False Heroes

Sun fell asleep on Rose's shoulder. With a slight snore she was quite tired still. She muttered somethings as she slept "I want cookies..." She said random things without thinking most times.
Rose held her. "Cookies, huh? Gotta have milk too right?" She didn't know if Sun would even hear her, but she couldn't let that slip by. She chuckled again. She picked Sun up and carried her to the room she had used. She laid Sun down on the bed and went to find a servant. She asked for two plates of scrambled eggs and bacon, then went back to the room. She pulled up a chair next to the bed and picked up the book she had started reading last night.
Sun talked in her sleep "Daddy....i don't want to do it.....no... Please stop...it hurts....it hurts soo much.." Sun's soft voice came out as her back arched. She was quite a wild sleeper as she kept moving around on the bed. She then opened her eyes while she slept.
Rose tried to wake Sun. Just based on her words, the nightmares were not something she should be subjected to if Rose could help it. She lightly grabbed Sun's shoulders and gave her a shake. "Sun, wake up. It's a dream, Sun, snap out of it." Rose shook her head. She knew that it couldn't be just a dream, it had to be a memory. All the more reason to wake this girl up, she thought. If these memories were that bad, Rose needed to find a way to help if she could.
She woke up as Rose shoke her she was startled and confused. "Wah...is there a fire or something" she imediatly asked upon waking up she dizzy but kept from turning into the others.
Rose let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "No, there's no fire. You were having what sounded like a pretty bad dream, so I woke you up." She blushed a bit and turned away slightly. "I felt like I should help, so I did. I... I heard what you were saying, but if you don't want to talk about it, I won't force you to." She turned back to Sun and gave her a genuinely warm smile. "If you ever do want to talk, I'll be there."
"Ninety-three," he said softly trying to imagine. It was a sizeable number... but he was aware of how the mysterious shooter's death didn't bother him with even half of the emotions that Kate's did. Maybe it was because the man had been shooting at them... or maybe it was because killing something that he loved so much had scarred and hurt him that much deeper. He couldn't imagine coming to grips with just shy of one-hundred kills regardless of the situation.

"Oridecon." Alex repeated eyeing the small circular chunk of glittering rock. It glinted ominously in the harsh fluorescent light above their heads that illuminated this lab and he immediately repressed the urge to take it in his hands to feel its texture and its weight, "This is what you were talking about before, in the living room?" he asked. It felt as if that conversation had taken place years ago... he had encountered his father's ghost and he had confessed to killing Kate and it wasn't even lunch. He wished that he had been able to get more sleep because he could already tell that today was going to be a long day.

"You were talking before about Ordinaries using it against us. Does that mean that it's been weaponized?" he asked curiously drumming his long pale fingers on the table beside him.
"Ugh! Just how far did this oversized rat go?" Laurene screamed out in frustration. It was around 5:30 in the morning and she had been on the trail of a stupid toy-poodle for the last 3 hours. Just who the heck calls a 17 year old girl at 2:30 on a school day? Then again, when their offering you a thousand dollars, who cares!

She ran her hand along a large white stone wall as she walked, stopping just before the gate. The stupid mutt went inside!? Great! She approached the box and noticed that it did not appear to have an intercom button. Who's smart idea was that? No matter, a small detail like this wasn't going to stop her.

Pushing her shades up her nose, Laurene placed a hand on the box and closed her eyes, seeing in her head its inner mechanism. When she found the clasp keeping the box closed she simply imagined it opening and... CLICK.... the box opened. She then gently placed her fingers on the buttons and a series of numbers flashes before her eyes. Punching in the numbers she saw, the gate swung open... revealing the acres of land behind it. Laurene sighed and started down the path.

"I am so going to be late for school...."


Laurene figured that at least half-an-hour had passed before she finally saw the house. She let out a low whistle. The house may have been bigger than her old one. She walked up the porch steps, paused for a moment to straiten out her school uniform, and pushed the button at the side of the door.

Alec looked at Alex for a moment "Yes and no, weaponized is poor way of saying it but yes it is getting to that point. Once the stone makes contact with you it begins to destroy your proteins with rapid efficiency...." a deep voice is heard throughout the lab "Sir, we seem to have an uninvited guess, a teenager it would seem, they implemented the pass code but they are not registered within the system, we have her in our sites...should we fire?"

"No. no, me and Alex will meet them in the living room, please let them in and give them refreshments if you would?" he then turned to Alex "If you don't mind occupying me?" He then removed his lab coat and gloves after returning the Oridecon into the safe.

He walked into the living room a few moments later and found a young lady sitting on the sofa. He took a sit on the love seat with his legs crossed. "Good morning young lady. I'm sure school begins soon so care to tell me why you are here?"
Alex watched the stone as it was put away feeling a slight edge of dread as he watched the material as it was hidden away again. His healing factor had diminished his fear of death and of hurting or killing himself accidentally, but he know remembered the feeling. He doubted that even his powers would have much effect on the material. It sounded so certain and destructive and without the willingness to test it, Alex suspected that the material would kill him if it came to that... but his healing would keep him alive long enough to make the ordeal that much more painful and unbearable.

He wanted to pepper Alec with questions but they were interrupted so Alex just simply followed him into the living room. The plate he had left his half-eaten pancakes on before was gone and he mourned the loss of the pancakes for a second. He was just as curious as Alec was to find out about this girl. Especially how she seemed to bypass the man's security measures with apparent ease. She was an Enlightened too, wasn't she? What were the odds that they all had conglomerated together in the way that they had?
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The door opened and a butler ushered Laurene in. She followed him down the hall running her hand along the wall as she went, feeling nistolgic. This place reminded her of home, but it also reminded her of why she left. So she turned her mind to other things.

Laurene closed her eyes and saw a small group of people walking down this same hall. The only person in the group that interested her however was the one that was the most nicely dressed, obviously the master of the house. She saw him walking down the hall on multiple occasions, sometimes in a dress coat, sometimes in more casual clothing, and sometimes in a lab coat. A scientist? Or perhaps a doctor? Finally, just before they reached the end of the hallway a name flashed before her eyes... Alec Azrith Lariat.

"If you would take a seat, the young master will be with you shortly. Can I get you something to drink in the meantime?"

Laurene took a seat on the sofa. "If you have some hot chocolate that would be nice, thank you." She answered, taking her sunglasses off and revealing the deep green eyes that were hiding behind them. It didn't take long at all after the butler left for the "young master" and the young man from the earlier group to walk in.

Most rich people like to think that they are well known, and knowing their name before they even introduce themselves is a good way please them... That is unless their paranoid. Then it's just a good way to get yourself shot. "Well you see Mr. Lariat, my neighbor's dog escaped last night. She was last seen running into your estate." Laurene pulled out a picture of a small poodle with a pink, gem encrusted collar and slid it over the coffee table towards him. "I was wondering if you would be willing to help me find her, or at the very least let me search the grounds?"
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Alec looked at the girl for a moment. This was cute, she clearly got the pass code to the estate and is extremely calm, two things that you don't get when walking into a Lariat home. Any person, be they Enlightened or Ordinary that knew his families last name checked in advance before coming, one out of courtesy, two out of safety. She also didn't take the time to check him nor Alex out after meeting them for the first time, meaning she already knew them somehow. She clearly knew his last name yet called him 'Mr.' rather than 'Dr.' didn't really bother Alec but it meant she knew a lot but her poker face needed work. This all came to the fact that either she was well informed Ordinary or an Enlightened, whatever the case she was here and Alec still hadn't finished his conversation with Alex so he might as well humor the child.

Alec leaned back and looked at the girl with a cool expression."Your neighbors dog? Well that is unfortunate, between the guards and my sister the poor creature may be dead but let us hope not. Before we begin though, I must say your manners need work. You haven't even introduced yourself after requesting help and you intruded upon my grounds without permission in some deceptive manner. So to put our minds at ease I'd like to obtain knowledge on both if you please."
Sun had told Rose that she would tell her but not at that moment. She needed time to collect her thoughts. She had excused herself from the room and entered where Alec was, seeing a girl she never seen before and was startled and switched over to Moon, who was pissed that Sun kept him quiet for so long. "Hey, Alec.....uh who is this? She seems...ah lost" Moon said sacasticly as he walked towards Alec.
A short while after Sun left, Rose decided to head to the living room. She noticed the new girl but didn't say anything. Instead, she leaned against the wall and watched.
Alex settled into the space beside Rose leaning against the wall. He flashed her a small forced smile that he hoped would communicate his friendliness. He was fairly comfortable with Alec after spilling out all of his secrets and because their personalities were similar in the way that they liked to analyze and dissect their surroundings but the girls in their cohort still didn't know anything about him and probably still saw him for the moment he had lost control and killed one of their shooters. He would have to change that... maybe he could get Alec to relay his history, he would probably lose his fragile control if he had to talk about Kate again.

He turned his eyes away from Rose and onto the new girl. He wondered if she felt like a mouse surrounded by hawks, the way that they were all watching her but he shook that thought away. She probably didn't realize what the people that she surrounded herself with were capable of.
Rose nodded an acknowledgement toward Alex. She noticed that his smile seemed forced. That could mean any number of things, but the most likely was that he was uncomfortable. She couldn't blame him for that, though, because he didn't know any of them. Although he probably had some time to get to know Alec while she was taking care of Sun.

Either way, her attention returned to the new girl. She didn't seem too nervous, but then again, she was just a kid and probably didn't fully grasp her situation. Or it could be that she did understand and was confident. Well, Rose wouldn't peg the girl just yet. She'd wait until the talking started.
... Oh. Crap. She had guesed wrong. He was the paranoid type. Not the time to panic, Laurene. "I'm sorry. How rude of me." She apologized, keeping a calm face despite how nervous she was. She noted the two girls from the group walk in.

Normally in this kind of a situation, Laurene would have given a fake name so that"Mr. Paranoid" would not be able to track her. However there was no point now that he had already seen her school uniform. "Laurene Snyder, sir" she answered, "and I would be surprised if your guards would shot a toy poodle and not me." Of course there were guards. It just occurred to her just how lucky she was to have even reached the porch. "In regards to your sister, unless she is an enlightened with the power to track small white dogs, the chances of them meeting in this huge estate are slim."

She didn't say anything about how she got in, hoping to buy some time until she thought of a good answer. Laurene hadn't felt this scared in a long time (a year to be exact) and she could feel the beginnings of a migraine coming. Not good! She dug in her pocket until she found her shades, putting them on just as the first hints of orange started to show in her eyes. Calm down! Calm down! She told herself. She didn't want to lose control. Especially not here.
Alec saw the girls incredibly nervous reactions and how she placed on her glasses. It amused him because Alex had done a similar thing the first two times they meet, with the cigarette and the gloves. But her answers were what seemed the most interesting, did she really think a place that had this many enemies wouldn't have a means to track everything larger than a cat or have the means to handle most situations? He let out a sigh, the girl was over her head clearly but at least she seemed to recognize it meaning she would not try to harm him nor his guest, which is what Alec mostly cared about. He turned to the girl. "Miss Snyder, if I wanted you dead, well I wouldn't be speaking with you would I?" A butler excuses himself and places hot chocolate next to Laurene. "Nor treating you to refreshments. Secondly, with regards to my sister, no, haha, her power has nothing to do with tracking. Let's be happy she isn't here at the moment, this many Enlightened around her would be her idea of a field day for carnage and we would all be helpless to stop her." He said the last sentence as a fact and a warning. His sister sometimes scared him more than his father, when she was in the mood.

"Well, though you are with holding the way in which you bypassed the pass code I won't press you at the moment, we Enlightened do like our secrets so I shall respect yours, though it seems you show less restraint in the area to others. I will let you walk the grounds for the dog, Laurene, I will not monitor you personally either, if you request anything of me please do not be afraid to ask, I am hoping I can trust you and that your recent activity on my premise has been a folly of youth and not a habit. I do have to inform your parents though, you are a minor after all."
Sun's cellphone rang. She never told anyone she had it but somehow someone managed to find her number. It had a chirp, chirp sound to it. Sun and Moon Fumbled as she answered her phone and her newest personality let loose again. "Yesthisisher.YeahwhatdoyouwantfatherIamgettingtiredofyoupesteringmeeverysingletimeyougetthechance. YesanewpersonalityiswhatIamMynameisRin-Rinsobackoff. What....hey..stop...that....." Rin-Rin started to say but then she hear a high pitch noise as she crumpled to the floor in agony. Her father spoke through the phone "....Sun you are coming home. I have sent my guards to your location, I will resume the tests that we had on you. Understand!?" He hung up but her cellphone was still emiting a high pitch noise that affected only Sun. Shs curled up in a all from the pain.
Rose had gotten off the wall as Sun collapsed. She got there just in time to hear the voice on the other end mention resuming tests. She rubbed Sun's back and grabbed her hand. "It's okay," she whispered. "I'm here. No one is going to get you." She looked at Alec. "Alec, I don't know what's going on here, but I think someone's coming for Sun. Will help me protect her?"
Alex watched Sun writhe in pain for just a moment before he rushed towards her. He dropped to the floor and he reached out and placed his hands on her forehead but he was more shocked when he felt nothing. She was obviously in pain but whatever had happened hadn't caused any physical damage to her. He could take away injuries and the pain that came with them but he couldn't do anything against just pain. His powers were just as effective on Sun than if he had been trying to heal a broken heart.

"I can't help her." he said quietly pulling his hands off of her forehead, "Sorry. What do you think is happening?" he asked Alec calmly.
When the young man said he couldn't help Sun, Laurene rushed over, yanking off her glasses, and knelt down next to her. If she was among Enlightened then she didn't need to hide her powers. Laurene's eyes flashed orange as she placed a hand on Sun's forehead. The phone? Laurene looked over at it and imagined a hammer smashing it.


Shakily, Laurene stood up. "Guys. You've got company."
As Alex and Laurene examined Sun, Rose gave Alec a look that she figured only he could tell was pleading. She couldn't fight like the others could. All she could could do was draw in her victims with a siren song and poison them with lipstick that she could only make through normal means.
Sun's eye where blank as she stood. She had a evil smile as her thoughts ignited with bloodlust. She took one step forward and the whole house shook. She was vibrating the whole strip of land. Her voice came as a little girls voice. "I'll.....kill them all....all of them who made me like this..." She took another step and was instantly out the door useing her incredible speed. The vehicles that where coming up had stopped and was waiting outside.
Alec looked at the events unfold and calmly rose from his seat and let out an annoyed sigh. New day, new surprises he mused. "Alex your with me. If Sun is in danger we help, if Sun becomes a danger....we make her stop by any means." He turned to Rose "Don't worry Rose I doubt Sun will give us cause to take such actions, but I need you to take Ms. Laurene with you back to your quarters. It seems she has a talent of telling how things are happening and she should be able to keep you informed of anything that goes on without you having to be in direct danger. Lock the door, trust me its made to resist strength based Enlightened. And everyone...." He turned with a slight smile "Please, do not panic. My family has an extraordinarily Enlightened staff, all of which are capable killers. Also do you really think an evasion of my home goes unnoticed? I hope we can solve this before my family gets here our we may have a REAL problem." He says this as he calmly walks off to the front door.

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