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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Daniel spread his wings "Dude this place is huge" he said as he took off and flew around the library until he found a book that was labeled <the Kings of nature> "hey blue I think I found tha book" he called out as he picked it out of the shelf and landed

Han nodded as Dylan took his hand, "Yep, this is all my grandfathers." Han said. He hasn't been in this area for years. Han grabbed the book explaining everything on 'Fire Manipulation and Magic' and continued walking, "Whatever book you need to learn something from its yours." Han said
"Good mama" he said as he took out the Popsicle "how about you" he said before puting the Popsicle back in his mouth and rubbing up against shade

Blue looked at it and grined "Nature Gods? psht why would you hand....." she opened it and it showed a drawing of her with everything in her life up untill that moment with the description of her goddess status " Blue - goddess of all life . Queen of the living . She has the brightest Aurora from being pure " blues lip quivered "im...im.." she couldnt even speak as she kept reading

Dylan walked over to see what he was talking about " what did you find Daniel?" she said looking at him wishing she could find something for her self

@RomanTheFireGod @Daniel reaver
Han ran over to Daniel, "Whats up?" Asked Han curiously. "WAIT! That book. No. Get rid of it now." Han said backing away actually frightened about something, "That book is pure evil."
"Here listen to this" he said before starting to read "a rare race known as final born. This race being a mixture of dragon and angel have been named final born for a reason. That reason being that they are the perfect mixture of power and brains,savage skill and sofisticated ness meaning that there isn't a more perfect mixture of blood in all the uneversal planes." He read out of the book then looked up at them "why hans this book just told me that I'm not a screw up in the genetic sequence" he said

Cerin let go of Vex when Akira disappeared, only for Vex cling to him, sobbing. He wanted to push him off and yell at him for being so careless, but also knew his brother needed some form of comfort. Reluctantly bringing a hand up to pet his head, Cerin scowled behind his mask in disgust. Drea appeared into the yard and began repairing the hole in the wall. It wasn't a surprise she wasn't phased by the situation, being partially dead herself.

Cerin caught Vex when he collapsed from exhaustion and held him up as he dragged him out of the guest room into Vex's room. He laid him on the bed and huffed, crouching down and holding his head with a puff of smoke. "Why did this happen..."

Hitting the hay.))
Han hoped for Daniel not to read the last page. "Daniel! Whatever you do don't read that last page! It summons the worst things possible!" Han ran to the more detailed fire magic books.
Blue looked up at them from reading the book "daniel did you know about this ?"she said holding up the book after reading it " you handed me this book , why ? did you know ?"

@RomanTheFireGod @Daniel reaver
"Ok I wont" Daniel said as he flipped to the next page about the final born

"But there are conciquenses to being the perfect mixture. Being that the will have to deal with the personalatys and instincts of both beings and how the mixture of power makes them more dangerous than any God could ever be making it so that they will always be hunted down for the safety of the world" Daniel read before seting the book down slowly "I don't know blue I just felt that you had to read it" he said looking up at blue "why what does it say" he asked as he walked over to her

Roman had a book in one hand and used his free hand to shoot a huge golden fireball, "Holy crap!" Han jaw dropped. He never seen something so cool, "That was badass!!!" He yelled.
"i... im a goddess....i cant believe...how ?" she sat down again "Goddess of all that is life " she sighed walking over to daniel and hugged him feeling insecure now

"It's ok blue" he said wraping his arms around her tightly to comfort her "it's ok" he said as he looked down at the book about him while still holding blue and read "these beats will always turn evil eventually acending to a final form more commonly known as a dragon God" he read in his mind as he held blue tight

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