False Heroes

Mami rode his bike slowly, panting and wheezing. Man, he couldn't find the Northgate Hospital ANYWHERE. Where the flippity flap was it?! Curse his horrible sense of direction! Curses! He got off his bike and sat on the sidewalk, sighing heavily. Wow, he was pathetic. He seriously needed to see if Laurene was alright, and he was lost. LOST. Who knew Janus City could be this big? He opened his cell phone to check the time, squinting at the bright light.

Hmmm, it's pretty late. Mami slipped his phone back into his pocket, and froze in realization. He could've texted Laurene's cell phone for directions! How stupid was he!? There must be someone on the other end of Laurene's cell phone, and he can ask whoever's on the other end where Laurene is! Smiling in relief, he popped his phone back out of his pocket and texted Laurene quickly.

Help im lost how do i get to northgate hospital whoever has laurenes cellphone i hope that youre a nice person and if you are will you tell me the way thank you also if youre wondering who i am person with laurenes cellphone im mami im her friend and her house burned down so is she hurt how much is she hurt

(( I'm just gonna ignore the nuclear incident so Mami's just continuing to ride his bike while being lost and slow. ))
((Yeah just ignore it She techinqually had a nightmare that kinda showed her a freak accident... Yeah just let it be.))
Rose Awoke to the sound of a knock at her door. She sat up and was surprised to find that she wasn't stiff. But of course, that was the beauty of the beds in the Lariat home. She got up and opened her door to find Sun sitting against the wall. She thought she heard her mention a bad dream, so she said, "Come on in. I'm sure the bed's more comfortable than the floor." Sun looked like hell, but Rose figured that getting drunk and tossing and turning from a nightmare did that to people.
Sun stumbled in. she still was sober so she was unaware of her headache at that time. She looked at Rose. "I.....had the most horrible nightmare..... People was dieing My sister was alive....she has been dead for...6 years now..... A nuclear warhead went off.....but I guesd thats what I get for drinking......and my mind feels sluggish and......wait what was I talking about?" She started but then forgot from her short term memory. She forgot everything from her in a instant.
Roses eyes widened. That must have been one hell of a nightmare. Nukes? Mass deaths? Long-dead sister being alive? Rose shook her head and gave Sun a gentle squeeze on her shoulder. It soon appeared that Sun's short-term memory loss was kicking in, but Rose had a feeling that the girl's long-term memory would keep this one around. Even Rose had a few nightmares that she still remembered vividly. Her hand moved to Sun's back as she said, "You just had a bad dream after getting drunk. You okay?"
Sun held her head and looked at Rose. "Next time i'm going to grab a drink Switch it with apple cider please? Oh...yeah that dream... I was going to tell you about a dream. But it seems like you know...so I must have forgotten..... But yeah.... When my Sister was alive she was the stronger of us two... I was the weaker one..... Why does the stronger one always has to die and leave the weaker one?" She asked Rose with a straight face. She never been to her sister's funeral...or has she, she doesn't remember all she knew was that she was dead.
Michelle jumped when the phone in her pocket began to buzz. She quickly pulled it out and looked at the message. "Mami?" Sharon read over her shoulder. "Her boyfriend?"

"The poor boy must be worried sick about her." Michelle began typing back.

Laurene's not too badly hurt. You'll find out more when you get here. How to get here however depends on where you are.

She spent the next several minutes texting with Mami, helping him to find his way there...


Janet appeared to be unfazed by Alec accusations. "True, most Enlightened's powers do change slightly over time. But have either you or your father developed new powers? When Laurene was six she was simply a weak telekinetic. Then after her older brother's death, she wanted to understand what happened and gained Psychometry, the power to read an objects past and present. A year ago, when she feared for her life, it is my belief that she may have gained some slight Precognition. And yes, I would assume that she now has some Pyrokinesis. When Laurene is in danger, her powers evolve to protect her. How this effects her price though... I do not know."
Mami grinned happily as he read the text message. He knew that some nice person had Laurene's cell phone! Mami pedaled quickly to the hospital, hoping to get there as fast as he could. Hopefully, his parents hadn't found out that he had left his room secretly yet.

He skidded to a stop in front of the hospital and slammed his foot down on the front brake. And flipped head over heels on his bike, smashing into the hospital wall. Mami slid down the wall, leaving a small blood stain. "Ururhgh..." He got up slowly, rubbing his slightly bloody forehead. That never happened before whenever he used the front brakes. Ugh. Pain. Mami wiped his forehead with his sleeve, and walked into the looming hospital before him. After speaking to the receptionist about Laurene's location in the hospital, Mami ran to the elevator and glared at the buttons.

Which room was she in again? Pushing his lip out slightly, Mami ran out and asked the receptionist again. And again. And again. The receptionist finally got tired of Mami's stupidity, and led him to Laurene's room. She pushed Mami in front of the door and flipped him off when his back was still turned.

Mami took a deep breath, and slammed into the door like a whirlwind on a caffeine trip. "LAAaauauReeeeeneneeeEEEEee!" He bounded in with the grace of a hippopotamus, and had a reunion with the floor and his face. "AaaAAarGH!" Mami held his newly-opened forehead wound and rolled on the floor in pain screaming. Minus 15 HP. Ouch.
Alec continued to look out the window. "Insanity? A tumor perhaps? Doesn't matter what it is but an evolution of this magnitude is never positive even if its used to protect her. You know as well I do that an Enlightened can only have a few 'talents' and even with one ability we must pay some form of price, the stronger one gets the worse the price. If Laurene is changing how you say she is then we may have a problem. The price for such things will be a magnitude higher than most Enlightened bordering on terminal. But that is Laurenes cross to bear when it comes to that." He turns to her with a slightly annoyed and bored look. "So why are you here? To tell me this? It is one of the many conclusion I came up with on the way here and you know I'm smart enough to figure that out. You could spy on your daughter at any moment you want. I am not required, yet you waited until I came into the room and brought this child with you, I can only assume you are here for something else? Suggest you stop wasting our time, both mine and yours. I will not attempt to hide my distaste for you nor your husband but if you require time with your daughter I can understand that. In turn and because I have a little respect for your daughter, I'll will remain slightly if that is your need for the visit. But if there is something more than do get on with Dr Snyder."

When Mami burst in Alec raised an eyebrow and let go of a smirk. He walked over to the boy and picked him up with one hand, he was surprisingly light and lowered him next to Laurene's bed near the window. "Do try be a little more quiet around your girlfriend hmmm? She is not in the condition for noise at the moment. Your future mother-and-law is here as well, so do try and act presentable."
Rose smiled at the cider comment. If she could, she'd stop Sun from drinking like that again. As far as Sun's question, though, Rose didn't have an answer to that. People die all the time, always leaving someone behind to wallow in sadness. The only answer she could think of was spiritual, and she really wasn't that type of person. But maybe it would make Sun feel a little better, so she gave it. "Maybe it's so the weaker can have the opportunity to get stronger. If the weaker always depend on the stronger, they'll never be strong. That's really the best answer I have." She rubbed Sun's back as she answered, and gave her a comforting smile.
Sun rubbed her own head. "I...see....oww owwwie.... Sorry I feel..... Like if Moon wants to say something...." Her eyes rolled back and came back in a sky blood color. She rubbed her nose but spoke in Moon's voice. "Well sorry to butt in but you should know this before I we say anything else.....well Sun has been ....uhhh hunted for sometime now, for several reasons. 1 her body has been known to fight off major ordinary diseases..like Cancer and stuff. Its like a antibody that lives in her system. The only weakness in that system was if Oridicon, was either inhaled or eaten/ drank. 2 Military sees her as a speed weapon, but they don't know that she'll start to uhh lets see shut down. So please if you can take care of her. I know its a lot to ask but... She can't take care of herself." Moon asked sincerely.
Mami gaped at Alec, and shook his head. He opened his mouth to retort that he wasn't Laurene's boyfriend, but he closed it and sighed. He pouted slightly, puffing his cheeks out, and turned to glance at the woman that was apparently Laurene's mom. He couldn't really remember but... wasn't she supposed to be a bad person? What was she doing here? And who was the kid? Maybe Laurene's mom had a face-heel turn on evil and became a nice person! Nobody could be that evil afterall! Turning back to Alec, he huffed slightly. "Whatever... Sorry Laurene." Mami went over to Laurene's prone form and stared at her sleeping face. Thank goodness she was alright.

He brushed some hair out of her face. It wouldn't do at all if she accidentally snerked some hair up her nose, after all. Hurry up and wake up Laurene. His lip trembled slightly, but he pushed it down. Of course she was going to be fine! She was Laurene, she wouldn't ever die! Besides, she wasn't even that injured.
Healing and harming are two sides of the same coin... he liked that. It summarized his abilities almost completely. He could heal and he could harm, but Alex frowned as he thought about it harder. Whether or not he aimed to heal or to harm someone else he always had to harm himself. A coin really didn't describe him accurately... it was more like a loaded die. He didn't say anything about his thought however as he watched appreciatively as Rachel left the room.

He stayed for a while as he debated trying to go back to sleep but it looked like the day had started and he had managed to sleep most of the night. It was peculiar feeling well rested and he prepared himself for the day before taking the stairs. He requested a granola bar from the kitchen deciding to see if he could find Kate's grave on the lot. He hadn't seen her body since he had left it crumpled and ragged on the floor in the lab... not too unlike how he had left her in his kitchen though the scene in the lab was coated with Harper and his own blood rather than hers.

He wasn't planning to seek Kate out to try to rip open all of his healing wounds or to feel guilty over the progressions in his relationship to Rachel, but he was doing this because of what Rachel had said about his wounds not being healed. She had watched him heal Alec so it was obvious to him that she wasn't referring to physical wounds. It was the lingering ghosts of his past. He had symbolically buried Kate with his ritual in the lab where he had traced every wound he had left Kate with and he had even managed to cleanse himself of the scars that they made on his body because of the Oridecon. He hadn't officially said good-bye to her... heck, he had barely thought of her amongst all that had been happening.

Alex found a small tomb tucked away underneath a tree and he was grateful that Alec was the kind of person who would bury some stranger's wife in his backyard. He grimaced thinking of the encounter he had had with Harper and Kate's body. A pleasant breeze played through his dark hair and he smiled kneeling down to the tomb. She would have wanted it this way, she wouldn't have wanted him to be the person he had been when the lab doors first sealed, she wouldn't have wanted him to close himself off to the world and wallow in his guilt. She would have wanted to rest in peace, and he was finally going to let her."Rest in peace, Kate." he told her feeling a brilliant sense of closure wash over him.

If only he could resolve his 'Daddy issues' with just a visit to the monster's grave. His nightmares always had him coming back from the dead. He shuddered to think about how he would have felt standing over Bill's grave... expecting either one pallid hand to shoot up out of the soil or to turn around and see those black glittering eyes. He couldn't stand the thought. Rachel was right about taking it slow. His wounds with Kate were healing nicely, but Bill clearly still haunted his mind. He had spent four wonderful years with Kate in his life... but he had spent eighteen with Bill living in fear. The worst were the nights when he didn't come home 'in a mood' or 'in a temper' as his mother liked to say. He couldn't tolerate the strained silence as he and his mother tread gently around him as if they were eggshells and he was an elephant likely to stampede at any moment. Pretending that they were okay was the worst. No matter how pleasant Bill tried to act... there had always been a palpable edge of fear.

The branch above his head made an ominous noise and Alex jumped to his feet. He had still been thinking of Bill so the noise he had interpreted reminded him of the noise a strained rope would make, the noise of bodies hanging from nooses. The branch was thankfully empty... though it was moving unusually and he couldn't help but to recall the way that Isabelle's plant had moved back in his room. He turned his back on Kate's grave and noticed for the first time that the grass was considerably shaggier than it had been last night.

The blades of grass swayed in the breeze and he felt a little unnerved upon watching them. He wondered if Isabelle had grown them that way or if they had just responded to her presence. In what little interaction he had had with the woman so far, it almost seemed like her plants seemed alive... well more alive than plants should be. The greenhouse in the distance was literally a greenhouse. It was off in the distance but he could see the sprawling mass of plants that climbed over the walls inside. She made him nervous... was she even in control? The moving branches and the impossibly long grasses suggested that the plants had their own kind of sentience. As if her very presence was the thing that brought them to life and not the indecipherable hissing whispers he heard when she 'talked' to her plants.

He went inside and she was sprawled against the Lariat couch. The potted plant he had seen with her before was gone now and she glanced up at him with bright eyes. In her hand she had some sort of smoothie, it was a pale yellow and he immediately assumed it was a banana smoothie.

"Where is everyone?" she asked and he shrugged passing by the living room where she was. There were plenty of other corners for him to hide in to be away from this woman. The Lariat household had been so lively in the past couple of days that it was surprising to him that it was now so empty. He almost hoped that he would chance by Rachel although they had agreed to take it slow. All he could do was wait, and he felt welcome enough in this mansion to feel at ease with this.
Rachel decide after laying around for a few hours it was time to get up and move about a bit, she passed by Rose's quarters and found her consoling Sun. She figured she would give them a bit of space and went down into the living the room where she found Isabelle. She went to the kitchen and found that she had left over banana smoothie and decided to pour herself some. Not bad. She then returned to the living room door and before stepping inside took a deep breath. Her brother trusted the woman, do this for Alec. "Good morning Isabelle....I do hope you sleep well? I'm aware of our obvious hostilities towards one another however why don't we get to know each other? It couldn't hurt could it?" She found her brother favorite chair and sat down in it taking a slow sip from her glass. She had noticed the flora have been rather 'wild' today as well. "Your green thumb seems to shadow my mothers and elder brothers, do you do this consciously or is it just something that happens when you stay in one spot?"
"As I said before, a happy coincidence. Now in regards to my needing time with my daughter-" Kapow! Mami came barreling into the room and promptly face planted. For the first time since she started talking to Alec, Janet's face changed from one of slight boredom to one of complete shock. Who in the world was this... Oh wait. This was the boy that Laurene had been spending her time with recently. Wait. His girlfriend? Future mother-in-law?! She knew that Laurene grew attached to people very quickly but to be engaged? But neither of them had a ring. And based on the boy's reaction it had only been a jest. "Anyways, I got what I came for and we really must be off. Come along Liam." She started walking towards the door but paused when she noticed that the young boy was not following. "Liam?"

The young boy was staring intently at his sleeping sister. For a brief second his steel-blue eyes flashed green. "You should get up soon, Laurene." He said, almost as a command. Just as quickly as his eyes had shifted colors, his face was suddenly devoid of emotion. He then turned and walked out of the room. Before following him out, his mother turned to Alec. "When Laurene wakes up, I would prefer if she didn't know that I was here. She still views me as something dangerous and I'd rather not cause her any unnecessary stress after what she has been through tonight." She then turned and left.

Michelle and Sharon reentered the room. "What was that all about?" Sharon asked, looking back out the door. Before anyone could answer however, there was a groan from the bed and Laurene began to open her eyes...
Sun had left Rose's room and happily walked to the living room. Her form had shifted onto Rin-Rin. But she spoke and her eye twitched every few seconds. "What'sup?Anythingnewhappenhere? CauseIwanttosayhellostoeveryone! .......Ignore her she is hyped up from being cooped up for so long." Rin-Rin and Moon's voice said with a light tone to it. She gave a big smile and walked up to the kitchen stove. "Anyone hungry? I can cook as well as a Five star Chef. I really can. So what do you want to eat?" Sun's voice came through as a bouncy cheetleader voice.
Mami felt a strum of uneasiness go through his body when the kid's eyes turned green. Was he an Enlightened? The boy seemed somewhat disturbing to Mami, with the unnerving command-like suggestion he had given to Laurene and the blankness of his face afterwards. Was he Laurene's mom's son?

He turned back to Laurene when he heard a groan, and instantly forgot about the boy when he saw Laurene open her eyes. "Laurene! You're awake!" Mami crowed happily and pounced on her for a hug. What a relief!
Alec stared at Laurene as she opened her eyes and Mami and her friends became a collaboration of jovial excitement. Dr. Snyder and her visit seemed a bit pointless to him...though he wasn't a mother so he may not understand her fully. But the fact still remained that Dr. Snyder had a lot of unnecessary blood on her hands to wash off and her little speech only annoyed him at how she brushed off her responsibilities. As far as the power of her husband Mr. Snyder could be frightening, Alec guessed, he was never much for fear but perhaps he could have coerced her. A Lariat would rather kill themselves then give into demands but then again everyone wasn't lucky enough to be a Lariat. The real question was why he had allowed two of his offspring remain alive as Enlightened, you can't hide the genetic code at birth so he had to know. It mattered not, Dr. Snyder got a free pass for now but he would kill Mr. Snyder on the spot if he ever 'conveniently' showed up. On another note Laurene still had a lot to explain, she had gain some of his trust as of late but only some. Her newest power didn't change that and Alec didn't care, he was just happy she was alive. And why would Dr. Snyder think he wouldn't tell Laurene? The girl had a right to know and Alec would tell her but would wait until she left the hospital at least. He moved to the front of her bed. "Good morning Laurene, welcome to the realm of the living."
Rose followed Sun out into the living room. The girl had left before she could answer Moon, but it didn't change her answer. She'd do what she could to help Sun out. After Sun's offer of food, Rose sat in the other chair and said, "Morning everyone." She eyed Isabelle with uncertainty. Despite Alec's gift of a second chance and because of what they had walked into after the party, Rose wasn't too sure about this new arrival. The woman seemed harmless right now, but Rose thought she could see a bit of fear, and that could definitely tame someone.
"Help me! Someone help me! Anyone! Please!" Laurene cried, running down the dark, rainy streets of Janus City. When she looked over her shoulder she couldn't quite make out what it was that was chasing her. There was a flash of lightning and she saw it. It was huge and leith with a mouth full of teeth. Around its neck it wore a collar and a tag with the Snyder crest on it, a symbol that only her father could give permission to engrave.

She ran strait towards a hospital. Why there, she did not know. But she ran through the door and found herself in a glass room. On the other side of the glass were her friends, including one that she had not seen in a long time, and her mother. Her friends were trying everything they could to break the glass, punching it, kicking it, hitting it with a mettal chair, but the glass took everything they threw at it. Her mother however simply stood behind everyone else, watching. "Don't just stand there!" Laurene screamed at her, banging on the glass, "Help me!" Her mother pulled out the little pocket book that she always had with her and began writing in it. "Mom! Mom!

She felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Do not worry, Miss Laurene. Everything is going to be okay." She sighed with relief and turned around to face Fred. What she saw however was not her servant and friend, but a giant red dragon with dagger sized fangs and flames spilling out of its mouth. As she stared she realized that it wasn't real, that it was just a puppet, a marionette, with its strings reaching high into the sky. Holding these strings was a black giant with two glowing green eyes. When it opened its mouth to speak it's voice belonged to her younger brother, Liam. "You should get up soon, Laurene." It said.

"You should get up."

"Get up."


Laurene groaned and slowly opened her eyes. Where am I, she wondered staring up at an an unfamiliar ceiling, a hospital? She closed her eyes and tried to think. How had she gotten here? She remembered arriving at the banquet, chasing Mami down, and pulling him out of the fountain. But when had she left?

... Speaking of Mami, she was suddenly keenly aware of his presence. Well, it's kind of hard not to notice someone when they are tackling you and screaming out your name. She reached her arms up to return his hug. "Hey Mami. What - Agh!" What in the- Why did her arm hurt? Actually, both of her arms hurt, but her right one was killing her. She also had a headache. She looked around and noticed Alec, Michelle, and Janet. "Hey guys!" She said, trying to smile through the pain, "Must have been some party, huh?"
Mami let go of Laurene and stared at her slightly, still leaned in close. He tilted his head to the side in confusion, and blinked a few times?

"Laurene, what party? I don't remember a party." His eyes widened in shock, and he raised his hands to his mouth. "You had a party and you didn't invite me?!"
Isabelle eyed the people entering the living room contemptuously. Why was she still here? Was she a prisoner to Alec Lariat whom she hadn't even seen since the night before? Or was it Rachel that kept her here with her angry declaration that she belonged to House Lariat that she had made last night? Or maybe... it was the hope of getting her hands onto their healer or the faint hope that Alec had offered her about trying to get her fixed that kept her here?

What did these people want with her, anyways? Why were they like this? Even Rachel? Isabelle could understand when the woman wanted to tear her limb by limb... but now she was trying to make small-talk as if they were old acquaintances that met awkwardly in a grocery store? It could hurt couldn't it? Was this all some sort of twisted Lariat game? Was she really just Alec's plaything as she had claimed to be to save her own skin? That must be it. She was some sort of new toy to play with that would likely be discarded the moment that she became boring... but then again... wasn't this her only option? Alec or Alex were the last chance she could think of to save her life. She pulled the mask off of her face for just a moment to take a large gulp of smoothie. The mask would be nice to get rid of... but most importantly, she wanted to set the clock back on her mortality. It couldn't be too long before the mask and the gas wouldn't be enough. She didn't have a lot of blood coursing through her changing veins. It had been a slow process but it seemed to be nearing its climax. She didn't have a lot of time left before her body couldn't support itself. It surely could only endure so many changes.

She moved the mask back in place inhaling the mixture slowly. She didn't want to answer Rachel's question either, "It's a symbiotic relationship. I need them just as much as they need me." she said slowly and a little uncertain... how much did she owe to this woman to keep Rachel from making good on her promise from last night? It only took one step out of line. Rachel wasn't as good at hiding and repressing her Lariat nature as her brother, Alec, was. It probably wouldn't take much of an excuse for her to justify clipping this particular thorn.

"So yes. My presence is what's bringing life to your greens. You should thank me... those roses in the front yard had seen better days before I came around. I won't even ask for half of the prize money if you decide to enter them in a gardening competition, how generous am I?" she said wryly.
Alec smiled. "Yes, let's say that. How are you feeling?" Something still wasn't right with Alec. Laurene and her mother weren't the issue, his bone was....close? In the city and moving.....fast. This was bad. He couldn't tell why but he didn't like the feeling of his bone 'moving'. He couldn't well leave Laurene and Mami here alone, powers aside they were still children. Luckily, Laurene was not in critical condition. He needed to check with the physician in charge of her. "Excuse me a moment." He went to her doctor and spoke with them at length, being a rather famous one himself it was rather easy getting what he wanted. He then moved back in the room. "I really really do hate to be rude but we must all leave it an expedient fashion if possible. I will explain in the care and change Laurene's bandages at my residence."

Her jest made Rachel want to smash her face in. To bad super strength was not an ability she possessed. Though smashing her face in was still possible its the satisfying crunch beneath your hands that she really wanted. She smiled at her joke even though she could feel her muscles tighten. "Yes we should thank you for taking care of the lawn....after ruining our yard.....and STABBING MY BROTHER!!" Rachel let out a roar of frustrated anger and then let out a sigh. "That....was not....polite in the least. Forgive but I still cannot stand the sight of you yet. But I will tolerate your existence and....your not our property...Alec made you say that because my rage is that of a child....he wanted you to live. For what I do not know." Rachel had pretty decent idea in truth, her brother didn't take 'pets' anymore and while he was the best manipulator in the family he rarely did it. And seeing her with the mask off...she was indeed a beauty.....by the very gods that bind us he liked her?! But...she.....no breath....calm shall prevail. "Excuse me...I must...go and get some exercise in the gymnasium." She then quickly walked out being some what embarrassed at her display.

He stepped out of the jet and remove his shades and scans the area with his auburn eyes. His black hair was military cut. His chiseled body was form fitting to his black cargo pants, shirt and combat boots. He had a side arm on his hip and carried a large and rather heavy bag in one hand. His bronze skin had gotten darker after the trip. He appeared to be a walking god sending a wave of authority few possessed. He was greeted by several people but while his return greeting was perfect his voice lacked any emotion and his face was like stone. He turned to jet door and spoke to a person inside. "Mother, we should move with haste if possible we are already 16 hours late. And I do have to get a few briefings done by tonight."

Three....two small and weak. Other...smells older...maker...no....brother.....no.....yet same and different all at once. Not for consumption but can be consumed. Weak ones first stronger one last. Must wait must try to consume....but not yet....must wait...wait.....
Sun was not a stickler for conversations she barely remembered half of them but she decided to just move towards the stove. She looked at it but froze. Her cell phone was ringing, her cellphone never rang. She answered slowly. "...Hello?......" She then suddenly her face went blank. ".........Br.....Brother?.... Yes... I'm at the Lariat house.... Yes the makers of Oridecon..... Yes us Lunars was suppose to create a andiote but all of them failed, since Oridecon works soo fast.... Yes ....ok bye." Sun hung up. She looked liked she seen a ghost.
"Terrible." She answered Alec, placing the hand that didn't feel like it had a hundred knives sticking in it against her forehead. She then spent a few seconds staring at Mami. "Mami! You were there! I had to pull you out of a fountain full of cucumbers! Within five minutes of arriving! How could you not remember that?" She then sighed and shook her head, patting him on his. Oh Mami...

Alec walked in and announced that they needed to leave. Laurene nodded and moved to get out of the bed. She winced as she had to use her bad hand to lift the sheets and paused. she looked underneath the sheets at the hospital-gown she was wearing and then to the two boys in the room, one of whom (who she may or may not have a crush on) was siting right there next to her. Her face shifted colors as she slammed the sheets back down. "You two! Out!" she barked, pointing at Alec and Mami. "Michelle, Sharon. Find my clothes please..."
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