False Heroes

Rose had been relieved when the darkness finally dissipated. Her gut feeling was right, Rachel did hand her a gladius. It was an ancient weapon, but effective. Until she could successfully wield a bastard sword, she'd follow Rachel's advice and stick with the gladius. She watched as Alec writhed and screamed in pain. She was too amazed at his and Rachel's willpower to freak out over what was happening. She didn't quite understand it, but she did remember him asking Rachel to switch him and the person he thought had plunged them all into darkness. When things settled down, Rose would have to ask what Rachel did. When Rachel fell to her knees, Rose went to her side. "You okay?" she asked.
Rachel stared off into the distance looking at nothing in particular. At the sound of Rose's voice she snapped out of her trance stood up. She portrayed very little pain in her body even though it was screaming at her in torment. Her price varied on how she used her power and luckily this had only been for a few seconds, if it had gone for longer she would be worse off. It's why she trained her body so hard in order to recover as best as possible, though would explain to Rose what actually happened later, no secrets among family. She stood up and nodded in thanks to Rose. "I'm fine darling, if you could please watch over Alec for a moment, if this thing that is coming is to be accurately feared then I do believe I may need to go and get some modern day weaponry, I hope you do know how to pull a trigger." She then made her way down a seperate hall at a brisk pace until she found a small closet that she open and found 3 rifles and 2 handguns, not much but it would have to do for the moment. She ran and began loading them on the floor. "Everyone please do move away from the windows in the living room, if I'm correct in my assumption based of Isabelles plants the thing is moving from the forest."
The pain lingered longer with Alex than it did for Alec as he took the man's pain away finally. He drew in a shaky breath and he concentrated on repressing the convulsing shudder that he felt creeping up his spine. He pulled his hand off of Alec and he staggered off dizzily as he felt the pain abating slowly as he felt the damages to his brain begin to heal itself. He leaned against the wall which he leaned against to wait for all of the damages to be erased. Was Alec insane? Did he only form such an insane plan because he had Alex to act as a healer? Having Eliza's powers would have caused severe brain damages had he not been able to act as a sponge and mop up the mess. There's no risk involved for him. He counted on the fact that you would take the pain AND the damages for him. What if it had been too much for you? Taking on a fatal wound too quickly would have killed you instead of him. You would have overextended your healing trying to fix his mess. It's easy to be impulsive and careless when you weren't the one to face the consequences. He didn't ask me to help. No... he assumed you would.

He grimaced blinking rapidly as he tried to push those thoughts away. His head throbbed dully but he felt an edge of relief when he noticed that the return of the lights had brought Mami back to them. Why had he gotten so angry now of all times? He hadn't been angry the entire time he had been at the Lariat household and now he was having difficulty keeping himself composed past the swirling tempting thoughts and Bill's imagined voice bouncing through his mind. Was it just the stresses of the evening and the threat to their lives? Possible. Was it just a Miller family trait to meet problems with an inappropriate rash and violent anger? Possible. He had always thought that he had been an exception regarding his powers.

...He had always believed that he didn't have a price. But maybe his price was his mind and not his body. He didn't seem capable of using his powers without ill results to his mental state. He had murdered his father in return for a frightening childhood and he had gone home and accidentally sliced Kate as if she was no more than a paper in a shredder. There were small examples to support his newest theory such as the quick but potent anger and bitterness he had felt towards Alec, despite how he counted Alec as a close friend. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes before plunging into his body. He found a moment of reprieve as they followed Rachel, he set his body on autopilot as he ambled forward mindlessly as he tried to physically calm his body. Dramatic. He thought that he was done with acting this way. His heart shuddered back to a crawl and he pulled himself back to the present feeling a little less unhinged and pathetic.

He followed Rachel and took a gun from her weighing it in his hands as he walked away. He had never held a gun before so its weight was more than he had expected... he would have to learn quickly or he would never get to learn anything again. Isabelle however, had held and used a gun before. She was no expert shot but she knew how to hit her target even when it was moving and she could occasionally make a lucky shot and do some serious damage. She was a little slower to approach Rachel who was distributing weapons however. She reached for a gun meeting Rachel's eyes as she stretched her hand outwards. Isabelle didn't wrench the gun from the other woman's hands but her fingers curled around the stock. Her face was hard but concealed beneath the mask only leaving her eyes visible; questioning. She wasn't going to yank the rifle from Rachel's arms. The woman had made no attempt to hide her dislike for Isabelle (though Rachel could hardly be blamed for this dislike as Isabelle had done nothing to try to negate Rachel's opinion of her), but did Rachel trust her enough to let her have a weapon? She waited for some sort of signal from the woman to show that she could take the weapon.
Alec lifted himself up slowly and scanning the room as he rose. He wiped the drool from his face and had to take a moment so he would get dizzy. Alex had definitely alleviated much of the damage, and Alec nodded to him in thanks. "My apologize for using you in such a manner but this was the swiftest method to remove the party causing our blindness. Are you all right?" After checking with Alex, Alec moved next to Laurene and Mami, are you two alright? Even if your not prepare yourselves for what happens next and Mami....try and remain calm, hmmm? Panic won't save you from death." He then stood and reinforced all of his bones, whatever was coming would be tough and he doubted they would all make it out of this unscathed but he would be damned if he would be ran out of his house by a......by the gods it was huge. The creature burst from forest at speeds that didn't make sense for it size. It seemed to be covered in a metallic alloy and....Oridecon?! It ran like a dog and as fast as a horse but it was the size of a Hummer. He felt the beast, this was his bone! Alec for the first time in a long time felt his rage spill over with his blood lust. He had been violated....a part of him taken and used as weapon for this...thing?! But at the same time he was excited, a new creature to study, to maim, to mutilate if possible. Even if he couldn't touch the thing he would find out would did and 'speak' with him. This was different from when he was younger, now he could control the emotions and use them. He became focused and calm, but with a tinge of excitement to his voice. He looked at everyone. "Brace yourselves, Laurene if I could trouble you for a moment? Could you throw me as hard as you can at our new friend charging at us? Rachel I am sure you have recovered so if you don't mind switching the beast once I make contact. Everyone else should probably pick up a gun a fire...but try and wait for my signal, I do so hate being shot." He then started to concentrate on the beast, bracing himself and looking for a vital spot to hit.

Rachel stood for a moment staring at Isabelle with quizzical eyes. What this woman made? As if she would had he a weapon. But at the same time she was rather concerned for he brothers well being and then needed every able had they could get. If all else failed she would just 'switch' the woman if needed. "You aim at whatever you direct you to. Am I clear? You can save your sarcastic comments for later. At the moment-" She heard a roar come from the forest line and prepared the rifle by reflex alone as she lowered herself to one knew peering through the large glass doors of the living room. What in sweet mercy's name was that? Her brother shouted out instructions and she prepared herself for the moment to strike.

The beast ran faster towards the house. The soft flesh inside had put it self into a stance of defiance. It had seen this done before, while easily penetrated and lacking any natural defenses these creatures that walked upright seemed to believe in defying naturally stronger creatures. It had learned many things be feasting on others that smelled like them but it would need to eat more...much more to understand their ways. Brother is...father is here....smells like me but also like nourishment must feast...must feast.......
A smile crossed Isabelle's face though it was a worthless gesture as it didn't reach her eyes and therefore could not be seen beneath the mask, "You think I need instructions on where to aim? How about its eyes? The eyes are a weak spot for all creatures." she said flippantly ignoring what Rachel had said about sarcasm. She couldn't help it. Sarcasm was her strongest defense that concealed her nerves. She checked to make sure that the rifle was loaded. She was almost surprised when she found that it was.

She saw Alex shaking his head as if to clear the remnants of his wounds from his head, "The safety's on." she said and he glanced at the gun at his hand and fumbled awkwardly with it for a moment before he managed to take the safety off with a satisfying clicking noise. She got near the window and crouched into a position ignoring how her pulse seemed to be coming from her throat. The beast was still far away but it was horribly intimidating. She drew in a breath to steady herself and her hands stopped shaking. She only had to think about what it had done to her plants. She had shared their pain and that experience had not only inspired her to want revenge but made her realize that this thing was dangerous. If she didn't force herself to be calm right now then her fear would be the last thing that she experience as it surely would shred her apart as easily as it had done to her plants. She knelt into position and raised the gun. Her finger teased the trigger as she took aim but she didn't fire. She was going to wait for instructions unless it looked like she would need to deviate to save her own life. The last thing she would have wanted would have been to shoot Alec. Not for the first time, she wondered if he was insane.

Alex mimicked Isabelle's position but he was less certain of his aim as he raised the gun, he didn't have the experience that Isabelle did as she had worked for people like the scientist who had created this monster. He didn't fire either. He would wait for the signal that the Lariats would give too. Isabelle's eyes were sharply fixed on the creature as she made minute adjustments to her aim every time the thing moved but Alex's gaze shot back towards the rest of the group waiting for the rest of the group to grab a gun or recklessly fling Alec at the monster. He hoped that Alec knew what he was doing. Alex wouldn't be close enough to undo any serious damages if Alec got himself injured out there. His hands tightened around the gun. He had never held one before today and though he didn't particularly like the thought of holding it, he liked having something in his hands to tighten his nervous grip around. His finger was not poised on the trigger like Isabelle's was but he would be ready to fire when he received the signal. For now all they could do was wait in their positions with guns in hand.
Mami clenched his fist at Alec's comment. He knew that he shouldn't panic, but it just, happened when it was dark every now and then. It just wouldn't go away, no matter how hard he tried. Ah well, Alec was just teasing him, probably! Just friendly teasing! It didn't hurt him or anything, it was just teasing!

He then stared at the monster that had just burst in. It was just like a monster out of a Yugioh card! He hoped that he wasn't suffering still from his earlier panic attack that totally didn't happen. He'd hate to start hallucinating that Shadow Duels were real. And... Mami should stop thinking about Yugioh before the copyright people come and sue him. Yeah, stop thinking about Y*g*oh. Oh great, he got censored for copyright. Ugh.

Back to the present, Mami! You're gonna get mauled by a freakin' mutant Blue Eyes White Dragon! Mami took a deep breath, composing himself. No more delusions. He turned to look at the firearms that Rachel had brought, and picked on up. And stared at it.

HOW THE HELL DOES SOMEONE SHOOT THIS. Mami felt his brain's gears getting stuck together as he beheld the piece of junk called a gun. How do you hold it?!!??! What button do you use to shoot?!?? He held the gun between his fingers by the handle, squinting at it through narrowed eyes.
Rachel caught a glimpse of Mami in the corner of her eye, she quickly moved toward him. Did the child want to fight this thing. Her father had informed her that he was Enlightened but the boys ability had yet to flourish...he was still more of a liability than an aid. She placed his hand on the gun all the same and went behind him to help him finger out how to aim. "Pull the trigger when you are given word, the gun may have a little bit of a kicks brace yourself for that. Remember to breath. Not hyperventilate, breath." She paused for a moment and studied him, the boy was still in a panic but he would need to steady himself or get out of the way. She sighed and moved back to position, she would monitor him and if anything went wrong she would get him out of the way first.
Mami blinked at Rachel when she helped them. Wow, he didn't know that she could be so nice! Rachel was really nice for helping him. He aimed the gun a bit shakily, and tightened his grip around the handle to steady it. It was kinda heavy. Mami steadied his hand, he wouldn't be dead-weight any longer! He took a breath, according to Rachel's instructions, and concentrated on holding his gun properly. He wanted to be able to protect himself, and being able to help out everybody would be a small start.
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Laurene knew very well how to use a firearm. Her father had drilled her in the use of many different guns but she figured, with her dominant arm hurting so much, that trying to use one would be a bad idea. She looked at Mami, who had little to no experience with guns, at Michelle and Sharon, who was somehow hiding under the coffee table. There had to be something she could do. She couldn't be useless. Not like she was when her brother died. She had to protect them...

Wait... Protect... That's it! Lauren closed her eyes and pictured a steel wall between the four weakest members and the rest of the room. "Guys. I've put up a telekinetic wall about five feet in front of Mami. If you need to fall back behind it let me know so that I can open a hole." She looked at the gun in Mami's hand. Hm... The wall would make it useless. However, she could probably solve that.

Laurene put a hand on Mami's back. Within a few seconds she could see in her mind a line from the barrel of the gun, following the path a bullet would travel. She pictured a hole in the wall that would follow this line (as long as she was touching him) and was just big enough for a bullet. "You will still be able to shoot." She told him.

Now for Alec. She imagined a giant sling shot, pulling back until the pouch was right behind him. "On your mark, Alec!"
Alec opened his eyes finally and said in a calm voice. "Now" He felt the telekinetic push sending him through the window at high speeds. He readied his body as he approached the creature....this would hurt. He finally collided with the sound of metal crunching against one another filling the yard like thunder. He had launched into the creature mid leap so he could hit its chest, but the beast was fast and had flipped on to its feet seconds after being hit. The collision had dislocated Alec's left shoulder, but he would have to ignore the pain for now. He quickly got to his feet and saw that the beast had begun stalking around him slowly. Good. It felt that he was threat and would ignore the others for a bit. Alec's face was set in calm and determination as he begun to mimic the stalking pattern of his quarry. Or was it the other way around? He figured he need to gather data and possibly inform everyone how best to act in the process so he finally initiated. He swung his right hand at the beast releasing three metal chains from his arm attempting to ensnare the creature. What happened next confirmed something to Alec, the beast had been entangled for about a second, then as if by magic Alec's chains shattered, he quickly pulled his bones back inside and then the creature shot from it's mouth vines and steel chains pulling Alec in. The pain didn't appear instantaneously, Alec found himself on the side of the creatures jaw, then he felt a warm liquid sliding down his left side, as he heard metal snap. A second later he saw his arm hit the earth, it had been ripped off from the shoulder down. Instinctively, he sealed the wound with his other bones but the fiery, nerve pinching pain had begun. He let out a roar of frustration and pain and willed his arm back into the house. This beast was trouble. He looked back at everyone, with a look that rivaled the beast feral nature. He spoke politely but his voice was a tangled mass of rage and pain. "Mami if you would be so kind as to go and get my cane sword?! NOW BOY!!! And everyone else feel free to shoot this creature!"

Rachel stood in awe for a moment. Watching her brother fight was always a mix of excitement and worry. The bout had only lasted about 40 seconds to a minute but that had done enough damage to Alec. She gritted her teeth and would have to worry about it later. She aimed for the inside of its mouth, sending off 3 shoots one after the other in quick succession, she had been taught by the best shots in the military but sadly they were here. The creature reeled back but only for a moment as blood oozed between its teeth. It let out a piercing roar that shook the windows and charged forward.
Rose grabbed a rifle as Rachel started distributing guns. She nodded, saying that she did know how to shoot. She had only ever shot at immobile targets before, not wild, moving creatures. She took a position by a window, turned the safety off, and aimed down the sights. She took a deep breath. She could do this. It was kill or be killed. All of her psyching up, however, did not prepare her for the sheer size and speed of the creature. She felt her heart speed up and was close to panicking. She closed her eyes and shook her head. This was no time to panic. She was a Lariat now, dammit! She had to get a hold of herself. After another deep breath, she opened her eyes. The creature was still huge, but she needed to help out when Alec gave the word. She watched as Alec was flung toward the creature. The fight didn't really last that long, but it seemed to her that it lasted several minutes. Alec's arm was ripped off, and before too long he had requested that the shooting begin. Following Rachel's lead, Rose took aim at the creature's face and fired. The rifle had quite a bit of kick to it, but then she was already used to it, so it didn't throw her aim off too much. She fired a few more times as it charged forward.
Alex stomach knotted as he watched as his friend was launched through the air. His grip tightened around the gun and his felt the knot transform into a deep pit as he watched the monster lunge forward and tear Alec's arm as if the limb had belonged to an old and fragile doll. He wouldn't be able to fix that. He couldn't attach Alec's arm unless he could tear his own off. He had to be able to replicate the damage in his own body so the arm was no different than Alec's missing bone. He swallowed heavily trying to ignore the bile in his stomach churning wildly. He heard the signal to fire distantly and he moved his seemingly unyielding limbs into place and fired. A puff of dirt stirred up near the monster. What a spectacular miss. He took a deep breath and moved the barrel of the gun. Another miss. Another miss; closer this time.

Isabelle however, had done this kind of thing before. She felt herself immediately disconnect from everything around her as she waited for the signal. All that mattered was keeping her concentration and her aim as close as possible to the creature's eyes as she could manage. She traced its movements lazily as it circled Alec and she didn't even blink as she watched as Alec's arm was wrenched from his body. She knew that she would feel the emotions and the wear of this battle but later. She didn't have any of her plants to worry about as the monster had torn through them with ease so it was just her gun and the creature. She couldn't afford to let it be anything else in this situation.

The signal came and there was no hesitation as she squeezed the trigger. The first shot struck just above the creature's eyes and she saw a brief spark of light as the bullet hit and bounced off of the creature's body. Shielded. She hoped that its eyes were more vulnerable. Otherwise Alec's arm wouldn't be the only limb that was torn from a body.

The rifle snapped again as she pulled the trigger again. This time it hit her target. She had been aiming for the eyes but the creature had moved forward and had begun to roar so her bullet wound up sinking itself into the fiend's mouth. It wasn't what she had been aiming for, but she would take it. Most of the other bullets seemed to be hitting the ground or the creature's protected body so she would still count her shot as a good one. The beast was at least bleeding from its mouth now. Even though the group was sneaking in shots here and there that hurt it, it didn't seem to be slowing; she ignored that thought. She couldn't be the only one that noticed that the creature acted as if the shots that hit its exposed mouth were no more than irritating insects... but if she was the only one, she didn't want to be the one to voice it. She had enough experience in this situation to know the critical role that morale played in battles.

She pulled the trigger again. It bounced off of the monster's tough skin. She briefly considered escape but dismissed it. Even if she fled for safety, this was not something that she could simply outrun. If it wasn't completely immune to her plants she might have considered it for longer than a second. It simply came down to where she wanted to die... and if she were to die because of this thing, she would prefer for it to be here so that at least she could spend her last minutes pretending that she was part of this group. She could pretend that she belonged somewhere as she died. She grit her teeth pushing those sort of grim thoughts from her mind as she pulled the trigger again. Another hit on the creature's mouth.
Mami fired at the signal, not waiting to see whether he hit the beast or not. The gun jerked slightly in his hands, and he gasped in shock as he watched Alec get mauled by the beast. His... his arm! The color drained out of Mami's face, and his head snapped to look at Alec who had called his name. "Ah, ok!" Mami ran out of the room, stumbling slightly as he entered the hall. The cane sword, the cane sword!

Where could it be?!?! Alec's room, maybe?!? Mami ran around blindly, smashing into various rooms in search of the cane sword. He overturned the drawers and flew into the closets in a frenzy. Where... WHERE IS IT!? Where is it!? I have to... I need to find it! Mami rushed around, until he finally slammed the door upon to a room that he didn't pay much attention to. Mami searched the room in panic, trashing it in the process, until he found an ornate cane. YESSSS. YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Mami grabbed the cane up, and ran back to the room.

Where was the room again?! Mami stopped for a moment, then listened for the sounds of crashing and gunshots. He followed the noise blindly, and kicked the door down, brandishing the cane sword in triumph. He might've trashed half the house in the process, but he found it!

"ALEC! Cane-sword!" Mami waved it around, contemplating whether to toss it to him. "CATCH!" Mami tossed the cane sword to Alec.

Alec can catch with it, right? Even though there's a monster attacking?
Alec caught the sword deftly in his hand and spun out of the way of another swipe from the creature. Alec took a second to look at the shots everyone had fired. The creature had been struke several times in the mouth but seemed to be unfazed by the assualt. Alec's vision had started to blur....this was bad. He had lost a lot of blood from the removed limb and didn't think he could hold up much longer. He charged at the beast and it in turn responded, charging at him as if to ram him. Alec used his momentum to roll on to the creature snout and shoved sword deep into it's eye. The creature bucked with fury and sent Alec flying behind it. The sword had broken off in it's eye and the creature howled with rage as it charged full speed at Alec. So...this was the end, hmm? He had lost to much blood and was thrown around far to much to counter this next strike. He never pictured he would leave the world as a bloodied combantant but then again one doesn't really choose when to go, do they? He sat up and looked at the beast with half opened and tired, he would at least meet the attack head on......

The grenade hit exactly where Nikali intended it. Side of the neck area near the trachea, he shot three consecutive shots after that into the same area. While the shots were doing damage the flesh of the beast was never penetrated. Curious. He lobed two more shots in sending the creature spiraling to the side. He approach in a steady movement as if he were walking down a hall way but his face was focus and calm. He dropped the grenade launcher and went to one knee. "Brigadier General Diana Lariat if would please had me the Panzerfaust 3, sir?" He waited as his mother quickly pulled out the missile launcher he requested. She unlike her son seemed to be rather aloof and had similar grin to her daughters.

"Oh I do wish you would just call me mom at the house dear." Nikali released the lock on the launcher and shouldered the weapon and pulled the trigger. The blast hit the staggered beast broad side sending it flying into the tree line. Without wasting a breath Nikali picked up the grenade launcher and started loading it as he walked to Alec. He pace never changed as he shot 2 more shots into the creature line. He listened for the beast but it seemed it had run away after the final strike. He then pulled his bleeding brother on to his shoulder and walked past everyone until he stopped in the living room and dropped Alec like an unwanted travel bag. He then pulled a medical kit out of his bag and started to dress his wound and Alec went in and out of focus.

Rachel had to hold back tears of joy at the site her mommy and Nick. She dropped the gun, leaped, and landed in her mothers arms, as if she were a child. "Oh mommy you are so late, what kind of Marine General comes late?" She kissed her mother on the cheeks nonetheless and smiled as her eyes became watery.

"Oh Rachel my love, do calm yourself in front of guest, and we do apologize for arriving late, but the traffic during rush hour is a different beast altogether. Poor choice of words, considering the recent events." She then let her daughter down and looked around the room, her eyes narrowed and then she looked at Rachel with a disapproving glare. "Young lady? Did you throw a party while we were out?

Rachel looked in surprised shock at the accusation. "WHAT?!"
A pit formed in Alex's stomach as he came to the realization that Alec was going to die. He didn't need to listen for the man's heart to know that his friend was losing too much blood and was too wounded. The beast rounded on him and Alex fired another shot that missed, cursing under his breath that he had never held a gun let alone fired one until today... he supposed that it was probably a good thing that Bill had never been a gun aficionado... the man was able to do enough damage with his bare fists. He took another shot and cringed as he noticed the shot landed closer to Alec than the creature. It wasn't as if the shots that were landing were doing much damage anyways... the creature was bleeding but did not seem to relent, it seemed single-mindedly focused on its attack.

He wondered if it would be any help if he tried to run out to try to heal the man. He immediately dismissed the idea deciding that it was too reckless. He had been quick to jump to Alec's aid in the room when Rachel had swapped his powers and that had resulted in more pain than he should have had to deal with as he essentially turned Alec into a conduit for pain until Rachel switched them back. They would likely die if Alec did; but running to Alec's aid would only mean hastening his inevitable death. He had to learn how to trust Alec.

He nearly disregarded all of his decisions when Alec was obviously near his death. Alex lowered the gun and was about to run forward to help do as little as he could when the ground beside the creature exploded into a spray of dirt. He watched in disbelief as an unexpected source of back-up arrived on scene. Isabelle kept firing at the creature but Alex lowered his gun to avoid shooting the newest arrivals.

The battle seemed to end just as suddenly as it had started. Grenades were launched at the creature and it ran off to the bushes. Alex watched the scene in awe and even Isabelle lowered her gun as she came to realize that the conflict was over. He smiled for just an instant before one of their saviours tossed Alec over his back and hauled him inside. He pulled out a medical kit and began to dress the wound when Alex came over. He wouldn't be able to address the main source of the pain and suffering for Alec, but he could handle the minor injuries that he could replicate on himself. He pressed his hands to Alec without saying anything to the other man who was busy tending to the whole lack of an arm situation.

Isabelle watched the two men working to fix Alec up and she directed her attention away from them and towards Rachel and the woman. She was concerned about Alec's injuries but there was nothing that she could about it. She could have formed a make-shift skin graft using her plants if it were her own body or if she had plants nearby that hadn't been obliterated by the monster. Vines were easier to manipulate, grow, and move than the grasses that remained. (A little mournfully she noted that the sole Dandelion she had noticed earlier had been touched by the monster and destroyed leaving her only with grasses which were essentially useless.)

"Don't blame Rachel," she said meeting the Lariat's mother's eyes, "It was Alec's party... and I think that he's probably learned his lesson..."
((Since soooo much has happened this post will be short.))

Sun went to her room and locked it. She started expiramenting on herself. She had built a brain scanner out of nothing but a toaster and a old laptop that she found. Sun kept it a secret but she had a IQ of 215, being that she had split personality disorder...(I guess that is what it is she really doesn't know if it could be called that) she moved fast as she built it. When she finished it, she put a small router that she hooked to her own brain waves. She was annoyed at how much extra parts that where laying around. She got a headache from useing her speed.

Before she turned it own she talked to herself. "What can I do..... I'm just a girl with problems..."
Rose kept firing at the beast, even though they weren't doing much, if any damage. Even with the new arrivals, she kept firing until the thing ran off. She watched as the man there Alec over a shoulder and carried him to the house. When he dropped Alec onto the couch, Rose cringed. That had to hurt. When Rachel identified the woman as their mother, Rose set down the rifle and stood. She figured that the man was probably Rachel and Alec's older brother, mostly based on the facts that he looked younger than their mother and looked very similar to them. She figured that she would wait to introduce herself, unless Rachel decided to do it for her. News that the woman had gained another child when she wasn't looking might be better coming from her known children anyway.
Diana gave the two women a soft smile. She placed her hand on Isabelle's shoulder and addressed her first. "It seems you have concerns about my sons health. worry not dear. Nikali is extremely rough with his younger brother and doesn't have his medical expertise but he should be able to keep the wound closed long enough for the proper aid to be given." She then addressed most of the room. "I do apologize for the intrusion on your affairs ut allow my to introduce myself. I am Diana Lariat, the lady of this home. The lad that has the talent for shooting things would be my eldest son Nikali. It is a pleasure to meet you all."

Rachel stood back up on the floor and turned to Rose, giving her a slight wave with her hand. "I would like to introduce you mother to Rose....a dear friend of ours, Rose this as you have just heard is my mother Diana."
A loud series of knocks could be heard from the door, presumably catching several of the house's occupants off guard.

"Miss Lariat? You guys alright in there?" A male voice could be heard from outside. Nikali walked to the door rather quickly, and as he opened it, the occupants of the room could quite clearly see a rather skinny, not-quite-tall man. His skin looks quite tanned, and he's wearing a suit which looks quite expensive. He is holding quite a large package in his left hand.

"Ah, mister Nikali! It is good to see you again! If you would step outside for a moment?" Daniel says, having noticed the others in the room through the insects in the room.

"My apologies for not helping out earlier, but I don't think I'd have been effective. Is miss Diana here? I am here to deliver the order she made a week ago."

"Daniel. Introduce you to the others in the room. Even though they were of little help driving off the monster." Nikali said. "And yes, Diana is here."

"I'll try, mister Nikali."

Daniel walked back inside.

"Hello everyone, I'm Daniel, an Enlightened who also runs a clothier, and if you want, I can even give you a card. And you guys would be?" Daniel took a deep breath. There, he did it. He just hoped he hadn't forgotten anything important...
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Mami stared at the people who came and defeated the thing, though it had managed to escape in the end. But, whoa... They were so strong! He kinda wished that he could be that strong... And whoa, that weapon-woman was Alec's mom? And there was another Lariat sibling??? Uh. There was too much to process right now. He'd think about it later, sometime later tomorrow. What time was it anyways? Dang, he was sleepy.

A skinny dude walked into the room, holding a big package in his hand. What was in it? Mami blinked sleepily at the man, and smiled and waved. He seemed like a pretty cool dude, more people to get to know! "Um, I'm Mami! It's nice to meet you! Can I have a card?" He hoped that the card was a nice looking card. He loved going to the shops and opening up the singing greeting cards. Oooh, and the pop-up cards were even better!
"Oh no, I..." Isabelle trailed off seeing that Diana's attention was focused on Rose. Her response had been intended to be flippant and to sound sarcastic but Diana hadn't interpreted that she had been trying to make a quip about Alec throwing a party. Instead, she had offered a strange interpretation of her words.

She turned away from Diana and her eyes fell upon Alec. Alex had his hands on the man's temples and his face was pulled into a grimace. She didn't expect his arm to appear from nothing but... she still felt a little twinge of something that she could not define when she saw that Alex couldn't heal his arm. But she already knew that Alex wouldn't be able to heal her based on what little she had seen from his powers... right? She watched Alec on the ground and she remembered Diana's words and she resisted that thought. She felt an illogical stubbornness in her gut... she wasn't concerned about his health. She shouldn't be. But why did the sight of his bloody stump bother her so much then? Maybe she had more empathy towards other humans than she thought she harboured? It was a surprising thought. She hadn't given much thought or even liked another human since she had been shut out by her own parents. But... how could she deny the uneasy feeling in her stomach that had nothing to do with the gore of the scene she saw?

Isabelle eyed the scene before her and she swallowed heavily when she realized that she wanted nothing more than to leave the house. She had lost all of the Liana plants to the monster's touch but she had spent enough time in the greenhouse to know that there were plenty of other plants to replace the roots. She didn't like the idea of being defenseless with only grasses and a few sparse trees to defend her if she needed the help... but the monster was out there and her plants had already proven defenseless against the beast. It wouldn't be a good idea to go out there alone until that issue reached its conclusion. She would just have to deal with being defenseless. If the creature returned she doubted that they would be equipped to handle it no matter the circumstances anyways.

The newest arrival spoke, introducing himself, and for the first time she became aware of his presence. She examined him critically for a moment picking out his most defining features which would be his curled hair, sharp chin, and his blue eyes. She hadn't had the opportunity to do so with everyone in the house due to the circumstances that she met them, but she generally tried to scrutinize people when she met them. She liked to think of it as gathering enough information to pick people out of a police line-up or in a crowd. It probably just went back to her issues with other humans.

"Isabelle," she said to the man who had just arrived and she narrowed her eyes, "Don't give me a card. Unless you want to watch me pretend to read it and then throw it out. I buy my clothes from store like a normal person anyways." she said.

"My name's Alex, I'm biokinetic, and ignore Isabelle. Alec seems to like her so I guess there's something good to her..." he said glancing up from Alec's body. The pain abated the moment before Isabelle began to speak so he pulled his hand off of his friend.

He ignored the scathing glare that Isabelle shot him and she opened her mouth to speak when he purposely interrupted her, "I've done all that I can for Alec." he said almost cautiously, noting that Alec was currently still a mess.
Nikali looked at everyone with a dismissive cold glare. He didn't really look at people for intimidation's sake but he has always just looked at people with indifference. He found excess amounts of people to be annoying and troublesome and would like nothing more than to send them away. But he happened to be the black sheep of the family and since he didn't hate these people then being rude would only further his frustrations. He lifted Alec up again after cleaning the arm and sat him on the sofa with the same care you would give a bag of heavy rocks.. He then walked over to his brothers dismembered arm and placed it next to him. He spoke aloud in a calm and clinical voice, as if he were talking to himself but would let everyone now for their own benefit. "The arm will re-attach once the fool wakes, benefits of being able to manipulate your own bones. But the way it was removed will mean that arm will be useless for about a month. He will live. If I am required for nothing else, I shall be in my quarters, and I request no one disturbs me unless the issue is paramount." He then turned and walked by everyone without a goodbye.

Both Diana and Rachel narrowed their eyes at Nikali's behavior and made disapproving faces. More for the comical effect than for the judgement of him. Nikali had always be rather 'rude' he meant nothing by it but he preferred the company of his family more and even then he was a rather rough sort. But Rachel didn't care one of her brothers had returned and the other had been saved. It was all she could ask for. Of course Daniel being here peaked her interest. He always made cloths of rather decent quality, she wondered what sort of order her mother had made? "Oh Daniel, sweetie welcome, yes we had a bit of a ruckus earlier but it seems at the moment everyone has settled. Darling, do try and not force your business on people, I have told you time and again that let your work speak for you." She bounced over to him and took the package without requesting it and then remembered something important. She walked over to Rose and pulled her a bit closer to her mother. "Ahem mother...Rose shall be the latest addition to our lovely family. Also the increasingly attractive man next to Alec is Alex. He has been good friend to my brother and I do hope he stays around for sometime...." Rachel gave a sly smile and licked her lips at Alex, of course she did it so her mother couldn't see...

Diana had a delightful time seeing Isabelle's reaction. It was rather adorable in a way. The girl seemed to keep a wall around herself but couldn't help but let her softer emotions show now and again. She looked the girl up and down and gave a smile. "So you are responsible for the lovely additions and grow of my plants. That is quite a gift you have my child!" She gave her a strong and quick hug. "You have no idea how long I have been away from my little friends and I am ever so delighted to see that they are in such a fine condition. Oh do excuse me dear..." She turned as Daniel and Rachel address. "Ah thank you for the dress Daniel I do hope it wasn't too much effort on your part." She gave him a knowing wink. "Feel free to stay awhile and relax." When she heard Rachel's comment her smile grew significantly. "Oh Rose darling! Welcome.."She leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. "We have so much to introduce you to, sadly we can't start the ceremony until my husband returns but I must say that it shall be a joy getting to know you! And Alex it seems you have caught the attention of my most energetic child...do be careful...she bites." Diana said in a teasing voice.

Alec walked inside of a large white room, that had a single blue house door in it. He was dress in a light blue dress shirt and wore black dress pants with no shoes. It had been awhile since he had come here. He walked to the door and opened it. The sound and smell of the ocean was the first thing that his senses picked up. And there she was. Much older than she was a few years ago. She had the dark skin, auburn-gold eyes, and long black hair of the Lariat children. She had many of Diana's and Rachel's facial feature but there was a time when Alec was very young that if you cut her hair you couldn't tell them apart. Of course no one had seen her in life and only Alec knew her. It was the fourth Lariat child and his twin, Kara. She had a slimmer build much like Alec but less athletic. She wore a sundress that was the same color of Alec's shirt and had floral arrangements at the bottom of light purple, green, and other cooler colors. She also wore no shoes and sat in a large lounge chair. Another chair sat next to it which was empty. Both of the chairs sat on a sandy beach overlooking a vast ocean. There was a slight overcast that keep just a hint of light in the area. Alec approached and sat down in the chair next to Kara as she began liking a sip from a tropical drink. "Afternoon sister dear. It has been awhile. As always you are looking lovely. While I have wanted to speak with you for quite some time I must ask why are you inviting me this time?"

Kara took a slow sip as the wind blew her a hair a little. And gave playful eyebrow to Alec. "Of course I'm lovely, if I weren't then it would be the equivalent of you being ugly now wouldn't it. I brought you here for several reasons. One, we are way over due for a talk but also, I'm keeping you alive at the moment or at least keeping you from drifting into a deep and possibly permanent coma." She took another sip.
Rose stood by quietly as Diana and Isabelle had their little exchange. With the additions of Diana and Nikkei, Rose felt a bit nervous. And then the clothier, Daniel. She was just starting to get used to the crowd, but Nikali made her uncomfortable with his cold demeanor, and Diana's presence was imposing mostly because Rose didn't know how she would react to her becoming a Lariat.

Rose felt relieved at Diana's reaction, and her cheeks flushed at the kiss. She turned her gaze away and grabbed her arm defensively. It wasn't that she disliked the obviously maternal reaction, it was more like she was afraid to let herself give in to the sudden burst of hope she felt. She had been without a family for so long that she wasn't used to the attention. She stayed quiet. If her and Diana were to talk, she would want to do so privately, or at least with Rachel there.
Alec was being carried away so Alex found himself free to begin moving now that he had done all that he could do. He hadn't thought about how Alec's powers could help him to heal so Nikali's words were an unexpected relief. He was grateful that his friend would have his arm back, even if its usefulness wouldn't return for a month. He didn't say his thoughts out loud but he was certain that when his arm reached a certain point that he could fully heal it. He could damage nerve endings and his flesh so it wouldn't be difficult once the bones were in the right place. He could break his own bones and therefore heal broken bones; but he could not grow or eliminate body parts for other people. He could probably have the estimate of a month down to a week or two depending on Alec's progress.

He glanced over to Alec's body as he considered this idea but he didn't say a word. He would probably bring it up soon, but he was exhausted from the night's events and he just wanted to enjoy a brief reprieve. His bones seemingly ached and he knew that it was mostly because he had been dumb enough to grab hold of Alec while his powers were swapped. He could only imagine how Alec felt right now. He wished that he had more medical knowledge so he would know how to help his friend when his powers couldn't.

He walked away from Alec and towards the small group just in time to catch the piece about Rose and himself. He was a little surprised to learn that Rose was joining the Lariat family but he didn't pay much thought to that when Rachel mentioned him. He was approaching her when she sent him a devilish smile and licked her lips. He kept his face neutral though as he was facing Rachel's mother. Diana mentioned something about Rachel biting but he was now close enough to her to lean forward and whisper into her ear with his own sly smirk, "I wouldn't mind if you bit me."

He stepped away quickly to avoid drawing any attention to them though, "Do you think that we should worry about that..." he found himself at a literal loss of words to describe the thing that they had just fought, "thing or do I think I could get away with a quick rest?" he asked leaning against a wall asking more specifically to the collective than anyone in particular.

A genuine smile passed over Isabelle's face at Diana's kind words and she laughed. It was soft, breathy, and foreign to her ears. It had been the second time that she had laughed since coming here and it wasn't any less bizarre to hear, "If you wanted Diana... I could give you some gardening advice sometime, if you want it of course." she said quietly. She had been quite impressed by the greenhouse when she had arrived so she couldn't help but to feel some sort of... she wouldn't say appreciation, but she could tolerate this woman. If she could trust herself enough to admit to a growing fondness for other people, she might have been able to admit to herself that she actually liked Diana.
Rachel turned to Daniel and faced him towards Rose. "Oh before I go on Rose this is Daniel as I have mentioned. A friend of the family, he has made a few of our cloths for about a year or so now. A very nice fellow. Daniel this is my new sister Rose." Rachel gave slight giggle at saying 'sister'. After Alex had spoken her interest quickly drifted to the man. "Oh do hush you, as far as that...beast, perhaps is a decent way of describing it? As far as it is concerned I do believe we should be okay for now. When Nikali comes around things tend to run away any....we all believe he is an Enlightened and that is special talent...'Shoo Shoo' power. As far as rest is concerned..." She leaned in close to Alex and whispered to him. "You don't need that much do you?" She then quickly pulled away and walked backwards keeping her hungry eyes on Alex as she returned to Daniel and Rose.

Diana found her daughter as energetic as ever, to her delight. And then there was the young lady Isabelle. She had a nice laugh even for one breathing through an apparatuses, but she felt the poor girl didn't laugh much. "I would be honored if you would teach me your secrets dear. How long have you had your hand in the world of gardening? Oh and I must ask you. Have you enjoyed your stay so far? Everything to your liking? Alec hasn't tried to dissect you has he?" She smiled at the last part. "I do jest. He is a curious man, and has always had his hand in discovery, so at an early age he would try and figure out how things worked no matter what." She gave a happy sigh thinking of her son. "But I do digress. Care to join me in the sunroom for tea?"

Alec leaned back in the chair and let out a sigh. "You know for a dead woman you keep the most interesting decor in the most interesting of places."

Kara put down her drink on a coffee table next to her. "Yes I do feel that your head is a horrid place to store my fine furniture." She gave him a smirk.

"Touche, so I'm dying....it was only an arm, given the blood lost was significant....and I think I have several fractured or broken limbs..."

"You also have traces of Oridecon in your system that needs to be flushed out. You surely had to notice that beast was covered in it, yes? Luckily your ability is connected to every metal, even Oridecon, however seeing as it can kills Enlightened in minutes I took the liberty of shutting down most of your body allowing for your 'metal portion' to try and extract it out. Hopefully it works...or you will be joining me permanently in that chair." She then turned to him with a quizzical look. "I do try not to invade your thoughts...." Alec let out a soft laugh. "...much. But I must ask you....what in the blazes drove you to challenge that creature head on? Was it this Isabelle woman?"

Alec slide down a bit in the chair and let his feet bury themselves in sand. It was nice and cool. "Perhaps but you know I'm not one for showing off. It was for everyone really. They were all in danger and my body is the sturdiest next to Alex and with him injuries happen he just has the luck of automatic repair. It was a risk yes but a calculated one, as are many of my risk. I must thank you though for helping me. Why don't you open up yourself to me more often?" He looked at her with concerned eyes.

"Don't give me that, it can get lonely but I still feels its to dangerous to 'open' up yet. I'm not part of your psyche per se. Your mind is just something I can have dominion over. Being a spirit has its perks but also what would happen if an Enlightened comes along and has the ability to harness spirits. I just have to wait until I feel strong enough to venture out a bit okay? And how would mother react knowing that I...." She trailed off with a sad look in her eyes.

Alec sat up a bit. "That you are alive? That you exist? That she had a child die before it had the chance to live? I know it worries you but sooner or later you must show yourself. I'm not kicking you out, I wanted to connect souls, so this body is as much as yours as mine but our family should know you exist. You are Lariat and its about time you get you name in the family book."

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