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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Daniel had smiled when blue kissed his shoulder and looked away when blue got out of bed. He didn't mind her being naked but he though she still might not like him looking at her. "No I don't and I never will" he said as blue sat in his lap and kissed his nose
" morning coffee boy" she said to han giggling a bit as she handed him some coffee and kissing him "howd ya sleep" she said hoping up and siting on the counter as she sipped the coffee

"What time is it mama" thanos said happily as he still held on to shade "Have you ever seen oblivion??" He asked quickly not caring if she wandered his last question

'Ramona' climbed out her window with the ladder she made earlier to see Thanos, "Hey, Thanos its me Roman." She said smiling and waving, "Haiiro turned me into a girl, so I go by Ramona now."
Thanos looked at the girl and yelled before hiding behind shade "mama who's that" he said before puting the pieces together "wait roman why are you a pretty girl" he said blankly while still hiding behind shade "it's a place that ancient necromancers made as a safe haven for them" he said to shade

@RomanTheFireGod @shyland
Haiiro disappears silently, appearing in the school's courtyard and climbing one of the trees in the center of the courtyard silently.
Han sipped the coffee. "I slept well." He said sitting down at the kitchen table. "Yo bro!" Han's younger brother said. "Wha--" Han was interrupted by his brother when he caught sight of Dylan again. "We meet once again." Han's brother said. Han just sipped his coffee laughing.
Ramona giggles, "Haiiro turned me into a girl because I did something wrong." She says as she materializes a handgun, "My powers still work well." She said dematerializing the weapon. "Don't be scared of me though, I met be a little girly for a while." She said winking. She then climbed down into her dorm once again.
When Mamoreru didn't get an answer from the boy, she pouted lightly, not liking begin ignored. She went walked away from him, not going back upstairs since she left them for no good reason and felt bad for doing so to the childish boy, so she went out to the courtyard once again. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a girl climbing a tree. She walks over quickly, some more purple smoke foaming fromher mouth. She covered ehr mouth so that it wouldn't make the girlin the tree dizzy and hurt herself. "Are you okay?" She asked the girl, her voice muffled which made it barely audiable. Mamoreru herself, started to get a little dizzy but she continued to tand her ground.

Thanos looked at roman blankly as she climbed down the ladder then he looked to shade "can we go mama?" He said to her hoping she said yes to visiting oblivion "pleasssseee" he begged


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Haiiro stares at the window to Ramona's dorm silently before thinking she heard someone. "Is someone there?" She asked, staring at the ground and looking around before noticing Mamoreru. "Did you say something to me?"
Blue grinned and hugged him forcing them to flop back " come on , lets go get some breakfast "she kissed him passtionetly running her hand down his chest and jumped up pulling on panties and shorts "come on make it so you arent so naked and ill go down and get some food" she gave him a quick kiss and hoped down the stairs trying to not look so obviously happy "good morning "

Mamoreru nods, happy that the girl took notice of the mumbling. Suddenly, she started to stumble backwards and fall. To catch her fall, she took her hand off her mouth and the purple smoke flew out of her mouth, looking like purple clouds. She swayed as he sat on the ground. @AriaTheWatcher
Haiiro frowns, wondering what in the heck was with that purple smoke. "Err, you okay there?" She asks, jumping out of the tree and landing next to Mamoreru.
Asphyxiated said:
"Rrrrrrrrr...." Vex froze, a muffled growl escaping as if telling him to stop resisting. Even though he was causing him pain. "Agg.." His jaws loosened from his shoulder for a solitary moment, his claws kept sunken into the flesh yet unmoving. A salty liquid rolled from his eyes as he growled furiously, continued his movements, and bit into his shoulder- tearing something from it. It was the meat from it. There was a splatter, and a crunch. Vex pulled him closer until his chest was pressed to his back, drinking the blood that spilled from the new wound with tears falling from his cheeks. The animalistic expression seemed to just barely soften when his piercing glare locked onto Mahiro's bloodied face. His grip around him tightened just before it all came to a halt, stopping his movements and lifting his head from his shoulder with a roar that dwindled into a whine. "GRAHHHHhhh..."
Cerin finally woke from his unconscious state in the woods and coughed, spilling blood, dirt, and clouds of smoke from his lungs. His body was healing, though it was slower than usual. Jerking his head at the sound of roaring, He picked himself up from the ground and started to limp back to the house, holding his ribcage as more smoke left his lungs, not caring to put his mask on.
Mahiro was being treated like a rag doll and piece of meat, a play thing, there were moments when he thought Vex was coming too - when he cried - he could see it and it broke him further, tore his heart to shreds. The pain was too much to bare and he could feel it draining his life away, his shoulder was now mutilated as well and blood was just rushing to escape from him.

"H--help... Vex!.. C-cerin... Drea... ...T-tasuke." Mahiro looked at Vex's soft gaze when it locked onto him, there was a moment and it made him smile. Just before death he would smile at his True Love, his working hand cupped Vex's opposite cheek, "I... I... Love you..."

Mahiro's arm fell and he roared as Vex roared, the roar becoming more of a whimper as tears streamed down his face. His body was limp, but he wasn't dead yet. He felt nothing... and could do nothing. He was close.
Daniel lauphed slightly as they floped back into the bed. Daniel was about to say something when blue kissed him "all right" Daniel said as he pulled on some under wear and sweats not carying about a shirt and the few gaint scars on his chest and back "this will do" he said as he walked out the room and streached his wings before walking down the stairs "morning every one" he said as he streches his wings again

Han's brother replied, "Jinta. Why are you two laughing?" He asked. Han slowly recovered sipping his coffee then looking at Jinta, "Because your hilarious!" Han said laughing again. "You'd never be able to come between Dylan and I." Han said putting a arm around Dylan's shoulders.
Mamoreru gives Haiiro a thumbs up. "I've had to live with it for as long as I remember- surprised that I haven't developed an immunity or something..." She mumbled to herself, introducing herself quickly, "I'm Mamoreru." She said. Why was she acting friendlier than usual? She didn't start conversations with people- if they want to talk to her, let them talk to her. 'What is wrong with me today?' She thought, taking in a deep breathe.

Haiiro smiles. "It's nice to meet you Mamoreru, I'm glad your alright." She says before starting to climb the tree again.
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