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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Lumina folded her wings against her back as tightly as she could to try and conceal them. Great, her jacket was on the other side of the people. No way she could get it and pretend like it was nothing.
LonelyAssassin said:
Tasuke took a step back when the floor caved it, but when he moved around it he looked down into the basement, this place seemed interesting and he'd love to explore it. But it's too dangerous and so kept behind Cerin's movements. He looked out for any sign of Vex till they got to the room, he was in there, he could see and he didn't look too good - this made Tasuke feel sad. He stood beside Cerin looking at the journal and then back up at Vex;
"You idiot, running off to a dangerous place like this."
Vex shot his gaze over to the person Cerin said was Tasuke when he spoke, his brows furrowing downwards from his words. "As if you care." His voice was hoarse and he shook his head as he darted his gaze between them, his harsh tone from before changing, " he looks different. why does he look different?"

Cerin glanced over at Tasuke and then back to Vex. His brother obviously wasn't in the best mental state at the moment. "It's nothing to worry about, he just changed." He reached a hand out, gently taking the journal from Vex's hands and closing it, stuffing it into his pocket when Vex reached for it.

Vex huffed when he couldn't get the journal back and looked at them. "If you're here to bring me back then you're out of luck. I'm staying here."

Cerin rolled his eyes and grabbed his arm,"You can't stay here, Vex. This place could come down at any moment and you could be crushed, or worse, you could-"

"Die? Good." Vex pulled his arm away from his grasp, his expression hardening.

Cerin went silent from his words and cupped his own forehead.
"yup Romans a girl now" he said as he moved a little closer to the wing girl "there's no need to hide. My names thanos" he said with a smile
Lumina took an involuntary step back. "Um. I'm Lumina." She looked at Al. "I, um.." she didn't know how to respond. Nobody had ever seen her wings before. She wasn't expecting to have to deal with what might happen if people did.
Haiiro sighs, rubbing the back of her head. She had a plan for a way to prank Al, but had completely forgotten what it was.
Han laughed a bit, "Yep, the woods are a quiet place." He said jumping down. "Ready to go everyone?!" Han asked yelling. He knew dinner was gonna be ready in a few hours.


@Daniel reaver
Thanos childishly hugged luminas waist and giggled "I like that name" he said as he held onto her while smiling

"No" daniel yelled back trying to sound calm like nothing was wrong as he kept reading the book

Lumina flipped out when he grabbed her waist and her body involuntarily enveloped itself in flames as she tried to jump away from him.
Thanos looked at the flame boy a little disappointed "why I like her" he said as he held onto her happily then fell backwards when she burst into flames
Haiiro smiles, whispering to Al, "I can turn you into one for the hotsprings trip so you can sneak in if you want. But you'll owe me for it." She says before putting the camera back in her pocket.
"Let g-go! No please..." tears fought their way to form in her amber and gold eyes, which now looked emblazoned with flames of their own. The fire around Lumina only seemed to grow with her hysteria.
Ramona pulled out her phone, "Haiiro, I have pics of you too. Ya know?" She said smirking as she put her phone away. "I'll send them to everyone."
"Lumina! control yourself I can teach you how if you want trust me I do the same thing when i get angry" Al yanked Thanos off "Dude not cool!"
Thanos let go and started to walk away sadly "ok" he said as he was pulled off of her "I'm sorry" he mumbled as he layed there on the ground
Haiiro frowns. "Hey, I only showed it to Al, no one else! Seriously, watch, I'm deleting the picture!" She yells, deleting the picture from the camera.
Ramona chuckled, "You obviously know whats best for you." She said smiling evilly. "Show it to anyone else and your dog meat."
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