clone walks into the Kitchen, checking out Vex, "That is a pretty sight" He leans against the counter grinning, he looked down at the ground a slight blush across his cheeks, he peaked up at him again though.

Meanwhile the Real Tasuke appeared back in hell, he walked through the doors to the throne room wearing his new appearance with a grin, "Luna! I'm sorry I left in a hurry my dear."

@Mashiro Shiina
Luna slowly shifted her gaze to the corners of her eyes just after opening her gaze. The figure addressing her was admittedly attractive and yet, she had no knowledge of who he was. From his words, she could only come to one conclusion. Tasuke. Releasing a stressed breath, she closed her gaze once more. "You took your time."
"Sir I-I mean i didn't mean any rudeness however my soul is linked with this mortal and upon taking it out it will destroy me and him but there is a way if you can make whatever was distressing him go away he will be free"
Haiiro staggers, having trouble standing, and gets blown off the roof of the school by a strong gust of wind, slamming into the ground face first.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Luna slowly shifted her gaze to the corners of her eyes just after opening her gaze. The figure addressing her was admittedly attractive and yet, she had no knowledge of who he was. From his words, she could only come to one conclusion. Tasuke. Releasing a stressed breath, she closed her gaze once more. "You took your time."

Tasuke walked over to her, he smirked in response to what she said, but then his expression saddened and he hugged her tightly, embracing her presence. He needed someone to hug and who better else;

"Forgive me... For being late."
"You have no power phalanx just know that I put you in him so that he may survive but until then you may have control" he said as he wiped the tears away
"I will take you guys to what it was" Suddenly they all transported to Haiiro "This is what it is Sir"
LonelyAssassin said:
A Whistle echoes in the air as Tasuke's Clone walks into the Kitchen, checking out Vex, "That is a pretty sight" He leans against the counter grinning, he looked down at the ground a slight blush across his cheeks, he peaked up at him again though.

Meanwhile the Real Tasuke appeared back in hell, he walked through the doors to the throne room wearing his new appearance with a grin, "Luna! I'm sorry I left in a hurry my dear."

@Mashiro Shiina
Vex's ears moved away from the direction of the whistle, a look of pain shooting through his features from the sound. He stopped his action of cleaning the dishes and turned to see Tasuke blushing, before continuing to clean. "Is there something you want? Or are you just hanging around since Cerin left?" Cerin thought he wouldn't notice, but it's hard to miss a trail of dirt in your house.

Cerin flinched at the sound of movement, darting his gaze to where the girl was. He tilted his head confusingly, a bit of smoke escaping his mask. "What are you doing?"
Thanos looked at haiiro and ran over to her and hugged her waist "yay she came back" he said as he threw ramonas soul back to her and into her

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