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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Daniel walked up behind blue and looked at the cliff "what are we waiting for then" he said as he slid his hand into blues and smiled at her


LonelyAssassin said:
Tasuke's face was dry suddenly, his arms fell to his sides and his face was dead straight, the only thing he was focused on was Mahiro's corpse - he didn't even care that Akira had appeared which was unusual; he walked over to it kneeling down by his brother's head, "Not if I can help it." He placed his hand on his head and Ice formed over him, forming over his entire body until he could not be seen through it. After this process the Ice shrunk and as it got smaller it turned into a red crystal which he picked up and kept tightly in his hand. His face remained emotionless as he looked at Vex, his features softened when he looked at Cerin and he walked out of the room and down the stairs to the entrance of the house.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira manifested within the same room as Tasuke and the others. He knew Vex and Cerin from the first time he had taken the small female to them, claiming that someone was her uncle. He leaned against one of the four walls and spoke♅...
“ You know he's gone forever, right? Heaven was wiped from existence, meaning everyone that dies that is of pure heart will be sent to Nothingness. Unless.. ”

...♅Akira finished talking as he lay on a nearby couch and manifested a glass of red wine. He stared at the glass' contents. smiling slightly. He continued♅...

“ We make a deal~ ”


Vex watched Tasuke, his eyes widening when he walked away. He scrambled to his feet and tried to run after him, but was caught by Cerin who held him firmly. He shot his gaze to Akira and growled while he squirmed," GET OUT OF MY HOu-" Cerin cupped a hand over Vex's mouth, looking at the other person who appeared in the guest room with....a couch? He huffed a cloud and stared at him blankly,"Sorry, we don't make deals involving death- ow!" Cerin shook his hand in the air when Vex bit him and tightened his grip around him.
Shade pic thanos up and puts him on a his dorm bed and closes the door and stays by the door falling asleep her self
Thanos slept soundly in the bed shifting around every once and a while. He woke up a while later and sat up rubbing his eyes "mama?" He said softly as he yawned and streched

Dylan took Hans hand as they walked " so what are we doing to night ? with your family ?" she said a grin " i like your family "

...♅Akira observed them and soon laughed. He stood up and spoke, soon dissolving into golden particles♅...

“ I see. Well then, goodbye. ”

...♅Akira appeared within Euphoria♅...
blue walked up with them smileing and blushing before kissing him as they walked " im so excited to see the view "
"Good" he says as he yawns then sits down in front of shade "you slept too didn't you mama" he askes with a sleepy smile on his face

"We did skip dinner yesterday." Han said holding Dylan's hand. "So, that can be an option. Or-- Aaaaaaaaahhh!!!!" Han yelled as he dell down a hole. "What the hell is this?! Wait! I know this place. Everyone come here!" Han had found a hidden lair to his grandfather's secret magic library, Han set a flame with his finger using it as a touch.
Blue hopped down the hole and smiled looking around happy to be able to move she looked up and called to Daniel "come on hun!"
Daniel quickly jumped into the hole then let the markings spread over him and glow brighter that hans little lighter flame "wait did you say magic library" he asked Hans


"That's good" thanos said as his stomach growled and he stood up and slowly walked over to the fridge "I'm hungry" he wined as he looked through the fridge

"Sure did!" Han said cheerfully opening the door. It made a loud screeching noise that bothered Han's ears, "Goddamn noise..." Han walked into the library, he was surprised to see all the books on magic his grandfather had kept secret from the rest of his family all these years. "Marvellous." Han whispered. "This is awesome!"
Dylan jumped down and looked around "wow this is freakin cool what is it " she took his non flaming hand and smiled "it smells like cologne and old books "she said with a grin " this belonged to your grandfather "

PixelScoreMC said:
Zero couldn't take holding it in anymore, since he could tell her powers were limited and her memories were sealed anyways. "Yeah, you know me. Evangel, you're actually God. And I destroyed Heaven. I didn't do it because of any grudge though, it was to help someone." His face was straight, as he was wondering how she would react.
Oh you're so silly~" She giggled. "I can't be God..." Her eyes widened as realization hit her. "I m-mean it's just no possible. If...then..." She rambled on as she started shaking. "Has my entire life been a lie?" She breathed out as she started to cry.
Mamoreru's eyes widened slightly as the girl began to cry. 'What..?' She thought, standing and awkwardly walking over to them. "Uh.. Are you... Okay?" She asks awkwardly, trying to figure out how to calm the girl now. She patted the girls head in hopes it would make her feel better.
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