False Heroes

Mami stared at Laurene for a bit. He was definitely confused. Didn't she remember the fire? He remembered the party now, but Laurene didn't remember what happened after the party, which was weird because Laurene seemed like she would remember. A pout drifted on his face when she patted his head. He wasn't a child, dammit! He was a strong and manly man who's drill would pierce the heavens!

Breaking out of his wandering thoughts, Mami nodded slowly and backed out of the room. Mami turned to Alec, recalling slightly that he said they needed to leave. "Hey, Alec. Instead of going to the mansion ('cause that's where I think you and Laurene are going), I'm gonna go home. I need to be home before morning. My parents usually check on me before they go to work, which is pretty early, so I need to go home otherwise they might blow a gasket and flip their lids to the moon."
Alec raised an eyebrow at Laurene. He was doctor, he has seen more naked people then is required in a typical lifespan but she was a teenager so he figured he would allow her request. Well there was Mami to consider as well so the girl had some sound reasoning. Alec held Mami in a vice grip. "I will escort you home, but you are not leaving by yourself, none of you are, and that is not a request." He wouldn't have time for debate until they were out of harms way. Why were they in danger anyway? Alec couldn't pinpoint it, but he could feel either way a Lariat is trained to sense danger and right now he had a group of amateur combatants at best and he didn't feel like safe guarding a hospital as well. When Laurene had finished they moved to the parking deck. Where Alec began to drive out of the hospital.
Mami winced as Alec grabbed him in a tight grip, and tried to shake him off. He had a really tight grip; it was kind of painful how hard Alec was holding him. Mami followed Alec to the parking deck, rubbing his arm, and got into the motor vehicle. Staring outside at the darkness of the night, Mami closed his eyes, feeling slightly tired. What time was it? Late, or early, probably.

The tempting embrace of sleep slowly curled its vines around Mami as he curled up in a cushy seat, and he drifted off to sleep with one final thought. I hope nothing bad happens...
Michelle and Sharon searched through the cupboards in the room until they found the pajama's that Laurene had arrived in. The shirt was beyond saving and most certainly would not give Laruene any more decent cover than the hospital-gown would. So they simply threw that away and instead Sharon stepped out of the room and approached Mami. "Pardon me, lover-boy, but I'll be borrowing this." She then tore his jacket off of him and zipped back into the room.

When Laurene came out she was wearing Mami's jacket and a pair of singed pajama bottoms, which she was still looking at with a confused expression. Normally she would have asked about them, but she could see that Alec looked a bit worried. She had watched him smile calmly at a dozen armed men, so if he was worried it was probably for a good reason. "I'm ready I guess."

As they drove, Laurene found it hard to keep her eyes open. Apparently her body had not been quiet ready to wake up when she had. I'll just rest my eyes for a moment, she told herself, laying her head on the shoulder of the sleeping figure next to her. Only for a moment...
Rachel's outburst caused a wave of relief to crash through Isabelle. She hadn't realized what an effect Rachel's thinly disguised offer of friendship had had on her. She didn't like people's kindness. It was always so false. She was comfortable with being disliked, with being hated. It made sense to her. Rachel's anger and obvious distaste for her made sense and put her at ease. She didn't believe in the kindness of others. People only used each other to get what they wanted.

The first thing she had killed had been that overgrown mutt... it had been the day that she had discovered her powers, developed apparently a deeper and more frightening fear of canines than she had realized, but also that day she had begun to shun other people. Her neighbours had been horrified about finding out that their dog had been strangled to death by a rose bush and her parents had responded with the same fear and repulsion that their neighbours did, only a million times worse.

Good old Martha and Dean Vane were horrified that their daughter had unnatural powers... they were the kind of religious zealots that shamed proud religious zealots. At one point in her life, she had practically lived in that church. She had learned all of the tiny crooks and crannies. At one point in her life she probably had thought that she would burn if she simply left the church rather than the old joke about sinners burning upon entry.

But in one instant she was no longer welcome there. Heck, she wasn't welcome anywhere where the Vanes might see her. She had a condition. She had the let the devil in and he was manifesting himself through her unholy powers. She tried to convince them that her powers were actually quite wholesome. She left small bouquets of beautiful roses in increasingly lavish displays on their doorsteps but her parents hadn't budged after a month. Eventually, leaving the flowers left a bitter taste in her mouth, they couldn't see the beauty of what she could do? Beautiful arrangements of flowers, likely burned to crisps in the backyard or doused in holy water. She couldn't keep living at her aunt's house forever.

The last flower she brought to her parents was a single beautiful lily, her mother's favourite, and she had delivered it personally. The door hadn't opened but the curtains had twitched shut. The Vane's heathen daughter was still playing with her plants. She had strangled a house pet. Who knew what she would do next?! It was unbearable to her, then. She had lost her family over what? An angry dog? The ability to grow plants?! They should have been able to see her gift, her potential. Her thumb was green, sure, but her soul wasn't black! How could they be so ignorant to not see that she could literally just grow plants? She left the lily there. That was the last flower she had left there. That day, years ago had been the last day she had let herself hope for the kindness of others. Eleven-years-old and already jaded to the world. But she had never had a reason to change her mind. People were cool, callous, and selfish. Until now she hadn't even met anyone who had tried to change it... she agreed with Rachel; she had no idea why Alex wanted her to live.

She turned to Rose, "What's her problem? You would swear that I stabbed her brother." and she said coolly. Why not make the other girl voice her opinion. She didn't want false friendship. She would be more comfortable knowing that Rose didn't like her. It was bad enough trying to figure out what it was that Alec wanted... because he wanted something. People always wanted something.
Alec drove calmly. No point in driving like a madman when you couldn't even see the danger. He looked in the back and found the two love birds staring to drift into dreamland. He looked out the window and saw movement, it moved, fast but it was still keeping it's distance. He drove for a few miles and decided that taking them home would make Mami and Laurene a short lived romance..among other things. He drove to the mansion and found that he 'felt' the creature move away.....power in numbers? But why was the creature aware of how many people there were? Well for now they were safe but he needed everyone inside. "Laurene? Mami? I would appreciate it if you all take your friends into one of the lving rooms. I am aware that this is not your house Mami so do try and remain within the mansions perimeter until I get everything sorted out, something is amiss here and I want to be certain of what. Also Michelle and Sharon? You are both welcome to stay with Laurene here rent free, I understand your home has been getting rather warm as of late and that will take time to repair." He gave a sincere smile and walked inside. Alec found Isabelle sitting with Rose in the living room. "Ms. Isabelle how are you doing today? Could I have a moment of your time....I am impressed with the growth of the garden by the way." He walked with her until they were outside viewing the backyard. He looked at her with a serious face but turned to yard as he spoke. "I need your help if it pleases your to give it."
Rose looked at Isabelle when she asked about Rachel. Personally, Rachel's outburst put a little fear into Rose, but then what was new? She snorted. It was obviously sarcasm, but she answered anyway. "Looked to me like you did. I'm not surprised that she doesn't like you. To be honest, I have no idea why Alec would save you if you were trying to hurt him." She shrugged and continued. "Then again, I don't know that much about him. Maybe he does really want to help." As she finished, Alec walked in. "Speak of the devil." As they began to interact, Rose got up and headed to the kitchen to check on Sun. She saw that Sun looked pale and afraid. She moved so she was in front of the girl. "Sun? you okay?" she asked.
Sun looked at Rose and answered. "Well..... My brother called me for the first time in years and reminded me of a expirament...... Something like that." Sun started but she didn't want to fully talk about the details, she might scare Rose. Sun pursed her lips as if to say 'No more questions please'
"Snrnrkkk... Grrkrkg..." A line of drool made its way down the side of Mami's mouth as he slept. He woke slowly to the sound of Alec's voice, and blinked sleepily, awareness of his situation growing.

Nice smell... Cushy... Pillow... Warmth... Hair...


Mami looked around the car, and glanced down to his shoulder while blinking blearily. A head was on his shoulder. Huh. Laurene was leaning on his shoulder.

LAURENE WAS SLEEPING ON HIS SHOULDER?!?!?!! IS HE IN A SHOUJO MANGA OR SOMETHING?!?!?!??!? Mami's face reddened instantly, and one could practically see the steam pouring out of his ears. L-laurene.... Leaning on his SHOULDER?! W-What should he do!??! Push her OFF?!?! Let Her sleEP?!?! MOve her to tHe side?!?! Er, eh, hah!??!? WHAT SHOULD HE DO!??!?! Calm Mami! CALM DOWN!! HOW COULD HE CALM DOWN!?!??! DEEP BREATHS! DON'T HYPERVENTILATE!!!!

Alright, calm now. Mami glanced back at Laurene, and slowly moved her to lean on the otherside by nudging her slightly. There, that's done. He got out of the car and looked around. Man, the grass looked so fluffy! Wow! So fluffy... Mami threw himself on the ground and rolled over. If only there was a hill he could roll down... He rolled over the grass over to the steps of the mansion, and laid there to wait for Laurene and her friends. And rolled some more while he was at it.
"Thank you, Dr. Lariat." Michelle said with a little bow. She turned to look in the back seat and grinned a little as she watched Mami panicking as silently as he could. Ah, youth. After a few seconds however, it became clear that Laurene was not waking up. (Sharon poked her a few times just to make sure) While she was a fairly small girl, Michelle and Sharon were not exactly the strongest and struggled as the tried to get Laurene into the house. "Hey Lover-Boy! A little help over here!" Sharon barked. Michelle threw her a glare and added a "please."

Once they got Laurene to the living room and laying on a couch (there was no way they were getting her much further), both the ladies sighed. Sharon sat down in an empty chair while Michelle sniffed her own hair. Wrinkling her nose she turned towards the other people in the room. "Is there a shower I could use? I stink of burnt apartment."
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She smirked. Rose wasn't half bad for one of them. She obviously didn't trust her, but that was fine. She wouldn't have liked Rose if she had made any other remark. She could tell from one simple answer that this one wasn't bad... or at least, not as bad as some of the humans she had known or met.

Though her opinion of Rose wavered and her lips pursed when Rose said the seemingly harmless phrase, "Speak of the devil". Nobody would have been able to see that facial change beneath her mask but Rose and the others probably would have seen the narrowing of her vivid eyes. Was that Rose's power? Did she have some form of telepathy... or had that phrase just been a coincidence that happened to coincide with her thoughts of her religious parents? She had only read the files of the Lariat family members and Alex's because he had been connected to the murder of a shooter on the roof. She had no hot clue about the powers of anyone in the house or even how many 'friends' Alec was currently entertaining at the moment, though one of her interactions before seemed to suggest that Laurene would have been the one to read or sense her thoughts.

Ah, here it was. She was a little relieved as Alec pulled her aside. He was asking for help, so now she could finally learn what it was that he wanted from her. She could finally learn why he was entertaining the thought of trying to save her. She had promised the same thing before in many different ways, but now was the first time she had really started to hope. She hated that feeling. But now she felt a little relief knowing that now she can finally learn what it was that he wanted from her. She could finally find out why he had saved her. He wanted something from her... and she was reluctant to admit it but she wanted to believe that he could help her. She would help him. What hope did she have otherwise if she didn't hope that someone could fix her body. The biokinetic didn't seem too eager to be near her either...

She followed him before speaking. A smile flitted across her face obscured by her mask. He was also so kind about her plants. It was almost hard not to trust him...

"Your sister didn't seem to appreciate what I've done with your yard very much. I even told her that she could keep the prize winnings if she entered your roses..." she said with a hidden smirk. Her eyes were probably revealing how often she was smiling, "Okay, so what's your price?" she asked after only a moment's pause. She was eager to find out what he wanted from her. She was dying to know if her tentative like for this man was unfounded.
Mami rolled to face the motor vehicle, where Laurene's friends was calling him. L-LOVER BOY!!? N-No! He rolled over on to his back and jumped to his feet, shaking stray pieces of grass off of himself. "I-I'm not Lover Boy!!" Blushing faintly (he seemed to do that a lot recently), Mami ran over to help Laurene into the mansion. He had to be careful not to drop her -WHOOPS oh that was a close one, whew.

After helping Laurene onto the couch, he twirled around to face the other people in the room. Somehow, he felt really pumped! "Hey peoples! Hey hey, Rachel! Hey Rose! Wassup, Sun?! Yooo Alex!" Mami ran around the room and shook all of their hands energetically. Laurene's okay. She'll wake up. His parents didn't know he was out of the house. "Didya see what happened to the garden?! Ain't it great?! The grass is all fluffy and springy and soft! Wow! We should all go roll on it or play soccer! Or have a picnic, with barbecue and steak! Well, um, not right now, 'cause it's dark out, but we should! And, Laurene's alright! Ain't that great?"
Alec looked at Isabella. She had amazing eyes and they had a way of showing her emotion far more than her sometimes sarcastic humor did. He found both of those things charming about her. Why did she have to stab him? Anyone else sure but now that he learned a bit more about her the less her assault mattered. She was more like Alex than Harper and that made Alec even more drawn to her. He let out a laugh at both her statement about the flowers and her question. "We don't typically enjoy botanical fairs, my mother enjoys gardening for the shear art of it. But now that you mentioned it perhaps you should try out that idea for a business. Given your friends may not like being sold off, so maybe a large public garden? Anyway, that will have to continue at another point. You want to know my price...I don't have one this is a request something you can turn down or not. Last night hostilities were exchanged but after having a few hours to think about it, it isn't logical for me to try and force anything upon you. You have told me all you know about Dr. Bisset and I don't think your lying to me. What I do request is this, I am uneasy....I do believe that a creature of sorts has been stalking me...mentally. I am aware that may seem queer, but I assure you it is happening. At any length I would like to know if you would be willing to have your plant act as a form of surveillance in the woods. Of course if this puts them at risk I understand your need to decline. I request this because I have several guests and would like a fair warning if we are meet with hostile force. Again this is a request. However, I would like to keep you around a bit longer, I have made some calls and I might be able to find a way to help you, that part is free of course....I can only image how difficult it must be to breath with that device."

Rachel came into the living room she was in her cotton warm up pants and her workout tank top. Her abs and biceps were extremely tight from all the gymnastic work she had done. She was covered in sweat and was wiping the workout off her face when she looked up to see several people two of which she did not recognize in the living room. "Thank the gods we are rich because my brother tends to make it a habit of bringing guest every night. He normal is not this social.....I'm the one that typically throws the parties. At any length hello everyone, and welcome our new guest. Do help yourselves to anything you may need. Ooo Mami!" She eyed Laurene laying down. "Do try and be gentle next time you go on a date, some women like an assertive man but don't wear her out!" She leaned in gave him a playful kiss on the forehead. She then decide to sprawl out on the floor and looked at Rose. "What have been up to darling?"
Rose nodded. She understood well the value of secrets and knew that if Sun didn't want to talk about it, she shouldn't force her to. She gave Sun yet another comforting shoulder-squeeze (an action she found to be quite reassuring even to herself, on the giving end). She had heard Rachel's voice in the other room, and suddenly felt apprehensive. She needed to talk to Rachel and Alec as soon as she could. Especially since Alec seemed to be quite nervous about something. It wasn't easy to spot, for sure, but Rose's experience with observing people was honed enough to pick it up. If he was nervous, something was going on and they likely had little time.

Rose returned her attention to Sun. "Well, if or when you do want to talk about it more, I'll be around. I know you're a bit out of sorts, but there are a few things I really need to take care of right now. I'll still be here at the house, though." She gave another squeeze, and walked to the living room. She was met by a few new faces that she hadn't seen come in. Alec was out back talking with Isabelle, and Rachel had taken her usual prone position on the floor. Rose was caught off guard by Rachel's sudden questioning, but that was more because her mind was on other things and she had expected to have to go to Rachel. She answered honestly. "I was just seeing what Sun was up to. She wasn't feeling that well after last night." She walked to Rachel and crouched down. In a low voice, she said, "I actually need to talk to you, alone. Things seem to be getting serious, and it doesn't look like we have a lot of time on our hands."
Rachel stood up immediately looking at Rose with concerned eyes. "Of course darling this way" She walked up the steps with Rose until they reach her room. Unlike Alec Rachel had no problem utilizing her wealth. She had a state of the art entertainment system in a corner. Several weapons from different countries adorned another side of her wall, all hand crafted for actual combat. The bed took up a large portion of the already large room and was layered with pillows of different shapes. She also had a large dresser next to a small book case both of which were hand crafted as well. She closed the door behind Rachel and sat on the bed grabbing a pillow and making herself comfortable. "Do sit darling what is it that concerns you?"
Rose looked around the room in amazement. Most everything in that room was out of her price range. She wagered that some of those things cost more than she made in a year. And then the wall of weapons. She knew what some of them were, but others were totally foreign to her. Before she lost her thought, she sat down next to Rachel. She wrung her hands in a highly uncharacteristic manner and started. "It's your offer. If it's still available, I'd like to take you up on it. I..." She wasn't quite sure how to voice her thoughts on the matter. If she did, she'd be opening herself up in a way that she had not done for more than a few people. Granted those people were counselors and church officials, but that was just it. Rachel was more than just a shrink or spiritual guide. Rose believed that Rachel actually cared for her, actually had some emotional investment in her. She shook her head. She wanted to talk it out, but she wasn't sure if Rachel would understand her feelings. She left her thought unfinished.
Rachel could feel her heart beating rapidly. Was Rose serious?! Would she have a little sister? She inched up next to Rose on the bed and sat next to her. The girl was clearly a bit uneasy so Rose figured that screaming at her like an excited puppy wouldn't help though she couldn't hid the mirth from her face very well. She nudge Rose's shoulder with hers playfully. "Darling, the offer would be on the table when I am my father's age...well I can't really ever get that old." She let out a little giggle. She spoke softly to Rose. "But i do want you to e sure about this. and I want to make sure your happy with you decision. There is no time limit pressed on you to think about this but...if your ready...I would be honor to call you sister." She gave a sincere smile to her. "The only issue is we have to have the entire family here to make it official. I am certain we don't have to worry about Alec and father, they love you. And mother is a big softy....at times. The only stick in the mud is my eldest brother Nikali but do't you worry about that." She let out a slight squeal of excitement. "You have to excuse me being a little juvenile with my emotions but this moment is indeed a happy one!!"
Rose smiled a bit at Rachel's less-than-concealed excitement. So Rachel was completely serious about the offer after all, huh? Rose was glad. Even if Rachel hadn't been serious, it forced her to seriously think about her life and her actions. She didn't really need to take that long to think, as she had been thinking about it for years. She was just as serious about accepting the offer as Rachel was in giving it. Of course, she wanted to talk to Alec about this as well, but he was busy at the moment. She had figured that the whole family would have to know, so she wasn't surprised to see this string.

She took a deep breath to collect herself and restarted her thought. "I've been thinking about changing my life for years, but I haven't had the means to do so. Your offer gave me the means, and I intend to capitalize on it. And of course, I understand that the rest of your family should have a say in it." She felt a sudden wave of confidence crash over her. Rachel may or may not understand, but either way, Rose wanted her to know how she thought. "I've killed twenty-three people since I figured out how to do it. After your speech last night, I felt physically sick knowing that much blood was staining my hands. I want it to end. I'm not helping anyone by killing the anti-Enlightend. Granted, at first I thought I was doing the world a favor by getting rid of them, but after the first several bodies lay at my feet, I began to lose my passion. I still hated them, but I wasn't getting any satisfaction anymore. Three nights ago, when that assassin girl made her statement loud and clear, I had killed my twenty-third person. I felt nothing. No satisfaction, no remorse, nothing. It was just another day at the office."

Rose looked into Rachel's eyes to show her that her mind was made up. "I want it to end. I want to turn myself around and actually help people like us feel that they are equal to the Ordinaries. Not inferior, not superior, equal. I want to show as many people as I can than Enlightened have just as much right to exist free of persecution and oppression as Ordinaries do. I can't do that by myself, and I'm willing to work as hard as I have to in order to make this world better. Not just for me, not just for Enlightened, but for everybody. I think that being here, with yours and Alec's help, I can do a lot of good for a long time and die with a clean conscience." She smiled at Rachel as tears started to run down her face. "If you can help me, even if I'm not accepted into your family, I would be proud to consider you my big sister."
Rachel gave her a smile as she spoke. She brushed away the tears on Rose's face. "Oh, darling you shall fit in quite well here. And I do believe you can reach your goals. We will help you in anyway possible whenever we can. But remember what I said, there may be a time where you must kill, sometimes Enlightened and sometimes Ordinaries. The road we pave is a hard fought on and can have a trail of blood occasionally show up. But never in cold blood and not without reason, that is all that we ask. Everything else is open to you, your only true requirements as a Lariat is to strive for excellence in whatever area you choose, honor the family name, and occasionally spend money on things you don't need! I can assure you the latter is the easiest." She gave Rose's a tight squeeze. "Welcome to our little family....but Rose dear? Was there anything else bothering you?"
Rose smiled and closed her eyes as Rachel brushed her tears away. She hadn't felt anything like that in a very long time. She let herself enjoy it until it was over. She was glad that Rachel accepted her, and was glad that Rachel made her feel like she could open up to her. She nodded to say she understood what she was getting herself into and what she might have to do. She smiled in genuine humor at the spending money comment. And now, at Rachel's question, she turned a little more sober. "Nothing's bothering me, but I just want you to know that you're the first person that I've been able to really open up to. At least, the first person who isn't just doing their job by listening. I've opened up a bit to Sun, but I don't know how stable she is, so I've been walking on egg shells around her. I really appreciate your friendship and your willingness to help me." She nodded. Being closed off for so long, she really didn't know how to express her appreciation better than that.
Isabelle listened and she felt her breath hitch when Alec began to talk about a sensation of being stalked. He was right... it did sound queer. But for some unexplainable reason she believed him. In a world where she could manipulate and talk to plants, where Will could trap people in their minds to face their nightmares, and where people had impossible powers that had previously only existed in comic books... was it really that hard to consider that he was telling the truth?

She felt a chill climb up her spine as she considered what he was saying and her stomach churned as she remembered having her plants tear into his flesh and snap off his bone. That bone that had gone out of her hands and into Will's. The bone had been the whole reason that their mission had been to target the Lariat's supply of Oridecon. And Dr. Bisset had gotten it. She couldn't shake the feeling in her gut that they were somehow connected.

But she didn't voice it. Instead her jaw squared and a brightness crossed into her eyes. She hoped that he wasn't baiting her with the comment about the calls that he had made. It sounded too good to be true. She decided to let herself hope. She had done worse for less hope than use her plants as sentries. She could understand why he would want to use them. They were incredibly inconspicuous. Even against Enlightened who could sense the presence of nearby Enlightened. The ones that could feel the area would notice something amiss when the plants began behaving oddly which was a complaint, but if she was approaching Enlightened who could feel energies, her plants slipped by almost always unnoticed. They grew and obeyed because she asked them to and not because she forced them or controlled them. They used her energy but they weren't part of her.

"I noticed that you've got quite a set of seeds in that greenhouse. The ones that I'm most interested in are the Liana seeds. I'll agree to this if I can use them... if your feeling is right then you'll want some Liana around. I don't think you'd be quite as eager... or able to talk to me if I had brought Liana vines with me." she said and she laughed in a soft breathy way.

Was this all he wanted from her? "You know. I can't figure you out." she said after her laugh faded out, "And I don't know if I like that or not." she added in a flat tone that seemed to match her inability to figure out whether or not she actually liked and trusted him or if her difficulty in unraveling him made him that much more suspect.


Alex heard noise coming from down the hall and he moved from where he had spent most of the afternoon to the living room. A quick scan of the room led him to see that the plant-woman was gone and he felt a sense of relief. He shared a surprisingly close opinion of Isabelle to Rachel's opinion of the woman. He had to remind himself as he snagged a seat on the couch that he should at least try to like her. Alec had trusted him, so he should try to extend the same kind of trust to Isabelle.

"Hey, Laurene." he said with a smile as he snagged a seat on the couch. He wanted to say something casual and friendly but instead he glanced around and asked, "I thought I heard Alec's voice. Where is Isabelle?" he probably sounded strange. He wondered if his tone had come off jealous, even. His question didn't sound casual, to say the least. It sounded as if he was trying to ask without explicitly saying if Alec was alone with Isabelle right now. He didn't doubt that Alec could hold his ground or that if there was another conflict that it would be fairly obvious (especially given the state of the front yard after their confrontation yesterday). He took a breath. He had to remind himself that he was supposed to extend his trust of Alec to Isabelle.

He couldn't help but to wonder why Alec had even extended his trust to Isabelle though in the first place. He wondered if it was because she seemed to be Alec's type... he seemed to be very interested in women that were interested in stealing his Oridecon... or his bones. Alex almost hoped that Laurene wouldn't know anything about where Alec or Isabelle were. He didn't like to think about that missing bone too much. Stealing the Oridecon made sense to him because of its properties towards Enlightened... but what value did Alec's bone have? The connection between the two seemed to hover just beyond his reach... he wasn't sure if it was better that way.
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Alec let out a quiet laugh. "Figure me out? You know I get that a lot from people. I'm not sure how I feel about it really, myself. But I can understand your confusion seeing as were enemies just yesterday. It's really simple really, if I few you as a friend I help you and if I view you as a foe I kill you, your unique in this because I don't feel we were ever truly enemies but rather you needed something and I happened to have it. At any rate I wish for no more animosities between us. And hmmm Liana seeds would have posed a problem to me yesterday, all the more reason to allow you them now. You have my gratitude for the help, I know your not obligated to help me but it is good to know your willing. Are all of your needs meet? I know you have sustenance but any thing that I can provide to make this strange transition easier for you just ask. I'm not sure if we can find a guaranteed way to change your condition but I will definitely try my best in these efforts." He took her hand and kissed the top of it. "You do have quite a fetching laugh and it would be a shame keep it hidden behind the mask if we don't have to."

Rachel smiled at Rose. "Well I must say I'm so very pleased that you can confined in me. We should go back and tell Alec. He will be overjoyed! Oh.....there is one other thing you may need to worry about....are you sensitive to...burns?" Rachel lifted up the side of her tank top reveal the infinity loop symbol of the Lariat household, a small brand on near the left side of her ribs. "You may have seen Alec's he has one on his right forearm. Painful but it is a must for all Lariats, for multiple reasons."

So....many......must feed. But wait.......shall feast on weaker first.....in seeetie....many lights there...hold nourishment.....feed on sick ones first get strength for the many....then feast.....

The drive was taking to too long. He was going to be 15 seconds off schedule and that would not do. But become frustrated about it was for a lesser creature, patients would have to rule, so he closed his eyes and meditated and they drove on......

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