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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Haiiro appears behind Roman. "I don't take kindly to people who reverse what I do to them." She says in a deceptively calm tone.
Asphyxiated said:
Vex raised his head to Mahiro's voice. His mouth wet with red matches the tongue that hung from his lips as the beastial look in his eyes locked on him. "Grrrrr...." Another low growl escaped. Whatever Vex was thinking, he pulled himself up and decreasing the force holding Mahiro down. He took his hands and legs off of him slowly. flipping over his body, claws dug into his waist when he pulled up his waist and moved the material away. An arm came to wrap under his, around his chest, lifting his torso up whilst a blood-stained tongue trailed up the back of his neck and he penetrated his flesh, biting into his shoulder deeply. Vex's sharp claws mercilessly sink into his shoulder and dragged across the skin whilst he shifted, shaking his head to deepen his sharp teeth's grasp.
Mahiro felt the pressure relieve from his body, this was his chance, his chance to get away. But he had no strength to use, it had all been clawed from him and his body felt heavy. With all his strength he brought his right hand across and slapped Vex, but he just remained as bestial as ever. His arm slumped and his body was flipped over with no ever, her felt his blood stain more of his body as he was turned over and then he was pulled into Vex. And it hurt. There was no love, there was no pleasure between the two. Was he even his Lover anymore?

"V..vex.... n...nAAAH!" He was lifted, his chest being suffocated and the scratches just made it worse, the humiliation... the heartbreak. It all accumulated, Vex was going to have his way with him and he had no strength to stop him. GAH! M-more pain, the feeling of his arm went as he felt Vex's head bury into his shoulder, his working hand gripped his hair tightly.

"p-please... d-dear..... c-come BACK!" He spat more blood, a lot more, the bottom of his chin now just painted red
Roman rolled off the couch in his dorm, "Haiiro! How are ya?" Roman asked nervously smiling. "I didn't reverse anything... " he said nervously.
erm ...*fade to black with blue and Daniel*

Blue woke up the next morning and looked at daniel and blushed snuggling closer to him

@Daniel reaver

RomanTheFireGod said:
Han smiled as Dylan went upstairs. Han's father asked, "You really like her don't you?" Han eyes grew wide, "Oh, dad haha, you, haha. *Cough cough*! You are such a kidder." Han tried to cover his voice in fake laughs and coughs. "Son I already know." He said laighing. Han finished his coffee really quick and darted to his room and laid back down sleeping once again.
(wait what are they talking about)

Dylan snuggle up to Han and fell asleep finally later she woke up in his arms but stayed the comfy and happy
RomanTheFireGod said:
Roman rolled off the couch in his dorm, "Haiiro! How are ya?" Roman asked nervously smiling. "I didn't reverse anything... " he said nervously.
Haiiro grins. "It really annoys me when people reverse what I do to them." She says, snapping her fingers and turning Roman into a girl. "It would benefit you not to annoy me."
Shade walks by as she hears thanos crying and she looks up to find him on the roof " why are you crying shade calls up t9 thanos
Thanos looked down when he herd shades voice "I wasn't crying I was just wishing I could see mama and papa" he said with a fake smile then wispered "even though they don't care for me" he wispered sadly as he fake smiled at shade

Blue felt him smile and grinned herself " that was a very nice night "she said kissing him turning red " i dont know what to do now " she whispered in his ear "ive never dont this before "

@Daniel reaver
Daniel slowly woke up after blue said some thing in his ear "Wh-what?" He said softly as he looked at blue and smilied happily "morning blue" he wispered while bringing a hand up to her cheek

Daniel reaver]Thanos looked down when he herd shades voice "I wasn't crying I was just wishing I could see mama and papa" he said with a fake smile then wispered "even though they don't care for me" he wispered sadly as he fake smiled at shade [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14736-shyland/ said:
Yea they aren't very good at that hence why I got put into a foster home and I'm sorry shade climbs up and sits next to thanos
"They never had time for me" he said looking away from shade "I've never known what it's really like to have a mama and papa. I just want some one that I can call mama and won't kill when I touch her" he said softly as he opened a small black symbol in his hand and a small demon bird floated above it

Dylan woke up and kissed Han's forhead before climbing out of bed groggy and pulling on one of his shirts and a pair of cotton shorts and padding down the stairs making some coffee for herself not awake enough to notice if any one was in the kitchen with her

Daniel reaver]"They never had time for me" he said looking away from shade "I've never known what it's really like to have a mama and papa. I just want some one that I can call mama and won't kill when I touch her" he said softly as he opened a small black symbol in his hand and a small demon bird floated above it [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14736-shyland/ said:
I may be only 16 but if you want you can call me that and I want you to know that if you need any thing I'll help you kay
(( Nothing serious just how much Han likes Dylan. ))

Han felt warm as Dylan snuggled him. "Aaaaaaaah!!!" Han yawned loudly. He sat up and went to the window letting all the sunshine in blinding himself, "Agh! Damn morning sun!" Han walked downstairs and saw his brother, who then stuck his tongue out a Han. "You brat..." he said as he walked passed him


Roman looked at himself. "Hey. I'm hot! He said looking in a mirror. "But then again, why a girl?" He asked curiously. "Wait before you answer that I will be going by the name Ramona for the time being." He said


Roman looks like this now:

Daniel reaver]Thanos looked at shade suprised "r-really" he said as a smile spread across his face and he hugged her "thank you.....mama" he said happily [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14736-shyland/ said:
Shade nods yup your welcome shade smiles at thanos
RomanTheFireGod said:
Roman looked at himself. "Hey. I'm hot! He said looking in a mirror. "But then again, why a girl?" He asked curiously. "Wait before you answer that I will be going by the name Ramona for the time being." He said
Haiiro frowns, she had expected Roman to completely freak out or something, but apparently it hadn't phased him at all. She goes completely silent, unsure of what to say and seeming a bit confused.
"Perfect " she said sitng up kissing his shoulder and geting out of the bed figureing he'd seen her naked so no point in being shy she went over picking up the cloths and pulling daniels shirt on climbing back into be siting on his lap facing him kissing his nose " you dont regret it do you ?" she said looking worried

@Daniel reaver
LonelyAssassin said:
Mahiro felt the pressure relieve from his body, this was his chance, his chance to get away. But he had no strength to use, it had all been clawed from him and his body felt heavy. With all his strength he brought his right hand across and slapped Vex, but he just remained as bestial as ever. His arm slumped and his body was flipped over with no ever, her felt his blood stain more of his body as he was turned over and then he was pulled into Vex. And it hurt. There was no love, there was no pleasure between the two. Was he even his Lover anymore?
"V..vex.... n...nAAAH!" He was lifted, his chest being suffocated and the scratches just made it worse, the humiliation... the heartbreak. It all accumulated, Vex was going to have his way with him and he had no strength to stop him. GAH! M-more pain, the feeling of his arm went as he felt Vex's head bury into his shoulder, his working hand gripped his hair tightly.

"p-please... d-dear..... c-come BACK!" He spat more blood, a lot more, the bottom of his chin now just painted red
"Rrrrrrrrr...." Vex froze, a muffled growl escaping as if telling him to stop resisting. Even though he was causing him pain. "Agg.." His jaws loosened from his shoulder for a solitary moment, his claws kept sunken into the flesh yet unmoving. A salty liquid rolled from his eyes as he growled furiously, continued his movements, and bit into his shoulder- tearing something from it. It was the meat from it. There was a splatter, and a crunch. Vex pulled him closer until his chest was pressed to his back, drinking the blood that spilled from the new wound with tears falling from his cheeks. The animalistic expression seemed to just barely soften when his piercing glare locked onto Mahiro's bloodied face. His grip around him tightened just before it all came to a halt, stopping his movements and lifting his head from his shoulder with a roar that dwindled into a whine. "GRAHHHHhhh..."

Cerin finally woke from his unconscious state in the woods and coughed, spilling blood, dirt, and clouds of smoke from his lungs. His body was healing, though it was slower than usual. Jerking his head at the sound of roaring, He picked himself up from the ground and started to limp back to the house, holding his ribcage as more smoke left his lungs, not caring to put his mask on.
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