False Heroes

((At least your alright. Oh Hey as you can see Sun just became the most dangerous person around well actually Aura. ))
Alex was struggling to fall back asleep. He was tossing and turning wondering if he had made a good decision to ignore Sun's plea for help. But he just couldn't decide at this moment. Maybe he just should have gone to her and picked her up and dealt with the consequences... she had never seemed normal but before tonight she hadn't seemed like a mass-murderer. But then again... what allegiance did he owe to a woman who destroyed so many families and continued to think only about herself? He had killed three people in his life and he was still haunted by what he had done.

Rachel slipped into the crack of his door and he sat up in bed as light from the hallway filtered into the room. He felt his eyes flicker away from hers as she entered the room and he grabbed for his phone bringing up the news article that he had pored over carefully about Sun.

He laughed finally, it sounded forced and bitter, "Ah, Isabelle's not the woman who's bothering me. Take a look at this..." he said passing his phone off as the article finished loading.

"She phoned me asking her to pick her up. She sounded scared and made it sound like I was the only thing standing between her and losing her mind. I hung up though. But she sounded scared and not sorry. How could I bring her back here when she had just done this? I know everyone in this house has killed people... but I feel like this is different. We had our reasons and our motives though, it looks like she did it to get attention... or worst, just to do it.

I killed a shooter on a rooftop when I met your brother just because I was angry. I was afraid that he knew the truth about a girl I once loved and I was afraid of someone knowing what I was really like, underneath this face, just a monster like my father was. But since I met your brother, I've begun to heal... it's been hard and awkward, but being here has changed me. If Sun couldn't reach out to someone here with everyone showing her support, then how could bringing her back here save her? I don't want to bring her back here if that's who she is..." he sighed looking at the phone.

His lips pulled into a thin line and he began to pace the room, "Was I right?" he paused, "I mean, she does know where we live. Even her father managed to track her here. Was it my responsibility?" he felt conflicted. He wonder if Rachel would laugh at him for his worry over something like this. He hoped that she wouldn't laugh, she was a Lariat though, they weren't new to killing and Alec had even warned him about Rachel. She didn't strike him as someone who was overly sentimental or brooded over decisisons in the way that he did.
The Military Hummer pulled up to the Lariat house. Sun had came out with her gun's strapped to belt, and her Rifle on her back. She looked at the guards as they let her in. she looked tired and she was hyperventilating. "Please..... I didn't want to kill them.... I am soo sorry....but that won't cut it.."

She stood in the Lariat house quietly. She had her hand on the Rifle. She hummed.
Flashing lights. Sirens. Dead bodies. Streams of crimson from his lips and stomach. Where are his organs...?

Where... Where? Who? What was happening? Why... Why did it hurt?

WHy was he bleeding? WhY did it Hurt?

No... not he... me. Me. Why do I hurt?

A face entered my blurry vision, its mouth moving, a light shined in my eyes. "Are... okay?..... alive?.... Enlightened.... attack... survivor here..."

I want to... I want to live.

Help me, please, it hurts, it hurts so much.

I don't...

I don't want to die!

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┏(・o・)┛--------- ♪┏(・o・)┛♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Mami woke with a start, sweating and panting. It was... that nightmare again. He had thought he had stopped having that nightmare three years ago! He shivered slightly, wrapping his arms around his stomach. The phantom pain from the nightmare still lingered slightly even though the wounds were gone. The remaining memories of the incident had never faded from his memory, unlike the faces and voices of the people he met.

Grabbing his hand to stop it from shivering, Mami went down the stairs for a glass of water. The television blared as he chugged the glass of water and belched softly. Ughghh, baby burp, groooosssss. He drank another glass of water to wash the awful taste from his mouth, and peeked into the living room. Why was the television on anyways, seriously? At this time of the night?

He entered the living room, pausing for a second when he saw his parents on the couch. Why were they watching t.v. at this hour? It's freakin' late! Mami stepped forward to lean forward on the couch in between his parents' heads. "Mama, Baba, why are you watching television? It's late, shouldn't you two be sleeping?"

Mami's mother turned around, slightly surprised. "I could say the same for you, sweetie! Shouldn't you be in bed?" Mami blushed, and crossed his arms slightly, replying, "I had... I was thirsty!" He lied, but he didn't want them to worry. They worry enough as it it, no need to give anymore white hairs to his parents.

His dad huffed slightly at the two. "Be quiet, both of you! I'm trying to watch the telly!" The father turned back to the television, watching intently, and the mother joined him in watching.

Mami glanced at the television, expecting something boring like business reports or stock market crashes. But he was wrong. The live news showed a burning building spewing out vicious flames that spat and roared at the firefighters while a anchorwoman spoke about the incident. Sirens, ambulance, flashing lights, firetrucks, people who were hurt.

His mouth fell open in shock, and he gaped at the television. "But... that's Laurene's place! Why is it burning?" Mami's mother turned to him, and asked, "Why, is this Laurene a friend of yours?" Mami blinked twice, replying, "Yeah, she is! I need to go to that place, or the hospital! She might be hurt, or something!" I need to get in contact with Alec! Laurene might be hurt!

Mami's father's shoulders stiffened, continuing to watch the television. "You are not going there! It's dangerous out at night!"

"My friend's in danger! I have to! She might be... be dying!"

The mother touched Mami's arm, tears filling her green eyes. "Please, sweetie. I don't want you to be hurt again. You can see her when it's light outside, alright?" The father nodded gruffly in agreement. "Remember the last time you went out at night without telling us. Don't make us worry about you in that way again. There are Enlightened out there, and they might hurt you like they did before. Go upstairs and go back to sleep. Then you can see your Laurene in the morning."

Mami clenched his fists, and released them, heaving a deep sigh. "Yes Mama, yes Baba. Night." He turned and trudged back to his room, and closed the door behind him.

Mami went into his closet and changed quietly into his street clothes, and grabbed a hockey stick and his camera while he was at it. Shoving it into a backpack, he slowly slid the window open and shimmied down the drain pipe. Mami softly landed on the ground, glancing around for any observers. He held his arms around himself tightly as he glared into the darkness, shivering slightly at its gaping maw that threatened to swallow him. He wasn't afraid. Not a bit.

He grabbed his bicycle and rode out into the night.

Please, please. Don't be hurt.

((Whew... Sorry for the Great Wall of Text Post!))
Alatus made a call as soon as he made his way outside the police lines. "Raptor, I'm calling in that favor. I've got a particularly violent and uncontrollable Enlightened on my hands. She's a member of the Lunar family, so she's especially dangerous. Any chance you can pull some strings for me?"

Colonel Marcolis Eskal knew exactly who was on the other line. He answered, "Of course Mr. Aurelis. I'm happy to help in any way I can. I'll send you help and resources. They'll meet you in our usual meeting place." He hung the phone up. In truth, he wasn't exactly fond of the bounty hunter, but he did owe the man a big favor. Of course, he could only do so much, but if the Enlightened were allowed to run rampant, bad things could and probably would happen to good people. He sent orders to several of his people. They were a mixture of Ordinaries and Enlightened, and they were all damn good soldiers. He decided that he should go, too. He may have been an Ordinary, but he was a damn good hunter.

Alatus had arrived at his meeting point, a desolate warehouse. He waited for a good twenty minutes before he heard the unmistakable roar of a military vehicle. Five people entered the warehouse building. He only ever dealt with the leader, Raptor, so that was the only one he recognized. He walked up to the man slowly and deliberately, with his hands up and open, to show them that he wasn't hostile. "Raptor?"

"In the flesh, Mr. Aurelis. I figured that if you can't stop this Lunar girl, I'd have to come in myself." He introduced his team. "This is my team, Eraser, Nosferatu, Scope, and Ghost. Ghost and Nosferatu are Enlightened, and Eraser, Scope, and myself are Ordinary. We don't have much time, so let's get going."

Alatus nodded. He piled into the vehicle along with the rest of them. He was gonna have to find this girl soon.
Sharon and Michelle looked at each other, nodded, and followed Alec to his car...

When people are finally allowed in to see Laurene they find her out cold, her arms covered in bandages and a few light burns on her face. Other than that she did not appear too badly hurt.
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Alec allowed the two women to sit. He checked Laurenes charts and paced the room for a few moments. He needed to speak with Laurene directly but clearly someone was after her life. He decided he would address his two new acquaintances first. "I would much appreciate it if I could learn a little more about you two. I'll begin though since I may seem more out of place here. I am Alec Lariat a friend of Laurenes. I am a medical research doctor and as of late I have not received a decent amount of rest that didn't evolve form of loss conscientiousness. How have you two come to know Laurene?" He made sure to look out the window to the street below and check the rotation of medical staff. Few assassin's left after a failed attempt...if this was indeed what he thought it may be.

Rachel took his head in her hands and kissed Alex slowly. She then slowly pulled back and stared at his eyes. "You are an interesting man Alex, do forgive me but I felt that was something I had to do after your meaningful and deep question. However, my answer is a bit different from your question I think. I do not care for people who use their abilities, Ordinary or Enlightened, like toys. They are not meant to define us but rather are used to aid us in our lives when needed. You know just like everyone else here that I have an ability that outstrips my brothers significantly. However, you may not know this but I fear my brothers far more than they fear me. Why? They are ruthless in their execution and extremely intelligent but what scares me the most is that when they do decide to kill it is because they have no other alternative. It means that you are probably at fault and they must end you before you harm others. Me? I'm a bit different....I will kill when I feel threatened or my family and friends are in danger. Very few things will stop me, Isabelle is lucky. Alec knows me too well and spared her. I do not hesitate, I do not look for alternatives....I kill and then that is all. But are you asking me if we take responsibility for another persons killing? Never. A person must decide when and why they kill. I have accepted mine and will always be ready for the consequence. My entire family is like that. So I do not feel you have done anything wrong. This act of violence is beyond reason and I find it vile. But...." She place her hand on his chest. "Your heart is much like my brothers. Kind. It's an attractive quality in any person and I find very very attractive on you."
Sun had stripped down her clothing while in the restroom. She looked at the package that came yesterday. She took out the amplifer helmet that was inside. She then put it on. The helmet flickered on and she took out the gauntlets and suit. After putting everything on, she knew just how dangerous she had become. So her other persona's all stopped Sun from trying to take control. She then disappeared. She used her amplified speed to move at hyper speed, or over a one hundred thousand miles per second. She was then in a hospital, a particularly large one. She walked to the center.


She pulled out a bomb. Not just any bomb a minature thermo nuclear bomb that can level anything and anyone in a 3 mile radius. She set it down and armed it. 12 second count down."If you all won't help me in here than die."

She started it and was out of the blast radius in a mere second. There were 693 total people, Women, Children, and Men. In the blast radius. "11...10...9..8..7..6...5..4..3..2..1 BOOM!!" She yelled. And the bomb blew up. In a instant all those people were dead. And that mini nuclear blast had a EMP burst to everything around.

"Yes! I love explosions for no reason!!" Aura laughed out loud.
Mami shivered as the cold night air blew around him, chilling him to the bone. It wasn't like he was scared of the dark, he was just, well, scared of the dark! Or more specifically, what could be in the dark, but he wasn't frightened! Mami wasn't some kinda pussy!

Mami had only been riding for about ten minutes when a deafening boom jostled him. The earth shook and nearly caused him to fall from his bicycle roughly, startling him. He fell to the ground and curled up into a ball to protect himself from any dangers nearby, not that it would've worked either way. Opening his eyes slightly, Mami peeked around for any dangers, and slowly got back onto the bicycle. Where... Where did the blast come from? Was it a bomb?

He closed his eyes, wondering if Laurene had been near the bomb's explosion. If Laurene had been hurt, she would've been taken to the hospital... But the explosion just happened, so people might still be hurt by it. I want to see if Laurene is alright, but I want to see if the people near the explosion are alright as well! What should I do?

Why did he have to make so many hard decisions today?! Mami biked furiously as he thought, stopping in front of a smoldering building. Well, the fire's out. But where's Laurene? Mami grabbed a random passerby talking to someone about the explosion, and found out that the ambulance taking away injured people was from the Northgate Hospital. Welp, to the hospital! Wherever it is! Mami picked up a stick, holding it on its point and placed it on the ground to let it fall over. The magical stick points to the north! Onward! Didn't the explosion sounds come from that direction too? Shrugging his shoulders, Mami got back on his trusty bicycle and pedaled to wherever the hospital was.
Mami had bicycled right into Sun's back. She fell down and caught herself. But her voice went back to Sun's. "Owwwwie Mami!!! Warn before impact!......wait what the heck am I wearing!? Holy......" She looked the destruction. And she started crying. "No....no...no...NO! This was Central Hospital! Sister!!!! NOOOO!!!!" She yelled out as she ran towards the center. In a pile of Rubble her sister stood out of the wreckage. She was a Enlightened who absorbed Any type of heat energy. Sun ran up to her and hugged her.

"Nova! You... Alright!?" She asked as Nova looked weak.

"That...was a mini Nuclear bomb....with a blast radius of 3 miles......anyone who was caught in it are dead. But I managed to stay alive." Nova's power was to use the heat of something that she absorbed and use it as a energy bomb.
Mami scratched his head, and stared at the wreckage. "Uh, this doesn't look like Northgate." He turned to Sun and smiled sheepishly. "Whoops, sorry Sun! What happened here? Did terrorists attack?" It looked horrible around here, absolutely horrible. But at least it wasn't five mile radius? Who was that girl? "Sun, do you know where Northgate is? Whose the girl? How did she survive? AH! We have to look for other survivors!" Mami jumped off his bike and started calling out loudly. There had to be more than one survivor.
Alatus, Raptor and their crew were driving toward the the last known position of the Lunar girl, the bank, in order to see if they could figure out where she had gone. Raptor began to fill in the rest. "Okay, we're going to try to find this Lunar girl. Alatus, where do you think she was headed?"

Alatus shrugged. I have no idea. All I know is that she headed North..." He was cut off by a blinding light, deafening sound, and searing heat. Nobody in the vehicle knew what just happened, and as they were within the blast radius of a nuclear bomb, they never would.
Sun looked at Mami. "That was a mini nuclear blast ,Mami. No one else but my Sister survived." She said in a small voice. She picked Mami up. "This is Nuclear radiation if we stay you'll die."
((Accel, have you seen the out of character comment on the bottom of your post by Dragon yet? If you haven't, will you click on the link?))

Mami blinked at Sun, and furrowed his brows. "No! There has to be more survivors! She can't be... She can't be the only one!" He wrenched himself out of her grip, stumbling on the ground slightly. "She can't be the only one!" He gripped a stone with a small hand under it and pulled on it, panting heavily. Tears formed slightly in his eyes as he tugged determinedly. She couldn't be. There had to be more, loads more.
The two ladies glanced at each other before the smaller one answered. "She's Sharon Hallman and I'm Michelle Gladhill. We are her roommates. I happen to be one of her teachers at school and Sharon is a video game tester. We are also the only ones in the northeastern part of the city that know what Laurene is."

Sharon snickered, "Yeah, she kind of blew up a spider in front of us. Pretty hard to make up an excuse for that." Michelle threw heer. "Anyways..."

"Something odd happened back there with Laurene. Her eyes were glowing. Not just turning orange. Glowing. She said that you might kn-"

The door opened slightly and a middle age women's voice came through. "Excuse me ladies, could I have a moment with Dr. Lariat?" The two girls looked at each other and walked out of the room, pausing for a moment to glance back at Laurene. A middle age woman with short brown hair and green eyes walked into the room. At her side was a young boy.

"So I have yet to read the charts. Tell me, Dr. Lariat, what is my daughter's condition."
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He was taken off-guard by the kiss but he wouldn't have been able to say that it was unpleasant. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She began to speak and he felt himself smiling as she talked. It wasn't just what he wanted to hear but it was also something that he needed to hear. Rachel called it kindness, but he thought it was excessive. He felt the need to save everyone and redeem everyone. If Sun were to kill a million people and Rachel hadn't come by then he would have felt the weight of those millions of deaths on his shoulders. It was good to hear what he should have known all along, it wouldn't be his fault. There was a time and a place for guilt and now was not the time. That was Sun's burden and not his own.

"We balance each other." he said quietly... cautiously. He didn't want to scare her but he could find no other words that could express what he felt right now. He hoped that she didn't think he was coming on too strong or too intensely with his word choice. Regardless of whether or not his words had repulsed or frightened her, they were true and if she rejected him he knew that he could easily just apply those same words to a friendship.

But of course he hoped that his words hadn't done any of that because he leaned forward bringing their lips together again. His arms wrapped around her and one hand snaked gently into her hair though he restrained himself just enough to pull away if she showed any signs of drawing away from him.
Alec gave her a tired glance as he read off the chart. "A few fractures in her Ulna and Radius, probably from the fall, small concussion, which she will recover from, and burns on her hands mostly." He looked at Laurene for a moment. "You should be proud of her Dr. Snyder, she saved lives today. I'm sure you know this but your daughter tends to be more action and less thought even though she fancies herself a detective, all the same she is a good kid. I hope one day you can see that if you haven't already." He turned toward her, Snyder. Janet Snyder, now why would she come out now? Her daughter has been in danger a few times already but she appears now? It didn't matter she knew who he was and she wouldn't be foolish enough to attack him especially not in a hospital. "So why am I graced with your honorable presence today Dr. Snyder? You could keep tabs on your daughter from afar why come into a room you know a Lariat resides in? Perhaps you have finally come to enjoy the company of an Enlightened? Your daughter will be most delighted."

Rachel returned his kiss passionately this time but slowly, she wanted to savor it. She let up after a minute or so and smiled. "We do..don't we." She felt his hesitation though. "But your wounds have not fully healed have they. My brother tends to say I am a merciless killer....he is correct...but that doesn't mean I can't be gentle. Healing and harming after are two sides of the same coin. "She smirks a little. "That's what Alec says anyway." She stands up and walks back to the door. "I am very very very certain this shall happen again but lets try it a bit slower, hmmm? I must say it will test my patience to the extreme, but I feel your worth a little extra, wouldn't you agree?" She gave a playful smile and started to walke down the steps.
"Let me make one thing very clear to you." Janet started very sternly, "I personally have nothing against you Enlightened. In fact I find you all rather fascinating. And if I were to hate the enlightened I would have to hate myself. After all, my genes produced two of them." She glanced over with a soft expression at the bed where the young boy stood watching Laurene. "But my husband is not the kind of man you say no to. And when he says to join him in his anti-Enlightened activities, you do it."

"In regards to my purpose here, it was not for your company, though it is a pleasant bonus. I just figured that it would be a convinient time to check up on Laurene without her, quiet literally, blowing up." She walked over to the bed and lifted one of Laurene's eyelids up, revealing a still orange eye. "Thought so..." She reached into her jacket, pulled out a small note book and wrote something down in it. Then, slipping it back, she turned to Alec. "I have been watching this girl's progress as an Enlightened for over ten years. She is one of the most intriguing ones I have come across yet. There is the Lunar girl who seems to just ignore her price, but she is... unstable to say the least. Laurene however..."

"Tell me, as the son of a well known Enlightened researcher and as an Enlightened yourself, what would your thoughts be if I told you that an Enlightened's powers could evolve?
Alec stared at her and spoke in a calm voice. "Dr. Snyder....how do I say this without being rude....alas I can't. Your need to show me your 'kindness' is just another way of you displaying weakness. You follow your husband? Well, that is rich. Your husband has murdered thousands and yet you tell me because you love your daughter and find Enlightened intriguing that would change anything." He leans in his eyes emotionless and still. "Yes, let us make one thing clear, your daughter and that boy over her may be innocent, but you are an adult and weak one at that. I shall not be moved by your simplistic words and if I sense for a moment that you have come to harm Laurene I will kill you without hesitation. You are a worm for allowing this to happen to innocent people as you watched your husbands disgusting acts, a smart worm but a worm nonetheless. Hating yourself would be a small way to repay the damage you let happen but I care not for your weak testament on how you care. If you want to change something start by being a mother to your daughter and quite observing her. That being said you are Laurene's mother and you seem to care for her, at least in a way a scientist cares for their lab rat." He walks to the window. "As far as your research is concerned Dr. Snyder I am well aware of Enlightened evolution. Being one myself, I have gone through it a few times and I am currently in a stage of it, though what will happen to me I know not. Me and my father have actually coupled it with our research on Oridecon. I must take a theoretical guess as to Laurene's she once spoke about your house exploding, recently she escaped a fire. Pyrokinesis would make the most sense seeing as she is both a telekinetic and a semi telepath."
Sun's sister Slapped Sun. After she figured out what she done. She said nothing though. Sun didn't look phased at all. "Its not my fault that I can't control it. That's why the country has deemed us as Bio weapons." Sun said without any emmotion. Nova was uneffected by virtually anything but herself. Her body is so toxic that even Oridicon couldn't stay in her blood stream for more than a second. But that caused her body to always look sick. She had very pale skin and looked exactly like Sun.
Sun woke up on a couch. She was looked around. No explosions, no killing anyone, no amplifer tech. She was relieved that it was all a nightmare. Her brain was thinking of some weird stuff after drinking the alcohol. She looked at her hands. "....never drink wine again..........Weird crap always happens........." Sun said and she stood up her head swam with dizziness, so she must have used her speed cause her mind felt tired. She walked up to Rose's room. And held her head as she walked. She knocked on Rose's door. "Hey Rose? You awake? I had...a aweful dream I need someone to talk to.... I had a really horried...dream.." She said in a light voice. She slide and sat on the floor.

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