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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Blue laughed and nodded " oh hey once we are outside the town i can gove you a quick ride back to campus, i couldn't do it with both but i can if its just you"
"Sure, I guess. But we didn't bring a car." Han said finally making it to the register.
" dont worry about it i have my back pack to carry stuff" she smirked and looked down when he started paying , habit so the cashiers didnt notice her

Han handed the cashier the money. "Well, explain to me how we're doing this then." He said as he grabbed the ingredients. He walked to the store doors and waited for Blue.

Blue pulled off her book bag grabed the stuff from him and stuffed it in handing him the bag and pulling him towards the esge of town explaining as she pulled " i can turn into any animal in the world so imma turn into a large pretty horse and give you a ride to campus " she nodded when they were out of town and walked away turning into a large horse with the same dark brown hair as blues and came trotting back with the same bright green eyes
"Cool! But I won't feel comfortable riding my friends back. Change back I have a better idea." He told her as he watched Blue transform.

Han smiled. "Hold on tight." He said as he put on the backpack. He then put his hand around her waist and flew quickly to the dorm.
Blue giggled like a child all the way there " much faster " she said happily


Sorry was eating dinner and im put and avout so illbe off and on sor the next few hours lol
...♅Akira stood still, giving the impression that he couldn't move. As Zero etched closer to him, his arms began to move. Orange flames suddenly shot from Akira, polluting the area around him and illuminating a path towards Zero. His maniacal grin had vanished as he was now serious. He began walking towards Zero, the flames dancing to their own sound. He spoke♅...

“ Was that meant to affect me? I am the God of Death, Darkness and Time to think that such a petty, generic technique would work on me is suicide. You're using two hundred percent of your powers? I am simply using seventy-five. However, if you continue to agitate me with such weak attacks, I'll use eight-five percent. ”

*looking at the forest from the school roof top, i then saw a ember of a flame come from the forest*

''forest fire..?''

*starts walking towards to fire*

*still waiting on Ayaka xD *
Stopping in his tracks, Zero's face morphed into one of fear. Shaking himself out of previous shock, he came to his senses. Snapping his fingers, he summoned a grinning face, and a frozen heart. A clown of ice with chiseled features. The frozen clown then took out three bowling pins from his back pocket, and started juggling them. "I'm so cool! I'm totes the goats, the clown!!" said totes the goats the clown.


(This is totes the goats the clown.)
nothin much...Add is in the rp (cant find his CS for some reason) and...yea)))


PixelScoreMC said:
Stopping in his tracks, Zero's face morphed into one of fear. Shaking himself out of previous shock, he came to his senses. Snapping his fingers, he summoned a grinning face, and a frozen heart. A clown of ice with chiseled features. The frozen clown then took out three bowling pins from his back pocket, and started juggling them. "I'm so cool! I'm totes the goats, the clown!!" said totes the goats the clown.

(This is totes the goats the clown.)
and...how is this gonna help you defeat Akira? especially when hes in THAT form? xD )))
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*looking at the forest from the school roof top, i then saw a ember of a flame come from the forest*
''forest fire..?''

*starts walking towards to fire*

*still waiting on Ayaka xD *

((( Probably best you don't go near them. You'll die, whether you want her to or not >.> )))

PixelScoreMC said:
Stopping in his tracks, Zero's face morphed into one of fear. Shaking himself out of previous shock, he came to his senses. Snapping his fingers, he summoned a grinning face, and a frozen heart. A clown of ice with chiseled features. The frozen clown then took out three bowling pins from his back pocket, and started juggling them. "I'm so cool! I'm totes the goats, the clown!!" said totes the goats the clown.

(This is totes the goats the clown.)
((( Uuh. I'm gonna go to bed.. )))
Shi scanned the courtyard as she walked through, pausing when she noticed something. Someone was watching her, though she wasn't sure how she knew. Her dark eyes brightened blue as she looked around with a zoomed view, stopping their movements when she saw a set of wings. "Wings?" Shi whispered, blinking a few times as the blue faded away.

"Hmmmm?" Ai lifted his head from Shi's when it moved and followed her gaze to the stranger. "What's this? An angel?" He questioned to himself.

@Daniel reaver
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( Probably best you don't go near them. You'll die, whether you want her to or not >.> )))
((( Uuh. I'm gonna go to bed.. )))

ok, g'night~)))
PixelScoreMC said:
((Does that mean I win?))
((( No. It means Akira wins, considering Zero left and an entirely new opponent appeared. )))

...♅Akira soon turned around from the clown and vanished, appearing beside Layla in his regular form. He wrapped both of his hands around her back and pulled her in close, soon talking as he looked down at her♅...

“ You're gonna be fine, Lala. ”

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*keeps running and sees the clown, freaked out, summons gun blades and shoots the clown until hes gone*

''dammit...i fucking hate clowns!!!'' >.<;;

in real life i hate clowns...)))
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