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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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He turns around again seeing the source of the noise, and waved. "Hi." He said reaching out his hand asking for the guy to shake it. "I'm Hansuke, nice to meet you." He said still awaiting a handshake.
"Hey, are you okay?" Han shook Daniel's hand quickly, to see if it would calm him. "Why are you so nervous?" He asked out of curiosity.
Blue smiles "hey fire boy you should start a bon fire " she grins pulling off her light hoodie exposing a her shoulders arms covered in long scars from whips and knives . 3 groups of vines pop out of the ground , weaving to make chairs for them to sit in

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"I-it's -n-n-nothing. J-just m-m-memories that's all" stares down at hand coldly as markings subside down into shirt. Stands there in silence for a little bit then Coughes while doing my best to smile "so"
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"Start a bonfire? Why would I- your arms." He said as he sat down in the vine-made chair. "And whatever your memory says about fire magic users, I'm different just quick to fight, with.a temper. Now you, what happened to your arms and shoulders?"
Looks down and unfolds glowing white wings "nothing happened to me it's just power mixing with bad memories that's all" looks over to flame guy "sorry if I took you the wrong way at first" slowly sits down "I just have a hard time trusting people you know. Because of what I am" stares into fire "plus it's not just my arms and shoulders"
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she winced and pulled the hoodie back on and pulled a lighter out of her pocket and took a few moments to light a fire the hard way before siting in the chair " you mean why do i have scars covering my entire body?" she looked at him with stoney grey eyes, all the beautiful green gone she sighed and pulled her legs up to her cheast , more scars reavealed on her ankles as her pant ride up a bit these ones where thick "my mother died protecting me , my father killed her and my baby sister , locked me in a room when i was 7 and beat me because i had powers" she said looking at the fire , too afriad to look at them

"he sent hunters after me when i ran away , told them i was a shape shifter, that was all i could do at time , so every where i hid there were people hunting me" she eyes stayed on the fire as it danced and licked at the air , it popped and millions of tiny sparks flew up and she stayed silent
Han added a few flicks of fire so it wouldn't die. "Hey, Daniel. Where are you going." He said as he stared at him and the forest ahead.
blue watched them leave and sighed curling up smaller in the vine chair and sees Daniel fly off she looks down and a few single tears fall down before she wipes them off feeling stupid for crying over what she already went through
Quickly flys off and gains alltitude while changing more and more to look like a dragon then drops slamming fists into grownd nocking down trees then roars so loud that it could be heard all the way at the campus
what are you doing ? whats wrong ? blue says into Daniel's mind she looks around to see if she can find the other boy "hey come back" she calls out to him @RomanTheFireGod
Doesn't awnser blue and keeps on destroying while growing to over twenty feet tall and launches into air again with a smoke trail flowing from behind
Stalls in mid air then rockets back down to the grownd smashing into it and making a giant crater as body turns back to original state "God damit I did it again" looks at grownd while panting heavily
Blue waited for the guys to come back watching the fire quietly

(i gtg to bed it 1 am @RomanTheFireGod TAG MEH WHEN YOU COME BACK)

ill reply in da morning
Slowly sits up and looks around at the carnage "what have I done"

(Got it)

Slowly sits up and looked around at the carnage I had caused "what have I done"

(Got it see you tomorow)
...♅Akira suddenly coughed up blood, a golden light soon forming around him. He doubled over in pain and grit his teeth. He spoke♅...

“ I'll.. be right back.. ”

...♅Akira vanished, appearing in his Estate's main building. He dropped onto his knees and screamed, a golden light suddenly exploding forth, temporarily neutralizing the barrier around the estate. When the golden light cleared, Akira was in a new form. He stood at above average height with light brown hair and brown eyes. He was dressed in a suit very neatly. He left the estate's building and walked out into the courtyard, then into the woods. He soon looked behind him and spoke♅...

“ He's here.. ”



...ΦZero sensed Akira's power exploding forth, causing him to jerk up. He looked around and soon vanished, appearing within the woods that was near the Estate. He walked towards Akira, soon talking to himΦ...

“ Where is she? ”

...ΦThe once rich trees around Zero began to wither and die as he spoke, the wind blowing furiously past themΦ...



...♅Akira looked at Zero with an unamused expression, soon replying to him♅...

“ Is it any of your business? ”



“ Don't fuck with me, Akira. ”

...ΦZero said as he glared at Akira, clearly angered at him. His powers slowly began risingΦ...



...♅Akira observed Zero's actions and then spoke♅...

“ I'm not. She's had not one, but two of my children. You're irrelevant to her now. ”

...♅Akira said as he glared at Zero with his brown irises♅...



...ΦZero soon looked down for a moment. He composed his thoughts and soon spoke, a smile on his faceΦ...

“ She has? Then I'll kill both of your children, then you. ”



...♅Akira's eyes soon widened and he looked down at the ground, soon stumbling forwards slightly. He spoke, his voice sounding darker than usual♅...

“ What did you say..? ”

...♅Akira stood there, his head facing the ground♅...



ΦZero glared it Akira, his powers of Darkness soon rushing forth, surrounding both Akira and himselfΦ...

“ You heard me. ”



“ I won't allow you to put even one finger on them ”

...♅Akira's brown eyes and hair suddenly turned red as he glared at Zero. The barrier around the Estate suddenly reactivated, expelling all foreign influences from the estate. Akira and Zero were already outside of the barrier, so they were unaffected...

“ I'll warn you now. If you come near Layla or my sons, I will end you. ”

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(oh dudes @LonelyAssassin forget about Shiroe coming to Mcdonalds and stuff)Shiroe waited for Yuroichi as he looked at the clock moving his head to the beat and when it reached 12 he stopped he adjusts his glasses and a dark mist form around him Shiroes alter ego had awaken Shiroe smirked
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