False Heroes

(I want to showcase Rose's power a bit, so if anyone wants to have their character respond to it, preferably in a hypnotized trance, go for it.)

Before Rose fell into the realm of sleep, she began to hum. It wasn't an existing song, just a random melody that she had always known. She wasn't exactly doing it consciously, it just happened. She always felt at ease when she hummed this tune, and sometimes it even helped her sleep. After the last few days, she could use all the help she could get to relax. Though staying here and getting to know the Lariat siblings a bit better definitely helped. Her humming continued.
Rachel felt a heighten sense of calm all of a sudden...what was that beautiful song? It was as is all her inhibitions in life had been lifted! She felt she needed to see the angel that produced this music herself. She slowly came out of her room and passed Alex and found herself in the living room. There was Rose...sweet,charming, quiet Rose. Rachel couldn't disturb her while she sung such a beautiful song. So she sat, gazing at this beautiful moment in time.
Rose was still humming, her eyes closed. She vaguely heard bare feet on the carpet. When it finally dawned on her that what she heard really was someone entering the room, she stopped and opened her eyes to see Rachel sitting in a trance-like state. That was when she was finally aware that she had been humming. Her face flushed a bit, but she couldn't wait for her embarrassment to subside. She snapped her fingers to break her hypnotism over Rachel before the woman could lose her mind. Rose had seen it before. She was interrupted during one of her hunts, and before she could get rid of the intruder, her victim had collapsed and was babbling incoherently. She later figured out what happened and how she could prevent it. Luckily it was as easy as snapping her fingers.
Rachel's eyes snap into focus for a moment. She slowly looks at Rose and figures out the situation mostly. "Um, sweetie....you didn't happen to use your power on me on purpose did you? I do had having my mind manipulated. If you wanted my company you could just ask you know?"
Rose's cheeks turned a little more red and she shook her head. "No, it wasn't on purpose. Sorry, I guess I'm still a bit stressed after these last few days, and my mind started to wander. I tend to hum when my mind wanders, and I guess you heard it. If I don't target someone, anyone who hears it will be affected just like you were. Again, sorry." She offered a little apologetic smile and shrug. Rose knew by now that if you stayed on her good side, Rachel wasn't a bad person. She could be rather teasing, but it was usually in a playful, friendly manner. It wasn't only when Rachel was angry, Rose supposed, that the woman could be almost evil. Rose stood up and placed a hand on the back of her head as she looked away. "I should probably get to bed. I'm getting pretty sleepy. Good night." With that, she started toward her guest room.
Rachel places a gentle hand on her arm. "Oh darling you don't have to leave if you don't want to. Your time being here must have been...interesting to say the least. I do have a question if its not t much to ask of you. What is troubling you? I understand that talking is not something you tend to do a lot but I can tell when you are uncomfortable. Is it just these events or perhaps our family? I understand that we can be a rather ruthless family. I don't apologize for it, one must be strong or one may destroyed but I do want my friends comfortable if I can manage that."
Rose stopped and listened to Rachel. She took a centering breath before answering. "Honestly, it's a combination of both, your family and these events. Don't get me wrong, though, I'm much more comfortable with you and Alec then I was when I first met you two. It's just that before these events, I was so..." it took Rose a few seconds to find the right words. "Wrapped up in my own little life that I found it difficult to imagine that this whole Oridecon thing was this big of a deal. Sure, it was known to have negative effects on us, but I figured that it was rare enough that any that had surfaced was tightly controlled." Rose sat back down as she talked. She felt like opening up a bit and she didn't want to worry about collapsing or something. "I overheard a few interesting things at the banquet, and even got a few opinions. All in all, this seems to be a bigger issue than I had imagined and, quite frankly, I find it to be heavy and a little worrying." She shrugged. If Rachel saw her as a friend, then she supposed that opening up a bit couldn't hurt. Trust had to start somewhere, after all.
"I didn't feel an overwhelming sense of hospitality from him when he sent his pet Will after me." she said sourly. She was thinking back to her encounter with him. He had grabbed for her mask... was he helping her just so that he could play with her mind and send wolves after her? Or had he intended just to pluck her mask off of the ground and walk away? Given Will's nature she assumed it was the former.

She felt an odd feeling in her chest and it wasn't just her lungs for once. He probably hadn't noticed but his choice of words endeared him to her. He hadn't once referred to her plant outside as an 'it'. Of course, her friend outside didn't have a gender but he had always called it the root, the plant, or them. He had treated her plant with a surprising amount of respect.

"You're too good to be true," she said with a slight laugh. That pretty much summed up how she felt about him because even though he had stated his motives, it still didn't make sense to her. She didn't know much about Dr. Bisset to help him and she balked at the idea of chivalry. Men weren't that kind, heck it wasn't just men. People had never been this kind to her, "It's almost a shame I'm not too fond of good night kisses." She said softly, a little unsure of whether or not her tone came out light and teasing or if she had imagined the slight bitter edge to her voice because she literally couldn't. Was that really all it took to woo her? Just treating her plants with respect, letting her bring her root inside, and making sure that his sister didn't kill her? How old was she, thirteen?

"I'll see you in the morning, I guess." she said walking out of the room. She had been allowed her plant and she wanted to bring her friend inside. She was sure that her last remaining root would enjoy the greenhouse and she only hoped that the greenhouse was relatively empty. She liked giving her friends lots of room to grow... but then again... maybe she could find some new friends. It's not like Alec had forbidden her from helping the plants in the greenhouse.

As she stepped inside, she frowned as she saw a destroyed truck and she saw Sun walking away from it. It confirmed to her that this girl was not to be talked to. She decided to ignore the scene knowing that she was to angry over the needless death of her friend to not break Alec's trust. Instead she just whispered to her plant who helped her dig their roots out of the soil. She walked quickly with the plant in her arms as the vines wrapped around her lovingly drawing the two of them closer together as she hurried to place the plant safely back into soil.


Alex smiled before going his separate way from Rachel. He fortunately was heading in the opposite direction away from her and away from Rose's siren music. Healing Alec's wounds had exhausted him. It was enough to make him want to risk a midnight visit from Bill. He hadn't seen Kate's ghosts since he had let her go with Harper and to that he felt relief. Especially as he was unsure of how things were progressing with Rachel. They had had a great time at the dinner tonight before coming back here but she wasn't pursuing him as strongly as she had been before. Maybe she had just liked the chase and maybe she just liked knowing that she could have had him if she wanted to. It was probably a good thing, he didn't want to move on before he was ready... thankfully, it didn't seem like she actually wanted anything to happen. At least, he wouldn't have to deal with any mental backlash. As far as he was concerned, he was still a complete basketcase.


Will met the creature's gaze balefully. This wasn't a product of his mind. The creatures that he summoned weren't as... rough. He couldn't figure out how he wanted to phrase it but the monsters that plagued him were all smooth edges and most seemed to be constructed of inky darkness. He remembered the first time he had seen an illusion-monster. The monster had had a vague humanoid shape though it was far too tall and its skeletal frame was far too thin. It was as if a human being's skeleton had been stretched out and exaggerated. A layer of impossibly black leathery skin was stretched taut over its frame. It didn't have a face. They usually never did. Instead of a face it had two small slits that twitched and quivered as it stalked forward on thin legs and a mass of whirling rows of teeth that it called a mouth. A thick black tongue snaked out between these rows of teeth lolling in the air and Will remembered watching and feeling as if the tongue was tasting the air. It's arms were just as long as the rest of its stretched skeleton but where the creature should have had hands were three thick scythe-like appendages on each hand that curved softly down to the ground.

The heart of the matter was that he had seen a lot of variations of monsters (he couldn't forget the night he had heard the walls scratching and he had woken up to see hundreds of thin snow-white arms reaching out for him while the creatures behind the walls screamed) but he felt that this one was real. He couldn't explain it. It was just instinctive.

"You know how to reach me." he said slowly deciding from the look on the monster's face that he didn't want to stick around. As he turned to leave he heard a thunderous sound and a small noise that was distinctly a crack. A smile crossed Will's face as he let the door shut behind him. He had forgotten what it was like to feel something, especially fear. It was exhilirating.
Alec smiled as she went away. Did she just flirt with him? That was....cute. Why do all the cute ones want to kill him when they meet. He watch her walk out mainly because he didn't want Rachel to kill her on the way out. That...and well she was nice to watch walk away. He gathered himself though. She was a lady and he should not gawk like a simpleton. Besides he needed to know that he could trust her fully before he even thought of a romantic engagement. He thought about how he could 'help' her. She was after all an Enlightened 'curing' her would be acting as if her existence was a disease but perhaps he could figure out a way for her to breath without the mask. He didn't want to take away her plant ability, it was part of her and oddly enough he found himself thinking a that few sentient plants being around could be a good thing. He found himself hungry as well....must have been the rough housing from earlier.

Rachel listened intently. "Yes, the Oridecon is dangerous, given that public knowledge is extremely limited even at the banquet we wouldn't hear of any nefarious projects being done. All the same what have you overheard that troubles you? Some one had a philosophy about how dangerous the material is yet how we need to protect or 'kind' against the Enlightened? Or is it that you find it disheartening to know that something that can be dug out of the ground is deathly chemical agent against us?" She folded her feet under herself in the chair as she sat.

Small...weak....intelligent. Smell....not made for consumption. It then looked up at Will leave. Small...frail....broken. Smells of fear...made for consumption. Most....absorb nutrients soon. Find self...in..hunger...must consume...
Rose took a few moments to recall what she had heard. "Well, the few doctors I met were pretty tight-lipped about it, but they all seemed to share the opinion that the Oridecon should be kept under lock-and-key. There were a few people seemingly willing to invest in what they called 'pest control'. Of course, they made it sound like they weren't really serious, and honestly, I didn't think they were. They were fairly easy to read, and were very opinionated on the subject. Even the few military types that were there were more willing to lock the Oridecon up rather than use it, and they probably had the best knowledge of its potential as a weapon. I guess it's that if someone looked hard enough, they could find out how to really hurt people like us thats bugging me." Rose had to take a deep breath to keep herself from freaking out. She was just a anime shop clerk and promoter. Granted, she put down anti-Enlightened bigots in her spare time, but even still, she was a small fish that had just been scooped into a big pond.
Rachel place her head in her hands as she listened to Rose. "Can I ask you to do something for me Rose? What is your take on Ordinaries? I want to know your full ideal. How do feel about the ones who like us and the ones who hate us? How do you feel about them in relationship to us?"
Rose's eyes widened a bit. That was a pretty heavy question, and one that she hadn't really given much thought to. Just how did she feel about Ordinaries? She answered as she thought. "Well, to be honest, overall, I'm not a big fan. The ones that like us? I haven't come across many, unfortunately. Although I do have some respect for those of them that are willing to help us out. At least the ones that I've heard about. Ordinaries that hate us, well that's a grey area for me. If they're all bark and no bite, I just avoid them. The ones that are dangerous, though..." Rose could feel anger rising up in her chest. "If they want to kill me, I'll kill them first and before they even know it. If they want to take my rights away, well let's just say a few have been found in back alleys lacking a pulse." She knew that what she did was wrong, but she was bitter and she knew how to cover up her tracks. She let out a bitter laugh. "I guess I should be locked away at the least, even executed for that. Hell, I'm no better than they are huh?" She looked at Rachel expecting her judgement.
Rachel stared at her with eyes that saw through her. "You are not." She stood up and walked a bit on her toes. "None of us are. Be we rich, poor, Enlightened or Ordinary....we all bleed...we all love...we all hate. It is the truest philosophy of the Lariat. I do not judge you for I have killed Ordinaries and Enlightened alike. The same can be said for most of my family. None of us claim to be saints but we try to live by our creed. That the strong past judgement. Have you ever read the old stories of however the Enlightened came to be? When we were first 'seen' we were revered as gods. How can you not expect Ordinaries to hate us? For a time we were their master's, them...our slaves. Did we lash them? No, but we did control them with our powers. The Lariat home hopes to show that we are better because we are born better but we are better because we work for it. A hard working baker is just as important as a man who works hard to file taxes. Both have people who depend on them. I tell you this because you must try to education first. I wanted to hurt your parents when you told me your story because I let my emotions come out first, but I should want to show your parents the error of their ways. If people cannot see us as equals after that then of course violence may be necessary. That is why me and my family have mixed feelings about this Oridecon. True it is our poison but it also gives the Ordinaries a new equalizer no? Some of us can kill them with our thoughts, how would you feel were you placed in their situation? All in all though we have much to do....Enlightened have power yet many of us live in ghettos while Ordinaries have money and are vulnerable to us." The sound of slow clapping could be heard. Rachel quickly turned to see Alec leaning on the door. "Did you hear all of that?!" Her face was portraying embarrassment.

Alec smiled. "I did I was just going to sleep and then I heard me baby sister sounding like our father a bit. Well Rose, few people can get my trouble making sister to give speeches? Your sure a siren song is all your capable of?" He give her a good humored smile.
Rose nodded several times through Rachel's little speech, and didn't even balk at her admission of wanting to hurt Rose's parents. She knew that Rachel was right. In fact, her speech made enough sense to Rose that she probably got exactly what Rachel wanted her to get. But that made her feel worse. She suddenly felt even more justified in her actions than she ever had. That wasn't what she wanted, though. If anything, she wanted what many people did: equality. If she could be seen as equal to an Ordinary instead of inferior, she'd be happy. When Alec clapped, she jumped a bit. She shrugged at his question. "As far as I know that's all I can do."
Sun let herself become quiet. She started to hate everyone around her. She was ignored and she HATED being ignored but she mostly hated the people who did. Sun rattled her fingers on the walls. All her persona's were telling Sun to just start killing everyone but Sun fought for control over her mind. A person had finally came up to Sun and looked at her straight.

"You. Are you Aura Lunar?" He asked and Aura imediatly took over. She was stunned that someone was talking too her.

"Yes I am. Who wants to know?" She asked in a Monotoned voice and she looked at him carefully.

"Here is a package for you." He said and handed her a large package. Aura took it with a a interested look.

"But this is..... The..." She started then froze.
(( Heeeeey guys, I just wanted to say that I'll be outta commission 'till Sunday 'cause of health issues. So Mami'll just be doing detention or delivery work or school while I'm gone.))
Rachel placed a hand on her shoulder. "Rose, this may be odd coming from me I know but if you can ever find yourself to not kill you should. Stacking up bodies doesn't build any bridges." She then walked away to sleep for the night.

Alec stared as she walked away and turned to Rose. "Huh? A pacifist Rachel...that's an oxymoron I'm sure. Rose what my sister is trying to say is that while we can be ruthless even cruel, we do not go out of our way to exact vengeance, it is your life to led but perhaps you may want to reconsider how you use your powers. Anyway, the hour is late and you should get some sleep. I will disturb you no longer." And with that he left for his room.
Rose nodded. She knew that they were both right. Honestly, she was getting tired of her hunting. How many had it been now? The other night made it twenty-three. The blood of twenty-three relatively innocent people stained her hands, and for once, she felt physically sick. She stood up straight, having just come to a decision. One that she knew was right. It would be a difficult road, but nothing worth doing is easy. She nodded to affirm her decision. And now it was time to take Alec's advice and turn in for the night. She said under her breath, "I thank you both."
Sun was suddenly at Rose's door with a package in her arms. She was quiet her eyes looked angry, sad, depressed, and fustrated. She leaned against the wall. "So. Rose becomes more like them. I thought you were like us... I guess not." Sun said with a low voice. She had no actual thoughts in her brain, she just said what she felt.

Her cellphone rang and she answered it properly. "This is Sun Luna.... Yes she is here... Oh I see thanks. " she hung up and stopped talking.
Before Rose got into the bed, she heard a phone ringing outside her door, and then she heard Sun's voice. She went to the door and opened it. "Sun? it's kinda late, what's up?"
Sun looked at her with unnerving eyes. She looked as if she was all of her personalities at once. " ah. Rose are you actually falling for what they are saying. But If you do trust them well who am I to stop you." Sun seemed to be unconflicted by her other persona's and she started walking away. "I chose my enemies and friends very carefully.."
(First of all, I just noticed that we have a out of character comment section.

Second, when we are ready for a time skip, I have something I want to have happen sometime between 1 and 2 in the morning.)
Rose stepped back from Sun's look, and a hand instinctively went for a dagger that Rose always wore, but as Sun spoke, Rose decided that she didn't need to draw it. As Sun walked away, Rose stepped out of the room. "Wait a second, Sun. Yeah, I'm starting to trust Rachel and Alec, and yes, it's because I believe what they're saying, but Sun, you have to understand. I'm sick of being treated as inferior to everyone else, and killing people, especially in vengeance, isn't as rewarding as I first thought it would be. I'd like to just run and hide, but I feel that I need to do better. I just want all of us to be equal, and if the Lariats can help make that a reality, why shouldn't I support, and even join them?"

Because of the last few days, Rose had become quite taken with the possibility of finally making a difference, and doing good for a good cause. She used to think that the cause justified the blood on her hands, but not anymore. now the blood just made her sick.

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