False Heroes

Aura took over again. She spoke loudly. "Snyder its bewn awhile actually. I haven't seen you a while.it's been 6 years. Remember? Aunt Aura the only Enlighten who was with you Snyder's?"
Alec put his fingers to his temple and closed his eyes in frustration, she had said exactly what he predicted. "Silly, silly, girl. I have no doubt that you may harbor some affections for you parents, perfectly normal. But them being alive is not good, not only are they still alive to do their silly campaign of hate but you enrolled into a private school and an apartment, yet you were except into both and you never considered that odd?!" He started to pace thinking and talking all at once. "They do background and credit checks! You are still a child, they wouldn't have just let you in because you had a wad of cash and could forge some paperwork. You are a Snyder child at that! You think your family hasn't keep tags on you. The very fact that you have been living alone is proof they have been allowing it to happen. For what, that I do not know, but the fact is this." He bent down to her level and looked her in the eyes. "You are being watched and probably are in more danger of them than you are of the entire Lariat household!"
Laurene stared at Aura, trying to remember. Six years ago... She would have been eleven at the time. "I actually don't remember anything from when I was eleven." She admitted. Six years ago was just a big blank spot in her mind.

Oh my gosh! He's right! Those kinds of places, especially up in the North East part of town where she lived, did run background checks! "But that doesn't make any sense!" She blurted out, the orange specks returning to her eyes, "It's been a year. A year! If they've been watching me why haven't they done anything?"
Alec took note of her eye color change. Perhaps an indication of her power, clearly it was connected to emotional change. He didn't care at the moment she needed calm down. "Settle yourself, the damage is done and you questioning it won't change a bloody thing. I am however amazed you could keep grades up high enough at that school to stay yet you clearly don't use your brain!!! Yes, they watched you! You. Are. ENLIGHTENED! And maybe you didn't notice this at christmas parties but your family has it out for our types. You also used their money and ran off even if they just want you safe and back at home a parent would find where their daughter ran off too, and your family has the funds!" He said the last sentence with anger and instictively steeled his legs as he slammed a small dent in the floor. He was angry not at her entirely, but at the fact that she may be assassinated at any moment and at such a young age. She should have used her head! Luckily, the Snyder's knew that screwing around with a Lariat would mean the elimination of their gene pool faster, so she was safe in the manor at least. He let out a heavy sigh. "Laurene.....what is your goal in life?"
Alec's yelling at her was not helping her to "settle herself", quite the opposit in fact. Her eyes were growing more orange and her head was killing her, which made it hard for her to think. A yet she was able to focus just enough to answer him. "I just... I just want to help people! I want to use what is that make me special to help people, Ordinary and Enlightened alike! To make the world better!" She was crying now, partialy from fear and partialy from pain.
Aura decided to do something she stood up and hit Laurene in the head she looked ticked. Hitting her head causeds anyones Enlightened abilites to freeze. "Get ahold of yourself Laurene!" Then Aura remembered she did that once before
Alec stared at her calmly. Her tears didn't move him but her words did a bit. "Well you have failed so far.....but we're gonna work on that." He stood up. He didn't need her powers raging out of control. "You will keep going to your school and living your life and I'm gonna introduce you to a new high society and hopefully I can bring Rose and Alex with us to make you more comfortable. Remember, keep doing what you are doing what you have been. In order to keep you safe we need you to not seem like you have made any changes. If you really want to help everyone you have come to the right place, your just a really unique person for the task all things considered" He said the last part with a smile. The young lady had great intentions but had horrible last name for it. So Alec figured he would help her if she was up for it.

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Mami flinched when he found out that Laurene was an Enlightened. But, if he thought about it, Laurene was a really nice person, even if she was an Enlightened. Not all Enlightened appeared to be malicious. Mami took Laurene's hand and held it again. He looked at her and said, "I'm not really happy about being lied to, but I understand (kinda)! Besides, Enlightened people can't all be that scary! I mean, you're not scary at all!" He smiled brightly and waved his hands around to emphasize his point. "Besides, you're not scary at all compared to Alec's family! I mean, wait, I didn't say that. I'm sure you can help everybody perfectly fine!"
Aura's eyes were low she stood up and walked to a desk and picked up a picture that showed Her next to Alexion. Their names where signed on the back.

"I didn't think that i'll ever see this picture again...." Aura muttered She looked exactly how she did now but slightly more mature. She then pulled out a cylinder and put it on the table. "Alexion.. The Venture serum is ready.. Sorry it took 43 years...." Aura was actually just going to leave she thought the had no point being there anymore.
As Aura turned to leave, Rose stood up. "Wait, Su... I mean Aura." It may have been Aura in Sun's body, or Sun in Aura's body, but Rose didn't really care at this point. She felt comfortable around the girl, and didn't really want her to leave her here. "Could you... stay? I... I'd rather have you here with me. I'm more comfortable with you here, even if you are a Lunar." She was starting to calm down a bit, and she figured that Aura or Sun could help her. She turned to Alec and said, "Unless we're overstating our welcome."
Alec raised an eyebrow at Rose. "By the gods no I don't want you to leave but also don't feel shackled. I trying to help all of you. You have to understand once you leave, you will have Lariat stench on you. Meaning our enemies mah become yours. I am not especially thrilled to have a Lunar nor a Snyder here but we must deal with what we are given. Also I must have you all here for one more thing...we need to discuss something called Oridecon. I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with it but whether you have heard about or not me and my father are the leading experts on it and it's high time I educate you all on it."

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Oridecon. Rose had heard of it, and she even knew that it was effectively poisonous to Enlightened people. She stayed away from that kind of thing, electing to make her own poisons instead. Oridecon was one poison she couldn't have made herself immune to no matter how long she subjected herself to it.
Aura turned around and sighed. She realized she had to stay. "I guess I have to stay then.. And what is this Orid...whatever its called anyway?" Aura was showing sighs of discomfort, it was abvious she wasn't in control for this long in a while.
Mami's face scrunched in confusion. What was an Ordecidon? Was it something tasty? It sounded important, so Mami wasn't sure he should be there for the conversation. He raised his hand nervously, and asked "Should I leave? I'm not really related to anybody important... And I'm not anybody important myself..." Mami then thought back to what Alec had said beforehand, about the Lariat family's enemies coming after them now that they have the Lariat stench on them. His face changed to one of worry. "And also... if what you say is true, would my family be in danger as well?"
Alex's face pulled into a slight frown. He didn't need a cigarette the way that he usually did when he became uncomfortable, but he wouldn't have hesitated if this conversation was held outside. He was a little uneasy around Alec's family only knowing that they were powerful but not much more about their powers than that. He certainly wasn't going to ask the intimidating-looking patriarch of the Lariat household if he could smoke in the house. But he didn't want to miss out on the conversation involving Oridecon.

"Before I got dosed with a weak form of Oridecon, I didn't have a single scar on my body," he interjected hoping to let his face and arms peppered with thin white scars do the talking for him. He still couldn't believe the staggering effects that the poison had had on him. He had been coughing up blood up to instant that he had taken a quick nap to allow his body to recover. And that was just a toy that Alec could pull out to have fun with. That was not the large chunk that the Lariats had locked away. One small dose of the watered down version of Oridecon had done permanent damage that twenty-two years hadn't done to him. He hoped that the other people in the room would see the severity of his point.

He decided to leave the rest to Alec though, who had explained it before to him. He hoped that he wouldn't mention Harper. Nobody else needed to know the events that had transpired in the lab. Alex would have to let them know about Kate and Bill and what he had done to them, but nobody else needed to know how long and desperately he had clung to Kate's life. He tried to shoot Alec a meaningful look, hoping that he would understand. If Alec had to mention Harper for some reason, he hoped that he would leave out all of the necromancy parts. It was hard to believe how he had acted... but he wasn't surprised that he had behaved in the way that he had. He psyche was still probably a lot more fragile than he believed it was.
Alec shot Alex a quick glance. He guessed his feelings about how he was going explain this news. "Alex is correct, in his example on the severity of the poison. Oridecon is a silvery blue metal found in stone. One of which I have yet to produce in my system, theoretically I could but it will most likely kill me in the process. You see the proteins in a humans body are our building blocks. This is not a figure of speech for if you start to eliminate them than the human body will start to deteriorate. That is the function of Oridecon on Enlightened proteins. They quickly break ours down if we make direct contact with it." He started to pace a bit. "So far the known ways of infection have been inhalation, intravenous induction or like I had said earlier physical contact. If inhaled through the lungs it will eventually led to respiratory failure or pulmonary edema. An experience I had first hand knowledge of. This form is very slow acting and if treated quickly you will most likely survive. Water being the universal solvent that it is happens to be an ingredient in making Oridecon a gas thus weakening the impact. If taken the other ways you have about 2 minutes to live....you will be broken down from the inside out. Oridecon attaches to the very proteins that give us our abilities thus preventing us from countering it with our power and killing us at the same time. I tell you this because it has slowly come to light as a possible deterrent on Enlightened. The medical community mostly wants to find a cure for it. But of course others have more nefarious plans" He paused for a moment. "This is were tomorrow comes into play....a dinner is being held by a mentor of mine Dr. Houlton. He is an accomplished microbiologist and an Ordinary. This meeting is host to the wealthy, the powerful, and the intellectual so of course the entire Lariat family is at the top of the list. However, several military leaders and other parties leaders have been invited as well. I wish to learn of their and a few others intentions however my power does not allow for acute hearing so I will need assistance. My family will help but we have public obligations at the dinner as well....that's where you all come in. You see...I am allowed a few guest of my personal choosing. And I do believe all of you will clean up nicely if given the appropriate wardrobe. " He said the last sentence with a sly smile.

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Alex shrugged, he felt uneasy at Alec's words. They were quite the group and he couldn't help but to feel apprehensive at the idea of all of them attending something that sounded so eloquent. He could, of course, be wrong about the group as a whole... but even he had proved himself to be a mess today considering he had nearly pledged undying loyalty to a woman for a corpse. He shuddered at the idea of being responsible for upholding the Lariat's prestigious reputation. He couldn't help but to make the quick assumption that something would go wrong.

"I guess I'll start getting rid of these scars. Can you point me to a tub that I can use? I'll be sure to clean all of the blood off," he added quickly at the end. He had re-formed the opinion that he should get rid of the scars. He wasn't even sure if anyone else noticed them in the way that he did. He wondered if anyone liked them and he thought specifically if Rose or Rachel thought of them and he immediately chased that thought from his head.
Rachel gazed at Alex....she did like a man with a little mystery about him. He may be a bit younger than her but she didn't mind teaching him a few 'tricks'. "Sure their is one up stairs to the right....or you could go up one more floor and find my room, either do feel free to ask me personally for assistance."

Alec couldn't help but chuckle. Rachel beat around the bush when wanted something or someone. "Steady there girl. Do try to remember he is a guest not food."

"Oh but brother dear they both can sooooo delicious at times" Rachel purred eyeing Alex with hungry eyes.

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Alex was a little surprised at Rachel's forwardness but less so than when he realized that he was actually close to considering acting on her advance. He was stopped from saying anything when he became aware of the hungry look her eyes. That was not a look that he wanted to act on, especially when combined with Alec's comment about 'food'. Yeah, he definitely felt like a chunk of meat hanging in a butcher shop. It was surprisingly not a good feeling.

It was probably a good thing that he had reconsidered, anyways. He had just gotten some closure regarding Kate and he didn't want to do anything like that before he was actually ready and risk opening up his feelings of guilt again. He felt just the tiniest feeling of disappointment though... thanks to his powers he had a thorough knowledge and good control over the human body and precision control over his. She probably thought that he was missing out, he thought with just the slightest bit of shame as he turned at the top of the first set of stairs and made a right.

As he began tearing into his flesh to reopen the scars so that they could heal without the Oridecon impeding his healing processes, Alex considered the dinner again. He hoped that they weren't getting themselves into anything problematic. He winced in pain as he forced his cheek open.
"Let Me try it." Aura said and walked forward. "If its true that it attaches to your proteins I want to see if what it can do is true." Aura already knew the effect of Oridicon, Since their body was immune to anything except physical damage. She was the only one who survived the effects of Oridicon without help.
Rachel was disappointed at Alex's reaction. He clearly was interested but perhaps she came on to strong? No matter when she like someone she pursued them with vigor. Maybe she would be more gentle next time like Alec said he wasn't piece of meat but that didn't make him any less appetizing. She got up and stretched in her characteristically cat - like way. "I will be in room brother dear. Hopefully your plan will work, I assume you will want to watch over Rose at the party if she goes?" She actually wanted to be with Rose at the party, she was a nice and an honest sort she would like to become closer with her, besides dinners could ruthless affairs for the unwary. "She can borrow anything she desires of mine for the event." She then left with floaty steps and humming a tune.

Alec looked at Sun "I'm afraid I don't run test on people at random, so forgive me if I pass on this scientific endevour" Was the girl mad? Oridecon was not something you 'tried', Lunar 's were apparently junkies for painful test. He walked to the doorway. "None of you are prisoners by the way. You are allowed to leave and stay at your leisure the guards have memorized your faces and will let you in whenever you choose. If you choose to attend the banquet being held come here at 5, the dinner is at 8 and we must prepare, I will not be here until 4 myself for I have a few meetings and an appointment in the morning I must see to. But feel free to stay or visit before then and enjoy the house. Rachel should be about either near the pool or the gymnasium. My father not be here but if he is feel free to talk him as well, he may be a vicious tyrant but he does love talking with young Enlightened. Well, good night everyone, do try and get some rest. But if something bothers you please come get me at once" And with that Alec went to his room for some much needed sleep.

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Aura was disappointed. She was Psychotic and wanted to die but every time she tried she never succeded. Sun had finally got controll again and she sighed. But she was tired too so she let Moon take over since he was more awake.

"Hmmm that Rachael...... She seems....well.. Eh. Whatever." Moon started but never finished. He was already mad at something else. "Aura Lunar... Sun Luna... Just who the h*ll are we?...."
Rose decided that she would stick around. She assumed that the guest room she had used earlier would be open for her to use again. She had calmed down considerably since her earlier mental breakdown. She heard Moon's question, and felt a little sorry for him. For all of the personalities in that body. Finally being more more herself, Rose walked to Sun and put a hand on her shoulder and gave a comforting squeeze before heading to her room.
Before Rose left Sun's voice came out. "I'll be around ok?" Sun then walked outside she decided to see if the power she had was really real. She punched the ground lightly and caused a minature earthquake. With a sigh Sun talked to herself. (Which is completly normal) "I want to be free...but should I be in a Asylum...or however you say it?"
Laurene had finally callmed down enough to be thinking rationally again. "I should probably get back to finding my client's dog." And get something nice to wear from home, she added silently, standing up. "Would you care to join me, Mami?" She wasn't completely calm yet and she would feel much more comfortable with some company. Besides, she figured that they probably lived in the same part of town.
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