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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Neither one of them is hunting you Daniel , im sorry about him , hes just a bit on edge" she smiled and let her go and turn to Daniel " you need to relax when on this campus you , for the most part are safe , hell even i am safe here "
Han noticed the two by some broken trees with a girl and landed. "If I may ask, whats going on here?" He asked sarcasticly.
"Hans" I said a little suprised "why are you here" I then looked over at blue "if you had heard what happened to me you would understand why I'm so nervous and quick to take action against the hunters" I then looked over at hans with a you know what I'm talking about look
"thats my son Jackson " she smiled down at the stroller where a beautiful baby boy slept she looked exhusted and rundown but she still smiled " are you new here ?"
Shi blinked when it was over and rubbed her head, feeling as if a weight was lifted off of her mind. She crossed her arms along her chest and frowned,"I told you I wasn't a hunter."

Ai eased his tense state when the girl named blue pulled away from Shi and stood, his image flickering out as Shi calmed. He eventually became invisible to anyone who didn't have a high level of spiritual energy and walked out from the shadows, hopping onto Shi's back once more since she couldn't see him.
Blue sighed and turned on her heel and just started walking away " Daniel cool down , clear your head ,appologize to them ....imma go to my dorm ... are you coming Han?"

@RomanTheFireGod @Daniel reaver
I looked down in shame then coldly at shi "I'm sorry" I said with agitation in my voice "I guess I'm trying to be a little to safe" I said as I looked at blue one more time then launched into the air flying deeper into the woods

I looked down in shame then coldly at shi "I'm sorry" I said with agitation in my voice "I guess I'm trying to be a little to safe" I said as I looked at blue one more time then launched into the air flying deeper into the woods
"Cute kid," Ken said, his solid expression unwavering as he looked from him to her,"yeah, I just got here a day or two ago."
Shi nodded, not sure what to say in response. She rubbed the back of her head, turning her gaze over,"tough crowd.." Shi huffed and looked out to the forest,"where the hell am I..."
I quickly flew to a cave in a mountain near the campus and started pacing back and forth "that scent it's got to be hers it's just got to be" I said as I quickly paced and though about it
" you like it?" Jackson woke up and began to cry so she plucked him from the stroller and she sat down against the tree bouncing him to calm him , her eyes were half open
Shi placed her hands on her hips, turning in different directions to try and remember which direction they came in. She stopped when she realized she wouldn't remember and chose a random direction, "alright.." She marched on through the forest without a second thought, ignoring the feeling she was headed the wrong direction.
"this is the only home i have , what can you do?" she rocked him in her arms while he held the doggie tight in his little hands
"Not much." Ken said, resituating the bag on his shoulder. He wasn't sure exactly how to describe his abilities, and didn't feel comfortable showing them around a kid.
" im a fallen angel , my job is to cause all the destruction in the world , the plagues the disasters , thats what i do she shrugged andset jackson in the stroller


RomanTheFireGod said:
(( Sorry mu replies might be a little slow. ))
Han sat and waited for Blue. He checked the bag to make sure nothing was missing. "I guess I'll have to go check too." Han flew to the forest quickly.
(rrrreeeeeaaaaalllllllllyyyyyy slllloooowwwwwwwww lol)
I soon though of blue and hans "why is it that all I seem to do is come off as a jack ass or try to kill people" I let a couple years slide down my cheeks "maybe it's better to be alone. That way I can't hurt any one" I though as I slowly closed my eyes and tryes to sleep

(I wonder why his posts are slow?)
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]( xD I see, a clown, in a battle.

and Himeragi killed it cuz...she hates clowns xD )))
Shi stopped traversing through the forest when she realized this wasn't the right direction and turned around, going back to the small opening. "I'll never get anywhere doing this," she scanned the trees until she found the tallest of the bunch and began to climb, straddling the top limbs as she looked out over the forest. "This would picture perfect if it wasn't for the circumstances," she gave a half smile before she noticed the rooftops of the school. "Bingo!" Shi exclaimed whilst standing and changing forms into her sniper. She then ran and jumped from the extended limb, landing onto one in a different tree, repeating the process until she made it at least half way to the school. "Jeez, this is more effort than I thought it would be." Her concentration was broken with that thought and her foot slipped on the next branch, causing her to get caught onto the limb by her gun strap wrapped around her ankle.

Shi hung there huffing,"....this wasn't ruled out at a possibility..." She then started to try and lift herself up to the limb, but it only loosened the straps grip around her ankle and making her stop. "Welp....I'm doomed."
I sat up listening to the sounds of foot steps on tree branches and disided to go check it out. I extended my now normal angel wings and went to where the sounds stoped to find shi hanging there by a sniper rifle so I silently landed on the ground behind her and stared at her coldly "not a hunter huu" I said while staring at her "you coulda fooled me" I said with ice in my voice
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