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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Blue huggs him " theres gotta be a loop hole , dont worry there is always a loophole and we willl find it and do just about anything for it " she smiled a little and kissed him . a few minutes later she takes his hand and they return to the library " and the search begins "

@Daniel reaver
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"Shade! Hey there!" Moriko was passing and caught the dark haired girl in the corner of her eye. "Are you looking for something?" She asked as she made her way over.
Shade turns tword the nimph girl " yes actually don't you find it weird that no body's really around or its fighting in yard out front
Moriko looked around. "Hm,...now that you mention it... yeah a little" the girl furrowed her brow.
"Well, where do you think they are?"

(Brb in about 20-30 minutes)

(Aaaand everyone is gone))
@Shiroe Kurona[/URL] (Communicated)
Omg what is this beautiful voice Akihiko thought as he turned around He saw a beautiful girl Akihiko blushed slightly and said Oh hey......I am....Fine Akihiko said to The girl


[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]( had to leave the house I'll reply in a bit)

(Where is your reply)
Mamoreru stepped away from the girl, looking down slightly. 'Well, this is awkward...' She thought, stepping away and going back into the school hurriedly. She unded up looking at the boy who was yelling in the halls. "Are you okay now?" She asks, tilting her head to the side again.

Oh hey...... I am.... Fine

Mamoreru, who was carry books currently, noticed his slight blushing. She furrowed her eyebrows concerned and walked over infront of him, pressing her hand against his forehead.
"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked him, taking her hand away from his forehead. @Shiroe Kurona
Morgan enters the school with baggy eyes because he didn't sleep well "that damn neighbor" he was really annoyed and kicks a can and the can flew far away.
Slaxt said:
He chuckles lightly and rubs the back of his head "Well... I'm not very good at deciding.. So can you decide?" He smiles at her.
Yoruichi jumps off the bed and turns back into her Human Form, of course she wasn't dressed. She had clothes though, they were on the floor and she picked them up, putting them on as she spoke;

"I guess you could meet some people I've brought with me." She smiled and walked into the living room after getting changed.

Asphyxiated said:
Cerin let go of Vex when Akira disappeared, only for Vex cling to him, sobbing. He wanted to push him off and yell at him for being so careless, but also knew his brother needed some form of comfort. Reluctantly bringing a hand up to pet his head, Cerin scowled behind his mask in disgust. Drea appeared into the yard and began repairing the hole in the wall. It wasn't a surprise she wasn't phased by the situation, being partially dead herself.
Cerin caught Vex when he collapsed from exhaustion and held him up as he dragged him out of the guest room into Vex's room. He laid him on the bed and huffed, crouching down and holding his head with a puff of smoke. "Why did this happen..."

Hitting the hay.))
Tasuke walked down the path through the gates to the house, but he didn't get far, as soon as he got to the gate he hid behind the wall and sat harshly on his butt - crying silently. After a couple minutes he lifted the crystal of Mahiro up and looked at it, a glint in his eyes;

"You idiot. Leaving me. My only family... now who do I have to talk to?" He went silent, "I'm gonna miss you." He leaned on his hand that held the crystal and let out a big sigh. Eventually he leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes, holding the crystal near his chest he slowly pushed it inside of him, he didn't crystallise his body, so he felt the pain as he forced the crystal through his skin and ribs towards his heart. Tasuke screamed in pain and coughed blood as his heart reached out and grabbed Mahiro, pulling it in and making it one with his own heart, it was sudden and Tasuke was knocked out cold as his body repaired itself.
Mamoreru stepped away slightly when he said he was fine, pretending to be completely oblivious to his blushing face. "Whatever you say." She said, not knowing what to do then. She wanted to get back to her original self, not needing friends or wanting any in the first place. Knowing people made her feel odd- and so she stood there, shifting from left foot to right foot while holding her books.
[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]
Mamoreru stepped away slightly when he said he was fine, pretending to be completely oblivious to his blushing face. "Whatever you say." She said, not knowing what to do then. She wanted to get back to her original self, not needing friends or wanting any in the first place. Knowing people made her feel odd- and so she stood there, shifting from left foot to right foot while holding her books.

Hey.......i am sorry i weirded you out Akihiko said as he got the courage to talk I am sorry ok? Akihiko then looked at the girl and said My name is Akihiko what's yours?
"Didn't weird me out, just.. Nevermind." She quickly dismissed what she was going to say and nodded. "I'm Mamoreru, nice to meet you." She said, bowing slightly. "So.. Why were you yelling earlier?" She asks, cocking her head to the side and staring at him. She was trying to see what he was feeling through his expression and actions. @Shiroe Kurona
LonelyAssassin said:
Tasuke walked down the path through the gates to the house, but he didn't get far, as soon as he got to the gate he hid behind the wall and sat harshly on his butt - crying silently. After a couple minutes he lifted the crystal of Mahiro up and looked at it, a glint in his eyes;
"You idiot. Leaving me. My only family... now who do I have to talk to?" He went silent, "I'm gonna miss you." He leaned on his hand that held the crystal and let out a big sigh. Eventually he leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes, holding the crystal near his chest he slowly pushed it inside of him, he didn't crystallise his body, so he felt the pain as he forced the crystal through his skin and ribs towards his heart. Tasuke screamed in pain and coughed blood as his heart reached out and grabbed Mahiro, pulling it in and making it one with his own heart, it was sudden and Tasuke was knocked out cold as his body repaired itself.
Cerin stood after a moment, running his hands through his chalky hair. Maybe I should stop making friends..They all end up dead. He would've cried more than he had, but he couldn't. His eyes shot over to Vex when he heard him stop breathing in his sleep and start again. Since when did that start? Cerin shook his head and sighed, running his thumb across Vex's closed eyelids and wiping away the tears that escaped from his wet lashes. Idiot...you did this to yoursel-- his thoughts were cut off when he heard someone scream. Cerin glanced at Vex before letting out a huff of smoke and scurrying out of the room. He left the house and walked down the pathway, a brow raising when he saw Tasuke out cold behind the gates. for the first time since he'd met him, he felt something other than disdain towards the guy. Poor Tasuke.

Cerin wasn't sure what to do with him. Blood covered his body from holding Vex, but he didn't hesitate to lift him from the ground and start to walk towards the house. When he got inside, he put Tasuke on the couch and sat on the coffee table, watching him. Something Cerin hadn't questioned: why did he knock out?
Asphyxiated said:
Cerin stood after a moment, running his hands through his chalky hair. Maybe I should stop making friends..They all end up dead. He would've cried more than he had, but he couldn't. His eyes shot over to Vex when he heard him stop breathing in his sleep and start again. Since when did that start? Cerin shook his head and sighed, running his thumb across Vex's closed eyelids and wiping away the tears that escaped from his wet lashes. Idiot...you did this to yoursel-- his thoughts were cut off when he heard someone scream. Cerin glanced at Vex before letting out a huff of smoke and scurrying out of the room. He left the house and walked down the pathway, a brow raising when he saw Tasuke out cold behind the gates. for the first time since he'd met him, he felt something other than disdain towards the guy. Poor Tasuke.
Cerin wasn't sure what to do with him. Blood covered his body from holding Vex, but he didn't hesitate to lift him from the ground and start to walk towards the house. When he got inside, he put Tasuke on the couch and sat on the coffee table, watching him. Something Cerin hadn't questioned: why did he knock out?
Tasuke took a while to come to again, his eyes fluttered open and he remained staring in the direction he was looking when his eyes actually opened. He made no sudden movements, he could've been in danger for all he cared. His head slowly rose and he saw Cerin covered in blood - Mahiro's blood;

"Thanks." He referred to being carried in here and leaned his head back and looked at the ceiling, "You're going to have to... Watch Vex. He might do some more stupid things..."
"Oh." She said, understanding his situoation a bit better. "I guess so." She said, not actually knowing what made schools boring but she didn't admit it. "My name means..." She, pursed her lips slightly. "I don't know. It means Mamoreru." She said, shrugging. Small amounts of smoke seeped past her lips and she sighed, sending more smoke out. 'By this rate, I'm going to be 4'5". Stop letting out smoke.' She told herself, letting what smoke was left slip out before closing her mouth and trying her best to not let the smoke escape. @Shiroe Kurona (I understand ^m^)
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Luna was silent. She had released Shiroes arm, a cold stone gaze turning to stare at a seemingly blank wall. A crushing feeling in her heart, she grit her teeth and straightened her posture, turning her back to the remaining two in the room. "Dammit... Tasuke.... "

(Here Shiroe )
LonelyAssassin said:
Tasuke took a while to come to again, his eyes fluttered open and he remained staring in the direction he was looking when his eyes actually opened. He made no sudden movements, he could've been in danger for all he cared. His head slowly rose and he saw Cerin covered in blood - Mahiro's blood;
"Thanks." He referred to being carried in here and leaned his head back and looked at the ceiling, "You're going to have to... Watch Vex. He might do some more stupid things..."
Cerin nodded when he thanked him, looking away at his last words. "I know he will, but He's out cold right now." It was odd to hear Tasuke say something like that. Especially since Vex did just kill his only brother. Cerin didn't think anything of it past that, but was curious of what happened to him."why were you knocked out?"
Asphyxiated said:
Cerin nodded when he thanked him, looking away at his last words. "I know he will, but He's out cold right now." It was odd to hear Tasuke say something like that. Especially since Vex did just kill his only brother. Cerin didn't think anything of it past that, but was curious of what happened to him."why were you knocked out?"
"I did something stupid myself." Tasuke looked back at Cerin then down at his hands which were palm side up in front of him, "And it's going to have consequences, it should happen soon - don't try and help me if I start... uh... changing."
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