False Heroes

Rose nodded. She stood up and took Laurene's hand. She wasn't about to argue with Alec. She still didn't quite trust him, but then she hadn't been able to ask him anything. "Let's go. You shouldn't be involved in this, you're still just a kid."
Sun grabbed one of the guards and slammed his head so hard on the ground his head and everything above the upper jaw ripped off. Sun had a insane look to her. She was in her mood. She enjoyed killing until she saw her father get out of the last car. She went a instant normal as she let her mouth speak. "Daddy......"

Her father held out his hand.

"Sun...child come with me."
Alec casually walked by the 'dead' guard as his body slowly oozed into a gelatinous blob and sloshed away, he only gave it a second glance before stepping outside to the scene. He saw several cars sitting in the drive way and looked at the man who was Sun's father. The gate was destroyed but not beyond repair, the invasions of his home were beginning to annoy him, though this was far from uncommon. He figured before he out right kill the man for bring such violence into his estate he would see how events unfolded. If it got out of hand he was sure he and Alex would be able to handle it. So he casually took a seat on the steps outside the door. "Good morning sir, I'd like to know why you happen to be intruding upon my home so very early in the morning?"
Mami bicycled down the street at top speed. The wind rushed pass his face as he pedaled as if his life was on the line, as if he was being chased by an angry storekeeper with the body of an Olympic weight lifter intent on murdering him for eating the pastries he was supposed to deliver.

... What? It wasn't Mami's fault the pastries smelled so good, or that he forgot they were for the maniacal storekeeper! Besides, there was still one bigass cake left in there! Anyways, back to the present, he's still being chased by the storekeeper!

Glancing over his shoulder, Mami's mouth fell open with shock. The crazy old storekeeper had gotten his hands on a bicycle, and was quickly gaining on him. He had to get away, hide, throw him off, do something! A crazy idea popped into his head as he pedaled through the suburbs, spotting a long and tall white wall. He could get in there and throw off the storekeeper! If there was a gate, it'd be easy to climb over, and the old man would never think about trespassing.

Maybe... maybe a hot babe with a rockin' body owned the mansion! He could ask if he could hide here until the storekeeper was gone, and if she was nice, she might even treat him with tea! Mami's face flushed, and he quickly shook his head to rid himself of the thought. Back to the present, back to the present!

Mami pedaled faster, and spotted a large metal gate that was... open? Yeah, well... Those look destroyed!

Oh well, looks like he doesn't need to exert himself climbing over now! Mami could just waltz on in!

Heedless of any danger that might be within the walls of the mysterious mansion, Mami bicycled onto the grounds quickly. And... stopped when he saw a bunch of suspicious cars and people who definitely looked shady. Oh yeah, and that slender man on the steps of the absolutely gorgeous door.

Uh, those people look like the mafia. And that guy looks like he's trying to stand up to those super scary guys.

Er, what the hell's happening??!!?
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Alex paused for a moment after Sun rushed out of the room and he concentrated for a moment before he could hear the new heart beats pulling up the long driveway. He was surprised that there were so many people that had come to capture Sun. She had told them enough for him to know that they shouldn't let these people capture her. He had to help.

He closed his eyes and began to hone in on one of the beating hearts at random. He began to feel the blood rushing through this man's body and he began to push. He felt warm blood spreading down his neck (or maybe it was the man's neck... it was hard to say now as he felt as if they currently existed symbiotically) but then he knew he was still in his own body as his own body began to heal itself. Their hearts were now out of sync. The man's body was being taken over by panic and Alex listened and felt all of his body's tiny nuances as the man responded to his growing wound.

"What are you doing?" came a voice that he hadn't heard in so long that it jarred him and took out of what he was doing. He was no longer in the stranger's body systematically bleeding the man to death but now he was standing in Alec's living room with blood pouring out of a quickly shrinking gash in his neck.

"Kate?" he called out cautiously taking a step backwards.

"I thought it would end with me... this isn't you. You aren't your father, Alex. I-" he heard the awful noise that she had made as she had died. It was somewhere between a gurgling noise and a choking cough. She had been choking on her own blood as her body was shredded to pieces. She was choking.

"Kate!" he called out ignoring everything shoving Rose aside as he left the living room running in the opposite direction of all of the men pulling up the driveway though if he had been paying attention he would have heard their heart beats fade out one by one as Sun brutally killed all of them.

He was rushing towards the sound of her voice, more powerful to him than any siren call. It was Kate...
Jak Luna looked at Alec. He brushed his hand and took off his gloves. "I am so sorry to diturbe you residence. I am also sorry for the bloody mess that my Daughter has caused. She tends to get...messy. But I have come for her, you see she is uncapible of going on by herself she needs to be in our care." He said with a stern voice. Sun picked up the dead guards head and her pupils went small. "Catch!" Sun snarled and threw it. It moved so fast it broke the sound barrier but Jak just walked to his left and it missed him. "Now now Sun you know your speed is not good to use. Now if you would just come here, that helmet that yoy loved sooo much is waiting for you." He said like a snake and Sun backed up horrifed. She could kill him but she didn't want to hurt him.
Alec was starting to get annoyed at the ceaseless insults to his estate unfolding rather quickly and it seemed Alex's demon were catching up with him. The man for Sun was clearly strong but nothing that impressed Alec all that. He heard his phone ring and found a text saying '3 minutes until arrival AA.' he smiled a bit, he need to calm things down to a point are Sun and he daddy dear were about to feel just how small a fish they were in this very very vast ocean.

"Well Jak is it? It doesn't seem Sun wants to go with you. Frankly, I could careless what she feels about you but she is a guest of mine and you are a very important figure in the community so to say your behavior is juvenile by assaulting my home and threatening my guest would be an understatement. So, here's how its gonna work, you are going to stop threatening your daughter like some cheesey villain from a bad 90's flick and we are all going to talk this out. Between you and Sun, I cannot earnestly stop you.....not without hurting myself a GREAT deal in the process and I REALLY don't feel like that. I just became close with a young man who just ran off screaming and typically when he does that bad things tend to happen. So, Jak I suggest you let Sun calm down and not fight it out but if you wish go right ahead. You will die of course but its up to you how much you value both your lives." He said all of this without a hint of doubt, their were at 5 ways Jak and Sun could die here 3 of which he could do without worry of their speed or strength. He only hoped Rose and the young lady Laurene were okay. But the real danger was a couple minutes away and a lot earlier than he had anticipated, but no rush, for him this was a morning like any other after all, just different events and he had just showered, why get dirty?
Jak's Eyes lowered and he made his serious face. "You are a Enlightened. As much as I would love to let my daughter to calm down, she..well they aren't capible. As for powers. They don't work on me." Jak said and put a cigar in his mouth. Sun's eyes glazed over as she turned into Aura who was calm.

"Alec. Let me handle it Sun and Moon are incapible of doing it themselves." She said and ripped off one of her pants legs. Revealing a magnium gun that was strapped to her leg. She pulled it out and was suddenly in front of her dad and held the gun to his head. "Get Lost!" Jak stepped back and quietly went in the car. His driver drove off and Aura was still in control. She grabbed the dead guard and went into his wallet. "Only....300 bucks? Cheap..... Sorry Alec. I really did not want family affairs ruin our uh agreement."
Alec looked at her coolly. She was becoming more of an issue than she was worth. He could understand the mental pressure she must have but this was getting out of hand. As for her father he was a nuisance , everyone has weak spots and his cowardice at a gun was proof. Either way he was out of there hair and he had other things to deal with.

"Yes, Aura you should be, you are the one in the body with the most control, I expect you to be out when these things occur. Secondly, I'd appreciate if you would steal from the dead, you are rich after all please do use your own currency. But most the most important thing is keep you family affairs squared away." He said the last part with great annoyance. How could someone capable of murdering the person hunting them not finish the job?! Tsk children. But the good news was Sun was safe. He looked at the new comer who stood there in stunned silence. Alec stood and dusted himself off. "Lad, if you would accompany me please? I have very little time to play, I have two young ladies waiting on news of what just transpired and a 'friend' who may have just gone rogue. Your name will be payment enough for trespassing on my turf and please do try to stay out of trouble or I may have to hurt you. Aura when you are finished please join me with Rose." And with that he stood and walked away
"Ok...ok...ok" She dropped his wallet and looked at another paper. A list. "Hey..Alec... This is a list with the most dangerous enlighten.... You're name is at number 3....and my name is at number 9...Alex's name is at 6..and Rose...uh...120..i guess she is not dangerous.." She walked up to Alec and handed it to him. "we are targets..."
Alec found the list rather intriguing. It was very similar to his in a way but the ranking he felt was a bit inaccurate. No power that an Enlightened had made it simple to rank its effectiveness, a simple ability like super strength could be used ingeniously in the correct hands. However, he was very intune with his power and had much more experience than the others but he really didn't think he meritted that much. Besides they didn't even know Rose power but since she was an assassin she couldn't be to weak. Personal preference aside the list seemed incomplete some of the enlightened on here deserved the spot but his father was no where to be seen nor his sister. He took the list constantly reading over again as he moved through the hall. He had to smile at Aura's last comment "Young one we are Enlightened in this new age....we were prey as soon as we left the womb."
[QUOTE="Dragon Lancer]Rose nodded. She stood up and took Laurene's hand. She wasn't about to argue with Alec. She still didn't quite trust him, but then she hadn't been able to ask him anything. "Let's go. You shouldn't be involved in this, you're still just a kid."

Just a kid? Rose DeMarco had no idea just how useful Laurene could be in a fight, nor just how bad of an idea it was to grab her if Rose wanted to keep any secrets. However, whether Alec knew why or not, Laurene recognized that he was right. She could tell that Rose's siren song was a double edge sword and her own power's price made Laurene a bit of a glass cannon. Laurene kicked off her shoes as she followed Rose, giving her direct contact with the floor. She was going to turn the entire house into her eyes and ears....


The porch had been the first place Laurene had turned into her eyes and thus had watched the whole thing. She was a little traumatized by all of the death and was glad when Jack left. "They're gone." she told Rose, "Let's go meet everyone in the living room."

She was going to have to get a look at that list...
Alec saw Laurene and Rose return. Though he remained calm throughout the events Alec, was starting to see why his father keep so few guest around, they damage things, then again most of them were still filled to the brim with hormones. He saw the shoes Laurene had worn on the floor, peculiar, why would you take your shoes off to run? He gestured for everyone to move into the living room again and sit he stood in front of them and then sat down on the floor, his toes playing with the carpet. "Okay we have a lot of things to do and talk about and not alot of time to do it. You all, save for Rose here, have either forced my hand to bring you or willing brought yourselves into my home so I expect cooperation or so help me I will leave you to be my sisters new plaything." He let out a sigh. "Some of you may have noticed that Alex is missing, we are going to find him and help him out." he did not wait for a reply "But before we leave some questions, first Laurene..." He tossed her shoes to her "Your not incredibly athletic yet you removed your shoes to run....explain? I don't need your life story but we all can say your current behavior is not one of an Ordinary high school student, at least not one who wouldn't know standard combat."
When Sun came back in she tackled Rose. "Rose ...Rose! I just killed a man. He was evil. He hurt me and deserved to die.........DamnitSunifyoukeepactinglikethatshewillseeyouasainsensitivecrazybeingwholivesforthesightofblood.... Yeah Sun don't act like that you make us all look bad." Sun, Moon, And Rin-Rin said right after each other. She looked normal but her mind was clearly somewhere.. "Wait....what happened?" Sun's short term memory got the best of her.
"Alex," Kate's voice whispered as he chased her down the hallway. His heart was beating quickly and sporadically and as he chased her voice through the maze-like hallways of the sprawling mansion he was seized with the fear of reality. He was becoming more aware that he was chasing a ghost through this house but the simple childlike hope that it was somehow her kept him on her trail. Even if it was all in his head like he feared, he knew that it was better than nothing.

"You've found me," she said with a smile as he rounded a corner and entered a room. He recognized the room immediately due to the glittering instruments lining the room as the lab that he had been in earlier with Alec. But his eyes were on Kate.

"I'm sorry," he mewled. She had been ravaged by his powers, death, and time. Her face was ashy and gray and a thick scar crossed from just beneath her left eye to where it ran down her neck disappearing beneath the material of the black dress that she had been buried in. What was visible of her arms and legs in the dress were also marked by the scars that he had left her with. He couldn't say that she looked so life-like but he felt a strange conviction that she was more here than not. Maybe he just wanted to believe that she was here more than with Bill's ghost.

"Don't be sorry," a third voice said slowly and he flinched. This was unusual. It wasn't Kate's voice... and it wasn't Bill's. It was low and drawling but it was distinctly female so it couldn't have been the shooter's voice. He whirled around turning his eyes from Kate to notice a third person in the room and a quick scan revealed (much to his disappointment) that there were two hearts beating in this room. Kate was an illusion.

"You gave her a gift," the mysterious woman said coming out of the shadows, "You gave her death. And a beautiful one at that. She didn't suffer and she's in a better place now."

"She's right, Alex. You need to stop worrying about me." Kate whispered and his attention was directed back to her as she moved forward. It was with the same effortless grace that she had had in life. The other woman in the room smiled.

"I brought her back. For you."

His heart stopped, "What do you mean?"

"I'm like you." she said with a growing smile that mirrored Kate's pleasant one, "My name is Harper Scott, and I'm Enlightened. I would be what you would call... a necromancer?"

"Why?" immediately he was suspicious. Kate's hand wrapped around his. Real. It felt so real. Her hand was unnaturally cold to the touch but he could feel it in his hand. He squeezed her hand back as if unsure. Bill always felt real too... Bill left marks. They were in his mind. It was his own abilities to play around with bodies that did this to him. He felt the pressure of her hand and the feeling of her skin because he could manipulate his own cells into thinking that he did.

"Because, I think we can both benefit here. Kate doesn't belong in this world... that much is clear. But you can have her. You can be with Kate... forever. I just need to know where to find the Oridecon and I'll make sure that you'll stay with her. I can make her stay here forever."

He hesitated, "Please Alex." Kate said softly in response and she squeezed his hand. He pointed to the safe it was locked away in and Harper's lips curled up into a smile.

HARPER: http://i1000.photobucket.com/albums/af130/rubberchickensoffear/5059709407_68594d3122_z_zpsc55b3742.jpg
Rose wasn't the least bit shocked that there was blood on Sun's hands. She was sure that most, if not all, the people in the room had a blood-stained past. Even still, she held Sun. It looked like her short term memory just flew out the window.
Sun buried her head on Rose's shoulder. She was comfortible just being on her. She wanted to sleep but she couldn't she just was too hyper. "Sooo we should like... Leave and go to my uncles house i'm scared here..... I can run there but that takes time.." She was just saying words she wasn't paying any attention to them.
Alec was right, Laurene owed an explanation. "Nope. Not ordinary. I'm a psychometric," she explained, her eyes still a deep orange. "I can gather information through physical touch. For example, I can touch a keypad and get the code. However, I have to be in contact with the thing I want to read, hence my lack of shoes. I'm also a -" she stopped quite suddenly, her eyes growing wide. She was still connected to the house. She could still see and hear everything that happened inside.

"A Necromancer?" Laurene asked out loud, then a few seconds later her hands began to shake. "Oridecon!? She knew very well what oridecon was. It was all her parents had ever talked about.
The mansion gave off an calm sounding voice, like a nurse talking to a child. "System alert Delta Two Fox, I repeat, Delta Two Fox." What the hell just happen?! Was the only thing Alec could say in his head as he heard a warning he really did not want hear. "ALEX!!" he roared as he cartwheeled out of his position. Mid-flip he shot out a grappling hook from his back launching it into the wall and zip swinging near the interior steps of the house. He retracted the first one and shot another from his hand into the floor of the hallway leading to his lab. He reinforced his legs to land withouth injury and in the same instant spiked the bottoms of his feet to form a kleets perfect for running full sprint across marble floors. He moved at a fast enough speed to make distance but slow enough to have enough enery to kill whoever just did what they did. He makes it to the door of his lab and lays his eyes on a comely young woman around Alex's age and......a corpse. And Alex was holding its had with a clearly delusional spark in his eyes. Manners could wait. He shot a mercury spear tipped chain from his hand at the woman close to the safe. He made it so the tip cut her injecting her with a bit of the poison. He then wrapped the chain around her arm and swung her into the other side of the room. He wasn't aiming to kill...not yet but maiming was just fine. He then turned to Alex with stern eyes and spoke heavy and slowly. "Have you lost you wits man?! What is going on here and why do you seem to be buddies with a kadaver?!"
Kate's body grew stiff and it crumpled to the floor as the woman who called herself Harper snarled and lunged forward at Alex. He jumped back away from her Kate's body but she was able to touch him briefly. It was enough. He roared out with the pain of the injury and clutched his arm where his body was beginning to deal with the mercury injected into his system. He ignored the pain as he returned to Kate's body. He took her head onto his lap.

"No need to be rash," Harper said quickly and held her hands up into the air to signal that she was unarmed, "I haven't killed anyone here." she said though the smile on her face didn't seem to fade, "You might say that I haven't killed anyone in my life. I'm harmless." she continued to wear her wry smirk as she edged slowly towards Alec.

When she got near him she drew out a chair and her eyes lit up with a childlike delight, "Rolling chairs. And here I thought you'd be all work and no play judging by this boring lab. Alex?" she said each word slowly and with a deliberate laziness as she tossed herself into a chair.

"They took you from her. You just can't seem to hold onto poor Kate, can you dear boy? I'm promising you an eternity with the love of your life and what are they offering you? He just called dear darling Katherine a cadaver!"

Alex shook his head and laid Kate's head back down onto the ground. This really was Kate's body which made it all so much harder. He wanted to follow her, to believe her. He wanted Kate. He just edged towards the wall. He was too invested to say anything or to do anything. He couldn't be rash right now. He had to watch. He eyed Alec coldly. He would listen, but he would protect Harper.

"I don't want you to hurt her. Not until I know if she's lying to me about Kate." he said motioning to the corpse lying lifelessly on the floor. His voice was low and the threat was unstated but clear.

"Do you have a sitting room or a bedroom?" Harper asked smiling, "Of course, you do... look at this place. Let's retire for some tea and crumpets while we discuss affairs. I'm Harper Scott, not that you've been a gracious host and introduced yourself. Come along Kate, Alex." she murmured and the corpse began to jerk before it picked itself back off of the floor. Kate smiled and reached her hand out for Alex to take and he grabbed at her hand. He wanted to believe that she could guarantee Kate's return, forever. 
(Since I'm mentioning her more than I thought I would be

KATE - http://i1000.photobucket.com/albums/af130/rubberchickensoffear/gg.jpg)
After standing there looking like a godforsaken idiot, Mami concluded that nobody saw him, and that he could probably get out of there quickly with nobody onto him.

So he did the smart thing. Jump into some bushes, and hide there until he thinks that everyone is gone or inside of the house! Which he did, but more carefully because they might hear the bushes rustle. He shoved his bike next to him, and decided to wait it out.

After about thirty minutes (a cellphone is extremely useful) , he decided to risk looking out of the bushes.

The area seemed to be clear. It was time to escape the premises! And avoid that really suspicious bloodstain that implies that the owners probably killed some guys!

Mami peered out of the bushes, and stuck his head right back in when he heard a large crash from the house. Something weird was up with that house. And he wasn't going to be around to see what it was, because he's leaving, dammit!

But he was really curious about what was happening in the house.

But he might be killed!

But he was super curious!

Mami crept closer to the mansion and pressed his face against the window, and saw a bunch of chains by some dude and a corpse and a crazy lady and a guy holding the corpse? Uh... Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to peer through the window after all? There were clearly a bunch of Enlightened people in there, and his parents' always told him that Enlightened people meant trouble.
Alec smiled. A genuine one at that. Her presence had calmed him. He had to admit the events happening all at once were starting to take their toll but this was a refreshing pace, his favorite domain. He couldn't help it he liked Harper or at least her type, manipulative, calm, and bit condescending. They could be twins! But sadly this woman had played around with his house and clearly wanted time so Alec was gonna give her time...all the time she wanted. He took out his pocket watch. It had been 7 minutes since the events that unfolded outside. He calmly took out his phone and sent a text to his dear sister, letting himself have a little smile. He then got out a bunsen burner light it and placed a larger beaker which he filled with water on top. He got a rolling chair and sat down. "King domains, test 327, district lab.....quarantine" Immediately the lab door shut but the sound of very heavy locks where heard outside of it, a hiss filled the room and the pressure seemed to increase slightly. "You are correct Ms. Harper I have been incredibly rude, well sadly we won't have any crumpets but the tea will be ready shortly." He folded his hands and legs. "Let's talk shall we?"

Rachel's phone vibrated as the limo pulled up she moved a curly black hair from her face. She was all giggle at the message. Little AA had company and she was allowed...no ordered to use her powers is she felt the need....she loved her big brother. The gate of course was torn to shreds but that was daddy's cross to bear. Besides he had to make a few stops so she could do more stuff until he got there. Once the limo pulled up, she stepped out in her blue jeans and yellow t-shirt, the sun shone brightly on her brown skin, as she flexed her gymnast build body out. The Lariat were a could looking group of kids but Rachel she had gotten the very best in the gene pool. She saw a young boy peering inside, was something perverse going on? She walked up next to him and peered in the window and whispered "Whatever could you be looking at?"
Sun was suddenly there right next to Alec clearly not Any of her normal personalities. This one seemed more mature even more than Aura. "Alex.. Why are you holding...a dead body? Its not coming back to life you know. Of and Alec you seem to have a little kid looking through your window. And here is my firearm. I don't want to be in possesion of it while in your residence. " Her more mature voice said and gave Alec her gun.
"Whatever could you be looking at?"

Mami flinched and screamed a high-pitch scream akin to that of a little girl. And just as quickly covered his mouth.

He looked sheepish and smiled nervously, and lied, saying "Er... searching for... hot babes?" Mami crossed his finger behind his back, wondering if he was going to die in this very minute.
Sun disappeared again and came outside right by Rachael. In her mature voice she calmly said. "Ah... You don't have to do anything Rachael i'll handle it... Now boy whatever are you doing here? Thus is not some playground.. Even though the other me wishes it was." She saod and gave him the scary side of herself. She had blood stains on her hand and also on her clothing.

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