False Heroes

Sun came from seemingly nowhere. She had a half empty wine bottle in her hand and she was just constantly blushing from it. She didn't walk like a drunk, but her speed was so disoreinting that everything that she passed by seemed to be altered. She looked at everyone. "Well....how di do *hiccup* Whats....that...." She said and touched a vine. It died. Her speed was causeing extreme age acceleration to any living thing she touched. She didn't really seem to care. Even the grass that she touched was dead.
Alec woke. It was about 10 and he found mostly everyone surrounding him. He immediately felt his bone missing, well missing was the easiest way to say it. He could still feel the bone, but it was very far from him and it was contained, meaning he couldn't manipulate it. This was upsetting, not because he was missing a rib, his body could replenish that with time. It was a perk of having your abilities in your very bones. But the disturbing idea was why would someone take his bone in particular? He glanced around and saw his sister with a mix of anger and worry on her face. Good. That meant that this Isabelle was alive or his sister would just be worried. "I really must stop passing out so much." He said jokingly. "I am assume since I am not vomiting blood and not in the infirmary, that I have Alex to thank for that." He nodded in thank to Alex. Isabelle was in a far off corner constantly eyeing is his sister. "If you would be so kind Isabelle, I would like you to explain your reason for being here, I know it has to do with the Oridecon but why come here? There are other places to find it." He tone was polite but he gave it a hidden undertone that this was not a request.
Isabelle heard the scream of the plants as they died and it was against every instinct that she denied her plants the privilege of attacking this Sun-girl. She was horrified especially by the girl's lack of caring. Alec had killed two of her roots, but she had been attacking him. She was still angry at him, but it made sense to her. This other woman though... Isabelle scrutinized the girl's face to memorize her features. If there was going to be a person that she strangled to death in this group it would be this woman. But she couldn't exactly do anything about the mistreatment of her precious friends until she was less surrounded by Enlightened whose powers she didn't yet know or because Rachel had promised her certain death if she moved even an inch in the wrong way.

Speaking of Rachel, Isabelle truly thought that Rachel would kill her anyways despite Alex's words that promised that if she said that she was his plaything that it would save would save her . She tried to make herself look like less than a threat. The plants gave an angry writhe meaning to strike out at Sun who had just murdered a root but she warned them again and they began slinking away back towards their roots. She had no control over the dead plants so as the last remaining plant shrank back towards its roots she gathered them up into a small pile regarding them sadly as she did so before she followed Alec's body who was being carried inside.


"Sorry about the bone," Alex apologized after he was addressed, "I'm sure you've already noticed, but I couldn't bring it back." the anger in his voice was thinly concealed and he shot Isabelle a scathing glare. Yeah, Alex hated her too. Which was unfortunate because she wanted him to try to repair the damages that her powers had done to her body. She couldn't even breathe without her mask... speaking of which, her tank had been damaged and now she only had a couple hours of supply left. She had been foolish not to opt for the bigger tank... even though it was bulky and a glaringly obvious target.

She hesitated to speak. She had counted on facing conflict alone with Alec and now she didn't have Will as a fail-safe. Her plants were outside and not within the vicinity to do any harm so she was well aware of how many ways that she could be killed. Fantastic. She may as well say the truth. For all she knew there was a psychic or an empath among them... and to be honest, she really wasn't that great at lying. She lied by mostly dancing around the truth and avoiding it, but this was not possible in this instance.

"The Oridecon wasn't the point of coming here. Sure, we needed Oridecon anyways but it was mostly just a reason to get you back here alone. We needed your bone. I thought you would have figured that out, you know, considering you're missing a rib." she said defensively hearing the surliness in her voice and cringing at it but being unable to stop her voice from having that tone. She was already on thin ice so why didn't she know when to stop? She should have been grovelling at his feet or something else equally dramatic and desperate. By all counts she should have been dead and if the roles were reversed she knew that she wouldn't have been so forgiving.

"And don't ask me what they wanted it for. This was supposed to be my last job for them and I definitely didn't want to know any dirty little secrets that might get me killed," she frowned, "Not that not knowing didn't help." but then she shook her head. She wasn't particularly in the mood for show-and-tell or divulging her life story. Alec already knew more about her than she was comfortable with him knowing and she didn't particularly want everyone else in the room to know anything about her.
"Alec," Laurene held a hand out infront of her and her eyes turned orange. "Should I?" One benefit of being psychometric is that you were a living lie detector.
Mami started in surprise when Sun suddenly appeared from nowhere. Seriously, nearly made his heart stop.... Was she drunk?! Where'd she get the booze? He followed the rest inside the mansion, turning briefly to the conversation to listen. Alex and Alec didn't seem to like the weird woman who had just appeared, but she didn't look too bad. She took the plants with her. Ah! The lady's probably the new gardener. Mami smiled and nodded to himself for having coming to this conclusion, mentally patting himself on the back. She probably used too much growth chemicals or fertilizer when gardening, and now she's sad that she has to get rid of the plants, because, well, all gardeners love plants!


Yeah, who the hell was he trying to fool. The way Rachel's glaring at her shows that she probably did something bad to Alec. She didn't seem completely bad (even though she was probably responsible for Alec and Alex's injuries). She looked injured, too. Maybe he should get some bandages to patch her up, and maybe get Sun to rest while he was at it. Kids, don't do drugs, or alcohol in this case.

Mami approached Sun to take her hand and lead her somewhere where she could rest. A guest room, maybe? He didn't know if Sun had a room here, and Alec shouldn't mind. Bandages would probably be in a bathroom (that's usually where bandages are) or a kitchen (no fingers in the soup please), and the guest room should have a bathroom. "Come on Sun, you should go rest. It isn't good for you to drink booze!" While saying that, Mami reached out to take the wine bottle from her (and chuck it in the trash).
Alec stood up and stretched he could still feel the pain in his side but it was mostly healed. He shot a quizzical eyebrow at Isabelle then gently placed his hand on top of Laurene's. "Thank you Laurene but I can't let you do that for two reason's. One though your powers allow you to 'read' things, I don't want you overexerting yourself, your not a telepath so your brain isn't completely outfitted like ones, Isabelle could potentially overload your mind or you do the same to her. Though I know you would only casually 'read' her what if she attempt to overload you? Remember psychic connections are a two way street. But the real reason is that if you were to find any more information you would be an even bigger target than you are now. That being said I will keep your offer in mind if I feel Ms. Isabelle is telling me a fabrication. Then for better or worse you can do with her mind as you please.....though don't want to turn you into a killer if I can help it." He then gave Isabelle a stern look and approach her slowly, he heard her jest but ignored it, it understood her to a degree. She was ruthless because she had to be but she also was exposed of course she may verbally attack. He spoke gently to her and with a sincere tone. "Your biology, its fundamentally different isn't it? Your tank is filled with carbon dioxide isn't it? Luckily for you I am a research doctor as well,so I have a few tanks in the lab. Do not see this as a sign of friendship, I want you alive, perhaps we can help each other and if you happen to like me then all the better!" He gave her smile that sent two messages. He wanted her to know that after fighting with her he hand learn some of her secrets and would use them if she crossed him, but also that he wanted to help her if possible.

Rachel would gladly let Laurene rip that twig in two if it could happen. Sadly, Alec had control over Isabelle. She couldn't take looking at the girl for too long and decided to excuse herself. "I am sorry that I must depart at this hour, brother dear do watch the children and your....pet. Laurene if you would feel inclined to watch over Sun and Mami? Your boyfriend is sweet but he and Sun could cause trouble. Good night to you all and do sleep well." She gave her a wink. "Oh...."she leaned in to talk to Laurene at a whisper "And I don't suggest you do too much with Mami at the moment, excitement is usually a sure way to bring out Enlightened powers." She then walked away and saw the cute Mami help Sun, she truly thought he was sweet but my word could that child be dense.

(of somewhere in a lab in Janus City)

"Hmm?, oh William please do come in. Tea? Oh yes I forget apologies your a coffee man correct?" Dr. Bisset moved some papers off his desk as Will laied out the Oridecon and the bone. "This fascinating my dear boy look? The bone it's...moving about and changing from metal to metal...tin....mercury....ohhohoho my boy Francium!! Truly a find....and don't you just LOVE to say the word Francium? No? Well lets get to work shall we? Francium...FRANciUM!!..franCIUM.....francium......francium...."
Sun was speaking in different languages without thinking. She was drunk after the first sip of alcohol . But when Mami tool her wine and through it in the trash she looked a little mad. "Hey! I was.....drinking that!....... Ice cream......" Her face was red like a cherry and she tried to wander off. She said such embarrassing things If she knew she would hide in shame. "Who wants me!? Bids start at 1 million dollars!"
Mami tugged on Sun's arm, trying to get her to go into a guest room. Man, she was totally smashed. "Er.... There's a bunch of wine this way, Sun! An entire room of it, but you won't get it unless you rest! So you should go into the guest room and take a nap!" He tugged her into a random guest room that hopefully didn't belong to anyone else. It sounded like she was speaking gibberish, but he wasn't the linguist so he couldn't really understand a word of it. "Suuuuuuuun... C'mon!" He pulled on her arm, trying to get her to move to the guest room.
"But I want the cat! The cat the catthecatthecatIwantitit'llbemybestfriend!" Sum started but Rin-Rin's voice finished. She reluctantly followed Mami into the guest room but then thats when Sun got all weird. "Oooooo are you a man yet Mami?" She asked and was literally purring like a cat.
Mami sighed in relief when he finally got Sun to go into the guest room. However, his relief was short-lived. His face turned bright red at Sun's words. "M-man?!? What are you saying?! Of course not, I'm only fifteen!" He had to escape somehow. Mami began inching slowly to the bathroom door, his hand creeping toward the doorknob.
Sun saw his hand and was suddenly grabbing his hand and pulled him away from the door. "Awww that is a man age." Sun had a creepy smile on her face and her eyes were swimming everywhere. "If you try to live i'll catch you." She pressed up against him.
Rachel saw them close the door on the way to her room. What in the heavens could they be up to? She opened the door and saw Sun on top of Mami. "Please do calm yourself children." She snapped her fingers and Sun appeared on top of the toilet and toilet sit fell on top of Mami's head/ "I do apologize for that but conduct yourself properly, carnal pleasures are to be had in private and besides I do recall Laurene and Mami being a pair. Do try and sober up Sun." She then leaves the door partially open and walks away.
Sun was so dazed by the toilet she looked dizzy. "................Huh? Oh dang it Sun! Again!? Freaking Again!? The last time you got drunk you were.....ah nevermind." Moon's voice came out sutle. He seemed to be unaffected by any type of drug. He was alway calm for no actual reason. Sun started whinning "......why can I not do anything right.... Ok i'm going to go sell myself!" Sun was still drunk since she got drunk in that persona
Mami froze as he felt Sun's body pressing up against him. Girl's body, close to him. Touching. Him. Girl. NoooooOOOOoooOOOoooO! He had to save his virginity for his future wife! When Sun was off of him, Mami sighed in relief. He would remain a cherry boy for a little while longer. He wasn't ready to canoodle anybody! At least Sun wasn't a guy...

Oh yeah, bandages. Mami looked into the cupboard and under the sink for medical supplies for the weird lady from before. Nope. Maybe behind the mirror? There they are! He grabbed the supplies quickly and tucked it underneath his arm, pausing to glance over at Sun. Trying not to look at her lest he flush with embarrassment, Mami pulled her up and pushed her over to the bed quickly.

"C'mon Sun! Get some rest, Sun! You're not acting like yourself. You don't need to sell yourself, or anything! I mean, you're totally like a Dragonball character, with Instant Transmission and final forms! I'm sure that you can do stuff right!" He flashed a weak grin, quickly left the room and shut the door, leaning on it and heaving a deeeeeeep breath. Don't think about it. Nope. Nothing happened.

He rushed down the hallway quickly, trying to forget about the incident. C'mon faulty memory, work! The one time I need you to make me forget, let me forget! Nothing happened, haha! Nothing! NOTHING! Haha, what incident? There was no incident! Yup, totally!

Entering the room Alec and the lady was in, Mami, out of breath, approached the pair. He shuffled his feet slightly, still slightly shaky, and held out the supplies. "Hey Alec... Can the lady have some bandages? She looks kinda hurt, so I thought that maybe she should be patched up and stuff. I mean, I understand if you don't want her to! I was just saying that it'd be better, y'know!" Mami hoped that Alec would say yes. If he said no... well, Mami'd probably do it anyways.
Alex left the room with the rest of them hesitantly leaving Alec and Isabelle alone. The plant-woman had said that she was his play-thing and Alec didn't seem too concerned so he figured that it was okay. Besides, he had seen more dead plants across the yard then live ones before coming in and her attack had taken place when it was just the two of them. He didn't know what Rachel's powers were yet, but he knew that she was not anyone to mess with.

He went up the stairs and found Rachel chastising Sun. He gained a little bit of context from her words and immediately felt sorry for Mami. Who knows what might have happened if she hadn't come by and intervened. He did find a smirk fall on his face as he watched what happened with the toilet. He couldn't even fathom a guess as to what power that was... but it was interesting to watch. He didn't have anything to see about the scene he had just witnessed. The toilet summed it up just about perfectly.


Isabelle eyed Alec coolly for an instant trying to figure out what to say to him. She wanted nothing more than to ask if he had a pot that she could borrow to put her last root in to keep it safe from the likes of Sun or whoever might want to hurt it... but after her attack she wasn't too keen to ask about that. She wouldn't exactly blame him if he denied her that. For all he knew, she would use it to go into his room while he slept and strangle him with the plant (or if he slept... she knew Will didn't sleep. He had nightmares... and she could only imagine how disturbingly realistic these could be judging by how her illusion had felt).

She tried to shake the question from her head and instead found a new one tumble into place, "Can you use that fancy degree of yours to do more than tell me the obvious? I have a tank on my back and a mask on my face. Good guess on the carbon dioxide, you're not completely wrong. You're just missing the wonderful amount of nitrogen and phosphorous. I can get enough potassium if I eat at least two and half bananas a day thankfully. If you're going to keep me as a pet you may as well check to make sure you have a good supply of those." Oh wow, she was making a horrible impression. She had better not ask about her root. She couldn't figure out his motivations now and that made her defenses go up.


Will watched the bone for as long as he felt was necessary before he glanced up at the man across the table from him and said, "I'm more fond of saying promethium. Reminds me of that Greek legend with Prometheus. You know, the one who defied the Gods by stealing fire? You should know that he was punished... everyday Zeus sent an eagle to eat Prometheus's liver." He said all of this in a flat monotonous voice with no inflection. His words weren't a warning or a judgement. He wasn't trying to lead Dr. Bisset to interpret that he was comparing him to the mythical figure of Prometheus. He didn't care enough about the affairs of other people to lend himself judgement on other peoples' lives. Let them do what they saw fit, he would do as he pleased. The human being was not meant to be a social creature. So much of their existence and their realities were fabricated in their own minds. One action interpreted as another; his words interpreted as a warning about using Oridecon. It was all subjective. It was all fake.

"I do prefer coffee, but I'll make do." he added reaching for the tea in front of the table. He had preferences, sure, but he didn't find much pleasure or hatred in anything these days save for what went on in his mind. The coffee was just something he'd prefer because the caffeine made it easier to avoid sleeping. But he could make do with tea.
"WHAT!" Laurene nearly screamed when sun pushed Mami against the wall, "Sun! Get off of-" and then she was gone. And Mami was getting hit in the head by a toilet seat...

Laurene turned to Rachel and was about to thank her when she mentioned 'a pair'. Laurene, red in the face, followed Mami down the hall without saying a word. She was beginning to realize just how tired she was.
Sun stood and walked out her persona's where switching rapidly. Then it hit her. Her cells started boosting her metabolism past normal. Her face turned normal and she walked until she reached outside.


Nobody was home in Sun's head. No one had control of where her body went. She just walked. She then sat on the curb. She had no emotion at that moment. And she stood and walked into the street. A Truck hit her since she walked randomly. Her body didn't budge but she watched as the Truck seemed to bounce off of her. The metal bent around her and she bent the metal to get out. She still was not in control.
Rose kept her gaze low as she contemplated several things. There were a few interesting things she overheard at the banquet before their quick departure. Another thing was this Isabelle character. She was surprised that the woman was brazen enough to openly attack the Lariat manor. Although it seemed that the attack wasn't fruitless. Someone had managed to make off with both the Oridecon and one of Alec's ribs. She could understand the Oridecon, but a human rib? Even if the rib came from an Enlightened, it still didn't make much sense. Maybe that's where Alec's abilities originated, In his bones? But still, what possible use was a rib extracted from the owner's body? She really didn't understand. She made her way to her guest room and suddenly felt tired. After closing the door behind her, she undressed, slipped on some pajamas and climbed into the unnaturally comfortable bed.
Alec looked down at mami and took the bandages. "Why thank you, it seems chivalry does live on in the two of us. Though I do believe you may need to attend to your lady Laurene. You are all welcome to stay the night, but could um...you and Laurene keep it down please?" He turned back to Isabelle and went away to pull up two chairs. "Sit." And he positioned himself into the one opposite hers. "Ah, it is nice to be alone hmm? Listen, and I don't believe I'm saying these two words to a person who robbed my house and then removed a piece of me but I am not going to hurt you. The sooner you realize this truth the sooner we can move past this. Yes, my fancy degree does a lot of things but my name does far more. One of those things happen to be resources, but we will get into that later. What do you need? I also have the other basic gases you require but I would prefer that you ask nicely, you are rather stressed but most of that is your fault for coming here. Regardless, your my guest and until you give me reason to act otherwise then you shall be treated as such. That root you keep with you...it's alive no? I has a form of sentience correct? What does it require to live? Don't give me that look either I am quite serious." He stood up and started to walk to his lab while talking to her. "Please if you would follow me to the laboratory, we can find what you and your friend require, and we do have plenty of bananas my dear." He said the last part with a smile. "Trust will come with time for both of us but right now, I need you alive and well and we must talk, both about you and this Will fellow, I trust you told us everything you knew about the Oridecon?" Alec noticed that his missing rib was changing and it felt...warm?

Rachel saw Alex near the bathroom door smirking. "You are so very pretty but I am in a foul mood at the moment....do excuse my rudeness." She paused for a moment and turned to him. "Forgive me, that is not how Lariat should behave to a guest without good reasoning, but I must ask you....what do you think of this...Isabelle?'

"Ah, Promethium my dear boy you have an eye for the unstable but profound. But we are discovering something much more impressive then just mere fire!! We are amount to change evolutionary history!" He moved with a calculated hast as he took a device and started to melt the metal and bone together. It took several minute and Dr. Bisset constantly added different chemicals and measurements. He then walked over to a transparent tank that was large enough for bear. Inside was creature of large build. It was the size of a bear but had the lean muscle of a predatory cat. It's mouth was full of sharp razor like teeth that had rows upon rows. "Well let's see how the first trial starts, hmmm?"
Keep it down? Why would we have to keep it down? Laurene thought about it for a second and realized what he meant. Her face, which was already red from earlier, turned an even deeper shade and her eyes became a light shade of orange. "Wha- bu- no, that- uh- um- uh..." Alec may have just broken her...

Before leaving the room, Laurene snapped to her senses just long enough to ask Alec for his phone number. "You know, just in case I run into trouble with my family." She explained.

Once out of the room, Laurene looked at her watch. "Oh gosh! My roommates are probably worried sick about me! I should probably get home." She looked towards Mami and the words 'keep it down please' ran through her head and she quickly looked away, face flushed yet again. "Wha- what about you?" She asked quietly, "Think your parents are worried?"
Mami glanced at Laurene for a moment, and averted his eyes from her gaze. "Oh, yeah, of course! But they're probably not home yet, so they're probably not worried. I mean, I didn't tell them I went out to a party or to a mansion, and they're a little overprotective even though they ain't home most of the time.I'm probably not gonna stay at the mansion, gotta go home and sleep in my own bed, y'know. Otherwise it might feel lonely!"
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"Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense... Um so I guess since we live close by we should catch a cab together." Oh yeah, very tactful Laurene. "I'll call a cab if you'll go get our stuff." She reached into her purse and pulled out her phone. 10 missed calls. Yeah, her roommates were probably worried...
Sun tore through the metal of the Truck and the guy driving it was knocked out cold. She had no scratches from it. She was still in a trance though, so she started walking in a direction that the truck was headed. She was quiet and she didn't say a word until she unconciously pulled out her phone and called her sister. They talked but they stopped after a few minutes. Sun wasn't anywhere in her natural mind nor where the others.
"Yes," Isabelle said flatly, "I suppose I'm lucky that my host is gracious given the circumstances... but it wasn't part of the plan for me to be left here. Dr. Bisset couldn't pay me what I wanted." she paused and laughed, "And unless you have the resources to replace or modify most of my body so that I can actually breathe without a mask, I think that you shouldn't promise what you can't deliver."

She paused for just a moment before she felt a smile cross her face, "Nutrients, water, sunlight, love. Just the same as any other plant." she found it humourous, he was overthinking it. But why? Why did he care about her plants? She hadn't sensed outright hostility or negligence towards her plants when he had destroyed them, it was understandable. No idiot would have stood there and tried to dodge all of the vines. She glowered internally thinking about Sun and her carelessness.

"I wouldn't mind being able to bring my root inside. I've already lost so many of my friends and they seem to love my company, they truly do. My presence is what gives them sentience. I think that's why they adore me so much. It doesn't make much sense considering that they're alive right now but I'm the one that really brings them to life. It's a true symbiotic relationship. I need and love them just as much as they do for me. They benefit me and I, them. Could I... bring my root in?" she said hesitantly. What angle did he have? Why was he being so helpful?


Alex shrugged, "I don't know her from Adam but..." he trailed off frowning. Adam had lost a rib. Was that really how he wanted to start this?

"I don't trust her." he decided to say simply. It was true. How he could he trust anyone who had stolen that aforementioned rib from a close friend? He had seen the aftermath of her visit and it was clear that she could cause some serious damage.

"But your brother seems to trust her." he added quietly, "And while there are quite some wild characters in this house... he hasn't seemed to be wrong about anyone yet. And despite the fact that I was a complete basketcase when he first met me... he put his trust into me. I guess I'm just going to put my trust into him this time. That probably didn't answer your question, sorry Rachel. I can't be much more helpful than that."


Will watched as Dr. Bisset went about his work feeling unease as he watched something beginning to take shape in the tank. His eyes flickered away from it... real? It looked no different than what he saw on a daily basis but it was Dr. Bisset's comment that caused him wonder. Was he willing to stick around to find out if this was in his head?

"I should go," he said, "I don't intend to be the first trial, hmm? I don't wish to be a footnote in your research, if I'm blessed enough to be mentioned at all." he said pulling his face into a frown as he stood up. Okay, maybe he did have some dislikes... and Oridecon was one of them. He may live a miserable existence, but he was fond of existing. Existence was the only part of reality he did not doubt. He thought therefore he was. He wasn't about to throw all of that away for curiousity's sake.
Alec opened the lab door as they spoke and went about getting materials she required. "Did you just say Dr. Bisset...well that just made me uncomfortable. The man is not known for his hospitality to any human be them Enlightened or Ordinary." He turned to her. "If I do recall Isabelle, I never promised you anything. That being said I shall try my best, we have a very adept healer and I'm not to bad myself. Furthermore, I know you are away that I am quite wealthy so research can be done right here in private for you. But that won't happen yet because well you don't fully trust me and don't fully trust you. As far as your root is concerned...yes you may bring them in but you place them in the green house on the side of the mansion. I will allow you access, if you tend to the plant as well. However, please do not get any ideas, I spared your life once, don't push it. If you must know why I'm doing this then the answer is two fold, one I need your help to find out what the quake Dr. Bisset is up to. And two because I can not simply watch a beautiful lady be in discomfort." He meant the last part, all matters aside she was breathtaking a shame she had use the mask. But he reminded himself that he would end her if she tried anything to harm him or his friends again.

Rachel gave a good willed laughed. "No no that was an honest answer Alex I do appreciate that. I feel about the same as yourself but right now I want to rip her limb from limb after she harmed AA...." She sighs "But my brother wouldn't forgive me for that, Alec has always been a sweetie, a little to eager to help the weak and make them strong. I try model him a little with the young Enlightened class but I'm more prone to Lariat rage at times. For now I shall trust my brothers decision, just as you have, after all he did let you stay." She said with a smile and gave Alex a slow kiss on the cheek, she then went in her room and closed the door. Alex was sweet, she was beginning to think she genuinely liked him, if that was the case she would be more gentle at enticing him so quickly.....only slightly she did love to tease people ever so much.

The creature was......beautiful. Of course he had to test it but by the gods what a work of art. 363 kilograms(800 lbs) of pure power and speed. It seemed to be looking squarely at Will. Curious, perhaps it has already started to process the genetic material that was imprinted on to it. But how fast would its intelligence process the powers of the Enlightened? Dr. Bisset looked at Will for moment, the boy could be used as a test subject but his employers may want to use him a little longer.....damn and it would have been so interesting.

((ze creature that inspired this thinking and what the creature looks like http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100213081211/x-men/images/8/81/326262-23133-predator-x.jpg or this version...a personal favorite http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_small/0/5392/302486-142332-predator-x.jpg))

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