False Heroes

Oh gosh, Laurene thought to herself, watching her new friends tag-team Mami, what have I gotten him into? Of course, it wasn't like he was the only target of the teasing. After all, she was the 'hot date'. And the dress wasn't actually that hard to move in, but she still wouldn't mind a hand from a handsome young man... Oh gosh! I'm doing it again!

Turning red again, Laurene took Mami's arm. Despite all the embarrassment, it had been a few years since she had been to a banquet and she was looking forward to it.
Rose didn't protest Alec's touch. After all, a dame should not arrive at a banquet alone if she can help it. She smiled and nodded. "Of course, Dr. Lariat. I would be delighted." She gave Mami and Laurene a playful wink. She'd show them how it's done.

When Corona commented on their 'usefulness', Rose looked at her questiongly. She said, "You sure? This affects you just as much as the rest of us. I won't stop you if you want to take off, but..." She wasn't sure how to finish, so she just left the statement hanging.
Corona turned to Rose. "Its actually because I find it unfair. The ladies her got someone at their side....all I have are several Persona's inside. I think that I have. So if you would excuse us I should say i'm going home theres nothing left for us here." Corona said and Sun's eyes toik over as a tear came out her left eyr she turned away and walked out. "Who would see me.... When all the others are there....."
Alec stopped for a moment. "Sun. Are at least that is how I first came to know you by. You are not useless the fact is you determine your usefulness. We appreciate who you are without you needing to change your appearance. Besides being noticed is not the main reason one enjoys company one should enjoy the people around them equally not try and make themselves more noticeable but jusy as Rose has said I shall force you to come as well. This event is for fun and educational purposes, not to be the next stars in a magazine, if you come try and keep that in mind."
Sun's voice came out like a storm "Oh goodie thanks Alec sometimes Corona can be well..... Depressed hahahahahah it takes a litte while form my body to catch up sooooo give me a slight moment." Her body literaly shorten itself annd her face went normal. "Sooorry Both Aura and Corona have depressed minds."
He felt a little degraded by Rachel's assumption of the male role as she helped him out of his chair, but he didn't let it bother him too much. It was in good humour and he certainly wasn't going to complain about the eye-candy he had on his arm even if she wound up holding doors open or leading in dances tonight. There it was again, he noted his attraction to Rachel but decided to dismiss it. He couldn't afford to spend his time being conflicted about whether or not it was safe to move on. He would have to see if anything happened, and if he had any regret at the end of it... then he would pull out a mask and hide it. He didn't want anyone to feel sorry for him.

Alex approached the rest of the group as Sun seemed to be at the tail-end of a slight crisis, "I'm glad that you're going to stay with us. I know more than anyone else that wallowing in your sorrows doesn't solve anything. If you want a partner, just grab one. Rachel did that and you certainly don't see me complaining." he added with a smile at the date on his arm.
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Alec led everyone to the door where a large limo white limo awaited them with the Lariat symbol on the door. Berklen opened the door and ushered everyone inside.

Upon arrival they come to a large mansion, not nearly as large as Lariat home but not many were. The party/dinner was held in a large open garden over seeing a lake. A large fountain was at the center that was shaped like a giant water serpent spewing water. When they arrived and stepped out almost all the guest began giving Alec and Rachel approving eyes and friendly waves. Alec fixed his hat and help Rachel out. "Forgive me if my behavior has been rather old fashion, I only behave this way at social gathering but you could hardly expect me to not want to show off a beauty such as yourself?" He leaned in and whispered to her "I makes the older gentlemen completely livid to see a young bachelor as myself out doing them again." He gave her a wink and a smile.

Rachel loved this part about being rich. Say what you will but nobody ever was sad about getting a lot of money and Rachel saw no reason why she shouldn't be happy about it either. She worked for everything just like Alec and tonight was another thing she earned. The lights, the food, the people....the increasingly, pulsating heat of the man next to her. She really did like Alex, she liked teasing him as well. She didn't led men to her heart easily and this one was no exception. But he was starting to make her consider. She knew very little about him aside from a few things her brother mentioned in passing such as his powers or education but she felt that he had many similarities to the Lariat children, they all had gone through some pain to grow a bit more. Deep thought aside she loved his and Rachel's company immensely, the children were cute as well. She slide out of the care and had a jubilant almost child like smile upon her face, bringing Alex out with her. "Come come come everyone the night awaits!!!"
Rose was next out of the car. She was actually a bit excited to be here. Then a bittersweet thought occurred to her. She wouldn't have much trouble responding to talk about current events in several societal areas, but that was mostly because of her research into her victims. She even figured that somebody here would mention a victim or two by name. She suddenly became nervous, but tried not let it show.
Mami hopped out of the car and stared at the large mansion. Sure, it wasn't as big as Alec's place, and he gaped at the large serpentine fountain. He had never been to a fancy gathering such as this before, and he worried inwardly that he would stand out as a commoner. He fidgeted slightly with his tie awkwardly when people looked at him. Oh, why did he have to have green hair and weird eyes!? Mami wondered if the people watching him thought he was some sort of delinquent punk. He felt, well, embarrassed.
Alec noticed Rose and Mami's nervousness. He leaned in to whisper to them "Steady you two, I know this is all new to you but remember your among friends, besides if you look around there are just as many Enlightened as well, though you can't tell with most since you don't know them like I do but some do stand out, like that lovely lady with the blue hair. Besides do not let the eyes of the rich make you feel shame or fear. They have just as many skeletons, and anxieties in their closet as we do, keep that in mind if they try and judge you." He placed his hand on Rose's to steady her a bit. the girl put on a brave face but she could be as jumpy as a rabbit.
Laurene stepped out of the car and sighed with anticipation. After yesterday, this was going to be a much needed reprieve. She noticed Mami fidgeting a little. She walked up and, figuring why not, slipped an arm around Mami's. "It's a party. Relax and enjoy yourself. And if your worried about your edict just ask me or Alec. Or Sun, I suppose."
Sun was useing Rin-Rin's voice. "WellletsseewhatwehavehereIwanttoeatbutthenagainIwantsomethingsugaryochocolatyorcandylike." It was amazing how fast she can speak in less than thirty seconds.
Mami felt anxious and nervous, but he shook it off quickly. I can do this! He put on his most serious and sophisticated face possible and nodded seriously at Laurene. He could do this. Mami clenched his fists and looked up in determination.

"I can do this!" He was determined to relax! He would enjoy himself! No matter what!

Mami ran off to find the food table, stopped, and turned around. He grabbed Laurene and Sun's hands and smiled. "Let's go find food! I'm starved! And then we should go look at the fountain and throw pennies and nickels into it, so then we can make wishes! Ah wait, but I have no change... I wonder if there's fish in the fountain? If so, we can throw cucumbers at the fish! Wait, was it kappas that like cucumbers...? Well, we can throw cucumbers at the fish anyways! I'm sure they'll still eat them!" Mami ran off to the food table, determined to have fun somehow.
Alec stared at Mami's burst of energy. "Care to make a wager sister dear?' He said nonchalantly as they continued into the dinner.

Rachel answered in much the same manor. "I give him 10...maybe 20 minutes before he is carried to you by a security guard drenched in water from the fountain."

Alec smiled."Your being to gracious to the boy I say 8 minutes but he is young so he should a little fun, though Laurene is with him so maybe she will calm him a bit. Perhaps after all of this I will teach the boy to use his brain a little more."
Sun was being pulled around by Mami. "OhJesusChristifyoukeeppullingmearoundImightstartactinglikeatotalldork. MaybethechocolateandtheicecreamarefindibleYesyes." Rin-Rin's voice said with a burst of speed. She said that in less than 14 seconds flat. She was dazed and stopped at the drinks. She looked at the alcohol and reached for it.
What? Pennies? Nickels? "Um, Mami... I don't think-"

Fish? "No, I don't-"

Cucumbers?! "No Mami, that would-"

Kappas!?! " Mami, that's just- Mami? Mami!" And then he was dragging Sun and her along... Laurene stared for a moment and then started laughing. Perhaps 'fun' had been the wrong choice of a word. Still, he wasn't tense any more and she wasn't going to spoil it for him. If he tried to pick up a cucumber however, she was going to stop him before he took an unplanned swim in the fountain.

But for now she would let him have his way and maybe she would have some fun while he was at it. She noticed Sun stop at the alcohol. That is probably a worse idea than Mami and fountains! Her eyes flashed orange for a second and the drink moved away from Sun.
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Sun looked at the alcohol that moved and used her speed to try to grab it. When she did finally get it she rose it up and in a loud voice said this. "A Toast to Alec who took us in!" She said and gripped the bottle.
Mami arrived at the food table, and looked around energetically for his cucumbers. There had to be some around here somewhere... There! He grabbed an armful of cucumbers and sea cucumbers and grinned happily. He glanced at Sun, who was reaching for the alcohol and threw a sea cucumber at her. "No drinking! You'll hurt your neurons!" Well, he had his cucumbers... and some sea cucumbers. Did fish eat sea cucumbers? Oh well, freedom for sea cucumbers then...

To the fountain! Mami ran towards the fountain and peered inside. Was there fish...? Oh yes, look at them big goldfish. Beauties. And koi too! Awesome! Were those mosquito fish? Cool! They can all have cucumbers (and sea cucumbers)!

Mami dumped the cucumbers and sea cucumbers into the fountain with a splash, and turned around, proud in his achievement. And then he slipped on some wet floor and fell into the fountain with a might SPLOOSH! Well, shit. That ended... well? Oh look, there's sea cucumbers stuck to him.
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The place was spectacular. It paled in comparison to the Lariat mansion in size but as they walked further into the party he noted the beauty of the serpentine fountain and the intricately decorated yard before he smirked as Mami dragged off Sun and poor Laurene to go play in the fountain. When Sun got hold of a bottle of liquor he felt worried for only an instant before he approached a waiter and relieved him of two glasses of champagne. If Alec trusted Sun enough to be here and to have alcohol then why should he worry about it? He took a measured sip as he returned to the group and he offered the second glass to Rachel with a smile.

Maybe it was the party and its atmosphere but he actually felt cheerful. There was a pleasant hum in the air from the idle carefree chatter of the guests rising pleasantly just above the music playing nearby and the warmth of the evening was perfectly contrasted by the slightest breeze that blew through the crowd. The sun was beginning its descent and it was beginning to peek underneath the horizon casting the sky into brilliant shades of pinks, purples, and oranges though his eyes were less focused on watching the sunset than on other things.

"You know, dancing is one of my secret talents," he said leaning in closer to Rachel so that she could hear him over the murmur of the crowd, "Shall we give it a whirl?" Dancing was one of his talents, like his ability to write well with both hands, that he had seen an improvement in since the car crash that had led him to discover his powers. It was hard to be uncoordinated when he knew every muscle in his body and how to manipulate it. He took a quick gulp of champagne before passing it off to a server. He was in a surprisingly good mood and it probably showed.
Laurene turned back from back from her game of keep away with Sun to find that Mami was already gone. Oh crap! Where-? She looked around frantically and spotted him going out the door with an armful of cucumbers. Crap, crap, crap, crap... She thought as she quickly navigated her way through the crowd. She ran into a man in a white tuxedo. "Sorry!" She said hurriedly before continuing the chase. The man turned to watch her, trying to put together where he recognized her from.

Laurene reached the door just in time to see Mami fall into the fountain, splashing water and cucumbers (and nearly a koi too) everywhere. She blinked a few times, sighed, and buried her forehead into her palm. Then, trying hard not to laugh, she caught a servant as he was going pass. "Excuse me. My friend decided to take an impromptu bath. Do you think you could bring us a towel or two?" The servant, looking very annoyed, nodded and walked off. Laurene then approached the fountain.

"You know..." She started, offering him a hand. "While goldfish do eat cucumbers in tiny pieces, I'm fairly certain that you are not in their preferred diet..."
Mami gripped Laurene's hand sheepishly. Maybe he did go a little overboard with feeding the fishies? Well, at least they won't be hungry? Mami got out of the fountain dripping wet, and shook himself off. There was still a sea cucumber stuck to his head, but he didn't notice. "Well, maybe they can nibble little pieces of off it?" He dripped sadly on the floor. blushing slightly. "Er... Do you want a cucumber?" Mami held a cucumber out to Laurene. No wait... It's a sea cucumber. Well, she still might like it? It's like a bouquet... But of a sea cucumber... Same difference!

... Was that a security guard coming towards them?
Laurene stared at the sea cucumber he was offering her and couldn't keep it in any any longer. She burst out laughing. "Oh Mami, you silly, silly boy!" After a moment, when she was able to get her laughter under control, she daintily took the dead animal from him. "It's lovely! Thank you!" She teased, batting her eyelashes at him. Then she realized that there was someone behind her and her face turned a lovely shade of pink.

"Your towels." The servant said as Lauren twirled around to face him, quickly hiding the sea cucumber behind her back. "Wha? Oh! Thank you!" Laurene said with a nervous giggle as she took the towels from him. He raised an eyebrow at her, but then noticed the pool full of vegetables and dead sea life. He sighed and walked back into the house to get a few other servants to help clean up (and maybe a guard too).

Laurene watched until he was gone, then chucked the sea cucumber back into the fountain. "We should get out of here before he comes back." She said, grabbing Mami's hand and dragging him around the side of the house and to the back. Once there she handed him the towels. "You shouldn't go back inside until you are less than dripping wet. Dry yourself off. In the meantime, is there anything you would like from the food table?"
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As the three go about their business a guard sees them disrupting some of the guest and decides to move in on them and find their parents. Before he can however a gust of wind blows on the three, one feels like a blow dryer and the other pushes the alchol out of Sun's hand. They are then lifted lightly off the ground and brought to a woman with a blue dress on and her hair is long, straight and white. Her eyes being the same color as her hair had a slightly stern look in them, though she smirked a little. She was a beauty and looked about Alec's age. She gave them a sigh "While youth is wonderful and you should treasure it please do show some respect for yourselves, young man don't feed fish that are not yours you should know better. And you two young ladies, drinking is an activity adult minded people should partake in, and you.." She turned to Laurene raising an eyebrow slightly. "You seem to be the most mature one out of the three do try and behave a little more like it, I don't want you all being thrown out so early. Besides, I dont think a person with your last name should be trying to be noticed Ms. Snyder." She said the last part with a whisper and a wink, showing that she wouldn't tell. She began to walk away to her conversation partners. "Do give Alley my love, oh forgive me, you may know him as Alec. Oh, and Rachel as well, she has definitely made the catch tonight."
Sun looked bewildered. "Me? To young i'm over 50 years old even if my body ages slowly..." Sun pouted she admired her words though. Not often was she pulled from under her feet.

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