False Heroes

Rachel floated in the water as she saw Alex approach and let herself have a smirk. Oh he was just adorable. She back stroked a bit as he approach. "Oh I'm sorry Alex but I didn't mean now. After all I have an appointment in an hour that I must attend to. I do enjoy my little darlings." She did a few more laps and got out slowly allowing Alex to take in every detail he pleased as water dripped down her body. She then took a towel and wrapped it around herself. He was so very hungry but it was not proper for one to eat dessert so early and before dinner. She then spun around to face him as she walked away. "Do please enjoy the water though. It is quite refreshing. I'll see you at the dinner tonight yes?" And with a whip of her wet, long, black hair she disappeared into the manor with her characteristically bouncy step.

Alec looked through his notes as he was driven to the office. He greeted the nurses and his fellow doctors as he passed their offices and stations and entered his office. He placed his belonging away and placed on his white coat and proceeded into the rehabilitation wing. There he found Mr. Stren, an elderly gentleman who had gone through several knee surgeries and behaved as such.

"Ah!! And here comes the pretty bastard himself!! I got half a mind to beat you senseless!!"

Alec smirked, this was after all his favorite client. "Mr. Stren, now if you beat me...which I'm quite sure you can accomplish who would help you walk you out of here after you burn down the pharmaceutical store down the street?" Helping the older man up after he had fallen down performing an exercise.

"Good point Sir Gorgeous, I'd need you pretty face to distract guards and such eh? Can't have you not filling out your end huh?" He grumble as he straighten himself out. Say what you would about Mr. Stren even for an ex-Ordinary militant the man had a good head on his shoulders and tried to look presentable even in a hospital gown.

"Well you are correct Mr. Stren.....is there any pain?" Alec asked more like a friend than a doctor.

"Oh yes, an enormous pain, its tan, it wears a white coat, speaks like tea time, and constantly tells me to eat vegetables. What medicine is there for that?

Alec had to laugh. "I'm afraid the cure for that is leaving the facility so how about we work on that, hmm?" And with that Alec went to work.

An hour later a bus with 7 children filed into the Lariat home for another day of lessons with Ms. Rachel.
Laurene woke up to the smell of pancakes and the sound of a loud bang. The first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to look at the clock. A little before seven. Then she looked towards the source of the loud noise. One of her room mates, a large girl in her early twenties, had rolled off of the top bunk... And was still asleep. Laurene yawned and slid out of bed.

She followed her nose to the kitchen where she found her other room mate, a slender woman in her mid twenties, standing at the griddle in a nude apron. Laurene's brain was still trying to wake up and she stood there staring for a minute. "Michelle... Why do you own a nude apron?"

Without turning around Michelle answered, "Because I live in a one-bedroom apartment with two beautiful young ladies!"

"- One of whom is about as strait as you can get and the other is only interested in fictional characters." Lauren pointed out. "Oh, and the strait one is your student."

"Well I didn't know any of that when I bought it! Speaking of beautiful girls, was that Sharon I just heard?" Laurene nodded, seeing the mischievous look in her teacher's eyes. Michelle picked up an already full glass of water and dashed out of the room.

There was a splash and a roar as she slid back into the kitchen with the now empty glass. Setting it back down, Michelle picked up plate, put a pancake on it, and handed it to Laurene. "Should I expect to see you at school today?"

"I don't know yet." Laurene answered honestly. She set the plate down on the table and walked back to the bedroom. She went over to her bed and picked up her cell. While they were out the night before, she and Mami had traded numbers so they could keep in touch. She opened up the phone and started typing up a text.

Hey, Mami. You have school today? Or do you feel like skipping with me and getting ready for tonight?

When she had finished she walked back to the kitchen, pulled up a chair, and started into her breakfast.
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Mami blinked blearily in the sunlight as he looked around the room. Where was he...? Oh, this was his room.

He yawned heavily as he got out of bed, and went over to his journal to see what had happened yesterday. Didn't he meet new people? The journal told him that he needed to take pictures of the people he wanted to remember, so he'd bring his camera today. Yawning once more, he closed the journal and slumped into the bathroom. He showered quickly, threw his clothes on, brushed his teeth quickly, and made his way downstairs.

It was quiet in the house, as it always was. The curtains were drawn, but he could hear the birds outside. Mami peered into the kitchen, and found a note from his parents saying that they were at work, and that breakfast was in the fridge. Next to the note was his medication, just like every morning.

It was rare that they were home, with his parents having to work early in the mornings and late into the nights. But Mami really didn't mind. They were busy supporting their family, and even though he missed them, Mami didn't want to be selfish about spending time with them. His parents were working for his own good. They always told him that.

He got breakfast out of the fridge: blueberry muffins, apple slices, some boiled eggs, and grapes.. Just like every day. Seriously, it wouldn't hurt to have some variety, wouldn't it? Yeah, they were cheap, but he's had the same breakfast for two years already! Grumbling to himself, Mami consumed the food. Now it was time to pop the pills. Urghghghgh.

Mami walked over to the sink and poured himself a glass of water, pausing when his phone beeped and vibrated. Someone was sending him a text. He scooped the phone up and checked the message sender. Laurene.... Who was she again? Oh yeah, the female he met yesterday at the place. He typed his own text and sent it back.

I have school but they dont mind if i skip because sometimes i forget to go so its okay so lets get ready for the night also what are we getting ready for again i forget and where are we going to meet

Perfect. Bad grammar, but perfect. He sent the message proudly.
Alex continued to swim for twenty minutes after Rachel had left before toweling himself off. He was feeling a little embarrassed by the fact that he had been in the palm of her hand... if she was anything like Alec or what he said she was like, she had probably thoroughly enjoyed that fact. Somewhere in his swim, he recognized what Alec had said earlier and he wondered if he was trying to stomp on the gas pedal instead of easing onto it. Should he try to ease off? The nightmares with Bill indicated that he was still haunted to a certain degree by his past, but after what had happened with Harper he didn't want to waste anymore time in the past. He wanted to be okay, but he wanted to be okay right now.

Maybe he was using Rachel. That would have made him feel better about being obviously played with like a toy, at least. Maybe he was just trying to bed her to show himself that he had recovered from Kate's death. The only thing that was clear to him was that he didn't know what was going on his head. He should wait for Alec to come back. He had trusted Alec as a confidant before he had been to afraid to say what he had done to Bill or Kate and he trusted him as a friend. He decided to wait for the Lariat to return from his job.

In the meantime, he determined that he had missed enough classes to not be able to justify lounging around the Lariat mansion all day and about twenty minutes before his first class at 10:40 he got into a cab and headed off to the university near the heart of Janus City.

When he was done his last class, he took a cab to his apartment and was relieved to find that when he opened the door to the apartment that Bill's reanimated corpse wasn't inside of the apartment nor did he walk in on the bloody scene from when he had accidentally killed Kate. He felt relieved by the lack of ghosts in his apartment and decided that maybe he didn't need to speak to Alec after all. He just needed time. He was still divided about whether it was too soon to do anything with Rachel, but he figured that he wouldn't find an impartial audience with her brother. He would just have to see what happened there... he was weak when it came to her, but he wasn't going to chase her.

At his apartment, he gathered up more of his clothes and got his car keys and began to make the drive to the Lariat mansion. Once there, he quickly changed into the outfit that Alec had loaned him. He wasn't sure how tonight would go, but he hoped that nothing would go wrong. He supposed that he would have to find out, he thought as he found himself in the living room.
Rachel's day had gone wonderfully. She had finally helped Trevor get over his fear of flying after 4 moths of trying. Something quite necessary when the boys abilities were flight. And sweet little Natasha had gone 6 whole weeks without peering into someones eyes and seeing what they saw. Such young sweeties but the day was coming to a close and as she waved goodbye she needed to get ready for the dinner. She figured she would go with the long white dress she fancied. It was a dress that was bare shouldered, form fitting, and ran all the way down past her feet and flowed to the back aside from her shoulder it had a slit for her left leg to be exposed up to the thigh and she wore a silver ankle bracelet with a floral design on that leg. She had a small white lily placed in her hair that matched the dress. Her hair was laid out in it natural state flowing done her shoulders to the small of her back.

Alec arrived a little bit after 4 and found Alex ready. He smiled as he approach and leaned on the wall. "We don't you look rather damper. Ready for tonight? Questions or concerns? "
After helping Sun into bed, Rose dressed in a more mature dark purple formal gown. She tied her hair into a braided bun and put on black formal gloves that reached halfway between her elbow and shoulder. When she had dressed, she called a cab and returned to the Lariat estate. She walked into the living room and took a seat on the couch.
"Only one," Alex said with a bright smile, "Do you have any idea what sort of food they'll be serving? I need to know whether or not I should bring some money for a McDonald's trip on the way back." Alex hadn't heard the other man enter the living room and he flipped off the show that he had been watching on the TV to turn to face Alec.

"And who's really the dapper one here? You look as if you just rolled out of a fashion magazine," he added and noted Rose approvingly as she entered the room , "Same to you, Rose." He ignored as his stomach gave a weak protest, he should have had a bigger lunch or grabbed a snack as he came back from his classes. It was probably going to be a long time before he got to eat, and even if the food was foul-tasting he still had plans to eat it without complaint because he was going to be ravenous by the time they got to this dinner let alone by the time that the dinner they were at offered food.
Sun stood up after Rose left out. She hated beds and lots of people but this group she was okay with. She took one step forward and fell back on the bed. "Uh....oh I think we are at our limit...." Sun's voice came softly as she curled up on the bed.
"Oh this?" As he waved over his black tailored suit that he wore a white scarf over his shoulders with. He had in his hand a John Bull style top hat. In his other hand he had a black formal walking cane with a silver handle. He wore glasses with a thin almost invisible frames and small circular lenses. "I happen to throw this on for most dinners. And as far as food is concern...seriously do you think I would have my friends eat garbage? The food will be prepared by several master chefs which is typical of these banquets. Anything you can image will be there...well save for your more local cuisine such as junk food items. And my Rose you will be well received do try and not break too many of the lads hearts this evening." He walked over took her hand with a gentlemanly kiss on top of her knuckles. Though Alec did it as a friendly move, he did believe she would turn heads and the girl should have more confidence in herself, he hoped that would give her some. He turned to see Rachel come in he slow and deliberate way, as if she owned every room she entered, she most of the time did. "Ah and sister dear you of course always look radiant for banquets." Rachel always enjoyed her natural style dresses, she looked like an Amazonian queen and knew it.

"Your too kind brother dear, but my stars I may have competition tonight with Rose in the crowd. You do look stunning darling." She Rose a wink of playful approval. She then look at Alex with playful eyes. "I daresay brother he does clean up nicely almost better than you." She looked at her brother with a teasing expression. She then sat in Alec's favorite chair.

Alec looked at his pocket watch and closed it. "Oh do try better sister, I like Alex and all but it will be a cold day in hell before most men can out dress me. We have plenty of time to wait on the others. I will be blunt, everyone here I trust and feel can handle themselves at the dinner but the kids are different, if you see them being overwhelmed by the dinner or any matter at that moment do not hesitate to ask me or Rachel for assistance. Sadly my mother and father will be out on business for the evening and will not be joining us, and my brother seems to still be on own of the families 'missions' so we will be your Lariat representatives." He then sat down and figured he would watch a few infomercials with Alex while he waited....why would anyone want a Burger....Blender?! It was down right savage!
Rose blushed with all the compliments. Having never been to something like this, she just wore what felt appropriate. She had to say, though, Alec, Alex, and Rachel all looked very nice. She didn't know how well she would do at socialising with the higher class, but she would do her best to not make a mockery of either herself or the Lariats. She'd be out of her element, but for the last few days that wasn't new.
A cab pulled up the Lariat's driveway and Laurene climbed out in her street clothes. She and Mami had been out shopping and they had a few bags with them.

Laurene entered the house found the rest of the group fairly quickly. "Hey guys!" She turned towards Alec. "Is there somewhere Mami and I can change?"
Sun's body had grew a few extra inches. Her body filled out and gave her a more mature look. Her eyes went deep green a color that none of them have. A dress materialized on her as she stood up and walked down. Her hair bhad put itself in a nice and even set of braids. Her shoes became heels as she walked down the stairs in a black dress. "Well I love the way this party looks." She said in a deep and alurring voice.
Alec raised an eyebrow at how she phrased her question and seeing as the girl was in such high spirits he had to jest. "Together? So soon? My I knew you two had hit it off but aren't you a little young to be taking it so fast so soon?" He said with a playful smile. "But yes, upstairs to the left are several unused guest rooms, you may ask anyone for assistance if you need it. I won't ask how you two found time during the day to go shopping when you had school as well." he finished with a knowing smirk.
Mami stared at Alec with a blank stare. He felt traumatized from the shopping trip. Who knew that shopping for clothes could be so... so... so painful?! He never experienced shopping for clothes before, his mother had always bought clothes for him. Frankly, he didn't understand how anyone could stand there and try on article after article after article of clothing!

... Wait, what did he say?!

Mami gaped and spluttered at the smirking man, his face turning tomato red. "No, no, no! We're not taking it fast! I mean, we aren't like that! No romance! None! Nope!" Laurene was a friend, even if she was rather pretty... NO! He had only met her yesterday! And she was an older woman too! By two years, to boot! No! No!

His face continuing to glow red, Mami ran upstairs to the guest room. His face flushed even brighter when he tripped on the stairs and slid down to the ground floor, and he hurriedly picked himself up to rush back up the stairs, stumbling while he was at it.

Mami got into the room, flushing slightly still and stared at the suit. He managed to put the suit on properly... Except for one part. The tie. He glared at the offending article of clothing, and attempted to put it on to no avail. Mami managed to half-strangle himself and wrap it around his head instead. "This should be fine, right?" Mami looked at himself in the mirror in the suit. Without the tie of course. He'd just managed to get it off, no need to half-kill himself with it again. Mami shoved the tie into his pocket, and made his way downstairs.
Alec saw the tie hanging from Mami's pocket. This could not be easily ignored. He briefly walked over to Mami and with deft hands turned the boy to face him and pulled out the tie in one effortless move. "A gentleman cannot simply waltz into banquet with his tie hanging from his pocket, and with an older woman as his date no less" He expertly finished knot for the tie while talking to Mami. "There now you look like a man ready for evening where you have a fork for every food group." And with that Alec sat back down.
The guards came up to Sun's new body stopping her. Since her body changed so did her face making her look like a 30 year old rather than 19 or 20. "Oh my....you want our name well that can be easily achieved if you can guess it."
Laurene's jaw dropped. What? What!? "No, no, no!" She spluttered out right with Mami, her face turning a bright red, "It's not like that! I mean we only met yesterday and there's no way that- just- just- NO!" Sure he has cute but that would be taking it a little fast! And besides, he was two years younger than her! What would people think?!

Face still flushed and eyes a light shade of orange, Laurene shuffled quickly out of the room. Once out of the other's sight, she dashed up the stairs, past Mami as he slid down on his face, and into an empty room. There she leaned against the door her heart racing a thousand miles per hour and her thoughts keeping pace. Yeah, he is cute. But that would be wrong! We just met! And he's fifteen! Fifteen! My parents wouldn't even let me date until I was sixteen! That would be too early! Then again... NO! Don't think about it! Just get changed... She took a moment to calm herself down before she started to get changed.

Ten minutes later Laurene walked down the stairs. "Well? How do I look?"


(Only, brown hair and green eyes)
Mami blushed once more when Alec mentioned Laurene as his date while tying his tie. Why did he keep teasing him like that!? Laurene wasn't his... his date for the evening! He didn't even know they needed dates!

And then Laurene came down the stairs.

The first thought that came to mind: Wao, she's really pretty. Mami flushed pink as he stared at Laurene. I'm allowed to admire pretty women, right? We're not dating or anything, so it's fine! It's like playing an eroge, I guess.... I can't believe I'm comparing this to an eroge... Mami looked away from Laurene, he had to look at something else to make himself stop blushing! He settled for staring/glaring/squinting at a random direction, taking the occasional glance at Laurene.

He coughed slightly, still looking away. "Er... You, um... look... yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah..." Yeah, Mami decided he needed to take classes on giving women compliments.
Sun saw Mami and payed him a visit. Her being older may startle him but she wasn't careing. "Hey Mami. Ohhh got yourself a hot date awww im jealous. For a kid to be seen as a adult and a Adult be seen as a kid you are lucky man!." Sun put her hand on his shoulder. She was clearly Sun...but she didn't have her voice.
Mami stared at the woman who had put his hand on his shoulder. He blushed for what seemed like the millionth time that day, and wondered who she was. She looked like Sun, but it didn't sound like Sun...

He brushed her hand off as politely as he could, and turned to face her. "It's... It's not like that! And who are you? Are you... Sun's big sister?" Mami was really getting tired of people saying that he and Laurene were a... a.... a thing!
Rose couldn't help but laugh a little bit at Alec teasing Mami and Laurene. They did make a cute couple, no matter what they said. Though she wasn't going to join in. Instead, she complimented them both on their appearance. "You two look really good dressed up." When a woman looking a lot like Sun came down the stairs, she couldn't look away. She was both amazed at the simple, yet elegant look, and she wasn't quite sure who the woman was. She figured that if no one else was going to ask, she would. "Sun? Is that you?"
"Oh Sun? Me I guess you can say I am but nor really i'm Corona Lunar final form of Sun." Her mature voice said softly. She stretched and looked at everyone. "Hey people change"
Alec slapped Mami playful on his back pushing him forward towards Laurene. "A gentlemen always holds a lady's hand as she descend from a staircase, women's fashion is not always easy to walk around in." Alec picked up his hat and cane and looked around. "Well everyone seems to be here." He said with a twirl of his cane as he placed his hat on. "I'm going to go and let the driver know that we wil be taking the long way to the dinner." He turned for a moment to everyone to explain. "You see punctual people arrive early or on time, important people however always arrive a little late." He said with a wink and a quick smile. He then took Rose's arm in his and lifted her out of the chair slowly. "If you would be so gracious as to accompany me to the car?"

Rachel saw glided out of her chair took Alex's arm in between her's she performed a simliar move that Alec did on Rose. Her bare feet glided across the carpet as she head for the door. Rachel like her brother preferred to leave shoes behind at any opportunity. "Come along everyone tonight I feel will be filled with excitement." She said with a fierce smile.
Mami blinked twice as he stared at... Corona Lunar? What was she, that Freezer from Dragonball or something? Final form??? Mami's brain stopped working for a second, and an imaginary puff smoke came out of his head as his brain overheated. Sun was from Dragonball? It'd explain her teleportation powers... Instant transmission...

Mami fell out of those thoughts as he was pushed forward by Alec towards Laurene. His face flushed once more at Alec's words. Seriously, what was with him and blushing today!? It was happening waaaaaaay too many times! He awkwardly offered his arm to her, determined not to look at her lest he blush even further, and headed for the door.
Corona just smiled as her deep green eyes turned sky blue for Sun's normal color. Their body was stuck though. She went up to Alec and bowed. "I am Grateful for your help before but I must leave you seem to be done with us and we have no reason......other than Rose probably.... To stay. We have ah...out lived our usefullness." Corona and Sun said and turned around to walk out. Her body was unable to return to normal.

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