False Heroes

Mami jumped up to his feet and grinned at Laurene. "Yeah, I'd love to come and find a dog! They're the animals with the long tails and pointy ears, right?" He planned on going home to tell his parents about the dinner party. But he wasn't an Enlightened or anyone special, so he really didn't see why he had to get involved. At least it was a change from the usual pace. But was change really a good thing?
Later that night Alec sensed some one was in his as they slowly lowered themselves in his Bergere chair across from his bed. These things tend to happen when your father makes you live on high alert most of your life. The fire place which was in front of his bed and the chairs was ablaze. Alec slowly got out of bed and placed his glasses on. He then walk to his other Bergere scratching his bed hair and flopped into his seat hanging one leg on the arms rest and basically collapsing in the chair, staring at the figure calmly sitting in his chair with their legs crossed.

"Father, I do love you dearly....but at 2 in the morning even your face is not one I would like to see." Alec yawned afterwards and stared at his father.

"Son, your jest typically amuse me but I sadly did not wake you at this hour for idle chatter. The Snyder girl, this boy Alex, and the young Rose what do you make of them?"

"Well one is to young, Alex and I seem to enjoy the company of women and Rose is perfect but I feel I should get to know her fir-"Alec stopped when he saw the quiet storm in his father eyes, Lord Alexion was not in the mood for jokes. "Forgive me, father it has been a long day." Alec's face became equally as stern as his fathers but they went a bit distant as he looked into the fire, its burning color reflecting in his auburn eyes. "The Snyder girl, Laurene, is a good kid. As far as her abilities I suspect she can some how 'sense' things such as information or sounds around her via touch, she is also foolish enough to use her powers quite often, Rachel said the girl was behind her awfully close for some reason and you raised us to be on alert whenever powers are involved so I trust Rachel's instincts. The girl also seems to use her power for her freelance work, how else could she read into the security code? We should keep an eye on her but mostly for her protection, her family will have some nefarious reason for living her alive and we should try and prevent that if possible, though it is the girls own fault for such a foolish attempt at running away. Rose is a quiet girl, means well mostly but leads a life that goes against her nature, she is a killer no question about it, but she seems to do it to Ordinaries for their hate against us. She doesn't know she is only fanning flames. Rachel has taken a liking to her and you know how your daughter takes her time to make friends."

Lord Alexion chuckled at that fact, it was good Rachel was making friends so quickly. He then raised his eyebrow at Alec. "And Alex...."

Alec looked at his father this time "Alex is a good man, his history is as jaded as his mind but he tries his best. He used to sulk...a lot but he seems to be improving slowly. His ability is biological like mine and it is quite phenomenal. He is also very hurt at the moment...so no prodding if you please father. I feel he is looking for something out there and hopefully I will be able to aid him."

Lord Alexion smiled and stood. "It seems your sister is not the only one who has made a friend as of late. I will entrust these young ones to your care, oh and one more thing do watch out for the Mami boy his powers are not fully realized yet and may need assistance in the future." He then walked to the door and left. Alec thought over what they had spoken about and slowly went back to sleep.
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Aura had came in and found Alexion in the living room. "Ah what a suprise. To see the mighty Alexion in a state of thought." Aura had leaned on a couch. "You wanted me alone so you got me."
Lord Alexion stopped. "I do not recall a request to have an audience with you but of there is something on your mind young one. Though I must correct you on your misconception for I am almost always in thought so it is rarely a surprise and please do not use 'mighty' for me title it is rather juvenile."
"Sorry. Thats Sun speaking she is quite immature. Most things I say can be deciphered if you concentrate. As for me, I can prove to you in many ways that I am the Same Aura Lunar from 40 years ago." Aura said with her normal voice. She remembered everything.
"I doubt that, though I do believe that you feel you are Aura, perhaps something occurred I am not sure. But forgive me for requesting this but even if you could prove who you are to me, what would this accomplish for you? I seek no audience with old ghost who inhabit a child's body nor do I require assistance from old colleagues. Further more no matter who you are, you are a Lunar and you bring with you the presence of the insane patriarch of that house and I have no time for that." Lord Alexion did not understand this child's persistence.
Aura's eyes lowered. "I might seem like a kid but I am not. My cells are bursting from a exoirament that took place... It caused my cells to only age only once every ten years. I might seem like a different person thats a after effect from my super speed. Multi-personalilties created from the strain. I can't lie its not my thing. If I wasn't Aura I wouldn't know that you keep your wallet in your front right pocket or that you never keep cash in it, or that when you eat you have a tendency to flip your fork twice.. Or how when you sit down you always look around to whos around you and single out the one who is the Threat." Aura spoke calmly she had full control of Her original body. She was quite suprised on how long her body surivived.
Alexion stared at her with a flat expression. "You are incorrect on all account save one, young one, I did indeed tend to look for threats in every room if necessary but that can hardly be called a habits of mine but rather Lariat's natural tendencies. Besides once a Lariat comes of age we no longer look for the largest threat...we become the largest threat when we enter a room. Now this discussion has been thrilling but I must retire for the evening if you would excuse me." with that Alexion left to his quarters for rest.
"hmmm could that have been 40 years ago...much has changed... We don't have much time left." Aura had said to Sun. They never slept since they always took turns being asleep inside of their mind.
The house opened up into a living room and Alex blinked trying to match the image of what he saw to how the living room should look. The room was cast in dim shadows from the kitchen but he could make out the details of a horrific scene. The two lamps which would have normally supplied the lights in this room were shattered and the glass somehow seemed to be strewn throughout the room. The television was on but it was spewing forth loud static. Alex’s breath hitched and he stepped forward into the macabre scene before him. Glass from the shattered lamps crunched underneath his heel confirming that somehow glass was scattered across every inch of the living room. The cushions to the couch were flung around the room and one of them seemed to be vomiting forth stuffing and the pictures that his mother had hung around the room of their family were off of the walls and scattered across the room… they had probably contributed to the glass on the floor.

And blood. There was plenty of blood. The first trace of it he found as a small scattering of it in the carpeting near a shattered picture. He grimaced as he saw that many of the shards were sprinkled with the same traces of blood. What had Bill done?

At a point further in the living room he found a small puddle of black blood. The carpet seemed to have absorbed a lot of it which made him wonder how long it had been there.

“Mom?!” he shrieked and his voice came out several octaves higher than it normally was. He could hear the tears in his voice before he felt them pouring down his cheeks. The heat of them as they crawled down his cheeks made it feel like they were acidic.

“MOM?!” he cried out again as he saw a smeared handprint on one of the walls.


Alex jerked awake and found himself slick with sweat and panting. He was still having the nightmares about Bill, but he hadn't woken up screaming. The nightmares were something he had had since discovering his powers so they weren't anything too terribly unbearable. He took his lack of screaming that to mean that his mental state had improved though he was quick to grope for the light and illuminate the plain guest room. He still felt a flush of relief when the room was empty. There were no smear or stains of blood or black glittering eyes from the father he had grown to fear once with every cell of his body hiding in the room.

He supposed now after his ordeal with Kate and Harper, that the nightmares weren't as bad as he thought that they were. He had spent years repressing his experiences with Bill and his abuse and he knew now that Bill was just as much of a ghost as Kate had been. The nightmares were probably just his way of acknowledging the pain he had suffered and he was just going to have to learn to deal with them until he fully recovered from his violent childhood. At the very least, he wasn't going to let himself be ruled by these nightmares and his lingering fears.

Still, he was done with sleep for the night. He shrugged off the pajama bottoms he had been wearing before changing into a pair of casual clothes. He examined his face in the mirror feeling approval at the skin that was unmarked yet again after his careful work last night and he laid out the suit Alec had lent him across the bed before he went down the stairs. He missed his infomercials. There was a particularly gripping one about steak knives sometime during the night if he found the right channel.

He asked the staff to bring him a plate of bacon and eggs before settling in for the long wait until other people in the house began to wake. The day hadn't started for most of the occupants for the house, but he could tell that it was going to be a long day for everyone.
Aura foubd Alex in the kitchen she was startled but then she had grown used to his habits. She looked at him with interest."What wakes you up this early in the morning...wait let me Guess a Nightmare?" Aura asked. They seemed to know things before it happens and out of the whole group considers herself useless. She looked at her hand it was impenatratible by any virus or sickness, but physical force was not in that list.
About 5 hours after Alec spoke with his father her awoke to the bright sun, shining through the curtains and stinging his eyes. "Ew....go away...your kind are not welcomed here." He sighed and rose and went to his closet. He took a quick shower and put on khaki pants and a blue shirt and his work sneakers. He stuck his glasses on top of his head and he proceeded down stairs. He made himself a bowl of oatmeal and fruit, then began walking around the house, he peaked into the living room to see Alex. "You know that saying about the early bird catching the worm can sometimes be overrated?" He said finishing his oatmeal and moving to the fruits. He sat down in his usual morning chair that faced the couch Alex was seated at. He took a quick look at Alex before reading the newspaper placed on the small table next to him. "I do hope you slept well....well better than usual that is. Also how did you like the suit?" He asked behind the paper ad about a floral arrangement specialist.

Rachel came sleepy into the living room, rubbing her eye and yawning. She wore a yellow robe that was barely tied closed in a modest way and the brown skin that she was born in. Her hair, like most Lariat seemed to deny the codes of slept ethics and remained stylish even if it was bed hair. She took a nice long stretch, the muscles in her legs, abs, and arms tightening. She stop when she saw Alex and smiled a bit. "Good morning Mr. Alex, you seem to the best part of waking up, for this morning." Alec couldn't help but smile behind the paper.
After another night of insanely restful sleep, Rose woke up in a much better mental state than when she ended her day. She dressed into one of the dresses that so many otaku said gave her a gothic lolita look. She made her way to the kitchen and asked one of the staff for pancakes with syrup and bacon. She then made her way to the living room, noticing Alex, Alec, and Rachel. Suddenly, neither Rachel nor Alec seemed so threatening to her. Maybe she was right and sticking around made her a little more comfortable with them. She sat next to Alex on the couch and said simply, "Good morning, all."
Rachel perked up a little at Rose's arrival and lightly moved towards in two quick skips that seemed to make her bounce across the floor. She bent down and gave Rachel a quick friendly peck on the cheek. "Good mooorning darling." She yawned lazily. "I hope you sleep well?" She then felt since she was at it. She moved next to Alex and gave him a slower more sensual peck "I do hope you also sleep very very well indeed.' she whispered. Then grabbed a pillow and laid on the floor in her usual way, while she idly moved her feet up and down.

Alec watched in silence for a moment and finally spoke. "Good morning Rose. How are you feeling? And if you don;t mind me asking you so early, do plan on attending tonight banquet?"
Aura still had controll of her body she was angry and confused. "Yep I'm leaving i'm going where nobody can find me.. I'm useless Super Strength and Speed are cool and all but.... I have nothing left." She walked towards the door and opened it. She wanted to run but risked turning her body into dust. She looked back into the House. "They won't care Sun... They are as evil and monsterous as we are. No one cares if we leave.. We are just a child to them." She walked out into the yard and walked towards the gate. Her other selves were arguing with each other.
Rose accepted Rachel's peck and nodded in response to her question. She then focused on Alec. "I'm feeling better than I was yesterday, thank you. And yes, I was planning on attending the banquet. I'd also like to see where some of these people stand on the Oridecon."
Alex smirked, "I liked it, thank you. I didn't even wear that nice of an outfit to my own wedding," he said and smiled to communicate that it was a joke made of good humour. And, surprisingly... it was. He didn't feel the same agony that he would have even just yesterday about his wedding and of Kate. It was about time he started to let himself heal, anyways. He had been his biggest enemy in that regard and he was just beginning to come to terms with the idea that the brooding and self-inflicted torture were not benefiting anyone and certainly not helping him. He had to start moving on.

Rachel leaned him giving him a peck on the cheek that he could tell was different from the one she had given Rose just before; if one peck on the cheek could be less chaste than another, of course. But then again, Rachel had made her intentions quite clear yesterday in regards to him. And he was considering more strongly now.

He licked his lips without thinking about it and found his voice came out a lot stronger and clearer than he thought it would, "You know Rachel, I think my sleep would be a lot better tonight with some company." It would have probably brought on strong feelings of guilt, pain, or something else if it hadn't been Rachel. He could be wrong, but he got the sense that she was just as interested in something serious as he was (which suffice to say was not at all). It would have been different for him to start something he perceived as serious because he wasn't ready to start over yet, but he was ready to move on in other ways. He was ready to start enjoying himself, he thought as he waited for Rachel's reply to his proposition.
Alec nodded at Rose. "Your right to wonder. the Oridecon is a unique find regardless of its nature to use. The news you hear will be interesting regardless of its implications and I would like your input...everyone's input on what the information means to you afterwards."

Rachel found herself hungry and for more than just food. She gave Alex a Cheshire grin and stood up walking to the wall size glass doors windows that lead to the pool areas. "Oh then I must be a gracious hostess and attend to such...needs." She smirked and opened the door. "Brother dear I'm going to go for a swim, do tell Sharlene I would like fruit and a pepper omelet on your way to work please?" She said this while eyeing Alex and started to walk away passing under the curtain so only her silhouette could be seen, removing her robe.

Alec nodded to his sister this time. "Do remember you have your class today instructing the Enlightened at the Pearnal Academy today, try not to be late, for some odd reason the poor children love you dearly and get upset when you are late." He then eyed Alex with a raised eyebrow. "Have fun but watch out for the little minx I call sister, and though I am happy to see you moving forward don't step on the gas so hard hmm?" He then stood and bowed slightly to them. "I shall you both in the evening, like I have said before feel free to explore the house or you may leave to take care of your own personal affair till the set time. You may even even follow my sister to her instructions to today if you please." And while that he tucked the paper under his arm and walked out to the car.
Aura walked slowly on the road. Her body was threatening to give up as a after effect. It was as if her body was wanting to shut down. She layed on the side and looked up. Sun's voice had came through.

"Well we do live on the streets sooo......" Sun said with a joke like manner. But Aura was not in a good mood.

"Lets go back home.... Might as well right? I mean we don't do much we are useless what is a mind with a IQ of 310 if it can't even provide for itself. Thats it we are going to my Uncles house we will be safe there."
Alex was barely listening to Alec as he talked. A remarkably similar look to Rachel's hungry look settled onto his face as she stripped off her clothes behind the curtain obviously aware that she was teasing him with her silhouette. It had been a long time... some time before Kate had died even. He had spent most of his time after discovering his powers by practicing using them and plotting his father's death. It was some time and he too was quite hungry.

"Yes, no gas for the minx. I'm going to go swimming." he murmured obviously distracted and he followed Rachel disappearing after her. He at least had the decency to wait to pass the curtain before slipping out of his clothing. He was certain that Rachel was the only Lariat interested in that sight.
Rose watched the little seduction play happen and shook her head. As she ate her pancakes, she noticed that Sun hadn't yet joined them in the living room. When she finished eating, she decided to try and find the girl. She searched the house an even asked the few staff she came across, to no avail. She then decided to search outside, avoiding the pool area. When none of the grounds staff had seen her, Rose figured she might have left. She let through the main gates and followed the road, eventually laying eyes on Sun laying next to it. Rose ran up to her. "Hey, you okay? What are you doing out here?"
Sun was so startled she seem to change into all of her persona's at once. "Gaaah!!!....... Sorry I kinda yeah... I'm just sleeping nothing important." She scrambled to get up but she fell back down knowing her body was close to danger in movement.
"There a reason you're out here and not in a bed?" Rose wasn't sure what to make of Sun's predicament, but it was pretty clear that she didn't want to be in the Lariat manor. Maybe she could call a cab take Sun to her apartment?
Rose raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "I kinda doubt that. I can understand not wanting to be in Alec's estate, but if you can barely move, you should've at least slept for a while." Rose pulled out her phone and dialed a taxi. "I'll take you to my place. Its not as ritzy as a high-society manor, but it's more comfortable than the street." She sat down next to Sun and waited for the taxi.

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