False Heroes

Lord Alexion took the I.D. into account but couldn't be bothered with it now, the young lady seemed sincere about her nature but the Lunar were notorious for their 'experiments' and he would have to perform deeper research on this particular individual. He moved forwarded to the two young ladies next. "And who might you be?" He said to neither one in particular.
Rose stood and gave a polite curtsy. "My name is Rose DeMarco." Her mind was currently in turmoil. She felt an unease stronger than when she was with Rachel earlier. She didn't like feeling so out of control and conflicted.
Alec walked up behind her and leaned in as his father moved away. "Try to breath, he may be a scary man at times but he has never laid hands on anyone for shear pleasure. You will be fine try to relax, I can tell the days events have taken a heavy toil on you" He places his hand on her reassuringly.
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Rose didn't think about who the voice was coming from. After all, she hadn't been able to really talk to him yet. Instead she listened only to the words. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to center herself. He was right, the day's events had really worn her out.
He examined the thin white lines marring his arms and his cheek. It was so bizarre to see scars. He hadn't had a scar on his body since his car crash had awoken his abilities. And yet here they were. He gently brushed the scar across his cheek and traced it down his neck in the mirror. The Oridecon really wasn't anything to mess with... and yet there was a point where he would have bent over backwards to let Harper have it. He was glad that she was gone. Who knew how many people she had manipulated by using the dead? She was better off dead, and he jerked back away from the mirror after he considered that thought.

He decided that the scars were becoming, anyways. Women always liked scars, he considering ignoring the slight pinprick of pain at his heart. It was nowhere near the pain he had felt before and he knew that he would have been more concerned if he hadn't felt it at all. He hadn't ruined his heart in the end after all but it was still going to be a process with Kate. He felt a little mournful as he considered for the first time that he didn't know where her body had gone... then again, he had spent enough time with her body as of late. Kate's body deserved to be left alone for the time being.

He gingerly stepped forward and away from the mirror. The step was hesitant and it was clear that he was testing. He found no obvious signs that his body was still damaged in the way that it had been, but he still paused and shut his eyes to concentrate. He felt his surroundings slip away as he caught on to the nearest heart-beats in the mansion. He ignored the ones that didn't belong to him however and honed in on his.

He stood there for a moment as he checked his vital processes carefully and he spent a long moment after confirming his health to simply just listen and feel it all. The body was a beautiful and fine-tuned machine, he concluded as he slowly pulled himself out of his mind and back into the present moment. He caught his reflection in the mirror and sighed. He had been lying to himself earlier, he really wasn't sure about the scars.

He shrugged knowing that he could either reopen each scar and let the wounds properly heal now that the Oridecon seemed to have flushed itself from his system or he could leave it. He had been given clean clothing by Alec's servants so he wasn't too enthusiastic about the idea of wrecking Alec's clothes after the mess he had left in the lab.

He padded down the hallway going off of the dim memories of staggering through them before his restful nap. For a moment he thought that he had taken a wrong turn and hewas uneasy that he would wind up back at the lab but he heard the sound of voices. He heard a man's voice new to him ask a question before he heard Rose state her name.

"Alex Miller," he said in a clipped voice as he appeared under the archway to the living room. He felt subconscious over his scars again, he was being silly, he told himself. They were just scars. He had been the unusual one for not having any earlier.
Laurene started. She was being talked to. "Laurene Snyder..." She answered hesitantly, hoping that this man wouldn't connect her name with the missing Snyder girl from the other side of the country. Alexion just had this feeling about him, like he would notice something like that.
Lord Alexion stared at Alex...so this was the man, the myth as it were. He had much to thank this boy for and much to speak with about but he was Alec's friend now or at least that what it seems, so he would not intrude. "A pleasure to meet both you and Ms. Rose, Alex."

When Laurene spoke her last name, Rachel and Alec froze, Alec couldn't recall hearing her last name before but why was a Snyder HERE in a Lariat household.....talk about sending your sheep to the slaughter.

Alec quickly diluted the situation, regardless of who she was the young girl hadn't done anything to deserve the wrath of Lord Alexion, and Alec hoped to keep it that way. "Yes, she is a rather mischievous young lady, says she is looking for a dog so she skipped school in the search" Alec said all this eyeing his sister and father.

Rachel purred a moan as she stretched across the floor, her muscle tightening with the stretch, as she slowly turned to look at Rachel with a feline like smile. "Mischievous hmmm?"

Lord Alexion heard everything but showed not a hint of it on his face. He slowly walked past Laurene.
"As cautious as ever isn't that right, Alexion?" Aura turned around towards him. Her eyes looked dazed as if Sun was trying to get out. She spoke softly "Kinda like the expirament titled "KYRO" you were jittery." Aura had to say to keep in control
Lauren's eyes grew wide. Crapohcrapohcrap! He had recognized her name. And not just him, but the other two Lariat's had as well. Of course they did! Markus and Janet Snyder were only the biggest names in the Anti-Enlightened campaign. Few knew it but they were also devout members of the D.T.O. (Defenders of The Ordinary), a modern day K.K.K. However, Laurene figured that these people probably had a good intelligence network and probably knew that as well.

Laurene curled up into a ball and hugged her legs, her hands shaking. Her green eyes began to speckle with orange as fear began to take over. She was going to die. And for no other reason than her name...
Mami stared at the man who had just entered and introduced. He was surely the most intimidating man he had ever seen. His stare was so piercing that Mami was sure that he saw everything about him. It was... disconcerting, to say the least. He glanced over at Laurene, and was startled to see her shaking and in a ball. He reached out a hand to touch her shoulder, worried. Was she feeling sick? It had been right after she said her name... Snyder... It sounded familiar, but he couldn't but his finger on it. His brow furrowed, and he asked, "Are you okay?"
Laurene jumped and let out a short whimper, fully expecting it to be Alec, ready to put a spike in her. She looked up and saw that it was Mami, the boy who didn't know what it was like to fear being killed by his own family for what he was or by everyone else because of who he was. She never heard what he said, just saw his lips move, the concerned look on his face, and understood what he was saying.

She slowly reached up and clasped the hand on her shoulder. "No..." She barely whispered "No I'm not."
Lord Alexion bent down to the young woman's level and placed a hand on her shoulders. Though his face still was locked away portraying nothing. His voice was calm yet firm. "Do relax child, you are in no danger from me. But you were careless to waltz into a Lariat home the way you did. What would have happened if Alec were not here and you had only met Rachel, she would have played with you for days, perhaps months, before putting you out of your misery. Count yourself lucky that you met Alec first."

When he finished that sentence Rachel's face still had a smirk but her tone and eyes were flat and staring at Laurene "Oh but daddy there is much time left in the day for change."

Alec had to admit killing Snyder would be....nice. They had assaulted his family in multiple ways and without provocation. They even tried to eliminate his mother and brother and they were Ordinaries. Though both of them were formidable enough to be one in their on right. But that mattered not. She was young, confused, and Enlightened. Unless she proved otherwise she was only a silly girl who was now frightened. "Lord Alexion and Lady Rachel I am forming the Lariat Apex Law on my guest, thus they are not to be harm unless they prove a threat to the family or your person.".

At that Rachel's eyes widened " Why?"

Alec shrugged "Her genes may come from filth but she isn't all that bad, but if I'm wrong you have assurance that I will kill her myself." With that Lord Alexion bowed and walked to entrance into the hall. "It was pleasure to meet you all, I hope to speak with you all very soon." With that he left. His son had a point, besides the Lariat household was fear for its strength built up from centuries of work, not for randomly slaughtering babes.

Alec walked over to the center of the room with Rachel and looked at Laurene. "Please tell me that I'm not wrong about you?"
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The Lunars, the Lariats, and now the Snyders. Rose was beginning to feel like a mutt amidst a pack of wolves. By comparison, the DeMarcos were nobodies, just a slightly better-off middle-class family. She imagined that she was the only DeMarco to ever register on their radars, and now she almost wished that she hadn't. So much for trying to relax. She felt herself get stiff, but it wasn't her going statue, it was a bit of fear.

The Lunars were known for their experimentation, the Lariats were known for strength and little regard for others lives (Alec may be the exception to that) and the Snyders were notorious for anti-Enlightened propaganda and lynch mobs. Rose figured she had good reason to be afraid, and she wasn't exactly hiding it.
Aura walked over to Rose. "Don't worry Sun is not me we may share this body but it is not the same. " She tried to reasure her. Sun's eyes threaten to come out.
Rose appreciated Aura's attempt, and she knew that Sun wasn't bad. But she still felt very small. She nodded to say both 'thanks' and 'I know'. She supposed that maybe, if she stuck around, she'd get used to it. After all, Laurene didn't seem that bad, Alec wasn't trying to dissect her, Rachel showed her what appeared to be genuine warmth, and even Lord Alexion didn't have her on an operating table. She took another deep breath and said quietly, "Maybe I'm just being paranoid."
Sun finally got controll but she used Rin-Rin's voice speed to speak. "DangitAuraIwantedtobeincontrolofmybodybutyoujusthadtotakeoverdidn'tyou?" She said scowling her other selves.
Alec gave Laurene a moment to catch her breath as he turned to Rose. He could tell what she was thinking and she had good reason, the Snyder and Lunar were mad in a way the Lariat were, not they sought power to hurt or to destroy the power balance in the Enlightened world. The Lariat in turn were far more stable, but that made them twice as dangerous. Luckily for Rose the Lariat gained power for itself and uses it to benefit both Enlightened and Ordanaries. But nonetheless she should be fearful, fear is what keep you on your toes....well for most people it was useful. Every Lariat had it driven out of them at an early age. "Rose.." Alec said calmly "I want you to understand you are among friends, albeit incredibly dangerous friends but still friends. You have my assurance that I will try my best to keep you safe within my household, besides from what I here Rachel has taken a liking to you, that is saying a lot." He also noticed that through all of this Alex hadn't taken out a single cigarette, impressive he normally was all nerves in tense situations but he seemed to have a firmer grip on himself than before.
Rose nodded. "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I'm just...not used to being in this kind of company. When I am in a crowd it's usually a bunch of nerds who couldn't care less about the outside world. You know, people I can read with little effort. Here, I feel like a stray mutt that wandered into a wolf pack. I tell you, it's more than a little unsettling."
Laurene looked up at Alec without uncurling or letting go of Mami's hand. The orange in her eyes was fading however. She forced on a half-hearted smile. "I guess there's only one way to find out."
Alec gave a sad smile "Your no stray Rose, but take you time, no one will demand anything of you....though I guess wolves would be an appropriate animal for us." He turned to Laurene after she made her comment and raised an eyebrow, there way hundreds of ways for a Lariat to find the truth but he figured frightening the girl even more wouldn't give any positive results.. "And what may that be?"
... Okay. It bothered Laurene on so many levels that Alec was asking that question. "...with time." She mumbled, gripping Mami's hand tighter.
Alec looked at her for a moment longer. "Time....yes I guess that is the slowest yet most proven way to earn trust. I'll lay out the cards on the table so there is no doubt. I trust you Laurene Snyder. My family does not. With 'time' you will do one of two things...either you will solidly my trust and gain my families or you will lose my trust and die at a young age. I for one, am hoping for the former. That being said we must discuss somethings. First, your clearly an Enlightened so why hasn't your family tried to drown you or tragically lose you in an accident? Secondly, why are you not with your escort, surely your family would give their daughter protection on the way to school. And here is the most important part, if you somehow escaped that security....would they be looking for you? And please do speak up young lady, while I am your friend I will not let you endanger our lives by your not so subtle need to play it close to the chest, you have already placed yourself in danger by withholding your last name until now." He could see the fear in her face and hear the annoyance in his voice and he relaxed a little. "And afterwards we can find the dog you require."
Laurene winced. Dang it Alec! She had been trying so hard to keep that bit of information away from Mami. Well, at least it hadn't been Sun that had blurted it out. She hesitantly let go of Mami's hand. "Sorry for lying to you," She apologized quietly to him. "I just- I just didn't want you to be scared of me. I wanted you to treat me like a normal person." She then turned to look at Alec. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths before she began.

"Why hasn't my family offed me yet? Because I never gave them the chance. The very same night that I discovered my powers, the very same night that I blew up my house, I ran away. I had to. If I hadn't my parents would have killed me, or worse, use me to kill others. I couldn't let that happen. So I ran. I fled across the country with just enough money to enroll in a private school for a year. And I've been here since, as an ordinary girl, living an ordinary life all by her self, struggling to pay her ordinary rent."
Alec stared at her for a moment, she wasn't lying, and that is what made it worse. The girl was smart Alec had to give her that, you had to be in order to survive alone, but by the gods she was playing the fool quite well today. Well at least she would be if she answered Alec's question how he believed she would. "The boy will be fine, he knew you as a person before an Enlightened, so if his brain works at all he should accept as is. If not then we will throw him out. You seem to be a well versed liar Laurene, so I'm gonna ask you for another truth.....when you made your home into an explosive event up....did your parents blow up with it?" He didn't care if it hurt the girl to remember these events, not at the moment anyway. She at present was more dangerous that Rachel on a bad day.
"No." She answered, "Luckily I was the only one home at the time. My parents were out 'hunting' and my little brother was spending the night at a friend's place. Even Fred, the only servant on duty at the time, was out shopping. As unlikely as it was, no one was hurt." Okay, 'luckily' depended on who's point of view you were looking from. For the Lariats it probably wasn't that good that Markus and Janet had survived, but for Laurene it meant that she hadn't killed anyone. That she hadn't become a monster.

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