False Heroes

Rachel walked gingerly to Rose and sat next to her, embracing her with an arm. "You poor thing, ones family is the first group one can truly belong to and yours cast you aside like a used tool. Such people should be removed from the earth. My brother tries to take a more civil approach but even he would be enraged by this story. My mother is an Ordinary you know? A frightful woman all the same, thank the gods she has no powers, that would upset the balance of the world. Well, you are just meeting us for the first time but I want you to feel you can come here whenever you want. View it as your own home, you may not have a true family at the moment but it doesn't mean you have to be forever without one." She smiled genuinely at Rose. The girl was made of tougher stuff than she looked, she would make a great Lariat.
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Hearing that Sun was shocked at Rose's past. It reminded her of her own except Sun was living by herself at the age of 11. She sat down and looked at her hand. And muttered. "she...she is like me....."
Rose felt a bit uncomfortable at Rachel's embrace, but that wasn't anything unusual for her. The warmth was certainly welcome, even if she was intimidated by the woman. She briefly entertained the notion that Rachel's offer was insincere, but she shifted that thought out almost as soon as she had it. The smile Rachel wore seemed to be genuine, but then even Rose could make a fake smile seem genuine. She decided to confirm the truth, but she didn't word the question so blatantly doubtful. She even added a touch of hopefulness that was one hundred percent genuine. "Would that really be okay?"
Rachel beamed. "Of course why would I lie to you?" She stopped for a second and had a look on her face that showed she herself was pondering the same question. "Okay there are PLENTY of reason for me to lie to you but that point is this is not a lie. Everyone of the staff here is considered family, from the head guard to the dishwasher. They each have their own finely made quarters and are welcome to join us in almost all of our activities. Their lives and stories carry a heavy load just like yours, and father would be elated to have a new addition to the family. Father is how do you say...very old school and your powers would excite him beyond measure for their mythological connections. Now of course you wouldn't become a staff member, no no no, you would be like a little sister to us!!! And if you choose you could even gain the family name...of course there is a test to carry the family name but even we blood relatives have to do it. The fact that your family has thrown you to the side means we would have to worry about any legal actions nor assaults fro other parties." Rachel was getting extremely excited, Alec would be a little worried of course, but Mommy and Daddy would be head over heels with glee. Well....there was also their older brother Ty to consider.
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Sun got agitated. She didn't want Rose to join with them. She honestly felt she rather her came with her. Sun had made a friend and didn't want to let go. So she stood uo and looked at Rachael and spoke. "Hey I actually think Rose... Would want to come with me instead.... Maybe its Moon..or maybe just my gut but......AhshutupSunifyoudosomethingyoumightendupgettingyourselfkilledoversomethingstupid...." She started but Rin-Rin took over. She sat back down and decided to say something. "Actually my family made a cure for enlightened people.... I think if I want to live normally I must deal away with all of you...Waitwhatdidyousay? Sun..are you crazy!? ...Sun...." Sun seemed to have a mental showdown in her brain.
Rose looked at Sun. While it was true that she had pretty much become friends with Sun, she was afraid to turn down Rachel's offer. She took the only out that was available to her, though she felt that even this was risky. "Your offer is really tempting, but quite heavy for me. I..." Rose was nervous about being so hesitant regarding Rachel's offer. "I need some time to think about it." She tried not to show her apprehension, but she wasn't sure how successful she was.
Rachel thought about that for a moment and smiled. She gave a good willed laugh. "Oh no worries deary, I don't expect you to decide now and besides you becoming a part of the family and using our home doesn't mean you have to stay here sweetie nor lose your friend. " She nods knowingly. "It just means we would become family and be there for you. No more, no less. It's not a contract nor would we hold you up in a cell. Forgive me if I made you uncomfortable."
Rose nodded, letting a relieved smile come out. An offer this heavy would have to be considered carefully. She wanted to talk to Alec about this, as well as Sun. Alec, because despite her wariness, she did have some trust in him. Sun, because the girl, with all her alternate personalities, was Rose's friend.
"Alright well, I told you that I have fun with death threats. Play with me." she smiled teasingly biting her lip. She hadn't felt unease at the pressure change but she was feeling unease at the idea of being his playtoy. He definitely possessed a sinister quality that she hadn't expected to be so pronounced in this Lariat child. The others ones had seemed more unstable and threatening in their files. Harper had really gotten herself into a mess here. She hadn't planned to be here. Her mission was supposed to be walking to the front door and dropping off Kate's corpse before leaving to destabilize Alex and hopefully recruit him. But the gates had been blown open... she had been careless and ambitious. She wished that he would just kill her. She had been so hopeful for a moment.

Alex pulled away from Kate flashing a dark look at Alec, "What did you just say about me?" Kate asked in an offended voice but Alex ignored her and the anger that was written across her face. Her expression was so lifelike. The way she crinkled her nose when she was offended was exact. The way she spoke; exact. The smiles, the laughter; exact. She could remember their favourite stories and still make him laugh without even trying and he had laughed and smiled with her... for the first time since she had been buried.

But he still dropped her unnaturally cold hand much to the obvious dismay that was written across her face, "You don't think that I know that?" he said in a low mournful voice and he glanced back at Kate. Despite the pallid skin and the ugly scar, she looked lifelike, "Why can't I have my illusion? I want to pretend that this is her. I want to believe that is her. I would blindly follow this witch to the ends of the Earth for just a copy or replication of Kate. I would even kill for just this ghost of a memory. That's how much I loved her... hell, that's how much I still love her. I would settle for even just the shadow of who she was."

"Why do you think I backed off when you dropped the pressure? Do you really think that I want to die just for some ego contest you're having with someone who clearly doesn't match your strength? No. I was hoping that it would come to that though because I want to die pretending." he smiled pushing a strand of hair behind Kate's ear. She smiled sweetly. Just the way that she always had. He was willing to believe.

"It was only one month ago I thought I lost her. Don't patronize me, Alec. You couldn't know what it feels like to watch as they lower your heart into the ground and bury it," Harper felt her jaw drop. It was almost laughable. The real ghost in this room was Alex. She couldn't believe just how deep his psychological issues went.
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Mami twitched on the couch he had been left on. Things in this room was seriously getting creepy. Corpses? Necromancy? Becoming apart of a (possibly mafia) family?? Ordeco-what??? He wanted to just get up and run away. Not to mention he was really, really hungry. Didn't that girl mention food earlier?

Maybe he could try and get out of the room reaaaaaally quickly. Mami could just jump up, and run to the door and out to freedom! No more crazy chain dudes, homicidal girls, insane necrophiliacs, and creepy women who could resurrect dead people! Now... if only he could get to the door fast enough.

Should he go slow, or fast? Psht, everyone knows that you gotta go fast!

With that thought being affixed into his head, Mami rolled off the couch and ran to the... pile of food. His stomach is more important right now, and if he doesn't eat soon, he'll feel as though he might die! Mami quickly scooped up an armful of food and began shoving an inhumane amount into his rather stretchable mouth, then sped towards the door.

Freedom awaits!
Sun saw Mami at the corner of her eye. She was suddenly in front of the door, her head cocked to the side. "Where are you going? I brought food for you..." Sun had a confused look on her face.
Mami nearly screamed again in shock when the Enlightened girl appeared in front of him, and smashed into her, dropping some food in the process. He had forgotten that one of them could move at insanely fast speeds, and now he had a bruise to show for it.

He lay there on the ground, disoriented, and sat up. He looked at the Enlightened girl, and stuttered out with embarrassment, "Freedom... calls?" It sounded lame to him, even in his head. Mami was sorely tempted to curl up on the floor and shrivel like a snail covered in salt.
Sun opened the door and took him outside and looked at him. "Whats wrong....oh you must be a ordinary. Am I right?" She asked him with a sweet and innocent voice.
As soon as Rachel walked in, Laurene imideatly cut her conection with the house and slipped her glasses back on. Alec had said that things would get bad when his family showed up and she figured that this was one of them. She would continue acting like an ordinary girl, like always.

She listened to the conversation for a while. Something wasn't right here... Alec had said that she was dangerous, but here she was being nice and friendly. Laurene slowly crept over, her bare feet making no noise on the carpet. She needed to know what game this woman was playing. She reached forward slowly and touched Rachel's hair so softly that it was barely noticeable, her eyes orange behind the shades.

(Havok, Laurene is now reading Rachel's mind, looking specifically for "what game this woman was playing" Feel free to send this information to me via message if you don't want the others to know. :wink:)

(P.S. I'm also going to assume that Rachel doesn't notice her so that I can keep playing while waiting for you.)
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Mami stared at the girl, wondering how she could be frightening one moment, then sweet and cute in the next moment. Realizing that she asked him a question, he responded "Oh uh, yeah! Ordinary parents, ordinary life, ordinary job, y'know." He was pretty ordinary, barring that one incident that he could never remember much about. In fact, he couldn't remember anything before that incident. What even was the incident?

"Oh wait, I never got your name!" Mami said loudly, then thought a bit more on whether he wanted to know the name of an Enlightened. He wasn't sure that his parents would like it if he associated with any Enlightened people, with the shady reputation that they had. But, forgetting about the head decapitation incident, this girl wasn't too bad, right? For an Enlightened, she was pretty nice. "My name's Mami." he said to her, and rubbed the back of his head. Oh it's wet again, but cold this time. Thank goodness it's just water!
"I'm Sun.. Sun Luna. Yep." She shook her head yes. "Since you are ordinary...eh that plain you want some ah.. Pizzaz in your life?" Sun said planing something obviously.
"P-pizzaz?? Well, it doesn't sound too bad if my life had a bit more spark to it..." Mami thought a bit to himself about her question. "Wait, why are you asking me anyways? You aren't... planning on selling my organs on the black market are you!??!" Mami jumped back in a stupid looking kung-fu pose in alarm. "I know kang-fa! Or whatever it's called!"
(Assuming that all goes well with Rachel...)

"It seems that we're in the same boat, Mami." Laurene commented as she walked over, taking her glasses of once again. "Just two ordinary kids who are in the wrong place at the wrong time... And who are so going to be late for school." She added the last part with a smile. "My name's Laurene."

"And put your arms down, you look like an idiot."
Mami put his arms down sheepishly, mortified that he had once again acted like a fool in front of not one, but TWO ladies. His face flushed bright red, and he smiled a painful smile at Laurene. "Hahaha... Nice to meet you Laurene." He resisted the urge to fall on the floor in despair at his hopeless nature. At least she was ordinary, like him!
Laurene couldn't help but giggle as the boy's face turned red. Oh this one was going to be fun. "I wouldn't worry about Sun here. I've been here a little over half an hour and, from what I can tell, she is a complete angel as long as you don't try and hurt her. I can't say the same about the others though. What brought you here?"
((Oh wow lot happens in the wee night hours. Ian no worries about what Rachel is thinking I will put that on here, no need to keep it secret at the moment. Though I think a little confusion is going on. Alec, Kate, Harper and Alex. are not in the same room as Laurene, Rachel, Sun, Rose, and Mami. They are in a lab very deep into the mansion. Anyhoot I just didn't want anyone confused. Back to the stage!!!))

Alec sat there in his chair for what seemed like an eternity after Alex and Harper finished. He let out a long sad sigh. They were both in their own way amazing and at the same time incredibly pathetic. He walked over to the safe and placed in a few codes, sealing the gas. He then casually walked to Alex and in one swift motion both 'steeled' his head and headbutted him in the nose. He stood over him for a moment considering ending it but walks away to the door. He walks to the steel door and touched it with his pointer finger and the locks release. The large door slowly swings open with a hiss. "I guess the game is over, you both may leave. Well...three counting Pinocchio there." He turns to Harper and walks up to her, sliding his leg next to hers while she sits in the chair and slowly lowers his head next to her ear and whispers. "It was fun while it lasted, huh?" He smoothly places his finger to her torso and and extends a spike slowly into her abdomen piercing her lung slightly. As he looks at her face he says cooing "Sssh Sssh now, a gift from me to you, learn and learn well no one comes into a Lariat home like you did without proper payment but I like you so you will live, besides your new zombie can heal you just fine...well once he gets off the floor." He kisses her forehead, gingerly brushing back her hair. He then walks back to the door and stares at Alex with a sad look in his eyes "Alex, lad. Your an idiot no other way to say it. You are correct, it is an illusion and if that satisfies you then you are worthless. You have so many pity parties it makes me wonder if there could be a catering business for it. I truly believe all you want is a talking doll and now you have it. But do stop pretending that is an activity for children, realize that she will always be buried, at least then you can love the doll properly." He turns to walk away. "Oh and Harper, I assume you have my cell, please call me, whoever is using you is selling you short, I could help you but next time do try and be more polite about it." With that he walked out the room. He worried about a dual assault from Alex and Harper, afterall the boy did have rage issues, but it probably wouldn't happen. The women now knew she was in the lions den and needed to leave while Alex was far to gone at the moment to fully commit to anything but his toy. He knew the stone was safe, neither of them could get in there anyway. But he was still sad in his own way. Alex was a lost lad who was finally starting to change, and Harper...well Harper had a thing about her that ignited his more Lariat nature a quality that he found very attractive. But they both had to go today, Alex has to realize that he is an idiot himself and well Harper wasn't fully ready for a Lariat 'relationship' but he could tell the lady still enjoyed her first taste and he enjoyed his. Further more, he need to have a transfusion done and soon, he hadn't pushed himself today quite the opposite but he hadn't had a transfusion in about 3 weeks and the diluted form of Oridecon in his blood stream was going to take its toll on all three of them.

Rachel's thoughts were of murdering her new friend Rose parents for such a heinous act but she couldn't tell Rose. Like any abandoned child she may still love the weak willed Ordinaries. Besides, she needed to give her time, though being a Lariat was incredibly exciting she had to be prepared for the dangers of the title and few people were. She stretched and started to lay down on the sofa but she bumped into someone. She quickly turned around and saw the young lady who had stood next to Rose earlier. She was young and pretty but had no manners what so ever, daddy always warned Rachel and her siblings that anyone who touches you and doesn't want you to know is probably doing something wrong and should be handled in such a way. She thought of several ways to kill the little harlot, replacing her blood with sulfuric acid, maybe give her a two chambered heart instead of four, putting her head up her arse.....a personal favorite. But she was just a child a bit younger than Rose and if she was a friend of Rose she couldn't be all that bad. "Oh I am ever so sorry, pardon, me. I do tend to get relaxed around company. I am Rachel, and you are?"
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Mami thought back to the situation that brought him here. Ah yes, the demonic shopkeeper and those absolutely delectable pastries. Mmmm... A line of drool went down Mami's mouth as he recalled the taste of the cakes. Oh wait she asked a question. "I came in here 'cause I ate some cakes, that I, er, wasn't supposed to eat." Isn't there a way to make that sound cooler? "The shopkeeper came chasing me down, but I managed to lose him."
Sun stared off into space. For a momment She thought of the pleasures of being expiramented on. The adrenaline that pumped through her body. She missed the pleasures of killing.
Rose went up to Sun and tapped her shoulder. "Hey, can we talk?" she asked. Despite what Sun said about Rachel's offer, Rose felt that she needed to talk to her.
(I'll just assume that the conversation with Mami happens a few minutes from this point.)

Why was it that everyone Laurene ran into today was inclined to kill? She shouldn't be dealing with these kinds of people! She was only 17! Wait a seconded, what if she...


Oh crap! Laurene saw the flash of murder in Rachel's eyes and had a brief moment of panic, but then saw her eyes soften. Okay, she was safe for now. "Laurene. And you're not nearly as scary as your brother made you out to be." She then turned and walked off. Despite being "safe", after seeing her own head get shoved her backside, she had no interest in staying and talking to the lady who was every bit as scary as Alec had made her out to be...


(And.... Back to the present!)

"Wait, you're telling me that you ate a cake in the store? While the shopekeeper was still there?" Laurene laughed. "Kid! You've got guts!" No, not really. He actually looked like he was ready to pee his pants, but she figured Mami could use the confidence boost.

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