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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Han blinked, "Try that section over there." He pointed to a section labeled 'Power Origin Unknown'. "Seems like the most reliable if you ask me. " Han said walking Dylan in that general direction as he kept his nose in his book.

(( I'm gonna go for the night. Bye everyone ))
Daniel reaver]"It's ok blue" he said wraping his arms around her tightly to comfort her "it's ok" he said as he looked down at the book about him while still holding blue and read "these beats will always turn evil eventually acending to a final form more commonly known as a dragon God" he read in his mind as he held blue tight [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7449-sixxx/ said:
"goddess of life and a dragon god "she kissed him " pretty good match dont you think?" she wraped her arms around his neck and smiled
Daniel fake smiled and kissed blue back "yup I guess it is" he said before looking back at the book and at the picture of a trancended final born on the page

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.a6a89a52c3a2fd8a38467d253aaaf8bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48653" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.a6a89a52c3a2fd8a38467d253aaaf8bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"The stage in which a final born starts to trancend is usually after he mates for the first time" he read in his mind while hugging blue a little tighter


Thanos looked around but didn't see any one "mama there's no one around" he said as he looked back at shade with a pout spread across his face @shyland



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"hey " she said hooking her finger under his chin making him look at her " you could be a huge monster who terrorizes and kills, but to me you are my sweet Daniel , you are still you, just a bit stronger " she kissed him and smiled " your dragon self will look extremely badass" she says looking at the page

@Daniel reaver
Daniel looked back at blue then kissed her "I might be bad ass when it happenes but I'll never come back to you blue. The only way to stop it would be to kill me or let me rip this world to shreds and starve my self" he said before kissing blue again

"Theres usually one fight or strange thing going on int the yard at all timees" he said as he came in closer to shade a little scared

Blue looked at him shocked tears run down her face and she jumps up and turns into a bird flying away to a far away cliff .when she lands she turns human and sobs curling up in a cave ,crying

@Daniel reaver
Thanos griped the side of shades clothes and put his face into her hip "mama I don't want to be here right now" he said softly

Daniel watched blue fly away as pain filled his eyes again and made them look the way they did when he first got here. He walked back over to the book and kept reading as tears came to his eyes "there is no known way to stop the transcendence proses except killing the final born before he fully trancends" he read as he clenched his fist and put his head to the table then got up and left

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Blue say him leave the library and kept crying before changing to a bird and flying to him and changing humn still crying she walked up and hugged him sobing into his chest " its not fair! Have i not gone through enough to be happy ? do i need to suffer more in order to have you ?" she said clutching his shirt

@Daniel reaver
Daniel wraped his arms around blue and started to cry "I don't want this. I don't want to leave you blue" he said as he started to stroke the back of her head and holding her tight "blue I'm not gonna let this happen. I'll find away to stop it" he said sadly as he kissed her

"your not allowed to your staying here with me " she hugged him tight " your not allow to leave " she sighed knowing something like this would happen its her luck , she never would end up happy
Daniel kissed her again "I will. I'll stay by your side until the end. But I'm not gonna let that end come without a fight" he said as he put his hands on blues cheeks and looked into her eyes "I'll find a way to stop the trancendance"


Thanos sat there worried about shade and was debating going back to grab her "I can't let mama so this alone" he said worried out of his mind

" be a giant bad ass dragon ill heal everything you break but dont leave me, just come home and night and hold me thats all im asking" she got on her toes and kissed him softly on the lips and then hugged him
"Forever blue forever" he said after she kissed him then he held her tight "we need to go back to the library maybe there's another book about final born" he said before he kissed blue again

" not yet " she said hugging him " i dont want to go back there yet ...i just i want to stay out here in the sun ,with you for a few minutes more"
"Whatever you want blue" he said as he held her tight "whatever you want" he said softly into her ear


Thanos had walked around oblivion until he found the two spirits "hi guys" he said happily "mamas gonna be along soon" he said to them as they smiled at him

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